 Это самый успешный альбом группы: еще бы - продано 80 тыс. экземпляров. Слов нет, музыка сделана здорово, записано чисто - с чисто технической стороны альбом безупречен. Но вот новизна его музыки мне представляется весьма сомнительной. Когда я слушал этот альбом, в голову лезли "аккорды" двадцатилетней давности. Я утверждаю, что с музыкальной точки зрения музыка многих песен альбома представляет собой усовершенствованный вариант музыки группы Celtic Frost образца 1984 и 1985 года. Сходство усугубляется весьма похожим вокалом вплоть до характерных "взрыкиваний", издаваемых время от времени вокалистом. Чтобы не быть голословным: начало "Living Death" - это начало песни "Сircle of the Tyrants" (1985), а ее продолжение совпадает с "The Usurper" (1985). "Nothing but Hate" заставляет вспомнить "Visions of Mortality" (1984).
Другие "миражи" всплывают при прослушивании "Bloody Grim", в котором достаточно продолжительное время гитары звучат так, как будто это играет Slayer.
Никаких ассоциаций не породила у меня только "Tomorrow Might not Come", а также всякие "интро".
В общем, в этом альбоме группа на новом техническом уровне вернулась к своему первоначальному стилю, начатому на их первом полноформатном релизе 1998 г. с существенными изменениями, которые характеризуются значительным уменьшением доли симфонических элементов. Учитывая то, что именно последние определяли своеобразие группы, можно сказать, что данный альбом стал не слишком оригинальным, а для тех, кто хорошо знает творчество Celtic Frost, - совсем неоригинальным.
Учитывая также и то, что лирика Gloomy Grim "станадартная" - мистические, антихристианские страшилки, можно утверждать, что "величественный забой" - это типовой добротный материал, представляющий более исторический интерес. |
As you han in there and weep
Death is always final
Like in your case
They say you were son of some god
What I have seen
will not underline that
Promised land or your second coming
Will not, ever, happen
I see people have trust in your words
what a shame
that they can't think on their own
I can see the panic in their eyes
when they'll notice, they'll die like others
Where are you then
when your lambs need you?
Stupid fuckers
They kill for your sake
but still you stay away from there
They have done all that could be done
so your coming would be easy
Fly here with your armies of angels
so I can taste their blood
What could be better,
than eat the flesh of the saint?
Come, if you dare
Come, you son of a bitch
Come, we'll nail you again
Come, show us your strength
2. Lucifer's Hammer
When he was a little boy
He was afraid of the dark
Witches, ghosts and hanged people
were all the time in his mind
After he shooked hands with Lucifer
All his fears were gone
He knew that nothing could hurt him
because they are on his side
He grew up in possession of Satan
He gave him all what he needed
Took his life, it didn't feel bad
That's how I became
The Lucifer's hammer
Believers are spikes in my flesh
but I can not shed my skin
Using forces which are given to me
I will nail these spikes to the cross
On that cross cries Jesus Christ
begging mercy from anybody
No one would listen
they know what he has done
I'll take one spike from my flesh
and nail him down
This is why I exist
and why they have made me
I could close my eyes
and dream those faulty dreams
whose most of the people are dreaming
But rather I live in Real World
and obey the picture in the mirror
There watches me a man
half Beast, half human
Lucifer, some say
Satan, others
That is my name
I can not deny
I am proud of it
of what I have became
3. Tomorrow Might Not Come
Lost forever, but never forgotten
Taken too early from here
We wait for the day for our turn to come
The days are getting shorter
Brother, we don't meet again
But buy remembering you, you're here
No need for any
explanations of life or death
I know that we are going to
HELL - is where we all live
It is all what people need
Some say that there is heaven above
but who wants to go there?
Living in a lie is what some need,
so they turn their face away
I don't know why I give a shit,
it is just so stupid
DEATH - Highest Power of them all
to sacrifice your life in vain
you can turn yourself into a monk
Live your life
as never before
or die for nothing
you can't choose
Tomorrow might not come
Prepare yourself for that
Sometimes I envy those
who can be blind
and trust that they would live after death
Tomorrow might not come
Prepare yourself for that
Lost forever, but never forgotten
Taken too early from our side
We wait for the day for our turn to come
The days are getting shorter
Brother, we don't meet again
But buy memorizing you, you're here
No need for any
explanations of life or death
I know that we are going to Hell
DEATH - Highest Power of them all
LIVE YOUR LIFE as never before
or die for nothing you can't choose
Tomorrow might not come
4. Prelude To War
5. Corps Of Doom
Corps of doom, attack!
The attack to their holy land
won't hurt anyone
Lives of the living dead
are worth of anything
They should be happy
to meet their father
and their holy ghost
This life must be
A Hell for them
So, we can help them
in their pain
They must live among us,
who believe in no God
They must follow our laws
even they have their own
They can not do what they want
and turn all to slavery
If they kill for their God
you must understand
They only do the deeds
that he wants
They only walk the path
that he shows
They must live among us,
who believe in no God
They must follow our laws
even they have their own
They can not do what they want
and turn all to slavery
If they kill for their God
you must understand
Drop the bomb
Kill them all
Corps of doom
Into death
I have sworn
6. Nothing But Hate
Take a trip to the world of unseen
Smash the image which you have always obeyed
Kill your idols, rape the daughters of the innocent
Feel nothing, hear nothing, nothing, but hate
Raise below your inner self
the things you should never do
are now taking their place
in your hateful mind
Look at the mirror
what do you see?
Is it you of only
shadow of human being?
What you have done
to fulfill your mission?
Your life is gone
and will never come back
It took so long to understand
that those sacrifices made
were made for nothing
Feel the shame,
as you hate yourself
Be the kind of person
you never want to meet
You can touch the abomination
as you go deeper and deeper
Now you can feel something
This is better than nothing
7. Bloody Grim
Want it or not
We are coming to your town
to spread the word of
gloomy bloody grim
Take no prisoners
no life spared
you won't be saved from
our holocaust
Blinded by fear
this is the day
Ears bleed blood
Gloomy Bloody Grim
Take no prisoners
no life spared
you won't be saved from
our holocaust
Bang your head
against the wall
Feel the power of Satan tonight
See the enemies falling down
one by one
we'll take them to the Ground
Blood on the stage
Murder in the crowd
Get stronger on Deaths glory
Gloomy Bloody Grim
Take no prisoners
no life spared
you won't be saved from
our holocaust
Acts of unholy
Open the Gates to the Infernal world of...
Gloomy Bloody Grim
Take no prisoners
no life spared
you won't be saved from
our holocaust
Stabbing, Slaying
Robbing, Killing
Burning, Slashing
Ripping, Squeezing
Churches burned down
Open graves left behind
Beaten up bodies
swollen eye browns
Breaking bones of the priest
is the sound I love
Tonight is the night
Brothers of blood
Children of the night
Attack as one
to obtain our victory
Taste the blood
of sacrificed goat
feel the life going through
your veins
Stabbing, Slaying
Robbing, Killing
Burning, Slashing
Ripping, Squeezing
you won't be saved from
this holocaust
8. Living Dead
See them walking on the streets
the same streets you are walking
They push you around and waste your space
You hope that you have license to kill
You can not understand anything they say
or where they are going to
Worthless life day by day
They only ruin your life
I only hope I can survive this
or else I kill some of them
LIVING DEAD walking on the earth
only wasting my time and space
Is there really anything to do
to stop them walking?
If you kill one
There shall be many
its like Medusa's head
Only thing you can really do
is not to become like they are
Keep your thoughts as they are
don't listen to Their whining
Let the blood of the Dead bleed
Let the eternal silence come
Turn your rivers into wine
and I'll turn rivers into Blood
Silence is the only thing I need
Total silence without any sound
Do I have to kill myself
To obtain total silence?
Slow Death is
the price you pay
for living such a wasted life
Eternal rot
in your grave
No one even knew
you were here
9. Bedtime Story
Listen my child, I'll tell you a story
There was a man who was crucified
Other people began to write this fairytale
Started to spread his words of wisdom
BELIEVE in my god or you will DIE
That is the mantra they are still using
BELIEVE in my god or you will DIE
It is only for the love of their god
Believe or not they still exist
They love you so much that
you have to give your life
Like their father gave away his son
In their mind you owe at least that
I am going to die for your sins
Remember to kill all who dare to deny that
Take their lands or burn them down
I am going to be Eternal
If you do as I want, you can be it too
WARFARE among the living
This is what I wanted
TOTAL DEATH to mankind
This is what I needed
PUNISHMENT for the sale of father
I don't know who he was
LAW OR DEATH with laughter
I can not live
That was the end of story
Now go to sleep
Dream of something nice
Don't be afraid
They won't get you, I promise
I will protect you from their attack