« Fight for the Rock »
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1 | Fight for the Rock 03:57
 | 2 | Out on the Streets 04:00
 | 3 | Crying for Love 03:25
 | 4 | Day After Day (Badfinger cover) 03:40
 | 5 | The Edge of Midnight 04:49
 | 6 | Hyde 03:56
 | 7 | Lady in Disguise 03:21
 | 8 | She's Only Rock 'n Roll 03:24
 | 9 | Wishing Well (Free cover) 03:22
 | 10 | Red Light Paradise 04:00
 | | Total playing time: 37:54 |
   Jon Oliva - vocals, keyboards
Criss Oliva - guitars
Johnny Lee Middleton - bass
Steve Wacholz - drums |
There are two rereleases, a 1997 one and a 2002 one. The 1997 re-release
contains the bonus track "If I Go Away (acoustic)," and the 2002 contains "The
Dungeons Are Calling" and "City beneath the Surface," both live. |
 | 1. Fight For The Rock
Warriors of the night
You're here in force tonight
Stand up, raise your fist 'cause you believe
You will never fade away
Rock is here to stay
That's why you're gathered here tonight
Pledge allegiance to the rock
Together you are strong
Fight for the rock
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 Этот диск вызывает нехорошие опасения сразу при ближайшем рассмотрении его обложки и буклета. Напомаженные музыканты Savatage с накрученными прическами позируют на фоне Американского флага. Впечатление такое, как будто по ошибке купил диск каких нибудь Motley Crue. К сожалению, все эти опасения ничто по сравнению с музыкой, которую мы слышим на Fight For The Rock. Действительно, на своей четвертой студийной работе братья Олива, Стив Вахольц и новый басист Джонни Ли Миддлтон, максимально отошли от того стиля, который мы слышали на предыдущих альбомах и услышим в будущих работах Savatage. Уж не знаю, какая муха их укусила, но здесь мы слышим насквозь коммерческий материал, хоть и сохраняющий немного прежнего звучания коллектива, тем не менее, более всего похожий на все тех же Motley Crue или, извиняюсь, Poison. А теперь самое интересное: судя по песням на альбоме и сэт листам того времени даже сами музыканты не испытывали особого желания ни записывать подобные песни ни, тем более, играть их на концертах. Из десяти имеющихся в наличии треков - пять, то есть ровно половина (!!!) всего "нового" материала является либо перепевками старых творений, либо каверами. Оба кавера (Day After Day и Wishing Well) намного хуже первоисточников и исполнены практически один в один с оригиналами. Из переработок собственных вещей получилась только Lady In Disguise, которая, действительно, звучит намного лучше своей первой версии. Ну а из оставшихся пяти свежих сочинений, лично я могу выделить только весьма неплохую мистическую вещь Hyde, с великолепными воплями Джона Оливы в припеве и его же отличным текстом на тему знаменитой истории раздвоения личности. Весь остальной материал весьма сырой и не вызывает никаких особенных восторгов. Зачем, почему группа записала такой альбом? Это остается для меня загадкой. Могу сказать точно одно - Fight For The Rock, однозначно, единственный слабый альбом за всю историю Savatage. Только для самых ярых фанатов коллектива. |
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Не в первой вижу подобный отзыв на этот альбом, однако позволю себе не согласиться с этим. Коммерции в этом альбоме если и больше, чем в предыдущем, то пожалуй лишь процента на 3-4 (наверное, из-за пресловутой обложки, да и качество записи подкачало). В основе же своей, в музыкальном плане, данный диск является прямым продолжением Power of the Night. Весьма ровный и качественный материал. Очень красивый кавер на Badfingers. В оригинале песню не слышал, но в исполнении Саватажа Day After Day достойна всяческих похвал. Не буду спорить с предыдущим рецензентом по поводу абсолютной идентичности оригинала и кавера, но в Саватажевском исполнении песня наквозь пропитана дурманящим духом восьмидесятых (Badfingers записали сие творение то ли в 71, то ли в 74). Особо хочется выделить весьма оригинальную She's Only Rock'N Roll, и особенно, Red Light Paradise, великолепный образец штатовского хэви-металл с красивым припевом и превосходно звучащим в унисон ему соло Криса Оливы (по всему, тема проституции сильно будоражила мозги тогдашних молодых металлистов начиная с мэйдэновской Charlotte... и заканчивая "арийской" Улицей Роз).
На переизданном CD в качестве бонуса добавлены два концертных номера с ранних альбомов Savatage, однако ничего интересного из себя не представляющих, а посему про них (в смысле, про бонусы) можно забыть. |
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просмотров: 19940 |
Fight for the rock 'n roll
Stand up, be counted child
Don't slip away
Don't ever let it get you down, no
Don't live your life in frustration
Get rock dedication
That's why you're gathered here tonight.
Piercing sound the thunder clouds explode into the night.
Fight for the rock
You know you better fight for the rock
Fight for the rock 'n roll
Warriors of the fight soldiers of the night
Stand up, raise your fist because you believe
We will never fade away
Rock is here to stay.
Let the torches light the sky
Fight for the rock
You know you better fight for the rock
Fight for the rock 'n roll
Fight for the rock
You know you better fight for the rock
Fight for the rock 'n roll
2. Out On The Streets
Far, far away I'd like to touch you
But you're not here today
And now's the time I need you most
I think about the days we were close
Baby I need you here.
I'm out on the streets alone tonight,
Looking for you it don't seem right
Baby don't you know I'm falling apart
How could you break my heart?
Walking down the avenues
The ones I would walk with you
It's funny how the nights last so long
And with the dawn comes another day
Why won't you call me babe,
You see I can't hold on
I'm out on the streets alone tonight
Looking for you it don't seem right
Baby don't you know I'm falling apart
How could you break my heart?
3. Crying For Love
Never thought you'd go away
Did not believe the things you'd say
Now you're gone
I don't understand why you'd leave for some distant land
Could you ever feel the same
I'm calling out your name
I still feel the pain
Crying, crying for your love
I'm crying, crying for your love
Still I look all over for you
There's nothing left that I can do, yeah babe
You're on the streets
You know it's wrong
It's not where a woman belongs
Better run while you can
I'm calling out your name
I still feel the pain
Crying, crying for your love
I'm crying, crying for your love
Why'd you lead me to the door
Can I see you anymore
Crying, crying for your love
I'm crying, crying for your love
4. Day After Day
I remember finding out about you
Every day my mind is all around you
Looking out of my lonely room
Day after day
Bring it home, baby make it soon
I give my love to you
I remember holding you while you sleep
Everyday I feel the tears that you'd weep
Looking out from my lonely gloom
Day after day
Bring it home, baby make it soon
I give my love to you
Looking out of my lonely room
Day after day
Bring it home, baby make it soon
I give my love to you
I remember finding out about you
Everyday my mind is all around you
Looking out of my lonely room
Day after day
Bring it home, baby make it soon
I give my love to you
Day after day Day after day Day after day
5. The Edge Of Midnight
Can't bite the hand that feeds ya
Cause you're a woman of needs, don't bite, no, don't bite
Been robbed of your freedom, break the chains and be free
Life's not worth living when you can't have what you want
Beware the edge of midnight,
Telling you your dreams
Don't touch the doors of daylight
Cause you will never be free
Never ever be free
I think that you were born on the black side of the moon
Yes, you know it's true
Can't control your palace of pleasure
Outreached hands to the loom
On your horizon lie a thousand broken dreams
Beware the edge of midnight
Telling you your dreams
Don't touch the doors of daylight
Cause you will never be free
Never ever be free
I'd say you'd better listen to the power of the night
Believe it's right
Midnight spirits rage in your mind
Can't control the hands of time
And the days are slipping away
6. Hyde
A solitude of horror in his hours off guard
Nature took her hideous revenge
Out of the black abyss came
the creeping madness that was his other self
Hyde, Hyde
A good man to evil
From the potion on the table
Sampled by mistake
But now it's far too late
A cause for alarm
He can do you harm,
Man into beast Prepares for his feast
Stalking the neon city
Standing in the shadow's
Crimes of wrong nature on the twisted mind
Black satin cape
Eyes of insane fire
Lurking in the darkness
A killer on permanent hire
For some he's but a tale
For others just a legend
Madness, myth and magic
Worth a warning mention
The change has taken place
Running from mankind
He may be after you
In his other state of mind
Standing in the shadows
Stalking the neon city
Crimes of wrong nature on the twisted mind
So if you care to wander
In a chemical adventure
It might be a mistake
The one you shouldn't make.
7. Lady In Disguise
She's not what she seems
Just a vision in my dreams
I wonder why
Face to face she appears quite strange
Never ever got her name
I'm a fool inside
Her eyes cried lady in disguise
Lady in disguise
I knew from the moment I saw her face
To the edge of the world I would chase her again
And when I'm out walking the town
There's never a doubt that she'll be around with another guy
Her eyes sighed, lady in disguise
Lady in disguise
I was captured from the start
Bodies touching heart to heart
I was holding her for long
Then I woke and she was gone
Then a voice called from the night
I'm still into the night
I sat up in my bed
Sweat was running off my head
This must have been a dream
It took me a while, then I realized
I still could feel her crystal eyes haunting me
I died, lady in disguise
Lady in disguise
Lady in disguise
Why, why
8. She's Only Rock'N'Roll
She's so tough
You better not try to rough her up
She'll slap you in the face
She struts off to grace
A heavy night of rock 'n roll
Killer, lady, child
Driving me wild
She's only rock 'n roll
She's only rock 'n roll
She's only rock 'n roll, yeah
Only rock 'n roll
Oooh, when she's bad she's bad
A teasing whisper in the ear will drive you mad
She'll get hot on the spot
She'll give you what she's got
If you can make the right connection
Killer, lady, child
Driving me wild
She's only rock 'n roll
The lady - She's only rock 'n roll
Oh, She's only rock 'n roll
Only rock 'n roll, yeah
She's only rock 'n roll
She's got the music in her soul
She loves it when it's loud
Loves to mingle with the in crowd
This woman's got style
Killer, lady, child
Driving me wild
She's only rock 'n roll
No, She's only rock 'n roll
The lady - She's only rock 'n roll
Oh no - She's only rock 'n roll, yeah
9. Wishing Well
Take off your hat, kick off your shoes
You know you ain't going anywhere
You spend all your time singing your blues
You know you ain't going anywhere
You've always been a good friend of mine
Your heart it bids farewell
The only time you're satisfied
Is with your feet in the wishing well
Throw down your gun, you might shoot yourself
Or is that what you're trying to do?
Put up the fight you believe to be right
And one day the sun will shine through
You've always got something to hide
Something you just can't tell
The only time you're satisfied
Is with your feet in the wishing well, yeah
You know what you're wishing for
Love in a peaceful world
Love in a peaceful world
Love in a peaceful world, yeah
You've always been a good friend of mine
Your heart it bids farewell
The only time you're satisfied
Is with your feet in the wishing well, yeah
No, everybody has a dream, yeah
Oh no, no, no, oooh
I wish you well, yeah
I know, know
All you're looking for is love
10. Red Light Paradise
You long for the touch of the metal man
But on nights like this any man would do
You're a lady of the night, a guardian of the light
It's burning hot in you
Feel it burn inside you, yeah
Red light paradise
Red light in paradise
Red light paradise
Red light paradise
Oooh yeah
How long do you think you can carry on your wicked ways of love
Does it ever ever bring you down?
Is this why you were made, for this you're getting paid
And you really like the foolin' around
Sometimes you feel like running but you never will
Red light paradise
Red light paradise
Red light paradise
Red light in paradise
Oooh yeah, yeah
You're hot and ready for love tonight
You're always eager to be amused
Turn on the light in your window
At times it's blazing bright
You scream for love tonight
It's hot and it's burning in you