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Äîáàâèòü â TOP10


« Asgardsrei »

Absurd "Asgardsrei" Ãîä



CD Single / EP

Pagan Black Metal

N Íàçâàíèå
1Krieg Ist Leben, Leben Ist Krieg
3Tod Vor Sonnenaufgang
4Crux Gammata
5Als Die Alten Jung Noch Waren
6Germanien über Alles
Ñîñòàâ ãðóïïû->
Wolf (Ronald Möbus) - Vocals
Randall Flagg/Jarl Flagg Nidhögg/JFN (Hendrik Möbus) - Drums
Label: IG Farben

mCD released by IG Farben Produktion limited to 1000, but later re-pressed by No
Colours Records in unknown amounts of copies.

LP limited to 500 hand-numbered copies, 400 in normal version, 100 in Gatefold
and 100 in red. But the red LP's are divided to/in gatefold AND normal version,
and the Gatefold LP's aren't absolutely one of the first 100 numbers. The
mistake was done from Wolftower, because the gatefold wraps and red LP�s were
produced after the normal version.
The tracklist is as follows:
1. Krieg Ist Leben, Leben Ist Krieg (04:20)
2. Asgardsrei (03:36)
3. Als Die Alten Jung Noch Waren (02:40)
4. Sonnenritter (06:10)
5. Germanien �ber Alles (10:13)
6. Crux Gammata (02:54)
7. F�r Germanien (04:01)
8. Tod Vor Sonnenaufgang (02:38)

MC version released by Wolftower Productions in 2000 with the following
1. Krieg Ist Leben, Leben Ist Krieg (04:20)
2. Asgardsrei (03:36)
3. Tod Vor Sonnenaufgang (02:38)
4. Crux Gammata (02:54)
5. Als Die Alten Jung Noch Waren (02:40)
6. Germanien �ber Alles (10:13)
7. Sonnenritter (06:10)

Re-released on CD in 2001 by Ancestral Research Records with different cover

Another picture LP version released in 2004 by W.T.C. Productions, limited to
500 copies and comes with bonus track: "Vampire". Comes with a cover and
printed inner sleeve.

Re-released again as digiCD in 2004 by Valknut Records with yet another
different cover.

Re-released again in 2006 on Hammerbund Records. this version has the original
artwork but the text has been altered. The tracks also play in a different
order (as do many of the reissues) and with a bonus tracks:
9. Vampire
Òåêñòû ïåñåí
2. Asgardsrei

Schreckensturm in finstrer Nacht gräulich = wilde Jagt
Lebend im Tode, in ewigen Schlacht, (und den) Stahl am Blut gelabt.
Gehüllt in Häute von Wolf und Bär und grausges Kriegsgewand,
Geschwinde eilt voraus die Mär weithin durch das Land.

Bleicher Vollmond, Totenrunen, ein KriÑêðûòü/ïîêàçàòü


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ïðîñìîòðîâ: 9244    


1997-2025 © Russian Darkside e-Zine.   Åñëè âû íàøëè íà ýòîé ñòðàíèöå îøèáêó èëè åñòü êîììåíòàðèè è ïîæåëàíèÿ, òî ñîîáùèòå íàì îá ýòîì