 «Trilogy» (1998) был пробой пера, смелой попыткой найти твердую почву на пути развития Christ Agony. «Elysium», как положено полноформатному альбому, более сдержан в средствах, не столь эмоционален и просто осторожен. От «Darkside» (1997) в нем сохранилась трэшевая небрежность и индустриальная начинка, от предшественника – плавность и гипнотичность. Как ни странно, лишь акустика почти полностью исчезла из арьергарда творчества поляков – теперь атмосфера и мелодичность достигаются за счет других средств. Отдельного упоминания заслуживают ударные – Цезарь не ограничился обычным драмингом, по наследству от «Trilogy» альбому досталась перкуссия. С первыми же тремя работами коллектива содержимое данного диска и вовсе не имеет ничего общего. Команда воспользовалась наследием Samael 1994-1996 гг., и тогда как «Darkside» был в отдельных элементах просто калькой с работ швейцарцев, то творчество 1998 – 1999 стало переосмыслением выбранного стиля на свой манер. «Elysium» вышел однородней, спокойней и интереснее альбома 1997 года хотя бы из-за наличия на нем достаточного количества ярких песен: «Demon's Lover» (3) с дисторшированными гипнотизирующими декламациями Цезаря, «Immortal Dust» (4) с запоминающимся припевом-лозунгом «What is life? – Immortal dust…», заглавной «Elysium» (6), пришедшей с прошлой пластинки, и финальной «Unvirginity Sin» (10), вкратце иллюстрирующей весь новый материал. Ошибок, недостойных серьезной группы, как то было с «Black Goddess», Цезарь уже не совершал.
Очередной небольшой шаг Christ Agony вперед, за которым, к сожалению, последовал долгий период бездействия – вплоть до реформации группы под новым именем. И просто достойный альбом. |
I'll find you on the other side
My thoughts flow to you
I'll find you on the other side
Hot feelings flow to you...
My heart flows to you
My thoughts flow to you
My feelings flow to you
We'll meet on the dark side...
I'll find you on the dark side
Cause my love is eternal
Even your sadness won't disturb
You won't even notice...
The sadness of immortality
Inside of me
Cause I'm waiting for a meeting
I'm still waiting
I'm unaware of that
What's beyond us...
We take away ourselves among
The same stars
We'll meet on the dark side...
2. Fiery Torches
Fire digests my heart
Cause we're not here anymore
Last night you went away
Last night...
I'll only remember
The moments I've spent with you
They'll stay with me forever
Death is proud and enormous
Death mocks at human weakness
Death is a Dark God...
Fire digests my heart
I'm full of pain
Last night everything has gone away
The world has finished among the stars...
I'll only remember
The moments I've spent with you
They'll stay with me forever
Eternity is our time
Fiery torches are desired
Our naked bodies among them
Will become one...
Eternity is place for us
Moonlight is the signpost
Our lips sealed and bodies
We'll live with eternal love...
Eternal love!
New ways opened in front of us
New gates are wide in front of us
Eternity is a place for us
Moonlight is the signpost...
3. Demon's Lover
Roses bloom
On your dead body
Are the powers of hell still here?
Are angel voices reaching
Your dead ears?...
Roses bloom
On your dead body
Do you still remember the taste of blood?
Do you remember when life
Was smouldered in vain?...
Your black eyes
Closed to the world
Your black lips
Closed to people
Your black tears
Falling down your face
Showing life
On the dark side...
Roses bloom
On your dead body
Do you still exist?
Is dead licking your womb?
Raise your hand!
Let me see your life
Raise your blood!
Let it flow
Show if you are
Death's lover!
Show if you are
Demon's lover!
4. Immortal Dust
What is life?
Immortal dust
What is life?
Stainless fire
What is life?
The source of water
What is life?
Collection to suffer
A cup of sin
Only Loneliness
Among many pains...
Talk to me as much as you can
Speak to me
So I can feel and memorise
Talk to me as much as you can
Speak to me
So I can feel and memorise
So I can understand who you are...
What is life?
Immortal dust
What is life?
Stainless fire
What is life?
Only loneliness
Among many illusions...
Eternal life!
Eternal life!
Eternal life!
5. Eternal Stars
I'm running away
Cause there's no place for me here
There's no memory
Time doesn't exist...
I'm running away
Cause the source of my cry ends
My bleeding heart
Has to find eternity
Hidden among the stars
My dying star
Forgive me weakness
My dying star
Forgive me my sin
I'm running away
Cause there aren't your eyes
There's no memory
Time doesn't exist...
I'm running away
Cause the path of my life ends
There aren't your kisses anymore
There aren't your words anymore
Among the stars I shall find your smell...
My dying star
Let me find myself
My dying star
Let me kiss immortality...
I'm beside you
I'm waiting...
i'm beside you
Eternity lets me find you
I'm still waiting...
6. Elysium
When beauty dies
Raise symbol falls
On the arms of sin
Faith's carried
Dead is the symbol
The magic
Depth and the abyss...
Night is the redemption
In the arms of the lover
Blood on her lips
Unholy concern
When beauty dies
Raise symbol falls...
This is my kingdom
Of sweat, tears and spit
Where only the whores
Keep boiling semen for dogs
In their mouths...
When beauty dies
Lips dripped with
The blow of nothingness
Among the open gates
You will be the come truth
When beauty dies
Blood on my palms
Covers the way with roses...
7. Lords Of The Night
Oh, Lord of the Night
Where will you spread our pieces
Where shall the ashes of our bodies fall
Where will our lips bloom again...
Oh, Lord of the Night
Take my blood and drink life out of it
Take my blood...
Let my body be reborn
On the other side of life...
Oh, Lord of the Night
With my calling
I summon all the hearts from darkness
Let the mysteriuos be woken up
Let the voices be woken up
Lord of the Night!
Stronger than haterass
Raises its wings over the stars
Stronger than universe
Raises its wings over the fire
I summon all the hearts from darkness
Let the mysterious be woken up
Let the voices be woken up
Keep quiet!
With cry sew up your lips!
Be immortal!
Keep quiet!
Drink my blood together with death...
Take me inside you...
Keep quiet!
I shall be helpful talisman
When you cross the dark side...
8. Cold Eyes
(...of the beast)
You touch my feet without a word
And undress you body slowly
Showing hunger of dead shoulders
To my eyes...
Insatiable of trembling body
Frivolous of a kiss
Disgusting inspired face
And joy from the palms...
You slowly slipped through
My hand
As if everyone could see...
Finally you rise up like carnal
Thrown at the abyss
You're like defenceless dog
Groeles into depth
Where only I paint your eyes...
You go away humiliated
You go away cold
You go away cal my crazy
And from you black eyes
Blood flows down
Turning my palms
Into glass lakes
Surrounded by the fog of sighs
And my lameness...
9. Bleeding Heart
My body is just like a burning torch
From inside digests my love
And beyond it winds and storms
And beyond nothingness and vanity...
My body is just like burning torch
There's hateress and love in it
There's sadness and pleasure in it
And beyond it nothingness and vanity...
My body is burning!
Let me stay only this night
My body is burning...
Let me beautiful beside you
My sight is already beautiful
Let me be a lover
My bodyis burning
Let me your wing
My heart is already bleeding
10. Unvirginity Sin
In red of the moon
In bloodred of the sun
I plunge eye-lids
Trying to fall asleep...
Neither dream
Neither god, nor spirit I touch
Still thirsty of the sin
To the sin I am
With a sin I'll be winged
To the sin I am
With a sin I'll be immortal
In red of the moon
In bloodred of the sun
I plunge eye-lids
Trying to fall asleep...
In one moment I could be
As touchable as the night
As unvirginity as the light
As far as the sky...
Nothing except madness
Is left in a look
As fast as...
In one moment I could be
As touchable as the night
As unvirginity as the light
As far as the sky...