19 дек 2013 : IMMENSION заключили соглашение с агентством Intromental
Британская трэш-металл-группа IMMENSION заключила соглашение с международным агентством Intromental. Согласно пресс-релизу, «это одна из тех групп, услышав которую, немедленно вспоминаешь о таких классических группах, как METALLICA, MEGADETH или ICED EARTH, и современных коллективах, как TRIVIUM или AVENGED SEVENFOLD».
Originally formed in 2008, the four musicians have their roots firmly planted in classic thrash metal, pulling inspiration from such bands as Metallica, Megadeth, and Iced Earth, yet at the same time adding their own spin of more modern sounds reminding of Avenged Sevenfold, In Flames and Trivium.
There's a familiarity about the material coming from the hands of these youngsters, a feeling of "I grew up on this stuff" for all the old thrash / melodic metal fans of the 80's, but also a sense of "I'm looking at the next big thing in metal". It's hard to be inventive and always forward-thinking in a genre like heavy metal, but less can sometimes be more - in the case of Immension, the delivery of what could easily become timeless classics is in-your-face, powerful and most importantly done with conviction.
Wearing your influences on your sleeve is the name of the game, and Immension are here to win it ...