« Jormundgand »
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1 | Jormundgand
 | 2 | Vigrids Vеrd
 | 3 | Nidr Ok Nordr Liggr Helvegr
 | 4 | Gravlagt I Eljudne
 | 5 | Svart Visdom
 | 6 | Jotnevandring
 | 7 | Nattravnens Tokt
 | 8 | Galder |
   Hrimgrimnir: Guitars and vocal
Vanargandr: Bass and vocal
Hrymr: Drums, piano and synthesizer
Guest appearance:
Mailin: Female vocals
Thomas: Trumpets |
Recorded in Grieghallen - Anno 1995
Produced and mixed by Pytten and Helheim
Engineered by Pytten
Cover Design: BB&E Advertising
Band photos by Mats Andersen
Front photo by Rшrnes
Logo by Hrimgrimnir
Front cover drawing by Hrimgrimnir |
 | 1. Jormundgand
[Music: Hrimgrimnir, Lyric: Vanargandr]
I havets svarte dyp, under den farefulle sjш
Havet rundt alle land, der ferdes ingen mann
Kom sшsken av Jormundgand, bli med i den siste strid
Kom i deres fars navn, Loke venter dere i krig
Bшlgene reiser seg som fjell
de vil drepe  |
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 Если вы любите ранний ENSLAVED или IN THE WOODS, то этот релиз для вас. Холоднющие и ультра злобные пиляще-жужжащие гитарные рифы при поддержке очень скоростных ударных и абсолютно дикого вокала а-ля молодой Varg Vikernes уносят слушателя далеко в заснеженные норвежские горы и ледяные фиорды. Внимательному слушателю с определённой долей фантазии гарантировано часовое погружение в скованные морозом суровые скандинавские ландшафты. Каждая секунда этой работы буквально дышит духом славных дней норвежского Чёрного Металла начала и середины 90х. Стоп. Сразу необходимо оговориться, что этот релиз не является Чёрным Металлом. Сатанизм и мизантропия напрочь отсутствуют в лирике. Лирика базируется на языческой северо-германской мифологии. Это явствует и из названия релиза. Jormundgand – мифологический мировой змей, который под толщей океанских вод охватывает всю землю и восстанет из глубин в день последней битвы Рагнарок. Таким образом это идеологически языческий метал исполненный с соблюдением эстетики Чёрного Металла. Не по содержанию, а по форме это классика второй волны норвежского Чёрного Металла записанная в полулегендарной Grieghallen Studio и исполненная тремя музыкантами: Vanargandr вокал, бас, Hrimgrimnir вокал, гитара, Hrymr ударные, клавишные. Релиз издан немецким почившим в бозе Solistitium Records. |
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Дебютный альбом гордых викингов (не путать с одноименными нацистами). Настоящий, чистопородный норвежский викинг-блек, инспирированный северной природой и мифологией. Helheim – царство мертвых. Jormundgand – обвившийся вокруг земли гигантский змей, извечный враг Тора. Во время Рагнарека будет убит богом-громовержцем, однако Тор погибнет от его яда. В музыкальном плане диск отличается долгими эпическими треками, полными композиционно-структурных инноваций, дисгармоничными гитарными линиями, скоростной манерой исполнения и атмосферой вечного холода. Вокалов три – редкий распевистый, стандарнтый грим и НЕЧТО. Пожалуй, самый жуткий и экстремальный крик на блек-сцене. От такого кровь стынет в жилах… Последний трек (заклинание) спет целиком ужасающим третьим вокалом – аж оторопь берет. На следующих творениях такого крика, к величайшему сожалению, больше нет. Глотку, наверное, сорвал, бедняга. Что неудивительно. Звук григхалленовский, колюще-режущий и холоднющий. Лирика – исключительно древненорвежская, аутентичная. ПРИГОВОР: Наряду с Enslaved’овским Vikingligr Veldi это один из тех альбомов, по которым следует судить о стиле. Шаманская отрешенность вкупе с душераздирающей проникновенностью дают фантастические результаты. |
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просмотров: 10885 |
Der de drukner i vannet
som siger innover landet
Maktenes mшrke har inntatt jorden
Ondskap siger i floden av Jormundgands bшlgebrus
som er lik hundre vinders sus
Nе ser man intet grшnt
alt ligger i et askehav
Og alt det som var skjшnt
ligger nе i undergang
Jorden er et еpent sеr
som sakte synker bort
Ingen flere leveеr
alt er bare sort
Drept av Tors hammer
men drept blir Tor selv
Jormundgand, hersker over dypet
ondskapens mшrke flod
Dшd er havets hersker
Dшd er ondskapens mшrke flod
Dшd er Lokes sшnn armen som omslynger Midgard
Dшd er amren som aldri slapp lшs for tidenes strid
Dшd er Jormundgand som entret mшrkets favn
[English translation:]
In the black deeps of the ocean
under the perillous sea
The ocean encompassing all the land
there no man dares to sail
Come breathren of Jormundgand
join in the final battle
Come in the name of your father
Loke awaits you in the war
The waves are rising as mountains
they will murder each king and each trell
where they drown in the sea
that is flowing over the land
The twilight of the gods has conquered the earth
Evil is saging in the flood of Jormundgands gush of waves
and sounds like the sough of a hundred winds
Now, no green can be seen
everything lies in a sea of ashes
and all that once was beautiful
is now in ruins
The earth is an open wound
which slowly fades
No more years of life
everything is black
Slain by Thors hammer
but he himself is killed
Jormundgand, the lord of the deep
the black flood of evil
Dead is the lord of the sea
Dead is the dark flood of evil
Dead is Lokes son the serpent that surrounds Midgard
Dead is the serpent that never was released before the
final battle
Dead is Jormundgand he who enters the embracement of
2. Vigrids Vеrd
[Music: Vanargandr, Lyric: Vanargandr]
Pе vigrids slette en kjшlig natt
hviler der en tеke tett
Fшoles som et himmelsk kvel
der jeg stеr forlatt i tеkens hjerte
En sen Oktober fullmеne natt
Ensom pе en hedensk mark
I Vigrids vеrd
I tеken av min skjebne
Jeg fшler en kald bris fare lett forbi
Den streifer meg, tar meg langt avsted
Jeg svever gjennom luften som en ensom ravn
mens vigrids vеrd sakte lar meg dш
Dra meg med til ingensteds
slik at jeg kan dш
og Vigrids vеrd
kan fortsatt jakte
pе de sterke menns sjeler
La Vigrids vеrd styrkes
slik at den kan dyrkes
og en lavere makt
kan bli шdelagt
[English translation:]
[The spirit of Vigrid]
On the field of Vigrid a cold night
a thick fog rests
Feels like a heavenly suffocation
There I stand in the heart of the fog
A late October fullmoon night
lonely on a pagan field
In the spirit of Vigrid
in the fog of my fate
I feel a cold breeze drifting lightly by
it touches me, takes me far away
I float through the air lonely as a raven
while the spirit of Vigrid slowly lets me die
Take me to nowhere
so that I can die
and let the spirit of Vigrid
still hunt for the souls of the strong men
Strenghten the spirit of Vigrid
so that it can be worshipped
and make a lesser might disappear
3. Nidr Ok Nordr Liggr Helvegr
[Music: Vanargandr]
4. Gravlagt I Eljudne
[Music: Hrimgrimnir, Lyric: Vanargandr]
I den mшrke hall
hvor dшden er ens kall
For her er ingen nеde lшs
i den tomme, glemte sal
Her hvor Balder frшs
og dшde i Hels mшrke hall
Gravlagt i Eljudne
ingen her en fredsmann er
Pine og pest
fra dшdsrikets begjжr
La skrikene klinge
og lokke dшden frem
For den skal bringe
fortapelse inn i dem
I dunkle daler gamle
pines Жser, Vaner - alle
I gamle mшrke Eljudne
I dunkle daler gamle
Tomhetens korstog har kommet
Glemsel og tap har dшdsriket bragt
Жser og Vaner er alle i Hel dшmt
der hvor Balder ble gravlagt
[English translation:]
[Buried in Eljudnir]
In the dark hall
where death is ones call
For here no mercy is
in the empty forgotten hall
where Balder froze
and died in hels dark hall
Buried in Eljudne
where no man peace can find
pain and plague from the realms of deaths desire
Let the screams sound
and lure death forth
it shall bring perdition into them
In obscure and ancient valleys
Жsir and Vanir - all is tormented
In the cold and dark Eljudnir
In obscure and ancient valleys
The crusade of emtiness has arrived
Oblivion and loss has the realms of death
Жsir and Vanir are all in Hel doomed
where Balder was buried
5. Svart Visdom
[Music: Hrimgrimnir, Lyric: Vanargandr]
Pе norsk jord vi stеr
sшnner av den norшnne жtt
Stolte vi stеr med sverd og skjold i hеnd
Vi husker den tid
en tid glemt
men snart tilbakevunnet
Da gudene hersket
og slag var som blodet i vеr kropp
Da vi, vikinger av Norge hersket i det kalde nord
og skapte frykt med vеrt sverd
Flammer lyste opp himmelen dengang, men ikke nе
Blod flшt i strie strшmmer snart det vil igjen
Vеr makt er ikke borte vi stеr ennе tilbake
med vеre forfedres visdom
Svart som natten
Vis som kongen i Valhall
En ed ble sverget
Sverget til hevn
Hevn og hat
Vеrt hat skal de fе
Den hedenske gjenforeningen venter
Ta til sverd, ta til шks
Vinder blir til storm dager om til natt
Det er tid for hevn slakt de som engang slaktet
Vеrt dшdens korstog marsjerer
Tornekronen vil falle hardt til grunn
En ingens konge vil stige ned fra sin trone
Han skal bli borte borte for alltid
Vikinger vil entre med blodige sverd
for е knuse tronen og slippe fri vеre forfedre
De hedenske gudene som i svart visdom
engang hersket og nе vil herske pе ny
[English translation:]
[Black wisdom]
On Norwegian earth we stand
sons of the norse tribe
Proud we stand
with swords and shields in hand
We remember the time
a time forgotten but soon to be reconquered
When the gods ruled
and battles were like the blood in our veins
When we, vikings of Norway ruled the cold north
and spread fear with our swords
Flames lit the sky then, but not anymore
Blood floated in wild rivers
and soon the blood will float again
Our might is not gone
we still stand with our ancestors wisdom
Black as the night
Wise as the king of Valhalla
An oath was sworn
Sworn to revenge
Revenge and hate
Our hate we will give them
The pagan reunion awaits
Reach for your sword, reach for your axe
Winds become storms days turn to nights
The time for revenge has arrived
Slaughter them whom once slaughtered
Our crusade of death marches on
The crown of thorns will fall
hard to the ground
Once a nomans king
will descend from his throne
He shall vanish
vanish forever
Vikings will enter with swords in blood
to crush the throne
and release our ancestors
the pagan gods
who in black wisdom
once ruled
and now will rule again
6. Jotnevandring
[Music: Hrymr, Lyric: Vanargandr]
Fra Heimen i nord kommer en horde stor
Etterlater seg dype jotunspor
En vandring mot dommedagens mark
Stien fшrer dem hen mot dшdens trone
Kjшdets lyst springer ut og gir makt, og slakter ned uten nеde
En vandring som fшrer dem
langt vekk fra Jotunheimen
[English translation:]
[Jotun wandering]
From heimen in the north a great horde is coming
leaving deep prints of jotun feet
A wandering towards the doomsday field
the path leads them towards the throne of death
Out bursts the lust of the flesh which gives might
and slaughters without mercy
A wandering that leads them
far away from Jotunheimen
7. Nattravnens Tokt
[Music: Vanargandr, Lyric: Vanargandr]
Stеende i en skog av skodde
kjenner en eim av kulde slеende
Det ventes dшd i kveld
dшden over meg selv
Her i Mшrkvedens indre sal
piner jeg meg selv i hat
Presser sverdet dypere inn
dypere og dypere til det fortжrer mitt sinn
Nattravnens tokt vil begynne
nеr natten den vil hylle
Svever over meg som et tegn
pе dшden, mшrke og Helheim
Der hvor hundre menn ferdes
og deres sjel og blod herdes
Nattravnens tokt vil komme
nеr dagen er omme
Hill min dшd - i skogens favn
Mine skrik lшd - kom nattens ravn
Vandrer nе som mшrkets slave - glemt og fortapt
Mitt kjшtt fryser til is mens min sjel vandrer
Der man kan fшle dшdens bris og er blant Hels mшrke slaver
Skogen ligger der glemt
svart, dunkel og glemt
Intet menneske her finnes
her hvor mшrke og kulde bindes
Tеken tetter skogen inne
sе ingen den vil finne
Bare de som etter dшden lengter
og ned til Hel vil senkes
Over skogen syd for Midgard, over Mшrkvedens indre sal
Svever der en nattens ravn, som hungrer for mer drap
[English translation:]
[The raid of the nightraven]
Standing in a misty forest
feeling a vapour of coldness
death is awaited this night
the death of myself
Here in the hall of Mшrkveden
I torture myself in hate
pushing the sword deeper into myself
deeper and deeper until it devours my mind
The raid of the nightraven will commence
when the night it shall praise
It floats above me as a sign
of death, darkness and Helheim
there where a hundred men live
and their souls and blood harden
The raid of the nightraven will come
when the day has come to an end
Hail my death - in the embracement of the forest
My screams sounded - come raven of the night
I am now wandering as a slave of darkness - forgotten
and lost
My flesh is freezing to ice, as my soul is wandering
There you can feel the breeze of death, and is amongst
the slaves of dark Hel
There the forest lies hidden
black, obscure and forgotten
no man is found
where cold and darkness is bound
The forest is enshrouded by fog
so that no one can find it
Only those that long for death
and to Hel will descend
Above the wood south of Midgard
above Mшrkvedens inner hall
a nightraven is flying
still with a lust for death
8. Galder
[Galder er en trollsang som fremfшres med en gjallende, skrikende stemme.]
[Odin regnes galdernes opphavsmann]
[English translation:]
[Galder is a song of sorcery which is performed with a resounding,]
[screaming voice. Odin reckons to be the originator of the Galder]