 1988 год, запредельные скорости, мега-экстремальный трэш-метал, стремящийся по степени этой самой «экстремальности» выйти за пределы жанра – это вовсе не полная характеристика для дебютника Sadus, стартовой команды многостаночника ДиДжорджио. Кроме всего прочего, Sadus – еще и ювелиры от трэша, отточившие инструментальные партии до бритвенной остроты, это жирный объемный звук – качество, которое не снилось не только многим их коллегам-беспредельщикам, но и вполне добропорядочным трэш-мажорам – «золотым мальчикам» от трэш-метала. Тут все с приставкой «экстра-». Даже музыка у американцев не просто быстрая, а оголтело-скоростная, захлебывающаяся очередным абзацем текста и проглатывающая слова припева. До расслабленно-техничных басовых партий третьего альбома на «Illusions» пока еще далеко, да и остальные инструменты за бас-гитарой еще не подтянулись, но уж ощущения прямолинейного «забоя», подобного классике от Slayer, альбом никак не производит. Скорость, скорость, скорость, частые смены ритма, истошный визг на пределе возможностей голосовых связок и хрипы – коктейля с таким градусом крепости у Sadus уже не будет. При столь крышесносящей подаче материала ухо не успевает зацепиться за сколь-либо вменяемые мелодии (это не значит, что их нет). Ритм-секция в неторопливых участках напоминает о дэт-метале, но такое ощущение держится буквально две-три секунды: Sadus вплоть до 92-го – 100%-ный разгильдяйский, недовольный всем трэшняк, которому до дэт-металических спокойствия и мощи ой как далеко. Просто-таки путешествие со свистом в ушах по лучшему, что есть в трэше. Элита, классика, улет, всяческие рекомендации and more and more… (Диск предоставлен компанией CD-Maximum) |
There is no will to give
Existence has reached its End
There is no Perplexity
End of Life's expectancy
Stripped of Life's Vitality
Certain Death
Pressure building inside your Head
Compression pushing to the Red
Limbs are Numb, Control is Lost
Bag of Blood is about to Bust
Searching for the Strength to Grasp
Your Life Span is Flashing Fast
Now your Time has come to Pass
Thickening Blood will now Delay
Pulse has quickened, but too Late
Melting Braincells Die away
Cranium dripping, oozing Gray
Ever lasting Intensity
Perpetuating Destiny
Excruciating Agony
Certain Death
Covered in Gore by Butchery
Constant flowing Ecstasy
Grasping Life
You feel it slip
Death awaits you at the Crypts
There is no Perplexity
End of Life's Expectancy
Stripped of Life's Vitality
Certain Death
2. Undead
Emerging from Hell's Dominion
To crawl upon the Land
Mutants of the Holocaust
Lose their Flesh into the Sand
Victims of the wicked World
Pray to the evil Shrine
Brimstone Churches
They all fall in Time
The Undead
Immortality Madness possessed
Feeding on Flesh
Rancid decaying Stench
Vile Stench of Death
Burning rot Decay
Corpses litter Cities
In a silent putrid Array
Maggots fill their Brains
As every Limb must Fall
Submit to the Sewers below
And await the Reaper's Call
The Undead
Immortality Madness possessed
Feeding on Flesh
Rancid decaying Stench
Feed upon the living Flesh
As Blood fills their Eyes
Wishful whims of Life
Our maker hears their Cries
Kingdom of the Dead
Is cast out upon the Ground
Salvation from their Pain
Is nowhere to be found
The Undead
Immortality Madness possessed
Feeding on Flesh
Rancid decaying Stench
Memories of Destruction
Inflicted mortal Wounds
Mists of gaseous Poison
Sullen as it Looms
Immortal Corpses crawling
In Rust and toxic Slime
There is no Death in dying
For those who wish to Die
3. Sadus Attack
I can't wait to steal the Stage
To quench my Thirst
For Neon is what I Crave
Throughout the Day
So feed your Face
Sadus will take Control
Steal the Show
Kill them all's
The final Command
4. Torture
We need D.T.P.
Death to posers is what I mean
Stand tall, never Fall
We will Rise to kill them all
There's an Evil in your Brain
Driving you fucking Insane
Fighting off
The Evil in your Brain
At any Cost
To Release you from this Pain
Death will come
The final Sign will arrive
To torture your Mind
Anybody from deep inside
There's an evil in your Brain
Driving you fucking insane
5. And Then You Die
Living high, no Life denied
A Game's your Life
Every Time is Right
And one of these Times you're gonna Die
Racing Death, tempting Fate
You lose Control
Your Mind's lost, a senseless Cause
Until you get some more
Racing time, you can't get caught
But it's too late
Your Doom's locked, no Way out
Until you're straight
Play it straight or take a Chance
Well what will it be?
But of course we all know your Destiny
Your right to Live Is yours to give
So take Control
Or you'll fall
And then you Die
And then you Die
You're gonna Die
And then you Die
Long life, fast Death, which one
Will it be? Living hard, you're
Dying fast, you can't Fight
Destiny, Hands of Time are going
Fast, how long can you make it last?
Your Right to Live
Is yours to give
So take Control
Or you'll Fall
And then you die
6. Hands Of Fate
Victims will follow to their Death
Show no Sorrow
Steal their last Breath
Hide in the Shadows to seek out my Prey
Victim's Creator leads them away
Frustrating Desire to watch the Victim die
The ultimate Destiny
Is to rob you of your Life
To die, to kill for the Night
I'll capture the Chosen
Who's trapped in my Sight
No Mercy, no Pity
For the one in my Grasp
Your Days have been numbered
This is your Last
You struggle with your Adversary
Only to be eaten alive
Still hungry for Violence
Perpetual Hunter for Life
A Hunter again to punish the Weak
Craving the Flesh
The meat of the Beast
Strike and Devour
For the Balance of Death
In dominate, terminate
Nature of death
Extinction of Life awaits
Your Destiny at Hand
Hands of Fate grasp you and tighten
Yet only by Chance
Lashing out to Dominate
Your Trust in me is your one Mistake
Life's Blood you're forced to give
Canceling your Life to Live
Spewing liquid Life Form
Clenching Jaws
Blunder to your Fate, you take the Fall
Tearing into your Flesh with wicked Claws
Worm Consumption
Carcass Erosion, Contamination
Decomposition, Mutilation
Equalization of Death and Life
Balance of Death, Balance of Life
Life's prolonged Prerequisite
Is for you to Die
A Hunter again to punish the Weak
Craving the Flesh
The meat of the Beast
Strike and devour
For the Balance of Death
In dominate, terminate
Nature of Death
Extinction of Life awaits
Your destiny at Hand
Hands of Fate grasp you and tighten
Yet only by Chance
7. Twisted Face
Twisted mind, twisted Face
There's no rest, endless Race
It's too late to save your Face
From the twisted sons of Hate
In your brain, the vein of Pain
Causes you to twist your Face
Velocity, accelerate
Pressure builds, burning Strain
Mirror skiing for the answer
Your face a twisted Mess
Speeding faster, never Slowing
You know there's no rest
Feel the Rush, urgency
Methamphetamine, can't be Freed
Feel your Heart beat faster faster
Never ending Thrust
Feel your Skull begin to Crush
Your Brain turns into Mush
Crank it up, smell the Rage
Locked within, Cage of Death
Can't slow down, no time to Rest
No way to end this Chase
Your twisted Face, your burning Nose
You die a fucking Disgrace
Twisted Mind, Twisted Face
There's no rest, endless Race
It's too late to save your Face
From the twisted Sons of Hate
In your Brain, the Vein of Pain
Causes you to twist your Face
Velocity, Accelerate
Pressure builds, burning Strain
Mirror skiing for the Answer
Your face a twisted Mess
Speeding faster, never slowing
You know there's no Rest
Twisted Face
Twisted Face
Twisted Face
8. Fight Or Die
One lonely Man
Picked despite his Will
To fight for his Country
Supposedly Born and Bred to Kill
He was afraid to Die
To Kill, or to Fight
He had the Love of Jesus
Blinded by the Light
You'll Fight or Die
So Dominate, you can't Hide
It's Do or Die, before it's too Late
Far away from Home, his Mission
Is to Kill, there is no
Sanctuary, for the Coward's
Spiteful will, all others they
Will follow, the Leaders of the
Death is their Future in this
The Leaders Scream Attack
You'll Fight or Die
So Dominate, you can't Hide
It's Do or Die, before it's too Late
Smell of Death grows Stronger
As Blood begins to Flow
Every man's a Hunter
And to Kill is all they know
War Machines keep Pushing
Metal falls like Rain
Stench of Bodies Burning
This man has reached his End
This man's war he Lost
And no one's felt the Pain
No mercy and no Sorrow
Only Countries Gained
But far away from home, his
Mission was to kill
Still no Sanctuary, for the Cowards
Spiteful Will
You'll Fight or Die
So Dominate, you can't Hide
It's Do or Die, before it's too Late
9. Illusions
Imaginative formations
Taking control of the fears I hide
Intricate creations
Twisting and shaping me from inside
Massive confusion
Constantly veiling my mind's eyes
Into oblivion
Spiraling downward, reaching my demise
Misleading visions
Reflecting figments of what is to be
Forceful delusions
Driving me inward to my mental sea
Optical distortions
Bind me to what I don't know
Repulsive contortions
Blinding me of which way to go
What have I done to reality?
Chaos strangles my sanity
What have I done to reality?
Chaos strangles my sanity
Projected through shadows
Chromatic patterns shift and blur
Dim light shallows
Oppressive darkness becomes obscure
Imprisoned by unreal
Plunged into falseness rapidly
Deceit I feel
Images betray me constantly
10. Chemical Exposure