 И детский еще трэш можно сыграть вполне серьезно! Пока не балуясь сложной гаммой настроений, которая изрядно “смутит” «Kin» (1992), Xentrix уже стали поставщиками приятного трэшака на американский манер. Конечно, как и всегда у ранних Xentrix, отточености и внятности слегка не хватает: кажется, умей коллектив расставить акценты, лить меньше воды и вообще, доработать материал – и без того цепляющие темы просто заблестели бы хитами. Хочется более емко и смачно. Но… Пока видно, что англичане учатся у своих заокеанских коллег, и опыта талантливой команде не хватает. Получается пока «просто» хорошо. Альбом звучит внятно, в духе Metallica и Megadeth среднего периода. И ничем не хуже их следующей работы: детским озорством а-ля Venom эта команда никогда не страдала – все-таки времена были уже не те. Темы на «Shattered Existence» даже поинтересней будут, только вот поданы они хуже. Чего стоят только «Balance of Power» (2) и «Crimes» (3): оба раза средние композиции вытягивает просто потрясающий припев. То, как можно исправить здешние ошибки, расскажет довесок к «For Whose Advantage?» (1990) – становиться ясно, что Xentrix были великолепной концертной командой. После «Back in the Real World» (4) ощущается недостаток хитовых решений, но самое главное коллектив приберег напоследок. «Position of Security» (8) – это предтеча «Kin», которая, не будучи испорчена перегибами смутного времени, раскрывает талант команды к написанию мелодий, дотягивающихся до души, во всей красе, будь они хоть трижды непросты и сдержаны… Трехпесенный миник «Ghostbusters» (1990), с тем самым знаменитым мотивом из «Охотников за привидениями», подшит к основному материалу при переиздании и сливается с ним идеально.
А потому: среднетемповый трэш нормальной ориентации желает познакомиться с новыми поклонниками… Ау! Я уже соблазнен. (Диск предоставлен компанией CD-Maximum) |
Be sure of what you want and what you've found.
When you say there's no other way,
I just laugh, know it's not true.
It's just them what they say, it's not you.
What are you afraid of? Do you know?
Do you begin to realise?
Just let it out, let it show,
Don't compromise.
Don't compromise.
Don't think what you parents might say,
If it's too noisy, fast and loud.
Just fuck 'em all, and do it anyway,
Stand up and be proud.
If you wanna...
When you say...
Don't try to be something you're not,
We can see through you, who you're ripping off.
Try hard, give it your best shot,
You may go far.
2. Balance of Power
Twisted minds that work as one,
They plot your destiny.
You stand and watch your only son,
Deprived of dignity.
Contempt and hatred all you feel,
Devoted loyalty.
A wound you know will never heal.
Doubting integrity.
You sent him out to pay the price.
Did what you thought was best.
You sent him out to be a man.
Almost laid to rest.
Unseen powers that deal the cards,
Faceless homocide.
A bitter rage you can't reveal,
Because of stupid pride.
What you want ain't always good for you.
It's just the way the balance swings for you,
Balance swings for you.
Have no conscience, feel no pain,
All you need's a flag.
No glory now, the switch is made,
Uniform to body bag.
But after all, did you see the truth?
Find the real war?
What you want ain't always good for you.
No cause worth dying for.
What you want...
3. Crimes
Having a problem, turn on the TV
Got too much money, give it to me.
I'll say what you wanna hear,
Do what you think I should.
'Cause I'm on your side,
Don't be misunderstood.
Will I retain my sanity?
Or tumble into vanity?
Effect all of Humanity,
You will pay.
Reach out for something, escape reality.
Insane suicide, pay the penalty.
Don't see what's the final move,
On how to play the game.
Don't think you'll end up like them.
Don't think that you're the same.
Will I retain...
Murder you justify, so your hands are clean.
Carry out the task you set,
Homage to the green.
Taking life without a care,
Sadist of a kind.
Making you into a man,
A man without a mind.
Will I retain...
Do I control my destiny,
Or there's a higher authority,
That commits atrocity.
I fear for humanity.
4. Back in the Real World
You tell us how you'll make it to the top,
But you don't try.
Your bullshit makes us sick,
We just laugh until we cry.
We've heard it all before,
And we don't care.
Don't talk to me no more,
Life just ain't fair.
Now that you've patronised us, humiliated us,
Please go away.
I hope you're satisfied, come back,
Say I told you so one day.
We've heard...
Look before you leap,
Think before you speak,
Wait before you move.
How many times must you tell us of your
Stupid pointless dreams?
Wake up and realise that life
Is not as easy as it seems.
We've heard...
Look before...
5. Dark Enemy
Blackness, fills the sight I see,
Destruction, malignancy.
Intense pain, ripping through my veins,
Try so hard but this enemy remains.
Demonic passion, you can't dismiss,
Bleak depression, you reminisce.
Enforce the grip, on your life,
Try to remove it, with a knife.
Face your dark enemy.
Face your dark enemy.
Infestation, you can;t see,
Realisation is yet to be.
Infection, pumping through,
They don't know, haven't got a clue.
Remember what it was like before.
It grabbed you, blacked out all you saw.
Conspiracy, inside your head,
Until you think you're already dead.
Face your...
The pressure's on, time ticks away,
Immobilized, you try to delay.
Memories gone, you're unaware.
Your will to live replaced by despair,
Screams of pain you emanate.
Have no faith you're full of hate.
Helpless now, so full of fear,
No point in this, your end is here.
Face your...
6. Bad Blood
Ask the dusk settles in
My senses become alert
From a mere man
To a beast I convert
Honing the raw instincts
That are buried deep within
Poised and ready to roar
"Let the hunt begin"
On the prowl I seek my victim
Oblivious to him
The thrill of the chase
And now I'm closing in
The feeding frenzy has begun
I have to seek another's blood
Roaming the streets in the dead of night
No one escapes my all seeing eye
Hunt - kill - prey
Live to fight another day
Stalk - find - feed
I can't deny my primal needs
The moon is high
My victims rise
On this night
You won't survive
7. Reasons for Destruction
Religious warlords to keep us in line.
Dogmatic armies to worship the shrine.
Fanatical leaders across the earth,
Religious wars for us all to curse.
To do and obey to their every need,
With open arms we fall foul to their greed.
One God one Master, we do and obet.
Non-believers slaughtered in the wake of decay.
The church for sinners, their darkest hour.
Holy men preaching holy lies.
Too blind to see the Mighty one's smile,
Who cares if we live or die.
To do and obey...
Flies in a web we fall prey to them all.
God the redeemer the ultimate power,
Dogs to their masters, we answer their call.
Your money not your soul, that's their desire.
To do and obey...
Ain't no reason
Ain't no reason
Ain't no reasons for destruction.
Just done, under blind instruction.
Ain;t no, reasons for destruction.
Just done, under blind instruction.
8. Position of Security
Play by the rules, no risk, no stress,
Take no chance with success.
Key to it all,
Rise or the fall.
Conditioned for no bad judgement,
Your achievements must always be constant.
What you feel has no part,
See from the start,
For what you see, you might as well be blind.
Hope yor fear, fear of what you might find.
Feel no pain, no feeling at all.
So secluded, so very withdrawn.
Start to regret,
Try to forget.
Pick up the pieces, a shattered existence.
Turn the page, put up some resistance.
Know what to do,
Can you go through?
Your better judgement is starting to tell you lies,
Informing you that you don't qualify.
How can you die,
When you've never lived?
How can you lie,
And expect to forgive?
You choose your way, now here to stay.
Enclosed alone, you should have known.
Stupidity becomes mediocrisy.
How can you die when your life's a lie?
How can you...
8. Heaven Cent
You know you're fooling the people
When you tell your lies.
Corrupting innocent children,
Through your thin disguise.
You use their ignorance
To try and gain some trust.
How clean are your hands?
Your methods are unjust.
Another day, another dollar,
Another brain dead who will follow you.
Do you know what we represent?
No questions asked it;'s heaven cent.
Inflicting your terror,
Your victimising all.
No one is safe now,
From your downfall.
The indecent hypocrisy
Inflecting all mankind.
Do they choose not to see,
Or are they just blind?
Another day...
Green after crying out
For authenticity.
Sacrifice the one you love
For your false purity.
Bleeding the people,
Breaking down their will.
Performing the Lord's work
With a deadly skill.
Another day...