 Дебютный альбом группы Gardens of Gehenna, музыка которой отличается от творчества других собратьев по кухне Doom/Death-музыки откровенной саркастической, садистской злобой. Здесь вы не услышите плаксивых распеваний, как у Аарона из My Dying Bride, здесь нет настроения обреченности Anathema, безутешности Katatonia, нет также шизоидной отмороженности Esoteric или Comatose Vigil. Просто, чтобы охарактеризовать данное произведение, достаточно представить себе холодную, мрачную, злую ухмылку водителя дорожного катка, медленно, но неумолимо надвигающегося в вашу сторону. Наиболее подходят под это описание заглавная песня «Mortem Saluta», давящая слушателя своими тяжелыми медленными мрачными риффами и низким гроулом, и первый трэк альбома «Nebelmond». Кстати, на альбоме присутствует ремикс группы Das Ich на эту тему, расширяющий стилистические границы релиза до Industrial Doom/Death. Также положительно отмечу бодренькую, сочащуюся ядом «Prophecy» и «Blood». В общем, работа, достойная высокой оценки и относится к разряду незаслуженно обделенных вниманием. |
behind the burning clouds the demons wait
to change your wishes into curses
and all is mould and all's decay.
The summer left, the autumn died
and snow's white shrouds will cover soon
the earth and all that now is rotting,
nebelmond - pale misty moon.
Your inner self wants to break free
but it is trapped, no chance to leave;
now panic spreads its gory wings,
you're drowned in sorrow, pain and grief.
Grey and damp the world is fading
behind a haze of frozen tears,
the angels draw the pentagram,
nebelmond - time of fear.
Beyond The Gates Of Dusk
Beyond the night, deep in the darkness
i'm waiting,hidden from the light
to show you foreign lands of horror,
to be your guide into the night.
I show you realms you've never heard of,
where mountains meet a bloody sky,
where fallen angels gorge the corpse,
where shadows grow...
A world belonging to sleep,
to dreams and their inhabitants.
A world abysmal cruel and evil,
full of your curses descendants.
This world and also what's beyond
arises from your imagination,
but the forces that you dread
won't come without an invocation.
Consider well what you desire,
maybe your wishes become true
and anything you once imagined,
you'll meet again and again...
In the world belonging to sleep,
to dreams and their inhabitants.
A world abysmal cruel and evil,
full of your curses descendants.
There is an endless stairway down
to the dungeon of your mind,
and you should walk quite cautiously
if you don't know what you will find.
There are borders which you shouldn't cross,
unless you know you're strong enough,
on your journey into the void,
when you have passed the gates of dusk...
To the world abysmal cruel and evil,
full of your curses descendants.
You'd better stayed at home tonight.
You'd better locked your door and prayed.
You'd better listened to their warnings.
You'd better never crossed my way.
Moonless nights fraught with desaster
are baleful times to prove you're brave.
Darkness bears the unspeakable-
different,dreadful and depraved.
From your blood I got my time.
I drink your horror thoroughly.
I feast on your agony.
From your life I suck my eternity.
The world you've known you're leaving now
to death or to the other side.
So make your choice wheather you will fade
or come with me to rule the night.
Let's walk the universe together.
Take my gift, become immortal.
Drink my blood, be my mate-
don't hesitate to pass the portal.
Darkness will be enlightening us.
Loneliness will be exalting us.
If earthly vanity is bound
the spirit rises, proud, free and vast.
Those Who Walk The Shadows
It's not the river that flows,
but the water.
It's not the years that pass,
but we do.
Between wind and water,
between the devil and the deep blue sea,
we hope for comfort from the beyond.
We call forth spirits anxiously
to tell us that our world will last
or tell us there's a place to stay
when the universe is lost
and paradise so far away.
The dawn of Doom will unveil
the unknown from the other side.
Those who walk the shadows,
those who walk the night.
Ravens and rats, crows and bats,
sent ahead as their myrmidons,
tell of darkest times to come.
And tales and legends will prove true
at the end of our dominion,
at the setting of the century,
at the end of our millenium
The dawn of doom will unveil
the unknown from the other side.
Those who walk the shadows,
Those who walk the night.
Mortem Saluta
Mortem saluta,
Cry, beauty,cry,
no-one can hear you.
Pray, precious, pray.
For a sudden end, precious, pray.
Peritura mortem saluta.
Secrets you have told me
and dreams I've trusted in
turned to plagues and demons
and they haunt me and they grin.
They're like a touch of darkened wings.
They demand a sacifice.
They can't be banished from my brain
and they laugh at me again.
Mortem saluta,
Cry, beauty,cry,
no-one can hear you.
Pray, precious, pray.
For a sudden end, precious, pray.
Peritura mortem saluta.
The higher you fly,
the deeper is the fall.
Teh more you have had,
the less stays at all.
If never you laughed,
then never you'll mourn.
You'll never be lonely,
if you've ever been alone.
Mortem saluta,
Cry, beauty,cry,
no-one can hear you.
Pray, precious, pray.
For a sudden end, precious, pray.
Peritura mortem saluta.
Not every life ends with death,
some banes outlast the endless sleep.
Sometimes the spirit is too strong,
sometimes emotions are too deep.
I scorn you past the end of life
and still from the depth of deepest hell
I'll spit forth my hate against you,
mighty and irrevocable.
Here I stand, upright I'll die.
I won't submit to anyone.
I won't share servility.
I'm called to account by myself or no-one.
To bear witness of the truth ,
I call my life, my agony.
My tears shall hallow my promise,
I curse you for eternity.
You cowards, you toadies.
I'm God
I'm Satan
I am
you're not worthy of touching my shadow
as long as you follow your hams.
Here I stand, upright I'll die.
I won't submit to anyone.
I won't share servility.
I'm called to account by myself or no-one
You'll talk to the wolves,
have the eyes of the night,
the tongue of the ravens,
you'll have the second sight.
You'll hear the trees whisper
to the stars and the moon
about the great alterations
coming up soon.
The eminence of darkness
you will understand,
you'll be part of the secret
that will outlast the land.
I tell your fortune.
Hunter and hunted you'll be.
Death and Tower and Swords
are your destiny.
When the earth will burst open
to wolve down the light
to spit forth its bowels
into the vast night.
When heaven and hell
and earth will be burning
you will have foreseen it,
waiting for it, yearning.
But you will not perceive
what the signs mean at all
that you're insignificant
and will perish and fall.
I tell your fortune.
Hunter and hunted you'll be.
Death and Tower and Swords
are your destiny.
Nebelmond (Das Ich remix, german version)
Wenn Engel schwarze Messen halten
und der Teufel Psalmen singt,
wenn die Hцlle eisig wird
und der Himmel Feuer fдngt,
wenn Tag und Nacht zur Einheit werden
in einem tristen, schweren Ton,
wenn Gedanken Trauer tragen
ist November - Nebelmond.
Es ist die Zeit, da Hexen tanzen,
Dдmonen lauern ьberall,
aus guten WЬnschen werden Flьche,
es riecht nach Moder und Zerfall.
Der Sommer ist schon lдngst vergangen,
der Herbst blieb nicht vom Tod verschont,
der Leib der Erde rottet vor sich hin -
es ist November - Nebelmond.