 Спелый, умеренно-прогрессивный, обволакивающий и вкрадчивый, эпик-дум от Manilla Road – это своеобразный эталон того, как должна входить в зрелый возраст старообрядная команда, начинавшая опыты по производству метала еще в конце 70-х. Конечно, только набираясь соку, колориту, постепенно меняя одежку мрачного металлизированного хард-н-хэви на торжественные одеяния попутчиков Candlemass, но не прощаясь с фэнтезийным антуражем. Наберусь наглости сказать, что нынешний, ленивый и вальяжный Manilla Road смотрится внушительней озорного (но дерзко мыслящего) юнца двадцатилетней давности. Конечно, хитов, славивших первое десятилетие расцвета метал-музыки, ему не хватает, зато материалу не занимать обаяния законченности и элитарности. Встречайте «Voyager»: ударник укладывает в темп музыки на одну сбивку, на один перестук больше, чем то требуется, гитарист неторопливо тянет нугу мелодий… Общий саунд – механистически точный, тяжелый, не мрачный, но густой. Manilla Road за время своего существования незаметно и нерадикально изменились, вооружив свою музыку, и без того не теряющуюся на фоне утяжеленных 90-х – 2000-х, чем-то вроде бархатистого гроула. Хард-н-хэви тоже не забыт, и определить «Voyager» как 100% эпик-дум было бы неверно. Пусть это грузное, но по-своему обаятельное направление по-прежнему остается вотчиной Solstice и Yearning. У Manilla Road ритм-секция все-таки еще сильно напоминает о хард-роке и начале 80-х. Нынешняя работа – это совмещение всего и вся, что было или намечалось в музыке американской команды, это чрезмерность и обилие осени. Не музыка даже, а нектар – осталось узнать, можно ли на голом классе и качестве пройти проверку временем, и насколько для тяжелой музыки важны ножи острых ходов… Промежуточную аттестацию работа завершает с отличием. |
In Odin's name they fall
Butchers of the sea
Destiny does drive them cross the sea
In the service of their king
Wisdom came from hanging on The Tree
For Valhalla they shall bleed
Butchers of the sea
2. Frost And Fire
Nordic sons true to their faith set to sea
Running from conversion proclaimed by the King
Blasphemy, come to the shores of Iceland
Family murdered by Christendom's hand
Funeral pyre in the land of midnight sun
Frost and fire, bloody revenge now is done
3. Tree Of Life
Climbing up The Tree
Ladder to the light
So many names have thee
All-Father of life
Searching for the truth
Hanging from The Tree
Contemplating life
Tis knowledge that we seek
Wisdom for an eye
Searching for the truth
Looking to the stars
Each and every night
Wondering who we are
Always asking why
Can't you see what it means?
Can't you believe in The Tree?
Branching to nine worlds
Connected by three planes
The mighty Yggdrasil
Tree of life and pain
Can't you see what it means?
Can't you believe in The Tree?
Hanging from The Tree
All-Father of life
4. Blood Eagle
Death and Honor - Drive them onward
Out of Iceland - Butcher's sail
Unto Greenland - Then to Vineland
Search for true faith - No avail
In this outland - Known as Vineland
Faith's conversion - Still prevails
Holgar's Vikings - Slay the Skraelings
Vineland's Bishop - Screams and wails
Bishop Eric curses the old ways
Taking Thor and Odin's name in vain
Demanding conversion of Holgar
Condemning the crew of Voyager
For Odin
For Asgard
Holgar proclaims
His judgement
Blood Eagle
Slow death and pain
For vengeance
In Thor's name
Eric shall die
Creeping death
Blood Eagle
Cast to Helheim
Sons of the night - Sent to Helheim
This dark Bishop - Black evil
Bound and tortured - Chest carved open
Viking slow death - Blood Eagle
5. Voyager
Lo there do I see the All-Father
Upon the mist the ancient ones
Lo there do I see in Valhalla
The Thunder God, Odin's son
Lo there do I see across the water
A brave new world for me and you
Lo there do I see the Voyager
A dragon-ship of dreams come true
You can have your peace
No straw death for me
To unknown seas
Voyager brings
The Man-God King
Lord of doom
Bound by truth
Like the runes
On the tomb
We do sing
Asaheim's hero's sail to the ends of the earth
As the Valkyries watch o'er the Voyager
Hear the battle cries
As the Skraelings die
Draw your sword this night
Raise the banners on high
Up the hammers and fight
All-Father's warriors sail to the edge of the world
Staying true to their faith in Thor's Hammer
To unknown seas
Voyager brings
The Man-God King
Lord of doom
Bound by truth
Like the runes
On the tomb
We do sing
Asaheim's hero's sail to the ends of the earth
As the Valkyries watch o'er the Voyager
All-Father's warriors sail to the edge of the world
Staying true to their faith in Thor's Hammer
Hear the battle cries
As the Skraelings die
Draw your sword this night
Raise the banners on high
Up the hammers and fight
Asaheim's hero's sail to the ends of the earth
As the Valkyries watch o'er the Voyager
All-Father's warriors sail to the edge of the world
Staying true to their faith in Thor's Hammer
Raise the banners on high
Up the hammers and fight
6. Eye Of The Storm
Sailing south to waters never seen
By western man of any creed
Searching for a place to be free
From Christian hate and blasphemy
Sky turns black as dark clouds form
Tempests blow the sails are torn
Come the waves in thunderous roar
Old Man Sea brings about his scorn
Underneath protection of Thor
Directed by a distant horn
Voyager makes way to shore
Sailing through the eye of the storm
7. Return Of The Serpent King
Up in the sky All-Father's eyes
The ravens fly out of the storm
Saved by horn sounded by Thor
Faith in the light now is restored
Sacrificial hearts are burned
As the Serpent King returns
He'll await the call unto the fall
Come Ragnarok
The Toltec's came to meet the waves
That brought the Gods back to their shore
Mistaken for Man-God of lore
Voyager's fate cast by The Norns
Through the jungles, mist and fog
To the city build by Gods
Sacrificial hearts are burned
As the Serpent King returns
He'll await the call unto the fall
In Valhalla
The Serpent King Holgar is deemed
The Lord of Doom come from the storm
Led by the sword the Toltec horde
Follows their king's conquest of war
Through the jungles, mist and fog
To the city build by Gods
Sacrificial hearts are burned
As the Serpent King returns
He'll await the call unto the fall
In Valhalla
8. Conquest
Teaching the art of warfare
Holgar begins his crusade
Tula to Chichen Iza
The Man-God King leads the way
For Valhalla
Vikings onward
Bloody conquest
Unto his death
Upon the sacred skull rack
The heads of enemy kings
Sacrificed to the ancients
For victory's they did bring
For Valhalla
Vikings onward
Bloody conquest
Unto his death
For Valhalla
Vikings onward
Bloody conquest
Unto his death
9. Totentanz (The Dance Of Death)
Destiny drove him across the seas
Finding a new world in his quest to be free
Tribes of this brave world stand firm in belief
Who followed the Man-God unto his defeat
Defenders of the faith
Voyager's quest
Totentanz for the king
The dance of death
The dance of death
Defender of the faith
Voyager's quest
Totentanz for the king
The dance of death
Dance for the serpent, dance for the king
Who conquered the new world in search of a dream
Unto Valhalla the Valkyries bring
The soul of The Butcher the Man-God King
Defender of the faith
Voyager's quest
Totentanz for the king
The dance of death
The dance of death
Defender of the faith
The dance of death
Voyager so brave
The dance of death
Defender of the faith
The dance of death
Voyager so brave