Gamma Ray
« Insanity and Genius »
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1 | Tribute To The Past
 | 2 | No Return
 | 3 | Last Before The Storm
 | 4 | The Cave Principle
 | 5 | Future Madhouse
 | 6 | Gamma Ray (edited version)
 | 7 | Insanity & Genius
 | 8 | 18 Years
 | 9 | Your Torn Is Over
 | 10 | Heal Me
 | 11 | Brothers |
   Ralf Sheepers - vocals
Dirk Schlachter - guitars, keyboards, vocals
Kai Hansen - guitars, vocals
Jan Rubach - bass
Thomas Nack - drums |
Recorded at: Hansen Studios Hamburg
Engineered & produced by: Dirk Schlächter & Kai Hansen
Mixed at: Horus Sound Studio Hannover
Mixed by: Charlie Bauerfeind
Cover Artwork by: Kai Karczewski |
 | Tribute to the past
He who found a way to leave
To somewhere far from now
Traveling in his time machine
A dream that had come true
Fly my friend, you will see
Something called reality
I feel good, I'm alright
Doing what I please, I travel time
Far beyond the risin |
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 Знаете, меня как-то покоробило выражение «в мусорное ведро», что побудило написать рецензию, дабы восторжествовала справедливость. Жаль, что при такой низкой средней оценке люди просто напросто будут обходить этот альбом стороной, а потом плеваться от последних работ великих Gamma Ray. Полная дискредитация группы! Я бы посоветовал уважаемому ещё раз переслушать весь «Insanity and Genius» и проникнуться, после того как инкубаторские альбомы Gamma Ray периода после 1995 года и по настоящий момент окончательно приедятся. Песня «Your Torn is Over» действительно немного не вписывается в общую картину, и при этом звучит очень прикольно и с красивыми соляками. Так что, вряд ли это минус. Главное достоинство этого альбома – это необыкновенное разнообразие материала, которое наблюдается на всех первых 3-х альбомах… с Шиперсом! и приближённость исполняемого стиля к харду, что может быть даже интересным для любителей классики (Deep Purple, Uriah Heep, Queen). На альбоме в избытке различных переходов, чередующихся медленных и быстрых, звук тяжёлый, что очень приятно, много «тарелочек» и ещё раз… великолепные соляки! Группа не исполняет песни по занудному стандарту, постоянно повторяя один и тот же музыкальный ход: куплет-привев-короткий инструментал-куплет-припев. Нет… уж если понесло, так понесло, трудно остановиться. Мелодии не повторяются. Это я про «инструментальную серединку». Для примера, возьмите хотя бы… ну просто шикарнейшую «The Cave Principle» и «Gamma Ray». Такого… к огромному сожалению, Gamma Ray не суждено больше написать никогда. Следующую композицию я бы смело называю эталоном пауэра. Такого хаоса (в хорошем смысле) как на «Future Madhouse» я не слышал ещё нигде (может потягаться только мой любимый хелловиновский «The Time of the Oath», помните «We Burn», «Anything My Mama Don't Like»). Отдельных слов заслуживает разрывной вокал Шиперса, с хрипотцой! Хороши, великолепны среднетемповые «No Return», «Insanity & Genius», «Heal Me», «Brothers», баллада «18 Years». И в завершение остаётся упомянуть два боевичка, выбивающих мозги напрочь: «Tribute to the Past» и «Last Before The Storm». В итоге – сильнейший, интереснейший материал под безупречное пение Шиперса, которого очень мало в пауэр-метале, однозначно! |
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Слабейший диск раннего GR. Сильные вещи можно пересчитать по пальцам. После блестящих первых двух альбомов здесь ребят как-то резко кинула муза. В основном, наблюдается преобладание весьма средненьких композиций, расположенных в основном в середине альбома. К сожалению есть и два провала. Иного слова придумать не могу, поскольку такие слабые (не хочу говорить "позорные") песни как "The Cave Principle" и "Your Torn Is Over" просто портят и без того не очень сильный диск. Однако есть и явные хиты. Это "Tribute To The Past", "No Return" и одно из лучших произведений группы вообще "18 Years" (причем, что интересно, автор песни не Хансен, а Шипперс). Очень интересна вещь "Heal Me". Как верно заметил Clear, в ней есть многое, сильно напоминающее Queen. В заключение скажу, при всей "среднести", диск обладает неплохим зарядом веселья, и посему его рекомендуется (выборочно) слушать в целях поднятия себе настроения... |
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Странно, что никто не высказался по поводу сего альбома, ладно буду первым. Как раз на днях переслушал альбом и появилась мысль высказать ее вслух. Присмотрелся на вкладку
и впервые заметил то, чего раньше не замечал-песни то на данном альбоме написала вся группа, а не только диктатор Хансен! Вот уж удивился! На альбоме 3 (три) вокалиста. Помимо основного Шиперса в песни Heal Me появился Хансен,
а на Your Turn Over поет Шлехтер, кстати, абсолютно бездарно. В целом альбои очень интерсный и разнообразный.
Наряду с типичными скоростными композициями №1 и №3 (названия сейчас не вспомню), медлякообразные 18 years и Heal Me, причем последняя отдает Queen. Появилась озорная Future Madhose и одноименная с группой Gamma Ray, правда не очень удачная. Еще бы отметил The Cave principal. Итого 9
минус 1 за уже упоминавшуюся Your turn... |
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Третий альбом немецких классиков пауэр металла. Приходится это говорить, но альбом просто хуже некуда. Группа опять вернулась на этап, который уже прошёл с дебютным альбомом «Heading For Tomorrow». Опять был взят курс на повышение позитивности атмосферы, весёлости и радости в мелодике, что слушать можно раз и два, но на третий раз уже начинает надоедать, потому что кажется в последствии глупым и, по меньшей мере, странным для таких серьёзных и больших людей как Кай Хансен и Ральф Шиперс. Замечу, что Кай не только уделял внимание своей основной группе но, также и помогал таким коллективам как Blind Guardian почти на протяжении всей их карьеры и на дебютном альбоме Angra, но для себя так и не смог сделать чего-нибудь стоящего на этот раз. Также последним этот альбом стал для вокалиста Ральфа Шиперса, который позже решил попытать счастья в Judas Priest, правда, совсем неудачно. И нынешним местом его дислокации стала банда Primal Fear. Где он наконец-то обрёл себя, исполняя настоящий металл в компании с Мэтом Синнером. Но давайте всё-таки вернёмся к обозреваемому альбому. Качество записи диска очень хорошее. Профессионализм музыкантов заметен невооружённым взглядом. Хоры в припевах проработаны чётко и качественно. А вот муза ребят почему-то подвела или даже ещё хуже - покинула. Весь музыкальный материал до жути ровен, скучен и не примечателен. Вновь мы можем слышать традиционный хэппи пауэр металл, что так усиленно нам толкает большинство новомодных пауэрщиков. Хотя каким-то чудом сюда попала потрясающая композиция «18 Years», похожая несколько на Queen, что довольно-таки странно, но гнева не вызывает, поскольку смотрится достаточно привлекательно, а особенно на уровне остального посредственного материала вообще выглядит сущим шедевром! Особенно хотел бы выделить самые отстойные песни, такие, как трудно переносимые боевики «Insanity And Genius», «Tribute To The Past» и одноимённая «Gamma Ray» - это уже совсем откровенный самоплагиат. Даже если принять его за шутку, то будет не ахти как выглядеть. В общем, перемудрили мужики довольно-таки серьёзно. Да так попали впросак, что альбомчик выдался ярким и уверенным разочарованием, провалом и мировым бедствием на голову преданных фэнов (ИМХО). Возможно, я и покажусь слишком конкретным, но от классиков ожидалось в первую очередь не то что бы классики, а хотя бы просто сильного материала, но не тупого веселья, безыдейного завывания в припевах и рубилова под счастливые вопли Шиперса. Назначение пластинки «Insanity And Genius» - попасть в мусорное ведро… |
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просмотров: 31277 |
I ride the winds of fate
Prepared to go where my heart belongs
Back to the past again
I just want to save the universe for all mankind
He wants to save the future of the earth
Step by step surroundings change as years go passing by
He only stops to gaze a little while
I push the button further on
I just can't get enough
I know I will return again
But still I'm moving on
Far beyond the rising sun
I ride the winds of fate
Prepared to go where my heart belongs
Back to the past again
As I moving on I see things to come
I see fears and I hear laughter
Curiosity coming over me
What is destined and what will happen?
And I see the lies and I hear the cries
And the marching of the people
As they go to war, heaven knows what for
God, I think I've had enough now
Too late, too late, I can't go back no more
I lost control of the engine
No light, no light, can't see where I have gone
Can't see where I have gone to
Where am I now?
Stranded in time
So many years have passed since I had gone
And I have seen what's gonna be
But now I know it is useless to travel on
And I will return to the time and peace I belong to
Far beyond the rising sun
I ride the winds of fate
Prepared to go where my heart belongs
Back to the past
Far beyond the rising sun
I ride the winds of fate
Prepared to go where my heart belongs
Back to the past again
No return
I'm riding the wind, don't need your request
You'd never invite me but I will be your guest
Oh no, no, don't be afraid of the reaper
It's time to go, I call your name and you follow, fly with me
Take a look around and say you love me
And I will guide you through the golden door
For everything you'll see there is a reason
The big wheel is turning like always before
There is no return
From the other side of heaven
For the big wheel turns
And the circle must go on forever more
How do you like your termination day? So far
Kiss me goodbye 'cause I must fade away
Oh no, no, don't be afraid of your master
It's time to go, it's calling your name now you follow, fly away
Take a look around and say you love me
And I will guide you through the golden door
For everything you'll see there is a reason
The big wheel is turning like always before
There is no return
From the other side of heaven
For the big wheel turns
And the circle must go on forever more
Welcome to eternal life, my friend
Now take your seat on your cloud
Enjoy your stay but always remember
There is no return
There is no return
From the other side of heaven
For the big wheel turns
And the circle must go on forever more
There is no return
From the other side of heaven
For the big wheel turns
And the circle must go on forever more
Last before the storm
Who's controlling all the misery and pain?
When the error signs are lighted in the masterhall
And from the start the action is in vain
'Cause the beast is always careful to avoid the fall
We crawl up to the skies
We'll never return again
We're the last before the storm
Watching the sun going down on us
We wish we had never been born
To be the last before the storm
Who's ever gonna change the world?
I don't understand what we are fighting for
The truth is sad, no lying, we are cursed
I don't really know who ever made the law
We cry on for more
We wonder what's next to the world
We settle the score
We never look back
We're the last before the storm
Watching the sun going down on us
We wish we had never been born
To be the last before the storm
Cry out for the people who don't know the world
They don't understand what they say and they're cursed
Lying for reasons in search for the truth
Mephisto - we coming down
Mephisto - we coming down
Mephisto - we coming down
We cry out for more
We wonder what's next to the world
We settle the score
We never look back
We're the last before the storm
Watching the sun going down on us
We wish we had never been born
To be the last before the storm
We're the last before the storm
Watching the sun going down on us
We wish we had never been born
To be the last before
The last before
The last before
The last before the storm
The cave principle
I crawl across the floor, never see the light
Only shadows on the wall
Somebody said there's reality behind
But I'm afraid to turn and fall, oh no
Set me free for eternity
And now they talk about my destiny again
I hear their footsteps in the dark
But then again there was the silence and the pain
Ooh lord, that made me feel so lost
Help me get out of here
Save me, my world's an illusion
I'm still inside the cave, imprisoned in my mind
And silhouettes are on the wall
I have to turn around to see what's going on
'Cause what I saw was never all
Just a move is the solution
It's not enough to stand and stare
Leave the cave and find the reason
For the cross you have to bear
Never, never
Never return to the principle
Never, never,
Never return to the principle
Never, never
We will never return to the principle
Never, never
We will never return to the principle
Future madhouse
In the morning your try to recover
But you still got the red in your eyes
Then you get up and look at the mirror
And you see the beast arise
Got a big red nose from the overdose
And somebody else's eyes
And you think to thee - is it really me?
And you have to realize
The prize that you pay for a moment like this
Is never for high 'cause you still doing it
Don't you know that we all stand in line?
Our future dreams are just a waste of time
Our future is a madhouse
And we all are moving in
'Cause the world needs some action
And there nothing left to gain
Take your baggy, things are ready
You only need to come
Join this century's schizoid clan
The rooms are primed and done
The price that you pay for a moment like this
Is never too high 'cause it perfectly fits
Don't you that we are wasting time?
Insanity is just a state of mind
Our future is a madhouse
And we all are moving in
'Cause the world needs some action
And there nothing left to gain
Our world is a madhouse
In the gutter, come on in
Our world needs some action
Satisfaction 'till the end
Our world, we need sex and crime to supply our minds
An amazing time, come on in
Our future, and we party on 'till our life is done
Just to waste our time 'till the end
Gamma ray
The world's desperated with irony, hunger and corruption
The eastern world and the africans too
Are going to repeat the history of all wars
And our industry supplied them with arms
Everybody knows but nobody can do anything against it
The fall of society is on the make
Well, sometimes, sometimes I try to draw up a list
I try to find out what they have done
I thought of honorable murderers you know
Like Jonah's hand might wrap around us
And anytime, everywhere in the whole world
Gamma ray, gamma ray, gamma, gamma, gamma ray
Made of your existence
Gamma ray, gamma ray, gamma, gamma, gamma ray
Money and our failing
I've waited for to fire gamma ray
Without body I could fly around the world
Destroying arms, destroying rockets
Mix all complexions of the whole human race
We all would turn to shallow people
Everybody, everywhere in the whole world
Gamma ray, gamma ray, gamma, gamma, gamma ray
Made of your existence
Gamma ray, gamma ray, gamma, gamma, gamma ray
Money and our failing
I've waited for to fire gamma ray
Without body I could fly around the world
Destroying arms, destroying rockets
Mix all complexions of the whole human race
We all would turn to shallow people
Gamma ray, gamma ray, gamma, gamma, gamma ray
Made of your existence
Gamma ray, gamma ray, gamma, gamma, gamma ray
Money and our failing
I've waited for to fire gamma ray
Insanity & genius
Therefore I'm laying down in laughter
Mighty, the mightiest life hereafter
The trip we started hasn't finished here
And while we think there's not a shade of fear
Black points jump in crossing lines
Insanity and genius
Both two sides are what I find
And I know they're mine
Sometime my womb bears an actor
Your mind creating tragic factors
You've got knowledge stolen from the sea
You've got wisdom, just stolen knowledge
Black points jump in crossing lines
Insanity and genius
Both two sides are what I find
Insanity's not far behind the genius inside
Close before - insanity and genius
Close before
Close before - insanity and genius
Close before
And everyday a dreamer dies
To see what's on the other side
And everyday more dreamers die, my friend
While black points jump in crossing lines again
Companions in approaching time
Insanity and genius
Good old friends in common life
Insanity and genius
Close before - insanity and genius
Close before
Close before - insanity and genius
Close before
Close before - insanity and genius
Close before
18 years
Sometimes I ask myself
Is this the life I want to have?
Are you still satisfied with the situation
That you've had for many years now?
Time is moving on, your childhood is gone
But you don't realize that the game, it isn't won
Blind you think that you're safe at home
But the fall is near if you carry on
Eighteen years of freedom
Where have they gone?
Try to understand
You must search to take and give before you're old
You must learn
You must learn to live your life just on your own
Break out, the change is drawing near
Decisions to stop, to turn and stare
Solutions, my thoughts are getting clear
I'm leaving and I no longer care
Spread my wings and fly among the clouds
I feel so free, I've left the world behind
Now I know what I have missed
I'll never give it back, my life's just begun
One chance
Throw it all away - I'm not ever gonna be the same again
Throw it all away - I'm not ever gonna be the same again
Throw it all away - I'm not ever gonna be the same again
Throw it all away - I'm not ever gonna be the same again
Throw it all away - I'm not satisfied at all
Take it all away
Take it all away
Take it all away
Mother, take it all away
Throw it all away - I'm not satisfied at all
Throw it all away - I'm not ever gonna be the same again
Throw it all away - I'm not ever gonna be the same again
Your torn is over
We're getting closer to the final phase
You better do what you can
No, you won't stand the chance to win the race
You better leave 'cause I'm the man
I know you think you nearly got it made
I think you life in a daydream, there's no way out
I'm gonna give you a nightmare
You'll get a lesson that you'll never forget
Your turn is over
Your turn is over now, ha, ha, ha
Your turn is over
Your turn is over now, ha, ha, ha
Think I better keep an eye on you
And on every move you make
Cause you're a motherfucking liar
And everyone knows you're fake
And I don't give a shit of what you say
You find yourself in the dead end, there's no way out
Poor pitiful you
You'll get a lesson you'll never forget
Your turn is over
Your turn is over now, ha, ha, ha!
Your turn is over
Your turn is over now, ha, ha, ha!
I'm feeling free - you can't stop me
You can't hold me - I'm so restless
So you think you can escape your fate
Let me tell you, sucker, it's too late
So I know you gonna make my day
So you think you can save your ass
But you're gonna get it screwed
Take a look at yourself
You're nothing more than a little fool
It doesn't matter what you say
It doesn't matter anyway
You haven't got a single clue
Your turn is over and I'm through with you
I say hey, hey, hey! Your turn is over now
Listen now, listen now, listen
I say hey, hey, hey! Your turn is over now
You gotta take it as a matter of fact
I say hey, hey, hey! Your turn is over now
Geh doch kacken du penner!
I say hey, hey, hey! Your turn is over now
Ha, ha, ha!
Heal me
When I wake up at the end of the day the moon comes out
The sun fades away, I get myself out of my bed and cry
Is it really me now? Could this be the real thing?
Is there someone else to ease the pain?
So easy, so easy now
Has it really gone too far? It don't matter anyhow
Sometimes I feel like an echo in the wind
That's not coming back again
I look inside my head and what I see
Are the reflections of the world
And I see genius and insanity
You are alive, you're part of the show
You came to foresee the signs on the wall
So many tried in vain, they know the truth
Learn how to live and fight and learn
How to fight them right and learn
How to give and take it all
You can be strong if you know who you are
The signs on the wall tell you move on before it's too late
Can you see them?
Do you want to be the one who's creeping on the floor?
Could it be forever? Could it all be lies?
The chaos is a killer and he knows who will fall
Help me
I need some help
Now is there someone out there? What are you waiting for?
You're on the road to nowhere, the only way I know
Maybe I'm wrong, I haven't got a clue
Don't know where I belong, tell me what is true
Oh, won't you come to heal me? Hear me
Oh, won't you come to heal me? Hear me
Oh, won't you come to heal me? Hear me
Oh, won't you come to heal me? Hear me
Are you out there? Won't you help me?
Don't know where I would go, is there real life forevermore?
And remember, keep smiling, Jesus loves you!
That's what they say, can you cry forever?
It's just a matter of taste
But you say: "Do you, do you know what the truth is?"
Think, don't think, what can you see?
Our life is just a fantasy of someone we will never see
Therefore I break down in laughter
Now as I change my point of view
There's nothing left to make me blue, never again, no more
Come on in my friend and join the ball
Everything is beautiful, even the band - it's magic
Imagine you're superstar, you gonna fly, you gonna go far, so far
Oh, won't you come to heal me? Hear me
Oh, won't you come to heal me? Hear me
Oh, won't you come to heal me? Hear me
Oh, won't you come to heal me? Hear me
Heal me
Heal me
Heal me
My life - not yours
Is that alright? No fight, I don't wanna quit it
No way - is that okay?
No, don't you dare, don't you dare to touch it with your fingers
You sneak around, pull me down
Gimme no, gimme no, gimme no more bullshit
I know there's something goin' on,
You better leave my life alone
You gotta take it a matter of fact, now step aside
We are brothers in rock, we won't let go
We got our music and we got our soul
And with the sisters of rock we can change the world if we try
Cool down, now move around
Someday maybe you will understand it
My way - okay, feels so good, feels so good
Feels so good to be with all my good friends
Don't you realize you talk too much
I got an easy way of life - don't touch!
You gotta face it as a matter of fact, now step aside
We are brothers in rock, we won't let go
We got our music and we got our soul
And with the sisters of rock we can change the world if we try
We are brothers in rock, we won't let go
We got our music and we got our soul
And with the sisters of rock we can change the world if we try
In the concrete jungle we play rock'n'roll
To set us free, to lose control
In the concrete jungle we can break the walls
That hold us down and keep us small
Don't you realize you talk too much
I got an easy way of life - don't touch!
You gotta face it as a matter of fact, now step aside
We are brothers in rock, we won't let go
We got our music and we got our soul
And with the sisters of rock we can change the world if we try
We are brothers in rock, we won't let go
We got our music and we got our soul
And with the sisters of rock we can change the world if we try