Iron Savior
« Interlude »
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1 | Iron Savior (live) 04:40
 | 2 | Brave New World (live) 04:44
 | 3 | Watcher in the Sky (live) 05:39
 | 4 | Riding on Fire (live) 05:26
 | 5 | For the World (live) 06:04
 | 6 | Contortions of Time 06:26
 | 7 | Touching the Rainbow 05:26
 | 8 | Stonecold 04:32
 | 9 | The Hatchet of War 05:55
 | 10 | Desert Plains (Judas Priest cover) 04:37
 | | Total playing time: 53:29 |
   Piet Sielck - vocals, guitars
Kai Hansen - vocals, guitars
Andreas Kuck - keyboards
Jan Eckert - bass
Thomas Nack - drums |
This is essentially a live EP and a studio EP put together. The first five
tracks are live tracks from a show done in support of the debut album. The last
five tracks are new studio recordings. Tracks 6-9 are part of the ongoing Iron
Saviour story and tell of the happenings between the second and third albums
(Unification and Dark Assault, respectively). |
 | Iron Savior
(Music and Lyrics by Sielck)
The ancient machine runs an analysis and draws a fatal conclusion.
Out of the cold you've been given birth made out of steel to protect and serve build for eternity you're indestructable free of emotions a robot miracle
Now you're up there abo |
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 Пару слов в защиту "Интерлюдии". Джентльмены, а чем это вам так не понравились Contortions of Time и Hatchet of War? Вполне приличные композиции. Кроме прочего в альбомах Спасителей развивается фантастическая история, где каждый альбом - это часть этой самой истории. Также и в новых песнях Интерлюдии - это просто новая глава фантастической саги о Большой Консервной Банке ака Iron Ssvior. Вкратце - из черной дыры полезли некие злобные твари и атаковали Землю. Консервный Банка был изгнан из космического протранства Земли, но услышав вопли о помощи развернулся назад. Что произошло дальше, можно узнать из Dark Assault. В общем четыре новых песни звучат хорошо, кавер Джудаса звучит на мой взгляд лучше оригинала, а концертные записи на фиг не нужны. Нормальная работа, жалко ставить 6, но лучше бы Пит выкинул концертники и сделал ЕР. |
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Да, а вот это уже беда. Выпускать 2 пластинки в один год - это перебор, ладно бы материала
было бы - нет же, толи Noise, толи Пит погнался за деньгами, но данный диск увидел свет (лучше бы его вообще не было). Содержит данная пластинка 4 новых песенки (не плохих, но ничем не примечательных), кавер Judas Priest'a (тоже не плохо) и 5 концертных вещей (записаных на уровне 10 летней давности по качеству звучания). Назначение пластинки - только денег содрать, а вот репутация группы основательно подпорченной оказалась. Только для коллекционеров Iron Savior. |
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Да-а... За выпуск подобной лажи в иные времена и на дыбе можно было оказаться. Сейчас же нужно просто расстреливать. Нужно... Но не всё так просто. А всё дело
в том, что люди это сделавшие, занесены в красную книгу... И как только мой любимый Кай позволил Питу выпустить сей идиотизм на метал-рынок??? Ну ладно. Мы имеем: А) Одну песенку, претендующую на хитовость; Б) Еще четыре
откровенно хреновых песенки; В) Еще пять песенок в живом, а скорее совсем дохлом исполнении; Г) Да, саунд здесь - настоящее Г. Резалт: утянем с инета песню Stonecold и забудем, что Кай был причастен к выпуску всего остального, присутствующего на этой пластинке. |
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просмотров: 15839 |
Iron Iron Savior -Godness in the sky we can't hide from your cold, staring eye Iron Iron Savior - Godness in the sky deadly and dangerous you'll never die You gave us hope the Savior machine you were supposed to be a millions dream
Circuits, chips and bits and bytes detecting the failure result of analyses the human behavior (I must get control) Iron Iron Savior - Godness in the sky
Solo Kai
The Savior knows what's wrong or right he made up his artificial mind Now mankind's fate is in his hand will he ever understand
Iron Iron Savior - Godness in the sky
Iron Iron Savior - look what you have done cant you see your assesment might be wrong Iron Iron Savior - robot of the law end this illfated devestating war
Brave New World
(Music and Lyrics by Sielck)
A futuristic vision of a world controlled by computers and machines who dictate mankind's way of living and control the genetic codes in the name of peace.
Just like a machine programmed and build to obey serving the system in devotion faithfully day after day Feels you do not know an unpolluted mind In a world free of distress disturbing emotions of any kind The perfect system to maintain mankind the department of thoughts it watches your mind
Brave, brave new world of biogenetic design where the perfect people live perfect lifes and individuals get pulverized Brave, brave new world where mankind is down on its knees to the masterplan of insanity slaves of science in agony
Brave, brave new world
Genetic engineering created your DNA codes and patterns lay down your life define you to obey Escape the nightmare you can't even dream your nature is human - you ain't no machine
Brave, brave new world
Solo Piet
Break the chains and free your spirit start to be alive Be an individual and rise And rise!
Brave, brave new world
Brave new world of biogenetic design in this brave new world no emotions of any kind brave new world you're down to your knees in this brave new world the masterplan of insanity
Brave, brave new world
Watcher In The Sky
(Music and Lyrics by Sielck / Hansen)
The bio-unit is drifting on the edge of madness unable to take action nor to get in control of the Savior-device.
I'm watching the mountains I'm watchig the sea observing the creatures I am lost - set me free!
Across the heavens I made my way I' ve seen empires rise and blown away I have arrived my destiny but after all there's just emptiness in me
Out in the darkness - I am going mad Where are the others - there's silence in my head
'Cause I'm a watcher in the sky I've seen universes die Out in the cold my systems overload I'm here and lost in time Watcher in the sky - sky
I am trapped in this nightmare endless tortures and pain millenniums have gone by Uhhh, it drives me insane!
Who am I now? I'm not a man - I'm not machine I gave my life for it for the Iron Savior dream
'Cause I'm a watcher in the sky
Solo Kai
Hooked - hooked to the circuits of a lifeless, cold machine Lost in a world of artificial means Ripped - ripped out of my body I'll stand the test of time Am I perpetual - Am I devine?
Solo Piet / Solo Kai
I'm the watcher in the sky My soul has drowned in the tears I cannot cry I'm the watcher the chosen one but I am lost in time I'm the watcher in the sky I've seen the years gone by I am the choosen one out in the cold my systems overload I'm here and lost in time Watcher in the sky - sky watching the mountains watching the sea watching the creatures You'll never be free Watcher in the sky - sky
Riding On Fire
(Music and Lyrics by Sielck)
Before Atlantis died a small group of fugitives escaped the upcoming catastrophy in the hope to find a better life out in space
Dream the dream of a distant place sheltered and hidden from the human race Long ago leaving everything behind out in the coldness to find peace of mind
Leaving ground destination is unknown into the darkness and far away from home Will your dream come true and what will you find when fate is your guide
Riding on fire - touching the sky Riding on fire - take you up so high Riding on fire - with tears in your eyes Riding on fire - and your heart it dies
Holy wars and tyrannies Death and destruction but no one can see Sanctuary in a ship made out of steel This deadly wounded world will not heal
Up to the stars to escape this living hell Pain and oppression you're wishing all farewell Will the tyrant survive 'til the day that you'll return let him burn
Riding on fire
Solo 1 Piet
Dreams where did they go reflections of thousand lightyears ago Sadness and fear seems the end is near
Up to the stars to escape this living hell pain and oppression you're wishing all farewell The tyrant will die on the day that I'll return he will burn
Riding on fire
Solo 2 Piet
Riding on fire - riding
For The World
(Music and Lyrics by Sielck)
The forces of resistance hide in the underground and attempt to awake the bio-unit. It is their desperate hope, that it will stop the Iron Savior and give mankind peace and freedom again.
We're the defenders, we are the ones Bleeding For all the creatures, the land and the seas give us peace And with the courage born in despair Hopeless we will resist your banners of pain break the chain
Holy machine - creator of sorrows Awake - wake from your dream and redeem Rise from the ocean of darkness where you've been so long
Cosmic insanity regain your clarity For the freedom and for the world Hope is our guiding light it will shine united we stand to fight for the freedom and for the world For all - and for the world
Sacred messiah, prophet in arms Liar blasphemious saint lost in the dark Brave at heart (Piet)
We will oppose, stand up against you Return - and let your soul take control Come back to life drive the demons of madness away
Cosmic insanity
Solo Kai / Piet / Kai / Piet
We will oppose, stand up against you Return - and let your soul take control Come back to life drive the demons of madness away Cosmic insanity
Forever we'll be United and free For the freedom and for the world
Contortions Of Time
(Music by Sielck/Eckert ; Lyrics by Sielck)
An unknown species from another time and another existence broke through a rip in the continuum. They quest earthlike planets to drain all of their resources leaving wastelands behind. Therefore intelligent inhabitants have to be destroyed.
Vers 1
Watching the stars as they pass by an ocean of light in the sky So peaceful they look but out in the black the unknown prepares to attack
From nowhere they came they broke through a gate now they are here to invade They swallow up worlds and spit out the bones grinded to dust and to stones
Bridge 1
Seems we never will rest we must fight - for eternity Seems that fate has been writing in blood - our destiny
Chorus 1
Contortions -contortions of time Contortions - a rip in the sky Once again we have to stand to defend Raiders of time you'll face your decline
Vers 2
Defiant we battle the alien assault their thrust has to come to a halt
Just like an agent the enemies infected the entity like a disease
Bridge 2
We will never give in we must fight - for our liberty
Oh beware 'cause we'll pay back in blood - of the enemy
Chorus 2
C Part
In layering dimensions reality shifts Continuums are merging A fracture in the line of the time
Solo Piet
Bridge 3
Seems we never will rest
Chorus 3
Fade out In layering dimensions reality shifts They're bending the line They're the masters of time Continuums are merging They roke through a gate Creating a fracture in the line of the time
Touching The Rainbow
(Music and Lyrics by Sielck)
There are times in which life is not good to you, but nothing is forever
Vers 1
Nowhere to run you're out of control The darkness came over you it has blackened your soul your eyes 're burning red as bright as the rising sun seems there is nothing no way to overcome your grief!
Lost in a world of misery and despair try to deny it but the pain is always there
Bridge 1
Inside your walls of sorrow you cannot see tomorrow
Chorus 1
Touching the rainbow fly up and away Escape from the shadow the night's always followed by day Nothing's forever - forever in life Raise your head - look up to the sky Your wings have been burned but still you can learn how to fly fly again
Vers 2
You say you can't stand it you can't take it anymore Do not surrender it's yourself you're fighting for Broken and wounded in the grip of agony Stand up - and make a change or is this what you wanna be
Bridge 2
Break through your walls of sorrow and you will see tomorrow
Chorus 2
Touching the rainbow
C Part
Within the walls the walls of sorrow you cannot see tomorrow Tear down the walls the walls of sorrow and you will see tomorrow
Solo Piet/Kai/Piet
Chorus 3
Touching the rainbow fly up and away Escape from the shadow the night's always followed by day Come with me and you will see spread your wings and fly
Touching the rainbow fly up and away Escape from the shadow the night's always followed by day There's a land up in the sky take my hand and fly Fly again
(Music and Lyrics by Sielck)
A ship, totally destructed in combat, drifts in open space. The dying pilot is aware, that he is lost and while he awaits death, he thinks back.
Vers 1
I'm drifting away my systems are failing I will not return back to my home to ones I love
I'm fading away my hopes and my dreams they will never come true silent the stars are gleaming above
Chorus 1
I'm feeling cold stonecold out in the vast I will not outlast stonecold lost without trace I'm loosing the race I want to be near you I just want to feel you My heart turns cold cold as a stone
Vers 2
So many years thinking of you I can't hold back the tears I'm all alone with a million of fears
Uhh, I want you so bad and it hurts I can't stand the pain anymore please, godess of fate I'm down on my knees
Chorus 2
I'm feeling cold stonecold
Vers 3
This is the end and I will close my eyes forever I won't return to you my love
I will see you again somewhere in space and in time there's a place I wrote my farewell in the stars above
Chorus 3
I'm feeling cold stonecold
The Hatchet Of War
(Music by Sielck/Eckert ; Lyrics by Sielck)
Mankind and Caldrans are standing together to battle defiantly against the assault of the masters of time. It is imperative to stop their thrust, or these alien raiders will spread throughout the entire galaxy.
Vers 1
A species of violence has landed ashore our hemisphere They're crossing the borders their mercyless killers are everywhere
But we're not defenseless our ancient brothers will stand to head off the slaughter from our common land
Bridge 1
The alien assailants are pounding the world The war will begin Throughout the years of the savior we've learned We'll never give in
Chorus 1
This is the hatchet of war and we have used it before You may try to break us you may try to take us fear the hatchet of war die or withdraw
Vers 2
Starbirds are launching the thrust of their engines roars into thunder and rain They break through the clouds Oh, will they come back again
Fingers of light in unholy gleam a blast of energy The battle is on alien or man we shall all meet our destiny
Bridge 1
The alien assailants are pounding the world The war will begin Throughout the years of the savior we've learned We'll never give in
Chorus 2
This is the hatchet of war
Solo Piet
C Part
United we will stand together we'll fight 'til the end We raise our banners high defiant we'll break through the sky
This is the hatched of war and we have used it before
Chorus 3
This is the hatched of war
Fear our hatched of war
Desert Plains
Taken from the "Point of Entry" album by Judas Priest