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Summer Breeze Open Air 2011



Dinkelsbühl (Германия)

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Summer Breeze Open Air 2011
* *

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SUMMER BREEZE Open Air is about to go into its 14th round. For the sixth time, the metallic breeze will blow in beautiful Dinkelsbuehl, Germany from August 18th to 20st, 2011. As usual, this year’s SUMMER BREEZE will take place over three days on two open air stages on the airfield of the Aeroclub Dinkelsbuehl between Sinbronn and Illenschwang. On two open air stages with no simultaneous performances and already from Wednesday, August 17th, 2011 in the Party Tent and on our fourth stage, the Camel Stage, there will be a merciless display of hard music. The weekend ticket is available for 72.- Euros (excl. pre-sale fee, incl. parking/camping and bus shuttle between the festival site and the town of Dinkelsbühl)!


* J.B.O.


At SUMMER BREEZE Open Air, the German Law for the Protection of the Youth applies.

Ages from 0 to 11 inclusively
Concert area: only with legal guardian
Camp site: only with legal guardian

Ages from 12 to 15 inclusively
Concert area: only with the person having the care and custody of the child
Camp site: only with the person having the care and custody of the child

Ages from 16 to 17 inclusively
Concert area (from 24:00): only with the person having the care and custody of the child
Camp site (from 24:00): only with the person having the care and custody of the child
Youths between 16 and 17 years of age without their parents, legal guardians or custodians must leave the festival site (including the concert area and camp site) before 24:00!

Legal guardian
Parent or guardian appointed by law.

Person having the care and custody of the child
Parent, guardian or third person to whom the parent or guardian has transferred custody for the duration of the festival.
If a youth is accompanied by a third person, they must have a written “agreement for custody” issued and signed in a legally binding way. This has to be carried at all times along with the personal ID. Failure to produce said document upon request may lead to expulsion by police. The homeward journey must be guaranteed for the accompanied youth.
We expressly point out that the legal guardians, normally the parents, must in all conscience decide who may temporarily assume the responsibility for education and to which extent it is transfered. The person to whom this mandate is transfered must also be aware of the responsibility it implies.
The agreement can be downloaded HERE!

Drinking any type of alcohol under the age of 18 is strictly prohibited and against German law!

AGGREGATES If you plan on taking aggregates with you onto the site, please make sure they are in mint condition and that they are not leaking oil or fuel. A maximum of 20 liters of fuel in an appropriate canister are allowed per vehicle. We assume you will handle this matter in an appropriate way and that it needs no further explanation or discussion. From 1 a.m., all aggregates need to be turned off for nighttime peace.

AIRPORT The closest major airport is Nürnberg. Other airports that can easily be reached by train are Stuttgart, München and Frankfurt/Main (NOT Frankfurt-Hahn). The easiest way to get to the festival from any of these airports is by train (Deutsche Bahn). HERE you can find the right connection.

ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE The campsite can be accesses from 10 a.m. Wednesday and has to be cleared by 2 p.m. Sunday. We urge you to refrain from arriving at the site earlier than the opening hours! The daily parking lot will be open from 9 a.m.. We will put up signs around the entire Dinkelsbuehl area to guide you to campsite, parking lots and the festival site!
PLEASE NOTE: Due to traffic restrictions, it will be impossible for you to leave the campground by car once you have entered it. This applies from Wednesday until Thursday afternoon. The shuttle bus will give you a lift to the city center of Dinkelsbuehl free of charge.
Those traveling with public transport will find a PDF document with all relevant information about bus and train timetables to and from Dinkelsbühl HERE.

BAN ON GLASS Unfortunately, some of the festival visitors force us to strictly prohibit any glass on the festival site and on the camping grounds. This includes porcelains and stoneware, too! We will strictly check each car entering the site. Our security will also check the camping grounds during the festival days. Please avoid bringing any kind of glass regardless of its contents. Due to the high accident and fire hazard, oil (kerosene/paraffin) lamps are prohibited too! Flacons and small medicine bottles are allowed up to a quantity of 50ml. Best thing to do is to pour all liquids into plastic containers. Please support us and stick to this rule - otherwise we will face massive problems in getting access to appropriate camping grounds in the future!

BEER GARDEN Our beer garden will be set up again. Those looking for a little break will have the opportunity to enjoy a drink and some food in a comfortable atmosphere right there!

BUS SHUTTLE We will have a bus shuttle running between Dinkelsbuehl and the festival area. Apart from Wednesday (from 10 a.m.) and Sunday (from 07 a.m. until 2 p.m.), the shuttle will run between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. between Dinkelsbuehl and the festival site. Make sure to be at the bus top in good time and allow enough time to get any connections!

CAMEL STAGE The Camel Stage is the fourth stage at SUMMER BREEZE Open Air. It is located right next to the Party Tent and will also host a balanced program with selected bands starting Wednesday, August 17th, 2011.

CAMERAS Regular analog or digital compact cameras and mobile phones with integrated cameras are allowed. Reflex cameras with interchangeable lenses, video cameras and any recording equipment is strictly prohibited on the festival site without a SUMMER BREEZE press photo pass!

CAMPING AND PARKING There will be enough parking and camping space available. You may park your car right next to your tent. Camping without buying a festival ticket is not permitted. Parking and camping are included in the festival ticket price. Therefore, please make use of the advised parking and camping areas! Reservations for camp space are not possible. The daily parking area can be found just across the street of the campsite entrance. You may also park your car in that area while camping on the campsite separately. This is comfortable if you intend to leave the festival early and need to make sure you can move your car at any time. Please note: only vehicles with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tons will have access to the campground. Trailers must be kept with each car. Trailers and campers shall not bring gas cans exceeding 11kg. Please make sure your items are in mint condition, and use them in an appropriate way. Any misuse may have fatal consequences. We believe this needs no further explanation.
Heavy vehicles such as caravans and cars with trailers will be routed to specific areas. There will also be a certain area where you can wait for friends or hold space available for them to use. This is only possible in those areas. Please do follow the security staff instructions and make up your mind on what you want to do prior to arriving on the campsite. Camping outside the official camping area is prohibited. Doing so will be fined! The police will be patrolling!

CHILDREN Children of up to 12 years of age have free access when presenting the child's and one of the parents' IDs.

CONFISCATED ITEMS All items of little value that are confiscated at the doors will go straight into the rubbish bin. These include vuvuzelas, oil lamps, simple tools, megaphones, noisemakers, simple knives, etc.! Items of more value may be collected until Sunday evening. Any items that are not collected until this time will go in the bin, too!

CREW/SECURITY Please be nice to these boys and girls. Treat them the way you would like them to treat you. Keep in mind theirs is quite a stressful job.
Our securities will be wearing numbers so they can be easily identified. In case you do not feel treated appropriately by security, please inform our staff at the ticket counters immediately, providing the respective security’s number. We will then take further steps to solve the problem! However, generally speaking, the securities' instructions have to be observed and followed without question. The reason is simple: it ensures a smooth festival flow that saves us all a lot of time and hassle.

DINKELSBUEHL Since the festival site is located about 5km outside of Dinkelsbuehl city, we will again arrange for a bus shuttle running from and to Dinkelsbuehl. Dinkelsbuehl itself has numerous attractions and leisure facilities to offer. You can do some shopping in the picturesque medieval Old Town, check out some of the countless cafes, restaurants and bars or visit the indoor swimming pool as well as one of the last open-air swimming pools by a river - the Woernitz river shore!

DOGS Dogs and any other pets or animals are not permitted on the entire festival and campgrounds.

DOORS OPEN Doors to the festival site will open on 11 a.m. Thursday, 10 a.m. Friday and Saturday. The show starts at 1 p.m. on Thursday, 11 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. When entering the festival site, you will have to go through additional security checks. Make sure you only carry the permitted quantity of drinks in the corresponding boxes and cans as well as the permitted kinds of cameras. Otherwise we will have to take them away from you. In addition, the following items are prohibited on the festival site: pocket knives, video cameras, video mobile phones, walkman, cassette and MD recorders, any pyrotechnical gear, any sort of cans (hairspray, deodorant), flacons, flagstaffs, sticks, nail files and gas-powered horns/vuvuzelas.

FESTIVAL ACCESS WRIST BAND We will exchange your tickets for the festival wristbands right at the entrance to the campsite. You are obligated to show your wristband to any member of security or staff on demand. Therefore, you must not take it off your wrist from Wednesday until your departure on Sunday.

FESTIVAL BOOKLET The official SUMMER BREEZE festival booklet can be purchased at the entrance to the campsite and at both merchandise booths for a contribution towards expenses of € 1.-. It contains all information about the festival, the bands and the running order. It’s also a perfect item for the bands to sign at the signing sessions.

FIRE Open fire is strictly prohibited throughout the entire camping and festival site. Camping stoves and barbecue grills are allowed as long as they are not used for purposes other than intended. Due to some serious accidents which resulted in life threatening injuries, we expressly urge you to exercise extreme caution when using fire starters to light charcoal barbeques! Oil lamps are not allowed on the festival site!

FIRST AID There will be a large first aid center right by the entrance to the festival area. There will also be 2 additional first aid stations on the campsite that are open 24 hours. Both stations will be run by the MALTESER emergency service. In addition, the following emergency number can be called, which is also available 24 hrs: + 49 700-MALTESER (+49 700-62583737) until further notice.

FREE MERCHANDISE SAMPLES Handing out flyers, promo CDs, free merchandise samples, etc. without written consent of the promoter is prohibited on the entire festival site.

FOOD/DRINKS Naturally, we will provide you with the opportunity to buy refreshments and food. Stands can be found throughout the site. You may bring your own drinks (for your own use only) to the campground. You may only take a tetra pack or a plastic bottle of up to 0.5 liters per person or a SUMMER BREEZE 0.4 ltr mug with you onto the festival site.
PLEASE NOTE: Glass is strictly prohibited on the entire festival and camping grounds!

GARBAGE Many people do leave a lot of garbage behind, which we are aware of. One more reason to ask you for your kind help to address this situation. The costs of garbage disposal have grown incredibly throughout the last few years, which we need to manage somehow. We will provide garbage bags when entering the site. Bringing back a full garbage bag will be rewarded with a huge (DIN A0) poster with an aerial photo of the festival and campsite. The photo will be taken on Thursday and it is to be printed on Friday. The poster will then be available on Saturday from 14:00 to 20:00 at both shower centers and both supermarkets. Better secure your poster during this time! The posters that are left over after 20:00 on Saturday will be available next to the container at the exit, where you will also be able to collect any confiscated items from 20:00 on Saturday.
Unfortunately, more and more people show up bringing loads of furniture. Disposing of one piece of furniture is more expensive than the price of 2-3 people's tickets. Therefore, we will have security guards checking the camping grounds and taking pictures of your car and anything suspicious you might leave behind after your departure. In case of violation, you will be charged an additional fee for waste disposal and each case will be taken to court as this is illegal! Please also make sure you keep your camping space tidy during your entire stay in your own interest. Please make sure you do not leave any metal items such as tent pegs in the ground, as this presents a serious problem for us.

AND CONDITIONS Those can be downloaded and read HERE.

INFOPOINT This year, we will have an official information point on the festival area. If any changes should occur during the festival, we will announce them there immediately. Also, should you have any problems, questions and so on, you can approach our staff there for them to forward your concerns to us.

LOST AND FOUND In case you find lost property, please bring it to the info point! If you have lost something please get in touch with our staff at the info point, too. Any item not being picked up by the end of the festival will be transferred to the official lost and found office in Dinkelsbuehl three days after the festival.

MERCHANDISE Festival merchandise and merchandise of the performing artists will be available at the huge merchandise booth which is going to be located centrally on the festival site. On Wednesday, the official SUMMER BREEZE merchandise will also be available right next to the party tent.

NIGHTTIME PEACE As we know, quite a few party animals will show up again at this year’s SUMMER BREEZE, so we decided to set up a party tent for these animals to have the chance to continue partying till dawn. But yet again, this means it’s not allowed to use any stereos or run any engines or aggregates on the campsite between 1 a.m. and 7 a.m. We expect you to respect this rule, as this is a legal restraint from the local government that will be enforced by us. This is in the interest of people living in the surrounding areas but also for those staying on the campsite who simply want to sleep, which we think is fair enough!

NON-FOOD Once again, our trading-mile will offer you a large selection of CDs, textiles, jewelry and much more this year.

PARTY STAGE Here we will provide you with an exciting program starting Wednesday, August 17th, 2011. It will kick off with the finals of our newcomer contest, the NEW BLOOD AWARD. On the three regular fetival dates there will also be a lot of variety - in addition to the main stages. The Party Tent is located right at the entrance of the concert site. Unmissable!

PHARMACY The closest pharmacy (Aesculap-Apotheke) is located in Dinkelsbuehl near the main bus station (inside the REWE supermarket next to McDonald’s, Luitpoldstr. 27). In addition, there are about ten more pharmacies in the greater Dinkelsbuehl area.

POLICE The local police will serve and protect you. They are really nice and willing to help wherever possible. However, they will be testing for drug and alcohol abuse as usual. For that reason, but also for your own safety, please make sure your driver stays sober. We will not clear the daily parking, lot so you may stay there overnight. The police controls on Sunday will definitely happen! So be clever!

POST/MAIL There are post boxes in Sinbronn and Illenschwang which provide daily service except on Sunday. The nearest post office is located in Dinkelsbuehl (Luitpoldstr. 13) right next to the local police station. 2 minutes walking distance from the bus station / McDonald’s.

POSTERS Due to popular demand, we will make our festival posters available for € 1.- at the merchandising booth again this year.

RACISM Racism will not be tolerated! Hereby we once again would like to state we are strictly against any form of right-wing philosophy or racism. We also count on your help: if you come across anything, please inform us immediately! Either approach security or, even better, go to the ticket counter. We will take immediate action against the people involved.

RUNNING ORDER The Running Order can be found online under BANDS 2011 from July on!

SHOWERS Two shower stations will be on the campground. One of them will be located close to the Party Tent. The other one will be located close to the main street you will be using to come to the festival. For each shower, we must charge € 2.50 to cover the costs at least partially. In addition, we will have proper water flushed toilets right by the shower station. For those wanting to use the water toilets: you can do so for a fee of € 1.-. The shower station will be open non-stop from Wednesday 12.00h until Sunday 12.00h. Furthermore, there will be various free water stations where you can collect fresh water for cooking and washing. Please make sure you don’t waste any water!! This is the only way to provide enough water for all of you and refilling won’t be a problem.

SIGNING SESSIONS Almost all bands will be holding signing sessions at our partner’s booths of METAL.DE and METAL HAMMER. Please note the scheduled times and make sure you don’t miss this chance.

SITE MAP You can download the site map HERE. Of course it will be updated regularly and change slightly until the festival starts.

SOUND SYSTEMS We truly understand every one of you who wish to carry on partying at their tents after the live sets have finished, which is impossible without music. Some people unfortunately keep overdoing this, so we need to ban PAs, mixing desks, power amplifiers, electric guitars, drums, vuvuzelas, trumpets, megaphones, horns, etc. etc. A regular car hi-fi will do and should not disturb your neighbours. Once again we would herewith mention the nighttime peace, which we kindly ask you to observe.

STAGES Much like in previous years, SUMMER BREEZE will service you with two stages which are well known as MAIN STAGE and PAIN STAGE. All bands will alternate with no overlapping, so you just need to move a bit to see each band play, just the way you’re used to. A video screen will be in place again right between the Main and the Pain Stage. Proceedings already start on Wednesday at the Party Tent and the Camel Stage.

SUPERMARKET Anything you might need to survive this festival weekend can be found in our supermarkets, which are marked on the site map, for reasonable prices.

THEFT Just like at many big events, thiefs are up to mischief more and more often. Most of the times it is organised gangs trying to pick your wallets in the crowd in front of the stages. Therefore make sure your wallets as well as any other belongings are kept safe. Further than that, do not leave any valuables or car keys in your tent and make sure to keep your car and tents locked when leaving.

DAILY TICKETS A limited contingent of day tickets will be available at the counters each morning from 10 a.m. Day ticket holders are not allowed to camp. There will be no separate tickets available for Wednesday when the party starts inside the party tent. It’s a bonus for our three-day guests.

TOILETS Always a bit of a problem but life is no walk in the park. We still don't have a sufficient water supply at the festival site. But we're still trying to further improve the situation every year. For the first time in 2010 we were able to provide flushable toilet containers on the concert area. We will provide a sufficient quantity of toilets and urinals on the entire site. As always, portable toilets will be emptied several times a day and their use is free. As there are no sewers on site, we have to rely on mobile toilets and water barrels. If you show a bit of consideration for these circumstances, this should work without problems. Please do not drop entire toilet paper rolls into the flushable toilets. It is quite obvious why!

TRADE It is prohibited to trade any kind of goods.

TRAIN STATIONS The closest stations are Ellwangen, Ansbach, Crailsheim, Dombuehl and Noerdlingen. Arriving there, you can easily catch a bus to Dinkelsbuehl. For detailed train information please check: For more travel information please go to JOURNEY!

UTENSILS Rivets, drinking horns and the likes do belong on a festival, no doubt. We do not want to prohibit these items and we do trust your sensible use of them. Only self-made rivets or ornaments (with nails, barbed wire, etc.) and everything that increases the risk of accidents or may be misused as a weapon may not be brough onto the site. Vuvuzelas, which have reached an arguable popularity since the beginning of the 2010 Football World Cup, are prohibited on the entire festival site (concert area and camp aite).

VIP CONTAINER The VIP ticket container is located outside the festival site at the football field in Sinbronn, opposite the petrol station. All accreditations, guest lists and passes for bands, traders, members of staff, etc. have to be picked up from here. Our disabled friends will also get their free tickets from here on presentation of their handicapped ID.

Opening hours of accreditation / VIP container:

Mi/Wed: 17.08.2010 08:00 - 22:00 Uhr
Do/Thu: 18.08.2010 08:00 - 22:00 Uhr
Fr/Fri: 19.08.2010 10:00 - 22:00 Uhr
Sa/Sat: 20.08.2010 10:00 - 22:00 Uhr

WEAPONS / VIOLENCE Up until now, SUMMER BREEZE has not experienced any violence – and we would like it to stay this way. Anyone looking for trouble or damaging anyone’s property, inside the fencing or beyond, will be kicked out!!!
Have the guts to interfere or inform security if someone starts trouble or harasses women.
Weapons are prohibited on the entire festival site! There should be no need to explain why. That includes baseball bats, knuckle dusters, gas, axes, chainsaws, spades and any dangerous tools such as hammers, knives longer than 10cm, carpet cutters, chain saws, spades and so on as well as pyrotechnical items.

WEBBANNER You can download our banners to create a link HERE. Thanks for your support!

DISABLED PEOPLE As in the last few years, there is going to be a special platform incl. wheelchair accessible toilet for wheelchair users. There is also going to be a special camping area for wheelchair users and disabled people. This enables us to provide electricity to those who need it (e.g. for respirators, electric wheelchairs, etc.). People with 51% disability or over and/or a B or H in their handicapped ID will get free entry to the festival. The accompanying person has to pay the normal ticket price. The free access bracelet is available on presentation of the handicapped ID and the identity card at the VIP container, which is located by the football field (opposite the petrol station) in Sinbronn. The accompanying person will get the bracelet from the regular ticket booths.

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