 1998 год оказался очень счастливым для американского вокалиста Джонни Джиоели (Hardline, Axel Rudi Pell)... Вступление в группу Акселя Руди Пелля, знакомство с Дугом Алдричем. Также Джонни познакомился с японским композитором-гитаристом Джуном Сэноуе, до этого писавшим исключительно саундтреки к видеоиграм. Свои источники вдохновения Джун не скрывал - AOR группы 90-х. Как не трудно догадаться, Hardline был любимой группой Сэноуе. Итак, когда в 1998 году ему потребовался вокалист, Джун немедля связывается с Джонни и предлагает ему исполнить песню "Open Your Heart" для игры Sonic Adventure. Ребята сработались и на протяжении 4-х лет писали саундтреки к играм. В 2002 году коллектив выпускает свой первый альбом, в который вошли все их саундтреки (Не надо этого бояться, ничего специфического!) и несколько новых песен.
1) "Live & Learn". Очень, ОЧЕНЬ энергичная песня, тут не на шутку расходятся все-все инструменты. Уже с первых секунд мы чувствуем такой драйв, что кажется - дальше некуда, хотя песня, в принципе, не очень тяжелая! Ну а когда доходит до соло, тут уж и объяснять нечего! Сэноуе великолепен! И текст не подкачал!
2) "Revvin' Up". Песня начинается с простого и заводного риффа, вариации которого играются всю песню. Очень быстрое произведение, с интересным соло. Опять же, тут мы видим отличную гитарную игру. А вот Джонни что-то подкачал.
3) "Into The Wind". Уже более медленная песня со спокойным риффом. Джонни поет очень убедительно, а Джун и тут сумел выдать отличный соляк!
4) "In The Lead". Песня открывается звуками клавишных (На них тоже играет Сэноуе), которые резко переходят в энергичный хард. В песне интересный куплет, но вот припев слабоват. Вместо гитарного соло, Сэноуе выдает нам соло клавишное.
5) "Watch Me Fly". Спокойная полу-баллада. Стоит упомянуть, что здесь нет ничего общего с балладами товарища Пелля. Очень добрая песня, а текст шикарен! Тут Джонни рассказывает нам о своей любви к полетам (Самолеты-хобби Джиоели). Джун тут использует рояль, звучит необычайно красиво. Соло песни - дуэт рояля и гитары. По-моему, лучшая песня альбома.
6) "Fuel Me". Задорная песенка, но слишком короткая, чтобы удивить. Видимо, музыкантам нужно было что-то отвлекающее.
7) "Dangerous Ground". Еще одна очень коротенькая песня. Песня так же зажигательна, как и "Fuel Me".
8) "All The Way". После двух средненьких боевичков мы получаем хард высшего класса! Сэноуе удачно удалось изобразить звуки мотора машины с помощью гитары, ну а Джонни написал отличный текст и душевно спел! В середине песни музыка стихает, и музыканты как будто отдыхают. Но это-затишье перед бурей!
9) "Open Your Heart". Бомба. Сначала мы слышим звуки кошмарного шторма. До нас тихо-тихо долетает рифф. И вдруг... взрыв! Игра Джуна никогда не была такой бешеной, а Джонни никогда так не пел! При этом мы слышим очень душевную песню, ребятам удалось совместить мелодичность с диким ритмом! Текст - выше всяких похвал, в нем описывается весь сюжет "Open Your Heart" (Который весьма неплох, позволю добавить).
10) "It Doesn't Matter". Отличная песня! Вокалистом здесь выступает Тони Харнелл, однако это не минус. Харнелл хоть и не дотягивает до Джонни, но поет так же душевно! Прибавьте супер-соло и отличный текст и получите хит!
11) "Escape From The City". А вот этот номер послабже вышел. Здесь поют два вокалиста - Тони Харнелл и Тед Поли, и если Харнелл пришелся кстати, то Поли тут лишний. К тому же, песня слишком короткая.
Отличный альбом. Да и что тут говорить? Смотрите ниже. |
Live and learn
Hangin' on to the edge of tomorrow
Live and learn
From the works of yesterday
Live and learn
If you beg or if you borrow
Live and learn
You may never find your way
Can you feel life tangle you up inside
And now your face down on the floor
But you can't save your sorrow
You've paid in trade
And you can't help but follow
And puts you right back where you came
Live and learn
Hangin' on to the edge of tomorrow
Live and learn
From the works of yesterday
Live and learn
If you beg or if you borrow
Live and learn
You may never find your way
Guitar Solo
There's a face searching far, so far and wide
There's a place where you dreamed you'd never find
Hold on to what if...
Hold on to what if...
Live and learn
Hangin' on to the edge of tomorrow
Live and learn
From the works of yesterday
Live and learn
If you beg or if you borrow
Live and learn
You may never find your way
Live and learn
Hangin' on to the edge of tomorrow
Live and learn
From the works of yesterday
Live and learn
If you beg or if you borrow
Live and learn
You may never find your way
Revvin' Up
Well, at last time has come
Sundays, weekend
It's our turn and let's go
Got weary of waiting for
Let's drive at full speed
It's the thrill of the feel
Get it up loud, put it into the right
Dare to cross the line
So hold on tight
Straight to the top
Revvin' up
You can listen to this aggressive howlin' roar
Burnin' up
You can see fire in the night too fast for you
I'm wild at heart
Don't push me over the edge
Don't hold back I can't wait
Fever's runnin' hot
Yeah, I'm nothin' but hell
I'm gonna step across the line
Gettin' through, drivin' mad
It's the thrill of the chase
Follow my heart, where ever it goes
Pick myself up
Get back in it
I can make my day
Revvin' up
You can listen to this aggressive howlin' roar
Burnin' up
You can see fire in the night too fast for you
I'm wild at heart
Don't push me over the edge
Guitar Solo
Revvin' up
You can listen to this aggressive howlin' roar
Burnin' up
You can see fire in the night too fast for you
Revvin' up
You can listen to this aggressive howlin' roar
Burnin' up
You can see fire in the night too fast for you
I'm wild at heart
Don't push me over the edge
Into the Wind
If you wanna make it, you've gotta give'em all
Lay it all on the line
You wonder why good things never come easy
Don't stop for anything
Don't give up, keep the fire, keep the faith
You life is in your hands
Don't you think that it's time you take a chance
'Cause you're gonna have to face it
Start you up, down the road you go
Hang on to your dreams, yeah
Crusin' down to the paradise
Turn the car into the wind, yeah
You've got to fight to keep sight of your dreams
Keep your hands on the wheel
Don't give in, you have the strength to get over
You better stand up
There's a light still shining on you
Fair wind is blowin' to your way
Start you up, down the road you go
Hang on to your dreams, yeah
Crusin' down to the paradise
Turn the car into the wind, yeah
Into the wind
Guitar Solo
You're much too serious
Let's steal away, blow your mind
That's an easy thing to say
You must take a step
Start you up, down the road you go
Hang on to your dreams, yeah
Crusin' down to the paradise
Turn the car into the wind, yeah
Crusin' down to the paradise
Turn the car into the wind, yeah
In the Lead
Eyes of the world staring at me
It makes me feel good
So many people root for me
It sets my heart on fire
Turn it up, bring the noise
Huge crowds goes wild
There's gonna be some action
It's time to have some fun
Kick out the lead and not be let to wait
Gettin' ready for the shakin' up
I'm playin' game with heart and soul
All the way that's (the) only way to go
Let's get it on, 'cause it's showtime
I'm here to be dreams come true
Where the crowds screams so loud
You'll never know how good it feels
It keeps me going strong
I always run like hell
To serve my every need
I always believe in myself
There's nothing I can't do
Kick out the lead and not be let to wait
Gettin' ready for the shakin' up
I'm playin' game with heart and soul
All the way that's (the) only way to go
Let's get it on, 'cause it's showtime
Guitar Solo
Kick out the lead and not be let to wait
Gettin' ready for the shakin' up
I'm playin' game with heart and soul
All the way that's (the) only way to go
Let's get it on!
There ain't no way to stop
Nothin's gonna keep me down
There's no limits for me
Nothin's gonna stand in my way
Watch Me Fly...
Well I've been wondering bout who I am
And just how far I'd drive to see the end
I started from, when I believe I've won
And as the sweat rolls down my face
I put my heart into this place of mine
Go back in time, to see what I'm living in...
My will (my will), my way (my way)
My fear (my fear) fades away
With wings (with wings) I fly high
Watch me fly...
It's just my wild heart moving in
It's just my will to live the win you know
I need it so
Life's when the race begins
And all the years I've wondered why
I've stared at speed with open eyes you see
It lives in me
Now that's what sets me free
My will (my will), my way (my way)
My fear (my fear) fades away
With wings (with wings) I fly high
Watch me fly...
I keep this fire, burning inside me
The thrill of desire
Coming over, over me...
Guitar Solo
Now I believe whether near or far
The road is windy there where you are
Try to take the curve, next turn another learned
And so I finally see my way
Straight and true pass yesterday my friend
I've waited for, the thrill, the chase forever more
Watch me fly...
Fuel Me
I can feel you comin' up on my heels
Can you feel the thunder behind my wheels
Just you try to take me
Just you try to take me
I will dust you back right where you came
One way is my way
Your way don't even try
Feel my fever burning you up inside
Taste my passion floor you pass it by
Eat my bittersweet dust
Hear my roaring fuel thrust
Ain't no way you're ever ever getting by
One way is my way
Your way don't even try
All in all your time is running out
You will just leave here without
Running down on the final pace
Run you out into last place
Fuel me I can't live without (it)
Guitar Solo
One way is my way
Your way don't even try
All in all your time is running out
You will just leave here without
Running down on the final pace
Run you out into last place
Fuel me I can't live without (it)
Dangerous Ground
It's time to get ready to go (ready to go)
It's time to party down again
We can go for it all (for it all)
We know you think we're crazy
We're on dangerous ground, but...
Once we start, we can never ever stop
Who is the fool this time? (fool this time)
You're gonna set our hearts on fire
We can push for the top (for the top)
We show you how to play the game
Watch our, our aim is true
Step back you, it's our turn to fly
Guitar Solo
It's time to get ready to go (ready to go)
It's time to party down again
We can go for it all (for it all)
We know you think we're crazy
We're on dangerous ground, but...
Once we start, we can never ever ever ever stop
All the Way
Get in my car with four on the floor
I love to hear the sound
I can't live without it
I am fuelled up and ready to roar
I'm tall and on the rocks
My heart is aflame
You can see desire in my eyes
Don't cool me down
Give me chills, give me thrills
Taking the first place
Nothin's gonna get me down
Go for it all to get the prize
Hold on till the end
'Cause I'm taking it all the way
Feel the power that's shaking my wheels
I feel inside my soul
It's crawling in my veins
It's been a long road to the top
I'll come out on the top
Against all the odds
I am gonna throw out all the stops
Let's hit the road
Give me chills, give me thrills
Taking the first place
Nothin's gonna get me down
Go for it all to get the prize
Hold on till the end
'Cause I'm taking it all the way
Guitar Solo
Give me chills, give me thrills
Taking the first place
Nothin's gonna get me down
Go for it all to get the prize
Hold on till the end
'Cause I'm taking it all the way
Give me chills, give me thrills
Taking the first place
Nothin's gonna get me down
Go for it all to get the prize
Hold on till the end
'Cause I'm taking it all the way
Open Your Heart
Thunder, rain and lightning
Danger, water rising
Clamour, sirens wailing
It's such a bad sign
Shadows of dark creatures
Steel clouds, floating in the air
People run for shelter
What's gonna happen to us?
All the steps we take
All the moves we make
All the pain at stake
I see the chaos for everyone
Who are we?
What can we do?
You and I are the same in the way that
We have our own styles and we won't change
Yours is filled with evil, and mine is not
There is no way I can lose...
Can't hold on much longer - But I will never let go
I know it's a one way track - Tell me now how long this will last
I'm not gonna think this way - Nor will I count on others
Close my eyes and feel them burn - Now I see what I gotta do
Open your heart, it's gonna be alright
Ancient cities blazing
Shadows keep attacking
Little children crying
Confusion, hopeless anger
I don't know why you got me
But you drive me crazy
All your cunning tricks make me sick
You won't have it your own way
Can't hold on much longer - But I will never let go
I know it's a one way track - Tell me now how long this will last
I'm not gonna think this way - Nor will I count on others
Close my eyes and feel them burn - Now I see what I gotta do
Open your heart, and you will see
Guitar Solo
If it won't stop
There will be no future for us
It's hearts tied down by
All the hate, gotta set it free
I know it's a one way track - Tell me now how long this will last
Close my eyes and feel them burn - Now I see what I gotta do
Gotta open your heart dude!
Can't hold on much longer - But I will never let go
I know it's a one way track - Tell me now how long this will last
I'm not gonna think this way - Nor will I count on others
Close my eyes and feel them burn - Now I see what I gotta do
Open your heart, it's gonna be alright
Open your heart
Open your heart
It Doesn't Matter
Well I don't show off, don't criticize
I'm just livin' by my own feelings
And I won't give in, won't compromise
I just only have a steadfast heart of gold
I don't know why, I can't leave though it might be tough
But I ain't out of control, just livin' by my word
Don't ask me why, I don't need a reason
I've got my way, my own way
It doesn't matter now what happens I will never give up the fight
There is no way I will run away from all of my frights
Long as the voice inside me says go, I will always keep on running
There is no way to stop me from going to the very top
It doesn't matter who is wrong or who is right
Well I won't look back, I don't need to
Time won't wait and I got so much to do
Where do I stop, it's all a blur and so unclear
Well I don't know but I can't be wrong
This fight is not for anybody, this is purely for myself
There is no way I'm gonna give up 'til the very end
I can't tell what is wrong and what is right, I've got to find the answer
But until I do there's no way I will ever give up
Place all your bets on what you think is right
Guitar Solo
It doesn't matter now what happens I will never give up the fight
There is no way I will run away from all of my frights
Long as the voice inside me says go, I will always keep on running
There is no way to stop from going to the very top
It doesn't matter who is wrong or who is right
Escape From the City
Rolling around at the speed of sound
Got places to go, gotta follow my rainbow
Can't stick around, have to keep movin' on
Guess what lies ahead, only one way to find out
Must keep on movin' ahead
No time for guessin', follow my plan instead
Trusting in what you can't see
Take my lead, I'll set you free
Follow me - set me free - trust me
And we will escape from the city
I'll make it through
Follow me - set me free - trust me
And we will escape from the city
I'll make it through, prove it to you
Follow me
Danger is lurking around every turn
Trust your feelings, gotta live and learn
I know with some luck that I'll make it through
Got no other options, only one things to do
I don't care what lies ahead
No time for guessin', follow my plan instead
Find that next stage no matter what that may be
Take my lead, I'll set you free
Follow me - set me free - trust me
And we will escape from the city
I'll make it through
Follow me - set me free - trust me
And we will escape from the city
I'll make it through, prove it to you
Follow me
Follow me
I'll make it through