« The Black Circus Part 2, Disclosure »
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1 | Entrance [Instrumental] 00:36
 | 2 | Beauty Will Fade 07:32
 | 3 | Gypsies' Dance Part 2 08:29
 | 4 | Intuneric V 00:35
 | 5 | Haita Di Lupi 02:30
 | 6 | When The Soulreapers Cry 06:40
 | 7 | Intuneric VI 01:16
 | 8 | All That Remain 05:44
 | 9 | Intuneric VII 02:32
 | 10 | Of Madness In Its Purity 06:22
 | | Total playing time: 43:10 |
   Lars F. Larsen - Vocals
Kristian H. Larsen - Guitars
Martin Arendal - Guitars
Kasper Gram - Bass
Mads Volf - Drums |
The two-album "The Black Circus" concept project tells the story of the
horrific perils of a traveling circus in the 19th century.
The following guest musicians appear on the record:
* * Jacob Hansen (INVOCATOR, ANUBIS GATE) guest vocals on track 9
* Teddy Mцller (LOCH VOSTOK, WUTHERING HEIGHTS) growls on track 9
* Finn Zierler (BEYOND TWILIGHT) doing a keyboard solo on track 5
* Andreas Lindahl (WUTHERING HEIGHTS, ex-PLATITUDE) keyboard solos on track 3 &
* Ronni Clasen: Keyboard leads on track 2 & 8
For the Asian release the bonus track Shadows With Tales To Tell - Live In The
Black Circus has been added, as well as a bonus video Tour Diary. |
 | 2. Beauty Will Fade
There he stands, silent and proud
Doing his worst to please you, the crowd
Dressed to seduce, in living ropes
Surrounded by an aura of dreams and hopes
Vivid colours in a beautiful blur
Weird shapes to trick your minds
Twisting in and out of form
Reflecting infinite d |
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 Продолжение концептуальной истории, начатой диском «The Black Circus Part 1 – Letters», выполнено, что и следовало ожидать, в том же ключе, что и раньше – в занудном пауэр-проговом опусе с интерлюдиями (призванными подчеркнуть концептуальность и придать весомость красочной «стори») на минут 50. Да, картинка стала мрачнее (к оформлению вновь никаких претензий, а если проявить чуть больше смекалки, то в нем можно найти и прямое указание к тому, что за «звери» поселились на пластмассовом кругляшке и стоит ли тратить на прослушивания этого альбома свое драгоценное время); да, звучание стало чуть более жестким и, как это ни странно, сырым (нет-нет, а порой Manticora до жути напоминает первый опус Persuader не только схожим тембром голосом Ларса, но и качеством записи в совокупности с прямолинейностью подачи материала), но, в то же время, местами усложнилось (обязательное наличие ритмовых сбивок гарантирует включение в стилистику прогрессивного металла, безжалостного и беспощадного в своей бессмысленности); да, Ларс все также похож на Ханзи и Эмиля Норберга из Persuader, но… И опять-таки, да! То самое «но», которое сводит все усилия на нет – нет хитовости, нет проработанности, материал грубо сшит белыми нитками, а не идет плавно и хорошо, как того требует концептуальная задумка и, по сути, воспринимается как альтернативное развитие событий из жизни Blind Guardian: если те чересчур увлекутся прогрессивом, то получится нечто в духе «The Black Circus Part 2 – Disclosure», хотя нельзя забывать и о том факте, что Ханзи и Ко, в отличие от Ларса и Ко, всегда обладали способностью придумывать вменяемые мелодии и работать на более высоком уровне. Хотя бы поэтому Blind Guardian находится там, куда Manticora может попасть только в самых смелых своих фантазиях. (Диск предоставлен компанией Mazzar) |
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Представляю вашему вниманию шестой альбом датских пауэрщиков Manticora. На сей раз нам предложили вторую часть прошлогоднего концептуального творения «The Black Circus», названную в этот раз “Disclosure”. Тем, кому понравилась первая часть, обязательно понравится и эта, ибо здесь тот утяжелённый пауэр с примесью прогрессива, что и год назад. За несколькими исключениями. Во-первых, звук претерпел некие изменения, вследствие чего стал грубее и более жесток к слуху, но это ничего, кто-то даже не обратит на него внимания. А во-вторых, вернулось то, за что я люблю Мантикору – хитовость. На первой части Цирка меня зацепили только две песни, здесь же чуть ли не весь альбом (за исключением, конечно, интро и трёх интерлюдий) показался мне отличным! Классные боевики, сыгранные с должной мелодичностью и разнообразием, вновь показывают датчан, как хороших композиторов и прекрасных музыкантов. Особенно хочется похвалить группу за использование акустической гитары, в таких песнях, как, например, “Gypsies’ Dance, Pt.2” и “Haita Di Lupi”, последнюю я вообще готов одной из лучших инструментальных песен в своей жизни. В общем, альбом удался, но, конечно, он не так силён, как мой любимый “8 Deadly Sins”, но ощутимо круче первой части Цирка. Для знакомства с группой вполне сгодится. Приятного прослушивания! |
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просмотров: 8436 |
This is so much more than smoke and mirrors
Beauty will fade - wonders will fall
This magic conquers you all
Secrecy is gloomy and pure
Illusions - How can you be sure?
Authoritarian and standing tall
He commands you - one and all
Raise his hands to cast his spell
He has no heart to do you well
Hateful gloomy atmosphere
Astral signs from a future dark
A whispering and crawling fog
Echoes infinite nightmares
This is so much more than smoke and mirrors
Beauty will fade - wonders will fall
This magic conquers you all
Secrecy is gloomy and pure
Illusions - How can you be sure?
What is real? What is not?
Nothing matters when you lie in your blood
Waiting in silence for the magic trance
Now the gypsies will do their dance
3. Gypsies' Dance Part 2
As you enjoy the show we stealthily sneak around
Behind the rows of spectators we empty your pockets
If your eyeballs were purely made of gold
We'd rip them out of their filthy bleeding sockets
With the secret skills that no one master better
We make your dearest possessions disappear
On the stage your vision is focused on the dancers
Don't turn your head now - our daggers will cut deep and clear
While the gypsies dance
- Your mind will be enchanted
While the gypsies dance
- You face a pick-pocket hand or a knife
While the gypsies dance
- Ooups, you turned your head towards us now
While the gypsies dance
- If we can't take your gold, we'll take your life
While the gypsies dance, the crowd is reduced in sheer brutality
Spellbound and shocked, people vanish into black insanity
Blood fills the rows where fathers once held their ponytailed daughters
And no one seems to notice the unbelievable slaughters
Now we take back what we know belong to us
Salvation lies in shiny gems - they satisfy
Unobstructed, we empower our own future
We'd steal the whole world in the blink of an eye
While the gypsies dance
- Your mind will be enchanted
While the gypsies dance
- You face a pick-pocket hand or a knife
While the gypsies dance
- Ooups, you turned your head towards us now
While the gypsies dance
- If we can't take your gold, we'll take your life
4. Intuneric V
5. Haita Di Lupi
6. When The Soulreapers Cry
All the sounds have faded, everyone holds their breath
Suddenly aware of the heavy smell of death
Countless bodies shattered, like confetti on the floor
A single voice in the corner whispers "no more"
Entering the stage, floating like on shiny mist
Cloaked in pitch-black, with a binding silver chime in his fist
Dead eyes staring, at the dying panickering crowd
As he rings the chime monotonous, ears bleeding loud
Out of the sky
Riding on high
On wings of fire they're burning the night
Sharp as a knife
Destroyers of life
Reaping your souls to put out your lights
Of ancient time, from forgotten stars
Of unknown life, never healing scars
Out of the sky
Riding on high
On wings of fire they're burning the night
Sharp as a knife
Destroyers of life
Reaping your souls to put out your lights
With a piercing infernal blast, the sealing cracks to the free
A black hole on the black sky, the air filled with intensity
Waves of loaded energy, hits the frozen mass
Followed by the roaring sound, of ignited gas
Bursting out of the black, an ancient creature of old
Engulfed in living flames, but still the air is cold
Bodies rising from the ground, bleeding when stripped of their souls
A last victorious scream, as it fades into the black hole
All love's lost and all hope dies. All turns black, when the soulreapers cry
7. Intuneric VI
8. All That Remain
Not a single trace, everything is gone, the circus has disappeared
Cool morning air, the dawn will come soon, the end of a night so weird
Walking purposeless, watching horrified, the bodies left all around
With the rotting smell of blood your last hope dies,
insane you fall to the ground
As you're lying there
A voice is singing to you
A growl as from deep inside the earth
For centuries your lost soul have been our feast
We leave your remains to bird and to beast
But in the black emptiness of space so cold
We'll wait patiently till we're older than old
And when finally the stars are right once again
We'll come back to rule you with torture and pain
Burning, destroying and with a violent gust
All that remains are ashes and dust
Again before your eyes, the gypsies are dancing,
a bloody face in the rising sun
you stumble to your feet, and without looking back,
you're screaming in fear as you run
As you're running away
A voice is singing to you
A growl as from deep inside your head
For centuries your lost soul have been our feast
We leave your remains to bird and to beast
But in the black emptiness of space so cold
We'll wait patiently till we're older than old
And when finally the stars are right once again
We'll come back to rule you with torture and pain
Burning, destroying and with a violent gust
All that remains are ashes and dust
9. Intuneric VII
I have an urge to destroy this abomination that is.
Oh, I don't even dare write the names... they are simply too foul.
And our acceptance has come sweet.
Your desires will be fulfilled, but you have to follow the right path
How did I become like those around me?
It's like a fog, dulling my mind.
And the chaos will disappear.
We opened your eyes to the truth, but you have to embrace it.
What's important is that
I no longer see the obscenities that are the old ones.
They'll guide me as I shall act as their humble servant for all time....
And so shall it be, as we have foreseen,
Your final transformation is complete. you are one of us now.
10. Of Madness In Its Purity
Like a vampire, living beneath the stars -
I feel burned by the sun
Alive for a single purpose, to bring back the rulers -
to bring back the one
Finally, I found my call, my self has returned -
I'm free, I am strong
And will my faith restored in an entiny -
I'll see the World undone
Open your eyes to see the truth.
Oh, if only you knew.
If you could just see - if you could just hear their voices
You would follow us to the end of the World, and find eternal life.
Clearly I am not mas as I thought -
no one's controlling my mind
I feel inspired yes, but make the calls -
reality's for the blind
Would you really want to wage a war on a foe such as this -
full of might, full of death
I reccomend you to think again -
to become one of us and to bow in awe
Open your eyes to see the truth.
Oh, if only you knew.
If you could just see - if you could just hear their chanting
You would follow us to the end of immortality in eternal times
I would sacrifice my disbelief in you.
Oh, if you open your eyes to see the truth
If you could just see - if you could just hear their voices
You would follow us to the end of the World, and find eternal life.
If you could just see - if you could just hear their commands
You would follow us to be swept away by madness in it's purity