« Faceless World »
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1 | Heart Of Gold
 | 2 | Blitz Of Lighting
 | 3 | System Of Life
 | 4 | Faceless World
 | 5 | Stranger
 | 6 | Restricted Area
 | 7 | Livin' On A Frontline
 | 8 | Trip To Nowhere
 | 9 | Born To Run
 | 10 | Can't Get Enough
 | 11 | Unspoken Words
 | 12 | Future Land |
   Udo Dirkschneider - vocals
Mathias Dieth - guitars
Wolla Boehm - guitars
Thomas Smuszynski - bass
Stefan Schwarzmann - drums |
 | 1. Heart Of Gold
He is a man forced to live with the rats
But he is dying for a smile from you
He is a man without a home in his life
Is that a reason to walk on the line
It's like a game - don't mess around
Don't be a fool so just go on
No life of double standard what he's looking for
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 К концу 80-х хэви-метал достиг высшей точки развития - большинство известных металлических банд к тому времени достигли подлинных высот профессионального мастерства, и начали по очереди выдавать альбомы, которые не стыдно назвать шедеврами мировой музыки. В 87-ом вышел металликовский «...And Justice for All», явившийся высшей точкой развития трэш-метала, затем, в 88-ом, потрясающий концептуальный мейденовский «Seventh Son оf the Seventh Son», двумя годами позже «Присты» выстрелили своим костедробильным «Painkiller», затем были саббатовский «Dehumanizer», мановаровский «Triumph оf Steel», и еще множество потрясающего металического материала...
Не остались в стороне и Удо Сотоварищи - после выхода хорошего, но несколько невзрачного «Mean Machine» чуваки немного сменили саунд и выдали альбом, который запросто можно поставить в ряд с теми же «Севен сан», или «Пэйнкиллер». Но если «Присты» на своем альбоме делали упор на злобно-скоростной драйв (и при этом оставаясь в рамках хэви), то United Democratic Organization пошли другим путем, добавив клавишных и сделав саунд несколько легче и мелодичнее. В результате «Faceless World» стал лучшим альбомом сольного проекта Удо Диркшнайдера, переплюнув даже дебютный «Animal House»!
Насчет материала можно сказать только то, что он просто великолепен - потрясающие мелодии, вокал Удо, который был тогда на пике формы, красивые клавишные пассажи - что еще нужно для счастья?
Альбом открывает среднетемповый хэви «Heart оf Gold», где Диркшнайдер поет двумя голосами - злобным и спокойным, следом идет мелодичный шедевр «Blitz оf Lighting» с запоминающимся припевом (хотя они тут все запоминающиеся!), потом - забойнейшая скоростная «System оf Life» с не менее забойным соляком, а приближается заглавная тема - элегический шедевр с обилием убойных клавишных мелодий и текстом на тему призыва открыть глаза - в процессе прослушки не удивляйтесь, если рука, застывшая в положении «коза», начнет самопроизвольно дирижировать в такт мелодии :)
Следом идет «Stranger», почти полностью завязанная на клавишных, после нее - драйвовая «Restricted Area» в лучших традициях Accept, мелодичная позитивная «Livin' оn а Frontline», ну а дальше - главный шедевр альбома - тема «Trip to Nowhere», с гениальной мелодикой и текстом о самоубийстве - не любит Удо экспериментировать, но уж если до этого доходит дело, то получается, как минимум, мега-шедевр! Следом идет быстрая и забойная «Born to Run» с отличным соло, затем сверхскоростная «Can't Get Enough» (если хотите найти корни следующего УДО-вского альбома, «Timebomb», ищите в этой песне - не прогадаете!), а дальше идет баллада, «Unspoken Words» - вот что у Удо получается здорово, так это баллады!
И в этот раз у него получилось круто, не хуже его же собственной «In The Darkness», и даже экцептовской «Winterdreams»!
Заканчивает альбом опять среднетемповый хэви - на сей раз это футуристическая «Future Land» (каламбур, однако)...
В общем, лучшей песней я бы назвал «Trip to Nowhere», но остальные ненамного хуже - и практически все - Шедевры с большой буквы...
Словом, я рекомендую этот альбом всем любителям Udo Dirkshneider Orchestra, Accept, хэви-метала, рока и вообще хорошей музыки - ибо это, не побоюсь такого слова, великий альбом! Таких нынче не сыщешь. Оценивать же альбом бессмысленно, его надо просто слушать...
P.S. И еще... На всем альбоме очень необычная, цепляющая атмосфера - воображение рисует офигительные картины... Словами описать трудно, но, прослушав, вы поймете, в чем суть! А заодно поймете, почему я поставил альбому «10-ку»... |
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Пожалуй, если и есть у U.D.O. альбомы, которые стоит послушать каждому, то это один из них. На мой взгляд, в этой пластинке есть какая-то изюминка, что-то на него похожее и, в то же время, для него не типичное. Певучие клавиши, присутствующие в каждой песне, очень приятно разбавляют звучание heavy metal'а, столь любимого Удо Диркшнайдером. "Trip to Nowhere" вообще могла бы встать отдельно от остального его творчества, но, тем не менее, она вписывается. Еще меня покорила очень качественная аранжировка альбома. Все песенки доделаны до конца: не убавить - не прибавить. Конечно же, нельзя не отметить высокий профессионализм музыкантов. В общем, клевый альбом. Жалко, что он всего один. |
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Третий альбом немецкой команды наконец-то продемонстрировал развитие по сравнению с предыдущим невзрачным диском «Mean Machine», в виде обогащения почти всех песен партиями клавиш, что и определило его судьбу как одного из самых продаваемых дисков Удо. Интересным также является тот факт, что пластинку продюсировал барабанщик Accept Штефан Кауфман, вроде как бы звучание от этого ничего и не приобрело, но песни стали намного разнообразнее и интереснее - вот что значит новая душа и талант взращенный на славных традициях культовой немецкой формации. В общем то, по сути релиз в обыкновенном стиле Акцепт и Удо, сложно сказать что-то новое когда сами музыканты этого нового не производят, но всё же есть здесь довольно таки приятные запоминающиеся боевики «Heart Of Gold» и «Blitz Of Lightning», средне темповый хэви «Future Land», неплохая полу баллада «Unspoken Words» (всё таки надо заметить что таких баллад как в Акцепте Удо не смог сочинить ни одной, возможно даже из-за того, что ко всем спокойным композициям в его старой группе приложил руку гитарист Петер Балтес, во всяком случае, самые лучшие медляки спел именно он), также хорошие впечатления оставляют заглавная композиция «Faceless World» и «Born To Run». К минусам опять-таки нужно отнести некоторую занудность и похожесть песен. В общем добротная и сильная работа, хотя вряд ли она может заслуживать внимания всех хэви металистов, конечно, фэнам альбом обязательно нужен, так словно доктор приписал иметь его в коллекции.
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просмотров: 49345 |
Only a dream of tender delight
No more a bloody fool in this dirty town
So get away take your own line
Hard is the game - don't turn around
You make the rules so hold your ground
He's got a heart of gold
The brain to realize he leads the better life
He's got a heart of gold
So free your mind - live with a smile
Heart of gold - just like a diamond in the rough
He is dying for a touch from you
No more a bloody fool in this god damned town
Please be strong for just one time
So play this game and move the pawns
It's up to you so just go on
He's got a heart of gold
The heart to free his soul, the heart to reach the goal
Sweet little a heart of gold
So free and fine - live with a smile
Live with a smile on your face
Hard is the game - don't turn around
No more a fool so just go on
He's got a heart of gold
The brain to realize he leads the better life
He's got a heart of gold
So free your mind - live with a smile
He's got a heart of gold
The heart to free his soul, the heart to reach the goal
Sweet little a heart of gold
So free and fine - live with a smile
Just live with a smile on your face
He is dying for a smile from you
So just go on - go on - go on
With your heart of gold
Don't turn around
You make the rules so hold your ground
Sweet little a heart of gold
Sweet little a heart of gold
2. Blitz Of Lightning
When it's nice and easy
He can handle the fear
He thought he was burning
With all the pain he had
Then his smile was gone
He didn't know where he was
Can't you hear him cry
This time he is alive
He's out to seek and find
To find his own style in time
No more retreat but fight
So be aware and watch the night, watch the night
Hello world, here I am
Don't you fool me again
I'm like a blitz of lightning
So get outta my way
Every night and day
The lightning strikes again
Then he came to the point
He could believe in his life
A different soul was born
He must no more deny
But he wants to forget
His old rotten desires
No more pain - no more cries
All those things are behind
He's out to seek and find
To find his own style in time
No more retreat but fight
So be aware and watch the night, watch the night
Hello world, here I am
Don't you fool me again
I'm like a blitz of lightning
So get outta my way
Every night and day
The lightning strikes again
Hello world, here I go
Don't fool me, oh no
I'm like a rolling thunder
The story's been told
And my blood runs cold
It won't be all the same
It will never be the same again
Hello world, here I am
Don't you fool me again
I'm like a blitz of lightning
So get outta my way
Every night and day
The lightning strikes again
Hello world, here I go
Don't fool me, oh no
I'm like a rolling thunder
Now the die is cast
Chances are vast
It won't be all the same
Hello world, here I am
Don't you fool me again
I'm like a blitz of lightning
The story's been told
And my blood runs cold
It won't be all the same
Hello world...
3. System Of Life
Now it's time to look in your eyes
You're so much better it's no surprise
It's like a mirror is watching you
Maybe the word's been broken - don't be no fool
Following the lights you see like a rolling train
Yesterday is gone - tomorrow's in your hands
Something you've had is gone - don't wish it back
Let it go - don't run away - it's nothing you'll forget
You know the rules don't need no warning
There's only one way to find the clue
Inside you so let it go
System of life - be the hunted or the hunter
System of life
System of life - it's always by your side
System of life - the one and only way to live in harmony
Don't paint a picture full of love and hate
Paradise is here - but exceptions prove the rules
Sometimes it feels just like a dream becoming true
Close your eyes - look inside - it will never be the same
'Cause for your life there ain't no warning
So stand up and fight to find the clue
So watch out you live and learn
It's the
System of life - be the broken or the breaker
System of life
It's the
System of life - it's always real and true
System of life - the one and only way to live in harmony
Yeah - yeah
Oh, it's the
System of life - be the hunted or the hunter
System of life
It's the
System of life - it's always by your side
System of life - the one and only way to live in harmony
It's the
System of life - be the taken or the taker
System of life
It's the
System of life - it's always real and true
System of life
4. Faceless World
Listen to me - this is a warning
You have to wake up out of this dream
Don't be a member of this lifestyle, please
I hear the beat of your heart
So better watch them - don't be frightened
Can't you feel it - can't you see it this time
So many things appear like wonders
Be shameless my friend - save what you've got
Welcome to this crazy world
You cannot blame everyone
See the stars and see the rainbows - see it all
Don't turn away - you're all you've got
In a faceless world
You can run - but you can't hide
It's yourself who waits for you inside
So believe me it's not evil
To break out of this spell
Don't be wasting a whole lifetime
Don't betray yourself anymore
So hear me calling - this is a warning
When you feel it - don't lose it this time
One day you will be way stronger
Be clever old friend, cause then you'll be free
Welcome to this crazy world
You cannot blame everyone
Dreams can come true
See the stars and see the rainbows - open your eyes
Don't turn away - you're all you've got
In a faceless world
You can run - but you can't hide
It's yourself who waits for you inside
So hear me calling
Don't wanna mistreat anymore
Just one desire
I want to break this spell
No more wondering
I wanna be clever this time
I hear your warning
I just wanna be myself
Saw the stars and all the rainbows - you've seen it all
You realized - you're all you've got
In the faceless world
You tried to run - but couldn't hide
It was you who found yourself inside
So hear me calling
Stop betraying yourself
Don't waste all your lifetime
You've been mistreated so many times
In this faceless world
You've got to break out of this spell
Listen to your heartbeat
Be restless my friend
Just one desire
I just wanna be myself
5. Stranger
Don't spend your life like a dime
I thought you are not for hire
Stand for your rights - don't look at the past
I don't know - I don't care - my brain's
spinning 'round like a wheel
Don't feel like a stranger
Don't feel like a stranger
So turn around leave your feelings behind
Just calm down keep the devil inside
It's like a stone lying in your head
You never know - this time it could be real
And then you'll realize
Maybe you're wrong this time
Do something in your life
And then it'll work out
Don't feel like a stranger
Everything can be real
Don't feel like a stranger
Move on like a wheel
So you don't know - what is the reason
It's up to you to sell your life so easy
I thought you were learning from the past
Can't you feel deep inside when you're breaking the chains
And then you'll realize
Maybe you're wrong this time
Do something in your life
And then it'll work out
Don't feel like a stranger
Everything can be real
Don't you know you're in danger
Move on like a wheel
And when it works out
Don't turn around
Something is in your heart
So let it free - oh yeah
Oh yeah
Don't feel like a stranger
Listen to me - everything can be real
Don't feel like a stranger
Move on like a wheel
Don't feel like a stranger
Everything can be so real
Don't you know you're in danger
Move on like a wheel
Don't feel like a stranger...
6. Restricted Area
High voltage in the air
No way to know it's good or bad
Don't try to trick it down
Otherwise you could be dead
So just look out
It may be mean
Just can't be too afraid of this machine
A hole in the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
Restricted area
A hole in the middle of the night
Restricted area
Your brain's been mesmerized
And in your mind this place is full of steel,
so full of steel
So shift to overdrive
Crash away the gang with the men from another space
So be aware
Just leave the scene
The world's been metallized by this machine
A hole in the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
Restricted area
A hole in the middle of the night
Restricted area
A hole in the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
Restricted area
A hole in the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
Restricted area
A hole in the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
The world's been metallized
A hole in the middle of the night
Restricted area
A hole in the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
It's a restricted area
Hold on - hold on - hold on
Your brain's been mesmerized
A hole in the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
You're heavy metallized
A hole in the middle of the night
7. Living On A Frontline
Bad days are coming
Back into my head
They're looking for trouble, is that alright
You know you've seen them before
And now they're turning
Into the deepest nights
Shadows on the wall - don't surrender at all
You're not alone this time
Do or die - you'll always be on the run
Like a soldier in time - rain or shine
Aces high - you'd better be on the ball
Don't move outta the way - stand for what you've gotta say
We're living on a frontline
Always trying not to go
We're living on a frontline
It's much more than enough this time
We're living on a frontline
Now you start searching
For a better life
Better not look back - go straight ahead
Just be yourself all the time
Do or die - you'll always be on the run
Like a soldier in time - rain or shine
Aces high - you'd better be on the ball
Don't move outta the way - stand for what you've gotta say
We're living on a frontline
Always trying not to go
We're living on a frontline
It's much more than enough this time
We're living - living on a frontline
Always trying not to go
We're living on a frontline
It's much - it's much too much this time
Go ahead this time
Ah, we're living on a frontline
Ah, it's a bad game
I've told you before
So stay away from the frontline
And your friends next door
You say you're lonely
But I don't want them no more
But one day - you're gonna see
They're gonna disappear
We're living on a frontline
Always trying not to go
We're living on a frontline
It's much more than enough this time
We're living - living on the frontline
Always trying not to go
We're living on a frontline
It's much - it's much too much this time
On a frontline
8. Trip To Nowhere
I was born in a backstreet
Where people live a dirty life
Of course it was different most of the time
But it was not my fault
A life in hell
I saw it every morning
Can't hide myself anymore
I tried to live in heaven
But this dream did not come true
I tried to live in heaven
Next time I'll try to knock on this door again
I've been hunting
Day and night
Oh, I've been losing
Please, hold me tight
Why am I here now
And what can I do
You tell me you're sorry
You know it ain't true
I tried to live in heaven
But this dream did not come true
I tried to live in heaven
Next time I'll try to knock on this door again
You know what I mean
'Cause when you throw in the cards
Life goes on and on
You're on a trip to nowhere
You'd better reach for the stars
Life goes on and on and on and on again
'Cause when you throw in the cards
Life goes on and on
You're on a trip to nowhere
You'd better reach for the stars
Life goes on and on and on and on again
Now I'm taking my chances
Everyday, everynight
You know what I'm talking about, man
No more backstreet life
A life in hell
I saw it every morning
Dreams and desires
Don't hide myself anymore
I tried to live in heaven
But this dream did not come true
I tried to live in heaven
Next time I'll try to knock on this door again
You know what I mean
'Cause when you throw in the cards
Life goes on and on
You're on a trip to nowhere
You'd better reach for the stars
Life goes on and on and on and on again
'Cause when you throw in the cards
Life goes on and on
You're on a trip to nowhere
You'd better reach for the stars
Life goes on and on and on and on again
I made it out of this hell you know what I mean
I tried to live in heaven
But this dream did not come true
I tried to live in heaven
Next time I'll try to knock on this door again
You know what I mean
'Cause when you throw in the cards
Life goes on and on
You're on a trip to nowhere
You'd better reach for the stars
Life goes on and on and on and on again
'Cause when you throw in the cards
Life goes on and on
You're on a trip to nowhere
You'd better reach for the stars
Life goes on and on and on and on again
'Cause when you throw in the cards...
9. Born To Run
You're back to win
To start again
Searching for the power
That you've had before
The tables turned
Mistakes you've made
Stop telling lies - no angeleyes
Just look straight ahead
Don't be afraid to roll the dice
Open up your eyes
So hit the road and memorize
You're not for sale
You're born to run
So take it from the start
You know you're born to run
Don't lose your heart
Now you're calling the shots
So you'd better watch out
Don't you understand you can't deny
What you have done before
But don't you know
Your time will come
Forget the past - just head out
Head out for your aims
And in the end you'll see the light
Tearing up the night
So let it shine and realize
You're not for sale
You're born to run
So take it from the start
You know you're born to run
Don't waste your time and realize that you're
You're born to run
Tomorrow's here today
'Cause you're the number one
You're leading the way
So just believe me
You'd better watch out
Your time will come
Mark my words
Think about it
I wanna tell ya
You're born to run
So take it from the start
You know you're born to run
Don't waste your time and realize that you're
You're born to run
Tomorrow's here today
'Cause you're the number one
Fight the fight - light the light - realize you're
born to run
10. Can't Get Enough
Again it's around seven
I'm burning like a candlelight
I don't know where I'm going
But I'm ready for this night
You'd better run for cover
Before I start to smile
No way there's time for wasting
Never walk in a line
Never walk in a line
Oh yeah
And I just keep going
Forget these boring times
And I'm hungry for desire
No way to live in a line
You'd better run for cover
Before I start to smile
No way there's time for wasting
Never walk in a line
Reckless and mean I'm ruling the scene - I never get enough
Acting the night - I'm gone with the light - I can't
get enough
I never get enough
Again it's around seven
I'm burning like a candlelight
I don't know where I'm going
But I'm ready for this night
Reckless and mean I'm ruling the scene - I never get enough
Acting the night - I'm gone with the light - I can't
get enough
Reckless and mean I'm ruling the scene - I never get enough
Acting the night - I'm gone with the light - I can't
get enough
I never get enough
11. Unspoken Words
My thoughts are going back - back to the time
When I was young to live a life
A life of lies - full of lies
Then you came into my life
And you've changed so many things
That I've done before - that I've done before
Without you I've been so alone
Don't leave me this way
Without you I've been so alone
Don't leave me this way
You treated me the right way
You always said don't give up
Some day you will see what I have done
And when I start thinking about me
Then I find out
You did it right - just right
Without you I've been so alone
Don't leave me this way
Without you I've been so alone
Don't leave me this way
Unspoken words - so many unspoken words
They cannot lie to me anymore
Unspoken words - words so full of meaning
They cannot lie, they're from inside
Unspoken words
Back to start again - we're working still together
More than ever - better than before
Better than before
Without you I've been so alone
Don't leave me this way
Without you I've been so alone
Don't leave me this way - don't leave me this way
Unspoken words - so many unspoken words
They cannot lie to me anymore
Unspoken words - words so full of meaning
They cannot lie, they're from inside
All those unspoken words so many, many unspoken words
They cannot lie to me anymore, oh yeah
Without you I've been so alone
Don't leave me this way, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Unspoken words...
12. Future Land
It's a nightmare leading out of the dark
Tears running out of my eyes
Wake up and bring the truth into your life
I can't stand it anymore
All those nightmares - endless despair
Walk away from this dream
Show me the way out of the darkness
Into a land of light
See the world with different eyes
There's something true in this life
And I start getting closer
You'd better not fall behind
Don't take me to tomorrow
Don't take me to the future land
Don't take me to tomorrow
Don't take me to the future land
And now I've had enough of this ride
Just let me out of this game
So many reasons to step out and pay
Everyday it's the same
No more hiding - deep inside me
The pictures start to be real
You'd better listen to your heartbeat again
I know I wanna be free
See the world with different eyes
There's something true in this life
And I start getting closer
You'd better not fall behind
Don't take me to tomorrow (oh, no)
Don't take me to the future land (no lying - anymore)
Don't take me to tomorrow(mmmh, I)
Don't wanna see the future land
Don't take me to tomorrow (into the land of light)
Don't take me to the future land
Don't trade your life for sorrow (reach out for the paradise)
Stop longing for the future land
So many feelings deep in your heart
Don't you believe in this dream
So don't hide them deep inside you
Let them out this time, yeah
Don't take me to tomorrow (no lying anymore)
Don't take me to the future land (oh no)
Don't take me to tomorrow (don't take me away)
Don't take me to the future land (without day or night)
Don't trade your life for sorrow (oh no)
Stop longing for the future land (for the land of light)
It's a nightmare leading out of the dark
Tears running out of my eyes
Wake up and bring the truth into your life
I can't stand it anymore
All those nightmares - endless despair
Walk away from this dream
Show me the way out of the darkness
Into a land of light
Don't take me to tomorrow
Don't take me to the future land
Don't take me to tomorrow
Don't wanna see the future land
Don't trade your life for sorrow...