« Hrimthursum »
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1 | The Slaughter Of Baby Jesus
 | 2 | Blinded By Light, Enlightened By Darkness
 | 3 | I Strike With Wrath
 | 4 | Age Of Chaos
 | 5 | Bloodshed Eyes
 | 6 | The Crossing
 | 7 | Eternal Winter
 | 8 | Death Immaculate
 | 9 | Sitra Ahra
 | 10 | Serpents (Beneath The Forest Of The Dead)
 | 11 | Black Hate
 | 12 | Hrimthursum
 | | Total Time: 59:02 |
   Johan Bergeeдck - Guitar
Sebastian Ramstedt - Guitar Tobias Sidegеrd - Vocals, Bass
Joakim Sterner - Drums |
Cover art made by Tyrant of Nifelheim. |
 | 1. The Slaughter Of Baby Jesus
Destruction, death
Searching, death to all...
2. Blinded By Light, Enlightened By Darkness
Was blinded by the light
By luminous spheres
Burning in the sky
Enlightend by the dark
By the spirits of the night
Blackened as they rise
Them.. |
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 Одни из последователей чёрного искусства, подход которых заинтересовывает своей продуманной чёткостью. Представителей шведского крыла данного стиля всегда привлекал свободно балансирующий над общей динамикой мелодический компонент, в результате чего атональностей заметно меньше, чем у других скандинавов, и значимо влияние death metal. Группа предлагает здесь вариативный материал, в композиционной ткани которого много отсылок к неоклассическим переложениям (хоровые фрагменты, ненавязчивые подложки), так и к откровенно вагнеровскому эффекту глубинной силы. Порадовал звук и манера аспекта ударных, которые предлагают гибкий и пружинящий подход, лично у меня вызывающий ассоциации с плеядой современных thrash/death групп. Композиции альбома опираются на быстрые умеренно-атональные тремоло, сменяющиеся константными мелодически гармонизированными интервалами, в результате чего соблюдается равновесие агрессивности и мелодичности. Лиричность и отчаяние крепко слились на данном опусе, моделируя тем самым некое ощущение честности и причастности к чему-то большему, чем можно уловить собственно в музыке. Многих также порадует акцентированный, периодически выдвигающийся на передний план бас. Таким, на мой взгляд, и должен быть нешаблонный релиз из серии имеющих непосредственное отношение к "чернозёму". |
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А вот, господа, достойный пример того, когда коммерциализация музыки не идет во вред качеству и "цепляемости" альбома.
Стилистически данный альбом представляет собой гремучую смесь из шведского блэка, шведского, опять же, дэта, а также небольшими вкраплениями олдскульного трэша. Не могу сказать, что являюсь большим поклонником перечисленных направлений (шведский дэт - так вообще ненавижу), но эти перцы так удачно все скомпилировали, выделив из всех этих стилей лучшие черты. Причем, даже значительная длительность альбома вовсе не напрягает. Слушается все на одном дыхании. Единственным минусом, на мой трушный взгляд, являются cradleofshitоподобные клавиши в паре фрагментов. Но их совсем немного и они на заднем плане.
А в целом, хоть ребята и не предлагают чего-то гипер оригинального, альбом получился живым, шустрым и интересным и мелодичным. |
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просмотров: 17273 |
I've always felt them near
Reflected in my eyes
Like shadows they appear
Cancer of the soul
Vamper of the mind
Imprisoning my will
The path...
I've known for centuries
The flesh that clothes my soul
Was never meant to be
Look into my eyes
Like mirrors open wide
I'm already there...
...as I walk through the gateway
...To join the dead
...So let it bleed
...I walked undead
...Now I can see
Through aeons I have walked
The paths of ignorance
Enchanted by the fire
The blade that cuts me loose
In a cloudburst I leave
Into darkness so cold
Was blinded by the light
By luminous spheres
Burning in the sky
Enlightend by the dark
A spirit of the night
Blackened I rise...
...as I walk through the gateway
...To join the dead
...So let it bleed
...I walked undead
...Now I can see
3. I Strike With Wrath
As the clouds gather I will strike from the skies
Trembling with hate, fire and ice
The rain that follows, heavy will fall
The clouds rest eternally upon you all
As the oceans rise I will strike from the depths
Blood on the shores, destruction and death
Water poisoned, runs in your veins
Filling your hearts with anguish and pain
Can you sense me coming
Can you feel me grasp for your souls
As the ground opens I will strike from beneath
Perish in flames, sickenly bleak
To ashes you'll burn by the flames in my hand
Engulfed in fire, both sky and land
When you close your eyes I will strike from within
Infesting your mind, getting under your skin
Lucid dreaming, a blessing to some
But for the one that shall die only sorrow will come
I strike with wrath
I welcome you all into my bloodbath
I will rise in darkened might and through the raging fire
I'll cleanse all your lives in lustful desire
Put your pitiful souls through horrifying torture
And those who stand beside through a sculding scorcher
From the shadowside of the rotting tree of life
Decomposing roots we'll climb to battle and to strife
I strike from the ground, I strike from the sky
I strike from beyond, all living must die
I strike with wrath
I welcome you all into my bloodbath
4. Age Of Chaos
Spinning, spinning tiny threads
It's all connecting, the giant cosmic web
Deep in the forest into sleep I fall
Dream in acid I think I see it all
Nightly visions of endless disaster
Horrifying images take form in my twisted head
I see the future, chaos, pain and despair
Consequences impossible to repair
The world is falling, it's falling apart
The earth is trembling in fear of the giants' wrath
So now you are standing with woven hands
Praying to a god that don't exist, tell me how foolish is that
We all are falling, we turn into dust
We are cast into oblivion, into the shadows of the past
Can you sense the nearing? The frozen rise from below
This is the bitter end for man, she is dying, bleeding at heart
Mighty powers from below I am yours
Rise up from the shadows and resurrect my soul
Let me be part of this new darkified world
The age of the giants has returned
Thurisaz, Hagalaz, Thurisaz, Hagalaz
Downward spiral leading to the netherworlds
Layers of darkness, shades of pale
I am the spider in the centre of the web
Forever I'll continue to spin my wily threads
The world is falling, it's falling apart
The earth is trembling in fear of the giants' wrath
So now you are standing with woven hands
Praying to a god that don't exist, tell me how foolish is that
We all are falling, we turn into dust
We are cast into oblivion, into the shadows of the past
Can you sense the nearing? The frozen rise from below
This is the bitter end for man, she is dying, bleeding at heart
5. Bloodshed Eyes
Beneath the cracked surface of the earth
In Jotunheim where the soil is glowing
A cosmic phenomenon grows in scornful hate
It will burst out to seal your fate
You cannot escape what eyes cannot see
A wall of blood, a raging tide
All of your kind he will exterminate
What you don't know you cannot stride
The sun is burning your human skin
The radiation is stronger than ever
Blood is pumping, boiling deep within
The air reeks of hopeless fear
The serpent slowly awakes
He opens up his bloodshed eyes
He rises in might, hatred and scorn
Jormungandr is reborn
Run for your lives, dogs
He cuts like a blade, hate
Tsunami of blood
Age of chaos comes
Fire in the skies, burn
The holocaust is present, die
Turn into animals, kill
In chaos we shall drown
Blood is everywhere, the pouring source of life
Molested bodies lie in piles, decomposing in the sun
Death is inexorable, lifeless and hollow
Those who still stand will soon give in and follow
The black matter fills the atmosphere
Immense powers from forgotten times
The cosmic chaos he will canalize
Primordial being, rise...
The serpent slowly awakes
He opens up his bloodshed eyes
He rises in might, hatred and scorn
Jormungandr is reborn
6. The Crossing
In the spiritrealm, the dark abyss of Hel
In the water cold I swim for the deathlike shore
My blood is frozen and my mind is in a daze
Through the pouring rain I can hear the grumbling dead
So this is it...
I'm crossing the river at last
To live eternally
In the shadows and the glory of the past
Death, death, death is everywhere
Lust, lust, lust is in the air
Step, step, step into the unknown
As the goddess of Hel takes me to her womb
Crossing the river cold...
Listen to the haunting choirs of the dead
They sing their hymns in horror and ghastly dread
They chant in reverence for all bewildered souls
They gather, they call us, they keep us forever
So this is it...
I'm crossing the river at last
To live eternally
In the shadows and the glory of the past
Death, death, take me, I'm incomplete
The life I've left behind feels obsolete
Open up your bosom and let me in
Goddess of Hel, I am yours
Crossing the river cold...
7. Eternal Winter
Through a frozen eye I watch
A dream of hollow hope
Through a frosted lens
My hatred awakes so cold
He who bares the sky
On his iced shoulders knows
The wind blows cold, merciless old
And nothing awaits above
I am winter, I am death
Frozen still, but not dead
The blind preach visions of divine glory
Of symphonies blessed speak the deaf
My children have betrayed me
And so they will be slain
A new breed in winter will come
As the storm blows wide and far
The sun will never reach the sky
When the eternal winter comes
There will be neither men nor gods
As the world lies under snow and ice
See me falling, I am snow, cover surface from above
See me colour it all white, dazzling endless in deadly bright
Let me spellbind, let me shine, let me enter your narrow mind
I am winter, I am death, I will kill you with my breath
Been here forever
Invisible, silent, wise
Now the world makes a final move
And the wind turns into storm
I watch the mountains turn white
And I celebrate the snow
In the forest deep I cool my wrath
Not dead but sleeping in woe
I am winter, I am death
Frozen still, but not dead
The blind preach visions of divine glory
Of symphonies blessed speak the deaf
8. Death Immaculate
Can you feel us rising, from the depths of Hades we rise
We come in raging fury to slake your sorry lives
We hate everything you stand for and all those of your kind
There will be no room for mercy, true hate is always blind
I want to carve that ugly grin from your face
I want to see you in torment with a rusty razorblade
We laugh at your regrets, you feeble Christian scum
In agony you shall die for all you have become
To us your lives are worthless, like an insect or a plant
We tear you inside out, in evil we enchant
Watch the bones, the patterns they create
They will tell you who we are, they will tell you about your fate
Watch the bones, your fortune they'll reveal
To suffer in endless darkness, the affliction it conceals
Death Immaculate...
You put your hope into the sky
For your souls salvation
I put my hope into the fire
For my souls damnation
Death Immaculate...
9. Sitra Ahra
Ride with me through hidden flesh tunnels
They're pulsating around us and it is hard to breathe
Our journey is long, we're heading for Golachab
Into rebellion and fire we ride
I cannot see, it's way too dark
I think I can hear them move but the night is stark
Twisted demonic faces revealed around me
I'm trying to interpret and understand what we see
Chaos, Magick, Fire, Death - We call upon thy mighty forces
Chaos, Magick, Fire, Death - We're coming closer Sitra Ahra
Chaos, Magick, Fire, Death - We call upon thy mighty forces
Chaos, Magick, Fire, Death - We're coming, take us Sitra Ahra
Longing for solitude, to sleep with the dreaming dead
In the icecold heart of the totenreich we shall live our lives again
Chaos, Magick, Fire, Death - We call upon thy mighty forces
Chaos, Magick, Fire, Death - We're coming closer Sitra Ahra
Chaos, Magick, Fire, Death - We call upon thy mighty forces
Chaos, Magick, Fire, Death - We're coming, take us Sitra Ahra
I shiver in lust but yet there is pain
The nightside of Eden moves in many ways
Can you feel me inside you? I'm licking your strength
O mighty Satariel show us the treasures
I cannot see, it's way to dark
I think I can hear them move but the night is stark
Twisted demonic faces reveal around me
I'm trying to interpret and understand what we see
Chaos, Magick, Fire, Death - We call upon thy mighty forces
Chaos, Magick, Fire, Death - We're coming closer Sitra Ahra
Chaos, Magick, Fire, Death - We call upon thy mighty forces
Chaos, Magick, Fire, Death - We're coming, take us Sitra Ahra
10. Serpents (Beneath The Forest Of The Dead)
Dead vast forests
Cold ground where death threads
The blood of those who fell
Buried in a tomb of ice
Beneath the forest of the dead
The trees stand black and silent
Immobile in the wind
Reaching out in blasphemy
Like hands cursing the gods
Beneath the forest of the dead
The roots still are growing, like serpents in the ground.
Twisting, turning, slowly without sound
The roots now are spreading, thriving on the dead
Hungry, feeding on the lost misled
So our limbs lie spread
In the shadows of frozen wood
But what is eternally dead
Gives birth to blackened blood
Beneath the forest of the dead
11. Black Hate
Disturbing silence rises and descends
Filling every inch with venomous fear
Figureless dark evil awaits
Demonic glowing eyes burning red and clear
Devastation, desecration, annihilation, Black Hate
It's gonna swallow you limb for limb, you're gonna drown in Black Hate
Devastation, desecration, blasphemic, Black Hate
To destroy and to crush all men create, Black Hate
Total destruction will reign
Structures built on blind faith, nothing will be saved
As the flame burns out
Their breath fog the night, frost upon their graves
Centuries of war
Upon the burnt skin that covers her tortured womb
Dark ages to come
The beasts roam the sacred ground robbing every tomb
Run like the dogs you are
The black hate will forever lurk, you will not run far
Cast yourself into the obscure
Your spirit will be extinguished like a dying star
Devastation, desecration, annihilation, Black Hate
It's gonna swallow you limb for limb, you're gonna drown in Black Hate
Devastation, desecration, blasphemic, Black Hate
To destroy and to crush all men create, Black Fucking Hate
12. Hrimthursum
In wait for winter to come
Forgotten ones stand tall
Guardians of the past
Creators of what to come
Perpetual insomnia
Sentinels of the past never sleep
The wind blows colder now
And the frozen old starts to move
The wolves gather on the hills
And the raven is holding its prey
Nemesis, let the slaughter begin
Norsemen, drag the witches to the bonfires
Antichrist, we breed in the underworld
Sacrilege, evolve the dark desires
Nemesis, a burning hatred at heart
Norsemen, a pagan victory at hand
Antichrist, the North shall now glow
Sacrilege, let the evil of the giants overflow
And so our vengeance begin
Raging beasts march to war
The clouds come closer to the ground
And the sun is like a distant dying torch
Blood will colour the snow
Wherever hrimthursum go
Dancing over corpses stiff
As the moon slowly moves
Bodies cover the landscape
Like slaughtered sheep in the snow beneath
Nemesis, let the slaughter begin
Norsemen, drag the witches to the bonfires
Antichrist, we breed in the underworld
Sacrilege, evolve the dark desires
Nemesis, a burning hatred at heart
Norsemen, a pagan victory at hand
Antichrist, the north shall now glow
Sacrilege, let the evil of the giants overflow