« A Vision of Misery »
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1 | Through the Eyes of Greed 04:15
 | 2 | Valley of Dry Bones 02:20
 | 3 | Machines 03:50
 | 4 | Slave to Misery 03:59
 | 5 | Throwing Away the Day 03:42
 | 6 | Facelift 06:59
 | 7 | Deceptive Perceptions 03:33
 | 8 | Under the Knife 02:09
 | 9 | Echoes of Forever 06:00
 | | Total playing time: 37:03 |
   Darren Travis - Vocals/Guitar
Rob Moore - Guitar
Steve DiGiorgio - Bass
Jon Allen - Drums |
 | 1. Through The Eyes Of Greed
Eyes of the Greedy
See what they will
Lust of the Flesh
A need to fulfill
The Fool and the Liar
Must feed the desire
The Will to acquire
The Eyes of the Greedy will always Crave for more
Feasting hungry Eyes on this worthless Horde
The Eyes of the Greedy will |
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 Позволю себе, профану, высказаться по поводу великих и ужасных Sadus. Сравнивать этот опус я могу лишь с предыдущим, с «Swallowd in Black», да и то, по памяти. Скорее всего, ограничусь дифирамбами этой команде, пионерскими похвалами басовым линиям ДиДжорджио, поросячьим визгам Трэвиса, технике избиения барабанов Джона Аллена. Если «Swallowed in Black» отпугнул меня в своё время монотонным забоем и какой-то ураганной злобой, то тут если не клон-близнец, то брат легендарных альбомов Death. Конечно, в отличие от Шульдинера ДиДжорджио сотоварищи почти не сбавляют темпа, не совершают вылетов в космос печальных мелодий. Шикарный трэш на грани дэта (то, что некогда было модно называть трэш-дэтом) с глубокой лирикой, которую можно ожидать от каких-нибудь tech death-коллективов, и с сумрачной, тревожной атмосферой.
Вполне осознавая, что не смогу отдать должного всем аспектам, всем деталям альбома, а кончу лишь утверждением, что Sadus (несмотря на тупое имя, хотя бывает и хуже) – это марка качества. Must-have. |
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В 90-е классический безбашенный трэш либо вступил в кровосмесительную связь с другими стилями и постепенно вымер, либо повзрослел. Такие вот зрелые работы вряд ли могли восприниматься всерьез – зачем вникать в то, что вышло из моды, да еще и стало в разы сложней для восприятия, если есть молодой и полный энтузиазма дэт-метал? В общем, теперь требуется отдать этой работе должное.
ДиДжорджио, вернувшись из командировки в шульдинеровский Death, значительно уплотнил и утяжелил звучание. Данная пластинка Sadus, на первый взгляд, проигрывает дебютнику во всем – тут и скорости ниже, и энергия уже не бьет фонтаном, и прежних истеричных визгов и воплей нет – одним словом, сделана, казалось бы, без запредельной самоотдачи. Музыка основательная и как будто слегка скучная. Между тем при ближайшем рассмотрении все оказывается совсем наоборот. Дебютник Sadus – вещь, несомненно, сногсшибательная, но слишком поверхностная, «Swallowed in Black» - еще ни рыба, ни мясо, а душа требует чего-то более изящно сервированного.
В данном материале собраны самые сливки. Расслабленные и изворотливые партии бас-гитары, очень плотная, но старательно вторящая им работа ударника, пестрящая пробежками – это главное достояние альбома. Бас - сыто булькающий, перезрелый. Соло-гитарист бьет редко, да метко, а вокал у Даррена Тревиса очень эмоциональный (он всегда балансирует на грани истошным визгом, никогда на него не срываясь), но они на «A Vision of Misery» уже не на главных ролях. Просто хороший, полнокровный аккомпанемент Стиву ДиДжорджио и Джону Аллену. При этом техничный трэш у Sadus получился очень органичным и ладным, отнюдь не таким мозголомным, как, например, у Watchtower. Сдержанным и земным. За ним не только любопытно следить, но его еще и приятно слушать. За что Sadus большое спасибо. (Диск предоставлен компанией CD-Maximum) |
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просмотров: 23136 |
Are you saved or enslaved
Trapped by Need to have
Feel it clench you
Do you want to give in
Through the Eyes the Will to see what they want to see
Looking through the Eyes of Greed
Feel Temptation burn
Each earns his own Fate
Each one has a will to Live
Blind are the Eyes that Need
Looking through the Eyes of Greed
Eyes of the Greedy
See what they will
Lust of the Flesh
A need to fulfill
Looking through the Eyes of Greed
Feel Temptation burn
Each earns his own Fate
Each one has a Will to Live
Blind are the Eyes that need
Looking through the Eyes of Greed
2. Machines
What you breathe
Is supposedly
Exhausted clean
Toxins rise
Through melting Skies
Life will die
Work to feed
A lifeless breed
The flourishing
Hybrid way
Circuits scream
Mankind heeds
Slave to all
Lifeless thralls
Of computer laws
Days are gone
New life's begun
On they'll run
3. Valley Of Dry Bones
Valley of dry Bones
Bless the Land
Arise come together Bone to Bone
Fusion of Flesh to Bone
Sand becomes the Blood of Man
Do it because I say you will
Repent to thee or turn to Dust
Just like the Sand
There'll be no rest
Valley of Dry Bones
Valley of Dry Bones
Bless the Land
Arise come together Bone to Bone
4. Slaves To Misery
Skilled Victims play their Games
A cause of violence for Fortune and Fame
Like all possessed they worship it all
Money loving mercenary Risks it all
Why can't you see the Intensity
The High that was not to be
With no decline it works every Time
Until we had enough we'll see
You can't get enough of the fucking Stuff
The rotting of the Brains a Game
Time after Time
With the loss of a Mind
You're crying out insanity
You can't afford to be
As fucking dumb as you seem
You know the Price you can't Pay
You Steal from one to Repay
The Debts of Bets, you should Die
Slave to Misery
Causing Suffering
Anything causing Pain
Experiencing Agony
Torment, Torture
I don't want to see you Suffer
Slave to Misery
Causing Suffering
5. Throwing Away The Day
Staring at the Walls around me
Pale and dismal life
I'll leave
A Time of Emptiness
That surrounds me
Waiting just for Life to be
Seclusion into the Mind
Involuntary Refuge
A Period in Time
I'll wait
The carving out of Life
Left in Solitude
Wise enough to See
It will Change
Time won't help me
While I'm Waiting
Tired of Living
This way I'm Feeling
Delaying Await
Depression Fills me
Descending Feeling
Lapse of Meaning
Throw it Away
Throwing it all Way
Throw it Away
Throwing away the Day
Wasting my Life
Waiting for others to get with the Plan
Taking their Time
I can't wait forever for this I won't Stand
Time after Time
Leaving us dormant and rotting away
Waste of the Day
Until we take Hold and Break Free we'll Pay
Time won't help me
While I'm Waiting and Throwing Away the Day
Throw it Away
Throwing it all Way
Throw it Away
Throwing away the Day
Mourning Time
Seeps into your Head
Dazed in Wait
Day is Dead
Slow to Pass
Tired of this Life
Tired of this Life
I bet I'll Die to Live
6. Facelift
Torn between Life
Dividing Inside
Dwelling on the Lies
They made to build their Lives
Born an Accident
In a World where no one Fits
A Fact of life for me
Starving in Poverty
Born here
Die here
Reason of Being
Living in this Hell Hole
I'm throwing away the day, every Day
Every Day
Forgive me not
For living in this World of Rot
I can't believe it all to be
A facelift, a Change, Society
Watching Tension build
My Hatred being Fulfilled
And making me want to Kill
And kill and kill and Kill
Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill
Depression and resurrect Life
No Hate, no Ignorance
No Tolerance for Prejudice
Coming, come to me
Facelift of inner Being
Don't let your Eyes be the Guide
To what your Mind can't see
Don't paint the Picture by the Color
Or what it seems to be
Know in the Debts of yourself
What you know to be Right
Making the Difference in how you Feel for Life
Open your Mind
Look Inside
Escaping Reality by Taking in all I can see
It's only the Way to Leave this Place
We all call Misery
Looking for the one to find
But nobody is left
Praying for meaning and waiting for Death
No Hate, no Ignorance
No Tolerance for Prejudice
Coming, coming to me
Facelift of Inner Being
Value of the one last died in himself
His Blood burns, Peace gone
Crying for help
Can't stop Misery
His Silence hears Death
Wishing the one gone was himself
No way of knowing what is rest
Death on the inside has killed all that's left
Lowest of the Low
Where Feelings are kept
His Silence is the one Cry
Silence hears Death
7. Deceptive Perceptions
Eyes... persuade the Mind
Ears... believe the Lies
One's own Society cries
Such a wasted Fate
Pre-programmed Hell
Reality is just a state of mind
And you can't believe the things you hear and see
Getting caught in fear that climbs
Escalating high
For your inferior mind
Can't cope with your right to decide
Waiting for your life to be
Having no ideas nor dreams to live
Believing all of the others' beliefs
Determining your fate eternally
Your mind is free
To believe in what you need
To live and breathe
Your destiny
Each of us has ideas of their own
Depicting original thoughts our own seeds to sow
Believing what is right to be real
Navigating one's own path to stray from ideals
Waste your thoughts
Follow their lies
Believing the false
Close your eyes
Deceptive perceptions
8. Under The Knife
Hungriness of killing makes me all I am
Exploration of death
To heal is their plan
Incision, scrutiny
Futile plan failing
Spawning all sickness
Grotesque forms
Taking what I want
Leaving nothing for you
All that is left will be mine in time
Sickly form of life
Afflicted with incurable infestation
Cutting into life
Preserving mankind
Cutting into life
Under the knife
Under the knife
Under the knife
Hungriness of killing makes me all I am
Exploration of death
To heal is their plan
Cutting into life
Preserving mankind
Cutting into life
Under the knife
9. Echoes Of The Forever
All is consumed by vanity
Whims of short lived mortality
Our desperate cries of pity
Are carried on winds for eternity
And lost in forgotten echoes...
The more that is known
The greater there is fear
It's worthless to question
It's useless to interfere
What has already been
Will come to pass again
An altering is hopeless
A chasing after the wind
Minutes pass to hours
Hours into years
The years of your life
Reflected in the mirror
The mirror only shows
The time that you can see
But how can time exist
Without eternity
Revelations of mankind fade away
Cries are lost, spray to the wind
In revolutions of the world
And echoes of forever
In an endless circle the sun hides from our sight
But as the circle is endless
It returns after the night
Nothing is new under the sun
As past and future become one
Though the tide retreats,
perpetually from the shore
It always returns itself
As it has before
Everything is meaningless
Pure insignificance
The past always leaves us
But never to subside
Recollections of memory
And the future coincide
In thought dwell the mysteries
Eternally they reside
Forever is the circle
Forever are the tides