 Прежде чем говорить об этом релизе, стоит вспомнить его пугающую любого сознательного слушателя раскрутку - от вполне обычных игр на сайте в духе "собери обложку и получи кавер на кого-то" и постоянных "случайных" утечек почти половины альбома флэш-игры "Goliath: The Soothsayer", сразу 4-х клипов странного вида и качества и (слухи ли?) голиаф-бургеров в макдаке, хоть последнее скорее неудачная шутка циников с фанки. В любом случае, рекламная кампания такого рода обычно проводится к альбомам, которые, к сожалению, имеют свойство разочаровывать в конечном итоге. Ну, а с "Бедламом" что?
А с "Бедламом" дела всяким образом лучше - даже невовремя утекшие треки составили очень неплохое впечатление о грядущем альбоме - учитывая вяленую вареность предыдущего диска - "Amputechture" - на 50% для слушателей все равно будет "решать" такое забавное качество, как: "О, это не Ампутекчер!!!". И да, это никак не "Amputechture", более того, энергетика и скорость альбома вызывают в памяти лучшие ассоциации с "De-Loused In The Comatorium", что, учитывая дискографические особенности The Mars Volta, едва ли не лучший комплимент.
Сюжет судить сложновато (тексты объявились на моем жестком диске лишь день назад), альбом ведь снова концептуален, так что остается довольствоваться огрызками от Седрика и Омара, вываленными на журналистов в интервью. А если верить им, то получаем историю такую, что либо мир сходит с ума, либо кто-то играет со слушателями как с детишками. Итак, жаркий день в Иерусалиме, Омар бродит по рынку и покупает в подарок Седрику oujia - древнюю (кхм) говорящую дощечку (в альбоме - soothsayer), и, радостный, привозит ее закадычному другу. Если верить нашим двум укуренным латиносам, дощечка еще не отслужила свой гарантийный срок и нашептала Завале древнюю историю об умерших матери, дочери и их молодом человеке, составлявших любовный треугольник и убитых (по законам жанра - не иначе друг другом и случайно попавшим из толпы камнем), чьи души как бы заключены в этой дощечке. История на сием не заканчивается, т.к. Лобстер и Бикслер упомянули, что мерзкая болтливая деревяшка попутно прокляла группу, из-за чего сошли с ума звукорежиссер и старый барабанщик, а Седрик травмировал ногу, пока запись вечно прерывалась и работа шла нестабильно. На том Седрик, записав альбом в честь деревяшки и похороненных в ней людей (снова альбом-реквием?), хоронит дощечку в земле и вспоминает о ней лишь исполняя песни с нового альбома. Happy end. Поставьте на полочку НФ, пожалуйста.
Тем не менее, вранье все вышесказанное или нет, альбому сия наркомания пошла - это касается что интересного арта на восточную тематику, что общего настроения альбома - бодрого, задорного, слегка, может, панкушного, трагедия чувствуется лишь ко второй половине альбома и более менее явственна лишь на "Soothsayer", неожиданно блеснувшей скрипками, церковными хоралами в конце (пускай просто записанными в реальной обстановке) и мрачноватыми переходами, и "Conjugal Burns", решающей попугать слушателя дисторшированными лаем и криками перед финальным припевом. Начало же альбома многих фэнов The Mars Volta, как можно судить по сетевым форумам, отпугивает - излишне позитивно, по их мнению. Может, я неразборчив, но мне поток свежего настроения в творчестве одной из любимых групп более чем приятен - композиции очень и очень интересны, хоть и слегка сумбурны, вокал Седрика хорошеет с каждым альбомом (а на "Бедламе" он еще и четверть времени дисторширован всеми возможными способами - тупняк вроде бы, но разнообразие, разнообразие), Омар наконец-то после "Amputechture" стал выкладываться больше, чем на половину своих композиторских возможностей, а новый драммер сводит с ума, хоть местами и хочется его ненадолго приткнуть. Экспериментов немало, хоть они и носят спорный характер - эмбиентные вставки остались на совести "Frances The Mute", прогрессив-метражи - на доли "Amputechture", надрыв - на "De-Loused In The Comatorium". Здесь все это носит другой, менее уловимый характер, но радует не меньше - заданному до выхода альбома духу услышанное соответствует на полную, тем более, что фирменный стиль The Mars Volta присутствует здесь в полном объеме с небольшими косметическими изменениями - в голове надолго заседают и "открывашка" "Aberinkula", и разбитная "Metatron", сингловая "Wax Simulacra!", принципиально акустическая "Tourniquet Man", интересная "Cavalettas", чем-то напоминающая саундтреки прямиком из Болливуда "Agadez", малость трагичная "Askepios" и упомянутые выше две финальные композиции - набор очень внушительный для альбома, который по негативным комментариям некоторых персон "заново изобретает ню-метал"(?).
В целом, не могу скрыть своего полного удовлетворения услышанным - взявшись за ум, Седрик и Омар в очередной раз смогли надрать всем задницы, пусть и несколько по-другому - то ли после первых двух крышесносящих ударов по "коматориевски" и "французски" публика привыкла, то ли закон о том, что гениальные альбомы не могут носить конвейерный характер, верен на сотню с лишним всегда решающих дроби и кружочков. Склонюсь к обоим вариантам и пойду слушать весь этот бедлам уже в пятый раз. И думаю, here comes another 50.
P.S. Ах да, чуть не забыл - это не "Amputechture"! |
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Дискография The Mars Volta уже отнюдь немаленькая, и каждая их работа требует от слушателя немалого терпения (и она его заслуживает!). “The Bedlam In Goliath” в этом отношении исключением не стал – возможно, я немного тороплюсь в попытке адекватно оценить этот альбом, ведь он ещё почти новинка, и раскусить-прожевать-проглотить-переварить его за довольно короткий срок проблематично (вряд ли описанный процесс вообще применим к подобной музыке)…
У альбома есть своя концепция (предыстория, идейная нить) – её описал выше Genesinister и она, надо признать, довольно забавна и абсолютно несерьёзна. Да, автор лирики ко всем композициям – деревяшка Soothsayer (не пугайтесь).
Ну а музыка… Парни снова сочинили нечто невообразимое, другое, совсем разное, совсем непохожее на прежнее великолепное и очень… При первых прослушиваниях «Бедлам» действительно кажется тотальным нагромождением всего и вся, попыткой музыкантов превзойти себя новым уровнем сложности, чуть позже чётко вырисовываются мощные «Голиафы» (Ilyena, Aberinkula, Cavalletas, Tourniquet Man, а затем и все остальные). Все вместе они создают мощнейшую, абсолютно эйфорическую атмосферу! Никакой меланхолии, никакой акустической задумчивости, никаких электронных зарисовок – только непрерывный, напряжённый, изматывающий драйв!
Продолжительность альбома на сей раз – скорее минус. Она велика (но измерена ровно таким же количеством временных единиц, что и на предыдущих двух полноформатных релизах); прослушивание внимательно и целиком утомит почти каждого. Ни одна из композиций не кажется лишней или усложнённой сверх меры, но ощущение «натянутости» альбома присутствует. Он звучит чуть однообразно и неэклектично, однако это даже прибавляет некой стильности и самобытности.
Дальнейшие комментарии пока отложу. На несколько десятков новых прослушиваний… |
Have you seen the living
Tired of their own shells
All the non believers
Torso in the well
And don’t you try and ask me
Your expiration date
The plans that forgot me 99 times
You’ll be the one who opens the gate
Carry water in a basket
Where the hole was dug the first time
The head that carries the body
A blood that flows through veins
Have you seen the living
Tired of their own shells
All the non believers
Torso in the well
When it calls I’ll answer
Do you need to repepnt
The plans that forgot me 99 times
I’ll stick around for 99 times
The fault lines you prepare have darkened
Blank rings instead of sight
Goliath are you receiving
Dismembered, you’ve arrived.
Have you seen the living
Tired of their own shells
All the non believers
Torso in the well
Maybe I’ll breakdown
Maybe I’ll try
Circumvent inoculation
And I just want a cut
When will I breakdown
Lately I might
Un-connect the fascination
And I just want to touch
This is a list
They’re my demands
Forget the question come on bring your nervous hands
You read it in my letter
Patience worth is dead
Suffocate the inkwell I am legion said the pen
Her seraph snout
And cruciform limp
I blame the shrouding of a lesser men
My sigil contraptions
They walk with no crutches
Don’t show me the hinges
I am absent
Maybe I’ll breakdown
Maybe I’ll try
Circumvent inoculation
And I just want a cut
When will I breakdown
Lately I might
Un-connect the fascination
And I just want to touch
She came to me when
she was pouring out of drool
Under sedation under vulgar multitudes
If you stay and try
to fix what you did
The sheets were wet from all those messages
A million petitions
her lock with no key
You forfeit the right to be believed
Full implant
shapeless as a jewel
And I am stranded by eternal solitude
Maybe I’ll breakdown
Maybe I’ll try
Circumvent inoculation
And I just want a cut
When will I breakdown
Lately I might
Un-connect the fascination
And I just want to touch
The vault that I call home
It falls beneath your palms
Before I crawl my way out she calls
(When) you’re standing right outside my window
Water thirsting
You’re standing right outside my window
Water thirsting
When will I drown
I’ll never get a distance shot
Heard vessper pure
I never want to see your face
Until the word is made flesh
You’d better ask metatron
Those flowers that withered away
In the pages of your book
For one day they won’t block your route
In the dead plot you dream in
ten go away,
ten born of pray,
ten go away
My time is riding in the alphabet
My time is writing on the wall
In the dead plot you dream in
ten go away,
ten born of pray,
ten go away
My time is riding in the alphabet
My time is writing on the wall
Debase by your sentence
I fell in the trap
What door slid behind me I can’t see it anymore
When she steeps As a witness
Got no better hands
Tied a single stutter Do you speak my dialect
Accidents will happen
Keep your earrings to yourself
One sip under the table until it moves all by itself
[in the] Eye of Fatima
I’ve kept all your dreams
In a waking solution of indictment
Maybe I’ll breakdown
Maybe I’ll try
Circumvent inoculation
And I just want a cut
When will I breakdown
Lately I might
Un-connect the fascination
And I just want to touch
When the chants have cycled
How can I go wrong
There will be no Eve for Adam
If your apples have gone, gone, gone, gone.
I need a brand new skin
Incarnated debts
Incarcerated when
the deeds are left to purchase
If you could see
Where I’ve been
You’d touch the hand
that’s touching sin
Entity ingredient
A mass of blackened scapes begins
Cypher is filled
(With a) blanket of clots
Taking everything I’ve got
Please let me in in in in
I need a brand new skin
Incarnated debts
Incarcerated when
the deeds are left to purchase
If you could see
Where I’ve been
You’d touch the hand
that’s touching sin
Entity ingredient
A mass of blackened scapes begins
Follow me tonight
Follow me into oblivion
Follow me tonight
Follow me into oblivion
If you could see
Where I’ve been
You’d touch the hand
that’s touching sin
Entity ingredient
A mass of blackened scapes begins
I seem to hide in metal plates
Held together alone don’t wait
Hide with me identity
Until we’ve past due date
Can’t spot through the lens
Bleeding through your sanctuary
Intention accident
Bleeding through your sanctuary
Can’t spot through the lens
Bleeding through your sanctuary
Intention accident
Bleeding through your sanctuary
Wax Simulacra
Came back to get yourself but broke in two
They find it punctual with idle tooth
I’ll find something to shake the roots
I crawl along the ceilings in your room
The cold is spinning threads to answer you
I need something mad of freewill
Am I waiting now
Does my waiting howl
I bring an avalanche of Toltec bones
Contaminated cravings if you choose
To play something that aches for a spill
Leave out the meat for that contact high
Inhale the vapors and let the hangman smile
For that something to shake by the roots
Am I waiting now
Does my waiting howl
Bring me the tame
Witness germinated in the child that word of mouth stutters
Blink at the lonely dice
Bring me the tame
Witness germinated in the child that word of mouth stutters
Blink at the lonely dice
don’t know
That night I remember what you slipped din my glass
We came rewinding when
I foamed at the mouth while the lights winked at me
And now my shape is kept
The rain it can’t hide wash the pain from this hex is it so permanent
Did she catch a left eye when it blinks three times or once just to seal you in
In your drunken breath did it stain like us in a place of poison heat
I gotta rid this world of your intention swap the corpse in a casket
Give me that corpse please
The one that tore nightly
I really want it now
Fold the arms slowly
Don’t want you to hold me
It fits just like a glove
Does he make you feel alright
When I seep inside your truth through suspicious little coughs
You sank your nails inside a key while the door you shut closed up
The black stockings you kept smell of wet cigarette torn of lust that you could not keep
I have slept inside your fault to have you keep me here on this leash
For the rest of your pets I will feed to the theft as we consummate the vows of defeat
And when you prey for an end to this I do believe this is eternity
Give me that corpse please
The one that tore nightly
I really want it now
Fold the arms slowly
Don’t want you to hold me
It fits just like a glove
Your closet is bulging
White marrow withholding
Does it make you feel alright?
Never heard a man speak like this man before
Never heard a man speak like this man before
All the days of my life, ever since I’ve been born
Never heard a man speak like this man before
Watch me now
Say it, say it, say it loud
Hold your heavy burden
In a pocket full of drink that I have drunk
Spit the remnants in your direction
This is the closest to any kingdom that you will come
I’m starting to feel a miscarriage coming on
It’s numbing a stump clearing my throat and I just can’t lose grip of it
She fumigated my mental hygiene
I’m all out of pulse but I know you can resuscitate me
Never heard a man speak like this man before
Never heard a man speak like this man before
All the days of my life since the day I been born
Never heard a man speak like this man before
Watch me now
Tourniquet Man
I’ve seen the only living traces flicker in the sulphur
[and] The ones who do believe me place your favor
Before you lay your question down there’s a matter of the payment
to you I slipped on crooked sore in conclaves that you bothered
Let me be your touriquet man
Let me keep you as a favor
Let me be your touriquet man
Let me keep you as a favor
When I hear your fingers they will spell my name
As I trade the faces of the holders
Let me be your tourniquet man
Let me keep you as a favor
Let me be your tourniquet man
Let me keep you as a favor
I can’t diminish anymore if I choose to dissolve in you
There’s so much we can lose
I can’t diminish anymore if I choose to dissolve in you
There’s so much we can lose
I can’t diminish anymore if I choose to dissolve in you
There’s so much we can lose
A salty ring of night fatigue
when I get, get, get the sweats from you listening
Primordial cymatics Giving birth into reverse
Serated mare ephemera Undo her mother’s curse
So if you
Break me a mirror
Hang the broken pieces of a place that isn’t here
[so if you] Don’t hide that guilty smile Condolences Won’t go away
The coins you bring left footprints blind thirst and Braille liquor
My bed is stained with fractures year after vitiated year
Four corners you are touching they will liberate my need
Bite marks In the menagerie With infidel teeth
So please
Break me a mirror
Hang the broken pieces of a place that isn’t here
[so if you] Don’t hide that guilty smile Condolences Won’t go away
Is there something out there waiting to take hold
When that whore won’t answer who is in control?
And the names you planted drop the seed into a hole
And the names you planted drop the seed into a hole
If you force me often I might jump off the board
I am a deaf con of angora goats
Warning you all who pass this note
It’s only a matter of folding time and space
Before I become your epidemic
Is this your first time at my conventicle
You better not talk if you came here for semantics
It’s only a matter of folding time and space
Before I become your epidemic
Don’t ignore my presence
Hidden reads the scroll
By the time I asked her
The earth fell off the tongue
What once was laughter corrosive I became
What once was laughter corrosive I became
Where a scarlet bruise grows sprout the fault we own
I am a deaf con of angora goats
Warning you all who pass this note
It’s only a matter of folding time and space
Before I become your epidemic
Is this your first time at my conventicle
You better not talk if you came here for semantics
It’s only a matter of folding time and space
Before I become your epidemic
Don’t hide your guilty fright
Condolences won’t go away
You’ve got that guilty smile
That culminated in bedlam
Don’t hide your guilty fright
Condolences won’t go away
You’ve got that guilty smile
That culminated in bedlam
Don’t hide your guilty fright
Condolences won’t go away
You’ve got that guilty smile
That culminated in bedlam
Don’t hide your guilty fright
Condolences won’t go away
You’ve got that guilty smile
That culminated in bedlam
(Is the safety that you feel from the witness
Who has kept quiet in the wings)
I am a deaf con of angora goats
Warning you all who pass this note
It’s only a matter of folding time and space
Before I become your epidemic
Is this your first time at [this] conventicle
You better not talk if you came here for semantics
It’s only a matter of folding time and space
Before I become your epidemic
I should have known you’d always scratch that itch
When you asked me for safe passage on my shoulders where we slid
And just before you laid dead weight upon it’s shores
I stung you in the face for that’s the nature of my core
I got distance don’t let it close
Gotta let me know you just got to let me know
Forget which way is out now
Gotta let me know you just got to let me know
I’m nowhere near this place you wear
It’s unforgivable it knows that I am visible
I’m broken mirrors and useless prayer
This lock is healing me you know you came so willingly
Waiting is a vessel that will take me to
Love it knows no order when you taste the truth
I’m trapped in this cement husk
Gotta let me go you just got to let me go
I paid with my own touch now
I brought a little cut there is blood for every month
In the way we used to call her wicked answers
Time is a plague there’s no time in this place
If you don’t, if you don’t let me go
Heaven’s made a cesspool of us all
I’m nowhere near this place you wear
It’s unforgivable it knows that I am visible
I’m broken mirrors and useless prayer
This lock is healing me you know you came so willingly
There burns a kiss with serpent scales
There is no miracle, I lost your miracle
I’m nowhere near this place you wear
It’s unforgivable it knows that I am visible
I wrap myself around your buried question
Through blisters of confinement
I seek to drain this broken shelter
To refill the pigment case that I have left
Don’t stay long for teeth nurse the first wound
Coats revive hope to gain
What if we find what tongue ties double Windsor
Invoke to no reply
Those that lie have froze at the border
No implies close that frame
what if we find the sunlight draws a curtain
Invoke to no reply
There’s a place where this depth chart ignites
There’s a place where the soul has no purpose
I can’t believe you when your thirst won’t let me go
I am the moment you were always speaking of because there‘s…
No fence will hold the sentient
Culprit fall about it
Say when I can enter them
Culprit fall about it
One fell, the other taste won’t lie
Make no doubt about it
How may blame how many cave into the pressure I apply
How may blame how many cave into the pressure I apply
If you take this breathe of mine
How may blame how many cave into the pressure I apply
If you take this breathe of mine
How may blame how many cave into the pressure I apply
If you take this breathe of mine
How may blame how many cave into the pressure I apply
If you take this breathe of mine
How may blame how …
I’ll be there waiting with a hook in your neck is the contact you’ve made deficient
And your hand will break
if you touch this fence
Please them till they’re blind with cleft lens
What have you brought for my appetite x2
(wordless scream)
I’ll never perish with the albino horns of a thousand young born
Will you drink from the depths of my sea
And your hand will break
if you touch this fence
please them till they’re blind with cleft lens
What have you brought for my appetite x2
(wordless scream)
I might not back again
The vervain is on the rise
Maybe maybe maybe maybe….
Got to open wide
You got to open wide
Might of a serpeant swallowing tail
Cycle recycled and I’m next to nothing
[It said:]
Help me come alive
Place your ring finger on this debt
Am I living or am I dead
Do what thou will tell them what I’ve found
The steps of a ladder from a diamondbacks mouth
[it said]
Help me come alive
I ain’t gonna hold my breathe
It appears to me
quoting alarms
(The) guillotine smirks
In your house I smothered
Sight unseen
Sworn to harm
Ground to a powder
And soaked through the board
Don’t you ever, ever, ever trust my mercy
Don’t you ever, ever, ever trust my mercy
When will you flirt with all that’s burning
Keep them safe and by your side
Of all that’s left
A lucid home
Anecdote settles
In the smear of this corpse
If the larvae speaks
Ask where to go
They mount the maker
With a sulphur in fume
Don’t you ever, ever, ever trust my mercy
Don’t you ever, ever, ever trust my mercy
When will you flirt with all that’s burning
Keep them safe and by your side
Of all the warnings that you gave me
With all components in the fault
Have you ever heard me scraping it will be hard to hold
Don’t you ever, ever, ever trust my mercy
Don’t you ever, ever, ever trust my mercy
When will you flirt with all that’s burning
Keep them safe and by your side
Of all the warnings that you gave me
With all components in the fault
Have you ever heard me scraping it will be hard to hold
All I hear mending the gap
fall in here might not make it back
Call that someone may they hear you
Take me with you It’s not safe in here
And all you ask is why, why, why
And all you ask is why I’m certain
you’re holding on
mirror floats to the surface [holding on]
Of all the warnings that you gave me
With all components in the fault
Have you ever heard me scraping it will be hard to hold
Of all the warnings that you gave me
With all components in the fault
Have you ever heard me scraping it will be hard to hold
They lost the presence they were holding
Looks like the tenants flickered off
If the cell that holds me breaks me
It’ll be hard to hold
My love becomes a mange dyeing autumn in its leaves
When it broke me in the branch where my antlers come to feed
And I swam a hundred days in the bosom of this filth
Carry on this drought as I tighten (this)[my] belt
This deceit has no arms
Bended will take what’s yours
This deceit has no arms
Bended will take what’s yours
Calling me
she’s calling me
This it may have come to falter
We have become these pleads
In a field of balding marble where the medicine awaits
The hourglass pokes at the ribs of my cage
At half rations I’m finished at half rations the minutes
All that happens was given coil and embrace
This deceit has no arms
Bended will take what’s yours
This deceit has no arms
Bended will take what’s yours
Calling me
she’s calling me
This it may have come to falter
We have become these pleads
This deceit has no arms
Bended will take what’s yours
This deceit has no arms
Bended will take what’s yours
Calling me
she’s calling me
This it may have come to falter
We have become these pleads
Conjugal Burns
The horsemen you have brought deserve me
Some how they’ve made it through the floor
The clocks you set are they reversing
Before this visit turns conjugal
Ever more
Maybe tonight
So my half is waiting filed to a pulp
used insomnia’s been cleansing with floods
I got a pain inside that’ll rip through the very fabric of time time time time…
Cause I’ve been with you before god gave me sin
I’ve got to get born
just so you know
there’s too many reasons
Too Many reasons
Too many reasons
Too many reasons
(wordless yells)
Too many reas-
You set the silver down to guard me from the weak
You check the spelling for nothing, nothing
You set the silver down to guard me from the weak
You check the spelling for nothing, nothing
You sent yourself the flood
All of this time bedsore containment
Where am I now that the music has faded
All of this time bedsore containment
Where am I now that the music has faded
And I’m nowhere near the place
You sent me hear to breathe
But I’m drawing closer to the present
And I’ll… find a space. with no… memories
I’ve got a second chance to inhabit the living
If goliath won’t speak I’m blinded by heaven
When will your eden come die
If the liars that blink are bound by the sender
Trinkets you gave have all rusted down
All of this time bedsore containment
Where am I now that the music has faded
All of this time bedsore containment
Where am I now that the music has faded
You better steal this chance to give birth to more
You’ll wear those healing damns down to the plug
(Bizarre shit. Starts with saxophone and stuff. Ends with a scream)
All of this time bedsore containment
Where am I now that the music has faded
All of this time bedsore containment
Where am I now that the music has faded
You better steal this chance to give birth to more
You’ll wear those healing damns down to the plug