 Альбом “A Day In The Stark Corner”, вышедший через два года после великолепной пластинки "Ionia" (1991) стал еще одной ступенью в развитии группы. Как и предыдущий LP, данная работа была записана в одиночку лидером группы Майком ван Портфлитом. Что ж, альбом получился таким же мрачным, как и предыдущее творение. Однако музыка группы обрела новые краски, при этом сохранив свой узнаваемый почерк. Материал сей пластинки получился более готичным и, вместе с тем, психоделичным, сохранив при этом дарквейв-амбиентную основу. Обволакивающий звук гитары вместе с клавишными партиями, и, конечно же, с таинственно - завораживающим шепчущим вокалом ван Портфлита (который здесь отодвинут на задний план больше обычного) – все это создает поистине невероятные ощущения при прослушивании. Вообще если сравнивать “A Day…” с другими работами группы, то, пожалуй, именно здесь Майку в большей степени удалось достичь атмосферы печали, одиночества и отрешенности. Короче говоря, описывать все прелести альбома дело очень сложное, это надо просто один раз послушать, причем желательно в больших наушниках, одному и в ночное время суток (это правило можно отнести, наверное, ко всем альбомам этой загадочной группы).
Альбом “День В Промерзшем Углу” подвел черту в раннем периоде Лючии. Хочется добавить, что описывать музыку подобного рода всегда затруднительно. Можно сказать о том, что у группы никогда не было похожих альбомов, и вместе с этим, лично я еще не разу не слышал ни одного коллектива (если брать готичную музыку), который хотя бы отдаленно напомнила бы мне музыку Lycia. За оригинальность и уникальность стиля (как и самой группы в целом), альбом получает от меня самую высокую оценку. |
I know that I must leave, I know I have to go
just let me look around and feel this place for the very last time
cleanse this soul, ease this mind, incinerate...just everything
aim these flames straight at me
through this smoke you'll see everything
see my face melt the final time
it's the very last time, the very last...time
see my lips part a final time
it's the very last time, today is the very last time...good-bye
the answer is clear
my arms and legs are bound, I'm pulled through glass and nails
deception seeps from me, the answer is clear
and as the thousands stare, I'm nailed upon the wall
this blood is freeing me, the answer is clear
the sky's so beautiful, so blue, so beautiful
so far from all of this, the curtains close
and I stare endlessly, so awed, so endlessly
emotions burn in me, the picture fades
I'm now so far away, these years have drifted by
and through the smoke and nails, the answer is clear
illusions fade away, and I'm here so alone
these flames are killing me, the answer is clear...is clear
lifeless sharp volts pump hard through my veins
emotions sucked clean and drained clean from me
this gray horizon fades stark to endless days
electricity and light pumps life into me ...for awhile
strap this mask firm, bolt hard this lightning rod
the storm outside fantastic pumps life into me
out to the darkened sky, take my hand for awhile
electricity, I'm here, strike down on to me...forever
swirl and swirl and swirl and swirl and...
I'm on fire, electricity is clean and pure for awhile
is pure for awhile...
strike down on me, hard and clean
the morning breaks so cold and gray and I'm still here alone
it's all the same, the years have passed so slow and gray
...with nothing
I can't believe that ten years have passed and I'm still here alone
I need to change, I need to move on, I'll whither here
the time has come for me to leave
I must go, I must leave this all behind
I must leave, no need for second thoughts
I must go, the time is ripe I hear
and everybody waves good-bye
they hate me, they were never friends at all
they needed for me to roll around
they wanted me to stay and never leave...their misery
the clouds break, the sun beats through, I'm so alive again
the cold and gray is so far behind, I'm so alive, I'm so...alive
I'll never go back to the gray place again
I must stay here, I must..., I must...
I have found a place of happiness, the sun beats down on me
...for awhile
wave good-bye to the lonely days, good-bye at last, good-bye
just let me be alone and feel this place
and see this place, alone again, alone ...again
wave good-bye to the lonely days, good-bye at last, but wait...
then the morning breaks so cold and gray
and I'm back here again, again, again, again...
I knew I could never leave
looked straight from afar then stared at the ground
the blood in the veins trips the heart and the days
not long ago it seemed promising, but it's changed
now it's all passed but the ghosts and the laughs
and the remnants of this all
dismissed by the lack of a honest reply
the truth rips it bare, and exposes, denies
what little there was became faded and bound
the rains from the heavens never reached the brittle ground
crawl back home and smile again, smile like a madman
look in here and fear again, afraid of these ruins
at the end of the long, dark room
he sits alone and envisions the distant ruins
he smiles and hides his face
...he's king again
I don't think about her anymore
I don't think about her at all
...at all
life is so bare, life is so, so bare
we must not run, must not fight, we must stay here forever
everything is cold, everything is cold
I am such a child, just let me take this away...again
everyday I pray for love of...
life, everyday I pray for love of...
life is so bare, life is so, so bare
I don't think that I can take this again
everything is cold, everything is cold
I am such a liar, just let me throw this away...again
I am so tired, please just take me away
just let me lay down here for awhile, again
open my eyes to the bright morning sun
hopelessly stare, she is with me again
why does she come and why does she care so much for me?
she reaches out to me, she whispers so sweetly
"come to me, be with me, sink with me, die with me"
sorrow is her name and she's mine
her hands reach out to me, her words bore deep in me
"I'm so alone, please won't you come and be with me"
sorrow is her name and she's mine, and i...
breath in this air, so humid and dark
this desert takes me in again and again
reach out my hands to the dark desert sky
fall to my knees she is with me again
and then for awhile her nighttime prevails in me again
she grips and pulls at me, she sinks her teeth in me
"you're not alone as long as you sink deep with me"
sorrow is her name and she's mine
naked in front of me, lust gets the best of me
"loneliness adds to our beauty and our decay"
sorrow is her name and she's mine, and she is mine
the top of the world is so endless and stark
there's ice in my eyes and ice in my heart
the desert slow fades into cold, restless days for awhile in me
the summer seems long on this hot humid day
salvation tonight if she fades in the rain
but tonight I will stay as she creeps in the rain
and seeps through me
she sinks her tongue in me, "I will not ever leave"
she sings a song that's so sweet (but in disarray)
sorrow is her name and she's mine
"slip through this open door, come in and never leave"
she smiles for me and says "I'm all you'll ever need"
sorrow is her name and she's mine, and she is mine
this light glares hard, and I'm here
the sun beats so hard, and I'm here
then I slip back to another day, a simple day
and I creep back, and I want to be with Daphne
she's so simple, she's so pure, she's so, so, so...
she's so simple, she's so pure, she's so, so, so...
she don't care, oh Daphne, do you remember me? Daphne
this day drags hard, and I'm here
these days stall so hard, and I'm here
then I sink back to another day, a simple day
and I creep back, and I want to be with Daphne
do you remember me