 Первый альбом поляков почти не имеет отношения к блэку. Это странная смесь из медленного трэша, характерных для дэта ударных, которые делают ритм музыки четким, и гроулинга. То, в каком направлении двинуться СА на следующих двух альбомах (многочисленные акустические фрагменты, мрачность, частая смена тем в пределах одной песни), по этому материалу можно предугадать. Все это (в значительно меньших количествах) есть и тут, но «Unholyunion», прежде всего, оставляет впечатление очень сырого альбома с явным преобладанием дэт-металла. Судя по всему, в начале 90-х много команд искали свое звучание где-то между перечисленными жанрами, стараясь создать не только жесткую, но и как можно более мрачную, атмосферную музыку. Альбом - часть этой тенденции, правда, «с массовым развертыванием блэка он и ему подобные ушли в джунгли» (с) self-disciple.
По впечатлениям «Unholyunion» напоминает «Ritual» от Master’s Hammer. Всего на нем четыре трека на более чем (!) пятьдесят минут. Слушать подобную музыку фоном тяжело, она почти не запоминается, но это недостаток, скорее, избранного жанра, чем слепленных из него композиций. А в рамках своего поиска Christ Agony создали интересную работу, но разнообразия и запоминающихся моментов со следующих альбомов ей очень не хватает. Соответственно, только для тех, кому они очень понравились, или для тех, кто интересуется историей. |
From God's peers
He's wearing purple
And He seizes the throne
His insignia burning His hands
And nobody gonna compensate
The tears they cried
Everything dies
In this moment
God himself puts out all fires
With your blood
The faces rinsed with red
Rotting like maggots in the mud
It's mystery of begging and death
The sun of hate and curses
Born among the contempt
The subjects on they knees
Bitterly accept things
It the way they stand
The world had belonged to God
Now they want to crown Satan
2. Darkthurnal (Eternal Shouts)
The body of the night is the ugliness
Full of waiting
It's the unknown
In which Devil found
The source of my fear
I'm in the middle of this night
Enveloped in sickness
I'm in it
I'm in the middle of eternal flame
And it's priestess invites
She's unknown
An introduction and the end
Kneeling against her
I don't kneel but words
Crying against her
Tears are abnormal
Capable to provoke a storm
With my unbelief
Only the fire and the water
The Unknown God is eternal
The body of the night is the ugliness
Full of waiting
It's unknown
Everyone of you is in this night
And everyone looks for his own god
And everyone cries:
Unsaint shouts
Spat the sky
Unsaint shouts
Spat to God
3. Dies Irae
At your command
The dried darkness started
Gloating over the last
So marvelous banquet
Rummaged out by the laughter
Of desire
The ferryman stood up
And poured the blood on the table
A noise was made
God himself raised his tired eyes
And went worried away
Satan was looking avidly
Attracted woman with his eyes
And possessed one alive on the table
He laughed at gods
Laughed at their helplessness
He showed the beauty of his body
Changing into snake
He slipped between things
Gods couldn't spot that
Choked by immortality
It's a night of unification
And Satan laughed at their old age
He will give birth to
The god of one moment
Of one tear
Who having touched the blood
Will find death in it
He was full of contempt for another gods
But he suffered cause he knew
That his son, who would never
Experience nether suffering nor joy
Would die having touched the blood
And there's plenty of blood everywhere
If you were a creator, Sun
The Power would fall down before you
And children would fall down before you
And children would and the feast on they knees
In you were a creator, Sun
You wouldn't have let gods to come to Earth
And tears are gathering together
And laughing at our weakness
And our subjection that resembles
The dog's subjection
4. Rituals Sceptrus (Mystery, Prophetical part 1)
Crucified sacrifice
Are sinking in the mist
Their weeping's like a brand
And dogs are waiting
By the crosses
For the night to come
Come from the abyss
Do not unfetter us
Do not let the words sound
Just as a pearl
Pick the satiating fruits
And dies of delicious taste
So the mist makes
The thorny shrub lie fighter
On the crucified head
Wake your lips up
Wake your arms up
Like a lost soul when praying
Give the sceptre
The sceptre of Satan
The subjects
Without dreams
Without power
On their knees
Lament overwhelms the darkness
Priests sweep their eyes
Over burning crosses
Priests angrily look
Are the prayer weeping
The prayer
Prayer in blood
The prayer
Prayer for blood
And the death of them
Turned his voice
To the sky
And the demented riff-raff
Is crying, tears all around
Unchained hands that tear
Throats to pieces
Sa that they won't sound again