 Второй сольный альбом Ингви. Если почитать отзывы об этом альбоме в Интернете, то станет ясно, что у многих людей именно «Fire аnd Ice» – любимый диск. Лично переслушав его, я понял, что это работа действительно стоящая, и её есть за что любить. Начнём со звука. На тот момент это был, пожалуй, самый мощный саунд, который только был у Мальмстина. Приятно звучат гитары, сильно выделяясь из общего звучания. Соло, как всегда, мелодичны и душевны, в этом Ингви никогда не изменит себе. Бас на удивление мощный, даже не надо напрягать слух, чтобы его разобрать. Возможно, на это влияет тот факт, что на бас-гитаре играет не сам Ингви, а отдельный музыкант (хотя на прошлом альбоме «Eclipse» также играл этот же басист, слышно его было не так чётко). Неплохие ритмические рисунки выдаёт барабанщик, из-за хорошо прописанного звучания бас-бочек его партии слушаются очень привлекательно. А вот что меня удивило, так это клавишные! Никогда ещё у Ингви не было таких объёмных партий клавишных, причём они хороши и когда звучат фоном, и когда играют соло. Вокалист всё так же сильно поёт, наделяя музыку приятным голосом. Далее – песни. По-прежнему велико влияние хард-рока, но уже явственнее в песнях чувствуется пауэр-метал, что не может не радовать. Да и хитов здесь предостаточно: это и открывающая инструменталка «Perpetual», хард-роковый боевик «Teaser» (я сам удивился этому факту, раньше меня не цепляли композиции подобного типа), мега-красивая песенка с великолепными клавишными партиями «How Many Miles to Babylon», стремительный боевичок «No Mercy», старый добрый шред в песне «Leviathan», убивающая своим вступлением заглавная вещь «Fire аnd Ice», быстрая «Forever is Long Time» (вылитый Stratovarius), грустная балладообразная композиция «I’m My Own Enemy», и завершающая «Final Curtain». Ну и в заключение скажу, что, наряду со следующим шедевральным альбомом «The Seventh Sign», это - самая мощная работа из всего сольного творчества шведского гитариста. |
In my dreams
I am the Dragonfly (Dragonfly)
I guess I always will be searching
I live and learn from my mistakes
And all the love that I've expecting
Is equal to the love I make
Little dreamer when evening falls. Shadows fall
Bring some honey for my soul
Take me to the places I've never been
If I had some wings then I could fly (Dragonfly)
In my dreams I am the Dragonfly (Dragonfly)
3. Teaser
Getting dressed for the masquerade
To be the main attraction
Might become someone someday
With the right connection
You might find the night so lonely
But you're not the only one
I just wanna go with ecstasy
To the river of love I run
Teaser you set my heart on fire
Teaser put out the flames of my desire
If you let me stay inside
I give satisfaction
In the night lose our way
In the turned of love I ride
Teaser you set my heart on fire
Teaser put out the flames of my desire
Ohh I guess we all need someone
Teaser you set my heart on fire
Teaser put out the flames of my desire
4. How Many Miles To Babylon
In this wasteland without any shadows
There is no water for my dusty throat
There is no rainbow days filled with silent sorrow
And for our sin there are no antidotes
Eternal sand
There is no end to this no man's land
We all must pay
For the piper we dance while he plays
How many miles to Babylon
How many years musi I carry on
In this our endless searching for the Holy Grail
There is no sleep gor the souls who find no rest
Ships of the desert without rigs or sails
Flotsam and Jetsam floating from the west
Eternal sand
There is no end to this no man's land
We all must pay
For the piper we dance while he plays
How many miles to Babylon
How many years musi I carry on
5. Cry No More
There's a time for all our innocence
When the tears aren't far away
And a time build a strong defense
When the boy's too old to play
And we learn the hard way
Day by day
Giving in but always coming back for more
And we cry no more... cry no more
There's a time for games and visions
And the stake is more or less
There's a time for fast decisions
When our dreams become success
We do anything to raise that score
Cause the end will aways justify the means
And we cry no more
Cry no more... and we cry no more etc.
Our year's in misery
Made dreams reality. Ohh
And we cry no more etc.
Cry no more... and we cry no more etc
6. No Mercy
You say you're always right and I'm wrong
You tell me I am weak and you are strong
Always tried so hard
Now you've gone too far
I'll give all or nothing now to play my cards
You pretend it's for fun
In the end when it's done
You might say it's a game
But I will show no mercy
You talk so much but you don't have a clue
You lie so much you even think it's tru
Now I'm in the lead
Want to see you bleed
Say goodbye I am forever in control
You must learn oh so well
You shall burn in my hell
You might say it's a game
I will show no mercy
And now it's said and done it's all completed
You think you've won you know you are defeated
Now it's all so clear
I'm your greatest fear
You have lived a lie be prepared to die
You must learn oh so well
You shall burn in my hell
You might say it's a game
I will show no mercy
7. C'est La Vie
Fighting the odds while we still have time
There is a limit don't cross that line
It's no good with water we cannot drink
We're a ship about to sink
We pray but the walls is just too high
We pay with our lives to the dark tower in the sky
C'est la vie life in the shadows
C'est la vie there's no tomorrow
Give us back the blue blue sky
Where the air is so fresh where eagles fly
What good is a planet that's slowly dying
What kind of life can it bring
We pray but the walls is just too high
We pay with our lives to the dark tower in the sky
C'est la vie life in the shadows
C'est la vie there's no tomorrow
8. Leviathan
9. Fire And Ice
Everyday is like a set up race
And the world is still a lonely place
To be or not to be is this the final quiz
A flash in the pan goodbye
Still shooting for the open sky
Between the devil and the deep blue sea
I cannot find a compromise
It's still just treason
They bring me down with their lies
Don't know the reason
My life is fire and ice
Tomorrow will be different
All you need is just come confidence
I dream of being a warrior
So far beyond
There's a voice that whispers I can fail
I believe it's just a trick of the tail
Between the devil and the deep blue sea
There is no way no compromise
It's still just treason
They bring me down with their lies
Don't know the reason
My life is fire and ice
10. Forever Is A Long Time
Today I read in a book that some are meant
to live forever
There's also a nightmare where our dying
has no end
If I let my will surrender and my flesh be crucified
In his name my sins will be sublime
Forever is a long long time
It's said love is a gift that's given if we're
true believers
Just make your body and your sold his receivers
In this world those golden rules
May seem like they're made for fools
Puppets on a string that blessing can bring
Forever is a long long time
Forever is a long long time
But now the wine has turned sour after all these
years of fighting
So many wars but still his kingdom is not striking
Pray for your enemy
And love without agony
Always ready for his day to come
Forever is a long long time
Forever is a long time
11. I'm My Own Enemy
From now on I'm dancing with myself
To the sound of a blue and broken string
Left behind with the dust upon a shelf
The remains of a long forgotten song
All that we had but now again
I stand alone all love has an end
You cannot see this is my destiny
I'm my own enemy
In my life there was no-one like you
You cannot see this is my reality
I'm my own enemy
In my life there was no'one like you
From now on I'm sleeping with my shadow
In the night my thoughts can be my own
All the pain and all this endless sorrow
I miss you more than I will ever know
Holding you never again
It cannot be all love has an end
You cannot see this is my destiny
I'm my own enemy
In my life there was no-one like you
You cannot see this is my reality
I'm my own enemy
In my life there was no'one like you
Now I know there is no-one that is waiting
At the end of that long and widing road
Memories in the dead of night are calling
All the way I carry on my heavy load
All that we had but now again
I satnd alone all love had an end
You cannot see this is my destiny
I'm my own enemy
In my life there was no-one like you
You cannot see this is my reality
I'm my own enemy
In my life there was no'one like you
12. All I Want Is Everything
Before me eyes the world is falling
But through all lies
I feel my calling
They always said that I can't do it
But even so I walked right through it
Why can't you see
The way that it must be
You think you're so strong
You know that you are wrong
Come on woman
Just gimme a touch
You gotta know I'm not asking too much
Once a king always a king
All I want is everything
You always thought that you were so cool
You used to say that I was a fool
And all this time you were just a tool
You couldn't see that I made the rules
I have to feel
I know this is for real
I gotta live
I want all you can give
Come on woman
Just gimme a touch
You gotta know I'm not asking too much
Once a king always a king
All I want is everything
13. Golden Dawn
14. Final Curtain
What's left for me to see
In my ship I sailed so far
What can the answer be
Don't know what the questions are
And after all I've done
Still I cannot feel the sun
Tell me save me
In the end our lost souls must repent
I must know it is for certain
Can it be the final curtain
As long as the wind will blow
I'll be searching high and low
Who knows what's really true
They say the end is so near
Why are we all so cruel
We just fill ourselves with fear
And heaven and hell will turn
All that we love shall burn
Hear me trust me
In the end our lost souls must repent
I must know it is for certain
Can it be the final curtain
As long as the wind will blow
I'll be searching high and low
Final curtain
Final curtain
15. Broken Glass
[Japanese bonus track]
I paid the piper with my song
For all the times I've done you wrong
I watched the devil get his due
And I knew that was for you
It breaks my heart
Our time has passed by telling lies
I fall apart
Like broken glass on shattered ice
We gave up our love within
To keep ourselves from giving in
I know my world will always turn
When you burn, you'll live and learn
Like an intruder in your arms
I never meant to do you harm
I know my song, it will remain
All the same, I feel the pain