 Ãðóïïà áûâøåãî ãèòàðèñòà-âîêàëèñòà Sentenced. Ïî ìóçûêå - ïîñò äóì, àëÿ Paradise Lost 95 ñ ýëåìåíòàìè Cemetary. Íåïëîõîé àëüáîì÷èê, íî çâåçä ñ íåáà íå õâàòàåò. Çàïèñàí ñ õîðîøèì çâóêîì, ñèãðàí òîæå íè÷åãî, íî èäåé ÷åòêî íåõâàòàåò. Áóäåì ñ÷èòàòü ÷òî ðàáîòà óäàëàñü òîëüêî íà ïîëîâèíó. |
Âíèìàíèå ëþáèòåëåé Sentenced! ýòà ãðóïïà - äëÿ íàñ! àëüáîì íåïëîõîé, íàïèñàí â ñòèëå âûøåóïîìÿíóòûõ ãîðÿ÷èõ ôèíñêèõ ïàðíåé, íî... ëó÷øå Cry Havoc'a â ñòèëå Sentenced'a íèêòî íå èãðàåò, ïîìèìî ñàìèõ Sentenced... ìíå ëè÷íî î÷åíü íðàâèòñÿ ýòîò ñòèëü, ïîñåìó õî÷ó ñêàçàòü, àëüáîì ðåöåíçèðóåìîé êîìàíäû êà÷åñòâåííûé è ïðèÿòíûé íà ñëóõ, îñîáåííî, åñëè ó÷åñòü, ÷òî ïîåò òàì íå êòî èíîé, êàê ñàì T.Jarva (êòî íå çíàåò - áûâøèé âîêàëèñò Ïðèãîâîðåííûõ), ñîîòâåòñòâåííî, äåëàéòå âûâîäû... åäèíñòâåííîå ÷òî, ëè÷íî ÿ íå î÷åíü ëþáëþ âñÿêèå "ýêñïåðèìåíòû" è íîâàòîðñòâà... òóò îíè ïðèñóòñòâóþò â âèäå íåêîåãî àðò-ðîêîâîãî êîìïîíåíòà, íî, ñëàâà áîãó, â íåáîëüøîè êîëè÷åñòâå... â îáùåì, êàê ÿ óæå ãîâîðèëà, àëüáîì íåïëîõ, åìó òîëüêî áû åùå Sentenced'îâñêîé òÿãó÷åñòè è Cry Havoc'îâñêîãî óãàðà! íî òîãäà ýòî áûëà áû óæ ñîâñåì äðóãàÿ êîìàíäà! |
Yet before calling it an eve…There shall… there shall be done one deed or two, yeah!
One colour: black, one calling X One calling: black! X One colour: black, one calling X One calling: black (and shades of grey!)
Of all the colours in the world, you know I had to choose the one with none
X Solo AR X
Now we live the Age of Treason, When there's daggers in men's smiles (goddamn backstabbers in disguise)
Serpent Eyes…And Viper's Tongue, It is time for revaluation (of all values)
One colour: black, one calling X One calling: black! X One colour: black, one calling X One calling: black (and shades of grey!)
A3. Deep Waters
[J a r v a et al]
I see you… in a velvet robe, I feel you… from across the wave, I hear you… calling me
Deep waters… Calling men. Calling women. And calling children X Deep waters… Calling men. Calling women. Calling. Calling!
My people! Now hear the News: No more room when the Ark is full. And it seems like every path leads down to nowhere (Well, what can I say?). From now on no easy way, And for some of us there ain't no way at all. ‘tis like a Midsummer Night's Dream
Deep waters… Calling men. Calling women. And calling children X Deep waters… Calling men. Calling women. Calling. Calling!
Drifting… Now you've set yourself a-drifting… Towards the sea…
X Solo AR X
Drifting… With the stream of consciousness now drifting… Towards the sea…
Drifting… drifting… like a long and silent river you are… You are… you are a-drifting.
Drifting! Drifting! For life's too long and life's too short and you are a-drifting…You're drifting away — You've set yourself astray…
A4. Goin' To Hel
[J a r v a et al]
Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair, Like all things that lurk within me
Condemn themselves for ever being there — Wanna see, Wanna see me bleed? And then. You come. With your All-Revealing News!
I…feel…I'm going, I'm going X Oh, I feel…I'm going, I'm going to Hell!
Now, in blood I am stepp'd in so far — Wanna see, wanna see me burn? And when my battle here is lost and/or won, light the way to dusty death…But no. You come to me. With your Ever-Healing Truths!
I…feel…I'm going, I'm going X Oh, I feel…I'm going and going…
When all the principles have been broken, And all the goals you've set yourself have been forgotten. You search for greater men — Find but the Apes of Their Ideals. And you remain: All lost and blind and hollow… Who's got to go… Now he has to go. Who's got to go, he has to go and I feel I am going — but not alone. Will all great Neptune's Ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?
I…feel…I'm going, I'm going X Oh, I feel…I'm going, I'll go — but not alone! X
B1. Avalon
[J a r v a et al]
Chaos. Hysteria. Madness Millennial, Men like flies in every corner. Hell-on-Earth and End-of-Time. These times and these places must be all wrong. It's too damn hot or too damn cold, we must get out — So down we go:
Avalon! Avalon! Avalon! Avalon! X Avalon! Avalon! Avalon! Avalon! X Would you tell me which way the wind…blows?
A second chance. A Second Coming. A second earth, a second birth, none of us will live to see. Now choose your side… Now choose your arms… Now if you are with me, I can show the way — Let us seize the day!
Avalon! Avalon! Avalon! Avalon! X Avalon! Avalon! Avalon!Avalon! X Would you tell me which way the wind…
Beggars moan in every corner
Avalon! Preachers preach: "The End is Nigh!"
Avalon! Infected blood, infested land,
Avalon! No World Without an End!
Avalon! Now, I don't want to heal the world!
Avalon! And I don't want to drop the bomb!
Avalon! For it seems so close, yet so far away
Avalon! There somewhere, Avalon!
Would you tell me which way the wind…blows?
B2. We Die Alone
[J a r v a , F l o r i d a et al]
Hush! (…the horror…the horror…the horror…)
If you feel Emptiness. If you feel Hollow. If you are lost and you don't want to find yourself. Deserted streets within that Ghost Town of your Nightmares. You're in the Limbo — Hollow Ground; Shadowland. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing new under the sun…
All alone… Shadowland, Shadowland, now… X All alone… Shadowland, Shadowland, now, now!
We die alone! Shadowland, Shadowland, now, now! X All alone… Shadowland… and Hollow Ground!
If you're a shadow of what you used to be. If you don't know yourself. If you don't care. If Nihil, Naught and Nil are all that you can feel! You're in the Limbo — Hollow Ground; Shadowland. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing new under the sun…
All alone… Shadowland, Shadowland, now… X All alone… Shadowland, Shadowland, now, now!
We die alone! Shadowland, Shadowland, now, now! X All alone… Shadowland… and Hollow Ground!
X Solo MV / AR X
Nothing new and nothing true and nothing pure and nothing good on Hollow Ground!
All alone… Shadowland, Shadowland, now… X All alone… Shadowland, Shadowland, now, now!
We die alone! Shadowland, Shadowland, now, now! X All alone… Shadowland… and Hollow Ground! X All alone & c…
B3. The Everlasting - p.2
[F l o r i d a , J a r v a et al]
I have found it… The Everlasting. And I have found it… I found it in You.
C1. Ozymandias
[M: Jarva, Poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)]
I met a traveller from an antique land who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, and wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, tell that its sculptor well those passions readWhich yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed. And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bareThe lone and level sands stretch far away.
C2. Blood Of The Gods
[J a r v a et al]
So divine…And so godlike…The substance that runs in your, runs in your, runs in your veins! (That runs in your veins!) Ethereal…Ichor… The same substance that rinses and rinses and rinses the planes! (Then washes away!)
And then you know that the end is nigh… X It's coming down now! Becoming ours! X And then you know that the end is nigh!
All of the power… And the glory that you held is now fading and fading and fading away! (Now fading away!). Is your skyline…still darker? Is your star shining brighter and brighter and brighter than mine? (Well, I don't think so). All ye pretty ones: You've had your Seasons in the Sun. It's time to fall into oblivion! All ye pretty ones: You've had your 15 minutes now. It's time to fall, it's time to fall…
Down! It's coming down now! X And then you know that the end is nigh… X It's coming down now! Becoming ours! X And then you know that the end is nigh!
X Solo MV X
I remember the older times. When the gods were still young…
So full of power, and full of rage, full of pride. Now those days are gone………(And never to return!)
X Solo AR X
All your power…And your glory is now running and running and running and running now in MY veins! (‘til someone better comes along!) All ye pretty ones: You've had your Seasons in the Sun. It's time to fall into oblivion! All ye pretty ones: You've had your 15 minutes now. It's time to fall, it's time to fall…
Down! It's coming down now! X And then you know that the end is nigh… X It's coming down now! Becoming ours! X And then you know that the end is nigh!
C3. Bunkerking
[L u t t i n e n , J a r v a et al]
You know the feeling when you're locked in a dark and lonely place, barely alive from another Night of the Iguanas. And instead of trying to find a door… All you can do… is bang your skull ‘gainst the wall! (Yeah, I know that you know. And you know that I do too.)
Betrayed my country, my family, Betrayed my friends, betrayed my love — They cursed me. I could have died… so long ago, But this fucken world won't let me go, Ol' Harry cares for his own! I cannot see… I cannot breathe… I cannot be…
When I feel… Like a fish out of the water…
Like a beast, like a beast without its claw…
In/Out X I am the Bunker King X In/Out X And I can't do anything alright X In/Out — coming in, coming out, coming in
In/Out X And the walls keep coming in… X In/Out X Me, the Bunker King X In/Out X And I can't and I can't do one fucken thing right! In/Out — coming in, coming out, coming in!
X Solo AR / MV / AR / MV X
In/Out X I am the Bunker King X In/Out X And I can't do anything alright X In/Out — coming in, coming out, coming in
In/Out X And the walls keep coming in… X In/Out X Meet the Bunker King X In/Out X And I can't and I can't do one fucken thing right! In/Out — coming in, coming out, coming in!
(Ya kno' what I mean, & c…), Like a beast, like a beast without its claw…
In/Out X I am the Bunker King X In/Out X And the walls keep coming in on me X In/Out — coming in , coming out, coming in!
D1. Winter Winds Sing
[J a r v a et al]
For so very long it has been so very, very cold. Right here where I am, For so far is the time… When you came and brought peace to this chaos inside. You know I have felt you deep in my blood and in my veins. Yes, you. The most beautiful thing, that this ugly, dirty world had ever seen. Well, I've seen. And I sing to thee:
And all the land, all the seas, All the landscape will freeze X Say goodbye to the angels in your heart!
And all the woods and the beasts, all the life forms seace being X When you cry winter winds sing straight to my heart…
You, my light in the dusk, in the twilight fading time. You have been shining so dim. Through the season all the howling and gashing of teeth (just like it says in the bible, or so I believe)
You, my light in the dead of the night, I pray to all gods just to be by your side (and as it says in a great many songs)
Can't you see you are the air I breathe, You are the blood I bleed… Well, I bleed. And I sing to thee:
And all the land, all the seas, all the landscape will freeze X Say goodbye to the angels in your heart
And all the woods and the beasts, all the life forms seace being X When you cry winter winds sing straight to my heart…
X Solo AR X
And all the stars and the moo, And the great ol' one up high in the sky will die too. When you cry winter winds sing straight to my heart… No-no-no-no!… No-no-no-no!… No-no-no-no!… No-no-no-no!…
D2. Ecce Homo!
[J a r v a et al]
X Solo MV X
Blest' are those who cannot see reality in all its ruthless misery. For what doesn't kill you ought to make you stronger
Yet the more you endure, the pain lasts longer and longer and longer and longer…
X Solo AR X
All the losses that lie ahead, And all the sufferings which yet raise their head. For those whom the gods love, oh, they will die young. And as if the best… so is the very worst yet to come…
No! Nothing hereafter X Behold! Nothing there for you X Another day! Nothing hereafter X Another morn! Nothing there for you
This is it! This is the real thing! And all that you will ever know is right here, right now, in front of your eyes! So if you don't like it… Well now, the choice is free: Just get out of my sight! Or try to enjoy your stay. In the meantime, you can be sure there will be always someone or something trying to break you. ‘Cause reality, it is the worst and best you'll ever know!
No! Nothing hereafter X Behold! Nothing there for you X Another day! Nothing hereafter X Another morn! Nothing there…& c…
X Solo MV X
So hollow be.
D3. Night On Earth
[J a r v a et al]
…night on earth…night on earth…night on earth…night on earth…It's night on earth… It's night on earth now…It's night on earth…
It's been a long day. So bloody cold. Here in the White Town of the North. Walking… Past the gravestones, across the frozen fields. Through the hordes and congregations — Right against the stream!
Thy Kingdom Come — Thy Kingdom Gone X In the White Town of the North. Thy Kingdom Come and another good man gone X And when it's night it is night upon this earth
X Solo AR X
Thy Kingdom Come — Thy Kingdom Gone X In the White Town of the North. Thy Kingdom Come and another good man gone X And when it's night it is night.
Every somber pace in the night takes you farther from the light of day. Takes you deeper…Steals your shape. Then engulfs you…Fell of the Night
X Solo AR X
Is this the New Age? Or are these the Dark Ages? In the White Town of the North. Meeting… stranger faces and long-abandoned places. Past the ruins and through the wreckage, where our souls and spirits lie
Thy Kingdom Come — Thy Kingdom Gone X In the White Town of the North. Thy Kingdom Come and another good man gone X And when it's night it is night upon this earth…
X Solo MV X
Thank You, Good Night.