 На мой взгляд, это самый интересный альбом группы. Очень удивился, что его тут не было. Итак, что примечательного в нем?
Во-первых, перепады музыкального настроения от околодумовых вариаций до панковски-отвязных вещей, причем переходы сделаны довольно неожиданными для слушателя. Первый трек - механические шумы и женский голос. Второй трек словно бы содержит две разных песни - в конце абсолютно неожиданно музыка ускоряется и неспешно певший до этого Питер начинает бодро выкрикивать "Jesus Christ Looks Like Me!". Третий трек... о, он достоин отдельного описания. Это песня с довольно вампирической атмосферой, похоже, созданный под впечатлением от романа Брэма Стокера (на это можно найти указания в тексте). "Black, Black, Black, Black No. 1!" - это действительно песня #1, имхо. Мрачная, с черным юмором вещь. Ее длина нисколько не напрягает (а идет она более 11 минут!) За этим треком идет первая интерлюдия (какое-то вудуистски-мистическое действо), а дальше - весьма неожиданно - панковский номер "Kill All The White People" в стиле The Exploited. После циркового номера вступает величественная, исполненная словно львом на отдыхе, "Summer Breeze". Она позволяет расслабиться и в полной мере оценить предыдущую шутку группы, плавно и незаметно переходя в следующий трек, тема которого - "про любовь". Очень мило. Возникает такое легкое настроение, хочется улыбаться! Потом опять идет интерлюдия (явно пародия на Pink Floyd) и вступает панковская "We Hate Everyone"... правда, панковская она только сначала, в середине она становится сатанински-мрачной, но под конец снова мутирует в панк. Затем начинается думовая "Bloody Kisses" (длящаяся без малого 12 минут). Очень красивая песня про любовь, с оттенком вампирического настроения. После нее любая песня про любовь покажется слащавой... Вдобавок Питер тут ну очень красиво поет, и музыка волшебная. Затем - снова интерлюдия, и тоже с каким-то вудуистским оттенком... После интерлюдии идет неожиданно весело исполненная очень мрачная по сути песенка. И следующие две песни тоже неплохи, но после шедеврального Bloody Kisses каждый раз ожидаешь чего-то большего... Последняя песня неожиданно обрывается "на полузвуке"... как и жизнь дюбого живого существа.
В общем, это действительно шедевр на все времена - от него не устаешь, особенно когда привыкаешь к просто маниакальной смене настроений. |
Before him beg to serve or please.
On your back or knees.
There's no forgiveness for her sins.
Prefers punishment?
Would you suffer eternally
Or internally?
For her lust
She'll burn in hell.
Her soul done medium well.
All through mass
manual stimulation
Corpus Christi
She needs
Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi.
Corpus Christi
She needs
Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi.
Body of Christ.
She needs.
Body of Christ.
Body of Christ.
She'd like to know God.
love God.
Feel her God.
Inside of her - deep inside of her.
She'd like to know God.
love God.
Feel, feel, feel
Her God,
Inside of her
Deep inside of her.
Inside of her
Deep inside of her.
Jesus Christ looks like me
Jesus Christ,
Jesus Christ looks like me
Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ looks like me
Jesus Christ,
Jesus Christ looks like me
Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ looks like me
Jesus Christ,
Jesus Christ looks like me
Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ looks like me
Jesus Christ,
Jesus Christ looks like me
Jesus Christ.
3. Black No. 1
I went looking for trouble
And boy
I found her...
She's in love with herself.
She likes the dark
On her milk white neck.
The Devil's mark.
It's all Hallows Eve.
The moon is full.
Will she trick or treat?
I bet she will.
She will.
Happy Halloween.
She's got a date at midnight
With Nosferatu.
Oh baby, Lilly Munster.
Ain't got nothing on you.
Well when I called her evil
She just laughed.
And cast that spell on me.
Boo Bitch Craft.
Yeah you wanna go out
'cause it's raining and blowing.
You can't go out
'cause your roots are showing.
Dye 'em black.
Dye 'em black.
Black black black black No. 1
Black black black black No. 1.
Little wolf skin boots
And clove cigarettes.
An erotic funeral
For witch she's dressed.
Her perfume smells like
Burning leaves.
Everyday is Halloween.
Yeah you wanna go out
'cause it's raining and blowing.
You can't go out
'cause your roots are showing.
Dye 'em black.
Dye 'em black.
Black black black black No. 1
She dyes'em black
Black black black black No. 1
Black No. 1.
Loving you
Loving you,
Love loving you
Was like loving the dead.
Loving you
Loving you,
Love loving you
Was like loving the dead.
Loving you
Was like loving the dead,
Loving you
Was like loving the dead.
Loving you
Was like loving the dead,
Was like loving the dead
Was like loving the dead.
Was like loving the dead
Was like loving the dead.
Loving you
Loving you,
Love loving you
Was like loving the dead.
Was like fucking the dead.
Loving you
Was like loving the dead,
Loving you
Was like loving the dead.
Loving you
Loving you
Loving you,
Loving you
Loving you
Loving you
Was like loving the dead.
Was like loving the dead
Was like loving the dead.
Black black black black No. 1
She dyes'em
Black black black black No. 1
Black No. 1.
Black black black black No. 1
Black black black black No. 1.
4. Fay Wray Come Out And Play
5. Kill All The White People
Kill all the white people.
Kill all the white people.
Then we'll be free.
we'll be free.
Kill all the white people
Kill all the white people,
Kill all the white people
Kill all the white people.
Then we be free
Then we be free
We be free.
Kill them all men
Kill them all.
Then we be free
Then we be free,
Then we be free
Then we be free.
Then we be free
Then we be free,
Then we be free
We be free.
Ooh power
Black power
Destroy white boy.
Yo violence ain't necessary
6. Summer Breeze
See the curtains hanging' in the window.
evening on a Friday night.
A little light-a-shinin' in the window.
Lets me know everything's all right.
Summer breeze makes me feel fine.
Blowin' through the jasmine in my mind.
See the paper layin' on the sidewalk.
music from the house next door.
So I walk on up to the door step.
Through the screen and across the floor.
Summer breeze makes me feel fine.
Blowin' through the jasmine in my mind.
Sweet days of summer - the jasmine's in bloom.
July is dressed up and playing her tune.
When I come home from a hard day's work.
And you're waiting there.
I don't have a care
Not a care in the world.
See the smile waiting in the kitchen.
Food cookin' and the plates for two.
Feel your arms reaching out to hold me.
In the evening when the day is through.
Summer breeze
Makes me feel fine,
Blowin' through the jasmine
In my mind.
Summer breeze yeah
Makes me feel fine,
Blowin' through the jasmine
In my mind.
Summer breeze
Makes me feel fine,
Blowin' through the jasmine
In my mind.
7. Set Me On Fire
Summer girl.
Summer girl.
Summer girl.
Summer girl.
Sets me on fire
She sets me on fire,
Sets me on fire
Sets me on fire
She sets me on fire,
Sets me on fire
Summer girl
Summer girl,
Sets me on fire
She sets me on fire
Sets me on fire
Summer girl
Summer girl,
Sets me on fire
She sets me on fire
Sets me on fire
8. Dark Side Of The Womb
9. We Hate Everyone
Right-wing commies.
Leftist Nazis.
Point their fingers.
Rumours linger.
We don't care what you think.
We don't care what you think.
Branded sexist.
Labelled racist.
Want it clearer?
Check the mirror.
We don't care
We don't care
what you think.
what you think.
We don't care
We don't care
what you think.
Lies and slander in vain try to shame us.
Riots, protests, violence just makes us famous.
TV interviews, free publicity.
Increase record sales dramatically
The left they say I'm a facist.
The right calling me a communist.
Hate hate hate hatred for all - one and all.
No matter what you believe.
Don't believe in you - and that's true.
We hate everyone
We hate everyone.
Some would say that we're biased.
Accusations that we are racist.
Well, shit comes in all hues.
Now this means you.
'cause things ain't always like they seem.
Like they seem.
We hate everyone.
We hate everyone.
We hate everyone.
We hate everyone.
We hate
We hate,
We hate
We hate.
We don't care
What you think,
We don't care
What you think.
We don't care
We don't care
What you think
What you think,
We don't care
We don't care
What you think.
We don't give a fuck.
10. Bloody Kisses
Not long ago but far away.
A rainy winter's day.
All her pain she kept inside.
Could no longer hide.
No cry for help.
She killed herself.
Both life and love could not be saved.
She took them both to the grave.
to the grave.
A pair of souls become undone.
Where were two now one.
Divided by this wall of death.
I soon will join you yet.
With my blood I'll find your love.
You found the strength to end your life.
As you did -- so shall I.
Oh no.
Please don't go.
Please don't go.
It's like a death
A death,
A death
In the family.
Don't die.
A crimson pool so warm & deep.
Lulls me to an endless sleep.
Your hand in mine - I will be brave.
Take me from this earth.
And end this night - this, the end of life.
From the dark I feel your lips.
And I taste your bloody kiss.
Oh no.
Please don't go.
Oh no.
Please don't go.
Please don't go
Please don't go,
Please don't
Please don't
It's like a death
A death,
A death
In the family.
It's like a death
A death,
A death
In the family.
Don't die
On me,
Don't die
On me.
Don't die
On me
Don't die
11. 3.0.I.F.
12. Too Late: Frozen
Too late for apologies.
It's too late
It's too late
It's too late.
So you've come to say you're very sorry.
"It won't happen again - forgive me?"
Time will not heal these wounds.
And I'm bleeding because of you.
It's too late
It's too late,
It's too late
Too late for apologies.
Was everything we had just a joke?
I've ran out of patience, tears and hope.
Love does not conquer all.
And I'm screaming
screaming because of you.
It's too late
It's too late,
It's too late
Too late for apologies
In the shadow of the light from a black sun.
Frigid statue standing icy blue and numb.
Where are the frost giants I've begged for protection?
I'm freezing.
Cold winter winds that chill my heart with sleet & snow.
Not from the north come to this glacial abode.
But from your dimension cryogenic limbo.
I'm freezing.
I'm freezing.
Too late for apologies.
It's too late
It's too late
It's too late.
It's too late
Too late
It's too late
Too late
It's too late
Too late
Too late
It's too late
Too late
Too late
Too late for apologies.
13. Blood & Fire
No more nights.
Of blood & fire.
No more nights.
Of blood & fire.
Yeah I always thought we'd be together.
And that our love could not be better.
Well with no warning you were gone.
I still don't know what went wrong.
You don't know what I've been through.
Just want to put my love in you.
No more nights.
Of blood & fire.
No more nights.
Of blood & fire.
All those special memories.
Now I bleed for you - burn for me.
Perhaps I was just dreaming.
When I think these things had real meaning.
You don't know what I've been through.
Just want to put my love in you.
Love eternal.
Lust infernal.
Bleeding, burning.
Needing, yearning.
Moi cherie
You remain
A mystery to me.
I see your face in every flame.
With no answers I have only myself to blame.
Of all the women I have known - they're not you.
I'd rather be alone.
No more nights.
Of blood & fire.
No more nights.
Of blood & fire.
14. Can't Lose You
I can't lose you.
I can't lose you.
No I can't lose you.
I can't lose you.
15. Suspended In Dusk
"Damn me Father, for I must sin..."
Four centuries of this damned immortality
Yet, I did not ask to be made. Why?
I will never again feel your sun upon my face
Or the comfort of a grave
I am not alive and I am not dead
This is Hell on earth
How can I possibly explain this eternal youth?
When I can do nothing, but sit by
As my loves grow old and wither
And with each of them, take a fragment of my heart
And prolong this endless winder
It is October's perpetual agony
It is the shadow realm
Father, please forgive him
For he knows not what to do
With every victim I pray for my own death
And as much as I love the night
I curse the moon's eerie glow
Tis bloodlust that drags me to forever
The toxic rays of dawn that condemn me to limbo
I am forced to dwell in grey Autumnal twilight
I am suspended in dusk
Father, please forgive him
For he knows not what to do
Father, please forgive him
For he knows not what to do