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Tolmin (Словения)

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Metalcamp is going to take place in the beautiful Julisch Alps national park. The festival ground is situated on a peninsula between the turquoise mountain rivers Socca and Tolminka. See for yourselves - here some impressions!

In Flames, Apocalyptica, Ministry, In Extremo, Iced Earth, Helloween, Six Feet Under, Opeth, Carcass, Morbid Angel, Arch Enemy, Subway To Sally, Soilwork, Behemoth, Meshuggah, Finntroll, Legion Of The Damned, Korpiklaani, Rage, Wintersun, Tankard, Eluveitie, Volbeat, Brainstorm, Evergrey, Fear My Thoughts, Catamenia, Onslaught, Mercenary, Hacride, October File, Mystic Prophecy, Misery Speaks, Sahg, Machinemade God, SkyForger, Hate, Dark Fortress, The Sorrow, AleStorm, Biomechanical, Drone, Sybreed, Dead Beyond Buried, Gorilla Monsoon, Perishing Mankind, Penitenziagite, Herfst

Full list of bands HERE.


Will the METALCAMP 2008 be sold out?
Definitely not! The festival covers a huge area and due to this fact, we can grant to all the fans who intend to come: You'll get enough week-passes, 3-day-passes and 1-day-passes at the festival box office! Additively there will be enough space for you!

On which days and at which times are the box offices open?
Thursday 3rd of July 16:00 - 23:00
Friday 4th of July to Tuesday 8th of July 10:00 - 23:00

When will the camping area be opened and when will it be closed?
Start: Thursday 3rd of July 10:00
Finish: Wednesday 9th of July 18:00

Do I need separate tickets for camping and parking?
Camping is included in the price of the tickets. For parking you need a park-ticket, which can be ordered at the METALCAMP web shop or bought directly at the festival area.

May I camp at the METALCAMP 2006 without visiting the festival?

Is it possible to park the vehicles directly next to the tent?
Vehicles are permitted on wide parts of the camping area - take a look at the area map.

Are there any specific entry requirements for Slovenia?
Generally there aren't, but you need a valid identity card for the entry into the country. Those, who have a valid passport, can bring it along, of course. But people from non-EU-countries need a visa, so please check your local embassy to avoid complications at the border.

Which currency do I need in Slovenia?
Since the 1st of January 2007, Slovenian sole currency is Euro.

Do infants get free admittance to the festival?
Yes, children till the age of 11 will get free entrance. Parents are responsible for their children on the whole festival- and camping area

Are dogs and animals allowed on the festival and camping area?
Dogs/pets are prohibited at the festival area. You can take them with you on the camping area, but they have to be leashed and secured in your absence. But honestly: It's better to leave them at home! A festival is not the right place for pets!

Are campfires allowed at the camping area?
No, open campfires are not admissible. Grills and other safe fireplaces are permitted!

Is it permitted to bring glass bottles and glass containers to the festival and camping area?
NO! Any kind of glass bottles and other glass vessels are explicitly forbidden as well as the festival- as the camping area.

Are there any cash dispensers at the festival area?
No, unfortunately not! But you can find a bank in Tolmin.

Where may I buy METALCAMP 2008 merchandise?
Of course, festival merchandise will be available, which will be offered on the same stall as the band merchandise. If there will be some shirts left after the festival, you can order them via the METALCAMP online-shop. Attention: Festival merchandise will be limited!

Is there a supermarket within a close distance?
The next supermarket is located in Tolmin. Food and drinks are available during the festival at the numerous stalls. .


Please, follow the "Metalcamp" parking signs in Tolmin. Parking and camping are only permitted on foreseen places, there should be enough space for everybody near the festival area. Please follow the instructions of the parking security personnel.
The parking fee is 10 EUR for the complete festival, 5 EUR for one day visitors. Price is for each PKW, no matter how many passengers.
Camping is for free - also possible in your own vehicles - subject to possession of a valid festival-ticket or band-ticket. Please avoid bringing glass into the festival area. Camping is at one´s own risk, the management accepts no responsibility in any case!
Camping is open from Monday, July 16th, 10.00 am until Sunday, July 22nd, 6.00 pm .

First Aid
The First Aid Point is open 24 hours a day throughout the festival providing expert assistance for eventual scratches.

Food & Drinks
You will be provided with various selection of food and drinks of good quality at a big number of stands, adequate in quantity and pricing. Same for vegetarians!!!

Garbage & Garbage bins
Please really try to keep the festival area and the surroundings clean! Use the garbage bins that will be placed everywhere.

Impaired people – Wheelchair users
Wheelchair users or physical handicapped people, who rely on support, can bring their escorting person on the festival area for free. Besides they are allowed to use the VIP camping grounds, which enable an easier passage to the festival area. Handicapped accessible restrooms will be available.

Information, Lost and Found
The information stand is located at the entrance-area.
Here you will get all the info about: shuttle transport, running order, your favourite band's session hours etc.
You can also deposit things that you have found or leave a note if you have lost something.

Means of Payment
Since the 1st of January, the sole currency in Slovenia is Euro.

Meet & Greet / Autographing sessions
Not confirmed yet.

There will be a limited edition of festival shirts and other fan articles for nice price. Furthermore most of the performing bands will sell their own shirts and more… Also all kinds of metal merchandise will be on-sale.

Dogs and other animals are not permitted in the festival area. Would be definitely too loud for our little friends…!

Photographing for your personal use by means of pocket cameras permitted only. Surely, you do understand that due to contractual obligations, no use of professional photo equipment with objectives, video cameras and alike, are allowed in the area. There is no chance that the security personnel will take them into safekeeping.
People who will be caught with such equipment will be expelled and will have to leave. That would be a very unfortunate situation, or? 9 Hope you understand!

Prohibited Objects
At the festival area it is prohibited to bring: cans, bottles, hard drugs, objects that can be used as projectiles, knifes, and of course any kind of weapons and other objects that can be used as such.
Leave those things at home, you won´t be able - at any case - to get into the festival area with them!

Risk of participation
Every visitor participates on the festival at his own risk. Besides, every visitor is obliged to take action for the warranty of his own safety. The visitor is also responsible for his property, which he brings along. The organizer is not liable for lost or damaged property.
The organizer is not liable for violations of the Slovenian law, thievery, injuries or damages by third parties that happen in course of the festival.

Running Order
You find the schedule of the bands' performances at the PROGRAM section. Besides you can download the running order

Sanitary Facilities
Toilets and showers in the festival area are available and being supervised. Please keep them clean so that also other people can use them conveniently after you did! On the camping area toilets and showers will also be available, of course.

The instructions of the security personnel are NOT to be followed voluntarily but obligatory!
Avoid senseless annoying actions so everybody will feel comfortable!

Shuttle Service
From the train station in Most na Soci, a shuttle bus will transfer you to the METALCAMP (and back) from Monday noon.

Swimming and other sports are at everyone´s own risk!

Tickets / Cash Point
Tickets will be available at the cash desk: The prices for each category will be as followed:
Festival (week) tickets ? 110,00
3-day-tickets ? 80,00
1-day-tickets ? 45,00

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