Inside You
« Night Hunt »
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1 | Intro
 | 2 | Night Hunt
 | 3 | A Scream Of The Broken Dream
 | 4 | Wonderful Drink
 | 5 | Wings Of An Angel
 | 6 | Innocent Girl Like A Pretty Doll
 | 7 | On A Flying Road
 | 8 | A Sip Of Freedom
 | 9 | Under A Lucky Star
 | 10 | The Grievous One
 | 11 | A Scream Of The Broken Dream (video) |
   Andrey Zimin – guitar, vocals
Alexey Vasilyev – keyboards
Dmitry Yudin – drums
Elisabeth Zimina – backing vocals
Sergey Markov – bass |
 | Night Hunt
Air is full of smells
Night is falling
He is an animal, a beast
A semi-wolf , a semi-tiger
This predator`s streaming
Sails to the wind
Moonlight will help him
Hearing the night birds screams
Night hunt, tonight
The predator will have certainly
Nigh |
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 За разделяющие два года первый и второй альбомы подмосковной группы Inside You произошло много событий, как в общественной, так и в музыкальной жизни. Судя по тому, что “Night Hunt” может похвастаться и оформлением потолще, и звуком пожирнее (мастеринг и вовсе проведен в Finnvox), благосостояние музыкантов увеличилось, с чем их можно только поздравить и пожелать дальнейшего роста. Не изменилось только одно – музыка команды. Они как были клонами Crematory времен “Illusions” и “Awake”, так ими и остались – такой же, как у Феликса, рык; такие же, как у Катрин, атмосферные клавиши; да даже настроение и атмосфера альбома возвращает в середину 90-х, во времена чистого death/doom’a. Не хватает только одного – хитовости. Да, первый трек "Night Hunt" хорош и энергичен, второй, на который было снято видео (оно есть в качестве бонуса), чуть уступает ему, а вот дальше… Дальше все то же, только куда скучнее и скучнее – однотипные песни, однотипный вокал, однотипные клавиши, а что делать, если статус клона обязывает? Ну а робкие попытки сыграть что-то а-ля “Theli” от Therion не в счет – над Inside You незримо витает тень Crematory, избавиться от которой они не то, что не хотят, а даже не прикладывают никаких усилий. Скучно, господа, скучно – вполне достаточно одного оригинала… (Диск предоставлен компанией CD-Maximum) |
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просмотров: 6144 |
The predator will have somebody`s blood
In a thicket of wood
The predator is running for tracks
His pads in the mud
But he is hearing the cracks
The predator is understanding
This is his victim
The jump, the stroke
And he is a victor
But what is the sound after him
The predator is turning
This is an enemy,
An animal, a beast
He is alien, he is wanting
To take away
The predators prey
They are fighting and fighting
Two alien predators
Rolling on the earth
Like the clews
They are tiring both
All of a sudden the flash coming
This is a man-being is firing a gun
The predator are rushing away to run
A long time is continning
Their escape
Finally the predators are deciding
To make this end
Both they`re attacking that hunter
And had been binding the fierce battle
Untill the daybreak is coming
All bloody the predators
Are crawling in the opposites
A Scream Of The Broken Dream
May be it just seems
May be your cold lips
Never touched my skin
I a parting kiss
And never whispered: “fogive”
May be I never heard a scream
Never heard a scream of the broken dream
I thought we shall be building
The fragile crystal palace
Of our dream together
But you decided to leave me
And all that is left for me
Is only to listen to a scream
A scream of the broken dream
This damned blueness of the sky
Sister of purity
It offered to become your friend
And you sad: “yes”
You flow there like a comet
Having burnt my face
And from my burns is running
With the reddish black liquid
These are the tears of the broken dream…
Wonderful Drink
We walked along the mountain river
Admiring the waterfalls of its crystal torrents
Picked up beautiful flowers forgetting about time
We came to a small hut
An old woman went out to meet us
And said:”Welcome to my house
To taste a wonderful drink ”
The wonderful drink
She said ,is tastier than
All nectars and juices
Thy it, I won`t charge much
We tried and it seemed, we were whisked off
To a delightful garden
There we run about and laughed
Enjoyed the tastiest fruits
And all was like a lovely dream
But when we came to our senses
We saw that the old women grew younger
She asked us: ”Want more?”
We looked at each other and saw
That we had grown older
The old women drank our youth
While we drank the wonderful drink
Wings Of An Angel
I walked alone
Led by a mountain path
In a rainy morning
Used to have enough
For scoring in this life
That was boring
And I was growling
And then I have seen two white wings
They`ve been flying from above directly to me
I wanted to catch them
I supposed they`d free me from my sins
I have jumped upwards
And have grasped wings
They have laid down exactly on my hands
Here I have understood, that was transferred
Into absolutely other world
Marvellous beauty
And on mountain I have seen an essence
In an aura of light
I have flown up to it
An essence has told me in a voice Similar to a ring of crystal handbells:
“You have taken my wings, thy to do some flying on them”
I have failed in an abyss
nd I was surrounded with darkness
And the voice similar to a ring of crystal handbells ,has whispered:
“Are you happy ,that have caught wings of an Angel ?”
Innocent Girl Like A Pretty Doll
Hey, look, I am trying to get your soul
But you do not want to fall with me
You prefer to remain a girl
An innocent girl like a pretty doll
Hey, know that I read your thoughts in the stars
Hey, know your wishes and desires
Don`t try to hide from me , honey
I`ve got a surprise for you
Chorus: Innocent girl
Like a pretty doll
You are playing a game with me
A game called “pure love”
Pretending that you do not know about
Caresses ,kisses, pleasure of the night
I could have admired it
I`m following your fragrance
You`re bringing me to an old house
The iron chains are binding my body-
This is your surprise for me
Your innocence did not
Give me a chance
I see your dance
Of my disgrace
On A Flying Road
The day has gone
I stay alone
Go to my garage
Fly into rage
Soon all will be far
All sorrows and troubles
I will drive with proud
On a flying road
Forests, buildings, towns
Fly be hind me
I step on the gas
Sky strikes in me
Speed`s so high
I almost fly
I`m driving with the proud
On a flying road
My mood is improving
The weather is fine
But who`s rushing
Along to wards me?
He is like me
On cann`t turn
I increase speed
I`m flying with proud
On a flying road
A Sip Of Freedom
Give me a sip of freedom
I live in the kingdom
Of chains
Give me only a chance
A chance to realize desire
A chance to keep the fire
For the grace
Of human race
A sip of freedom
The destruction of serfdom
A sip of freedom
You`re believing
Give me a sip of freedom
It will be my oblivion
Will change my living
Will be the rebellion
Against the depression
It`s my confession
I don`t want to have
A recantation
The sip of freedom
Has been given from above
I`ve been forgiven
And my living
Is opening the new doors
All serfdom is corrupted
And I feel I`m the host
After all I found that I lost
Under A Lucky Star
I`m staring throught the glass into the night
The world seems to be turning by my side
I`m listening to the call of the universe
This darkness is full of inner light
I wake up and I see the morning smile
Eternal sky gets closer for a while
I know that someone`s waiting for my song
This feeling makes the price of going on
No matter what is written in the past
No matter what`s the forecast for the future
If you believe that sunny day can last
And if you know that warmth you feel is mutual
I swear, you`re born under a lucky star
It always shines for you , no matter where you are
Forget about the stigmas of the past
Forget about the questions of the future
If you believe that sunny day can last
And if you know the warmth you feel is mutual
I swear, you`re born under a lucky star
Which always guides your life, no matter where you are
I like the way read each other`s thoughts
Each minute means nothing , but brings a lot
Dissolving in another lucky day
It`s to be happy anyway
The Grievous One
A gloomy wind in a desolate field
Chasing a lonely walking figure
Dressed in black directing its steps
To a cemetery there among many tombstones
It will stop in front of one
And will stay there like a monument
The grievous one sees the beloved face
Covered with ground , the beloved body
In the grave , under the tombstone
He is inhaling the air, trying to catch
The beloved fragrance
But he feels nothing
But the reek of putridness
The grievous one…
It will be raining, it will be snowing
The grievous one will stay there
Until his sadness overflows
And goes into the earth to his beloved one
Then he will go home, get into a coffin
And will be waiting for her