« Human = Garbage »
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1 | Stress Builds Character 05:50
 | 2 | Hands That Mold 06:12
 | 3 | Sanctity 06:09
 | 4 | Ignorance of Pride 03:25
 | 5 | Love / Hate 05:01
 | 6 | The Middle 01:41
 | 7 | Slaved Chains 02:37
 | 8 | Ruptured Silence 04:20
 | 9 | Green Destroyed 02:28
 | 10 | Broken Shell 03:02
 | 11 | Weed of Wisdom 04:27
 | 12 | Sleep 06:12
 | | Total playing time 51:24 |
   Todd Kiessling - bass, vocals
Dino Sommese - drums, vocals
Matt Parrillo - guitars, vocals
Dan Kaufman - vocals on tracks 7-12 |
Tracks 1-5 taken from Human = Garbage EP. Recorded in February 1994.
Tracks 6-11 taken from Dystopia/Embittered split EP. Recorded September to December 1992.
Track 12 taken from Dystopia/Grief split EP. Recorded September to December 1992.
Photos stolen from psychology and medical books, newspapers and trash cans. |
 | "Stress Builds Character"
I am so tired.
Sometimes I feel so tired.
I can't eat, I can't sleep.
So tired.
The pressure builds and builds.
Seems like theres no release.
The things I see go unnoticed by some.
Fills my eyes and heart.
Anger and guilt and frustration.
And depression |
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 90-е славны своими немного затененными хардкор-релизами и сокровища запросто будут обнаружены в типовых форматах EP или компиляций. В случае с "Human = Garbage" имеем и первое и второе, и уже первоисточник - мини-альбом трио Dystopia, есть одно из лучших творений менее 30 минут и не более 5 трэков комплектации, которое может вам попасться, абсолютно самодостаточное, не нуждающееся в скидках и снисхождениях. Записанное всего спустя 3 часа после откидки одного из участников коллектива, какой характер! Символично, что именно безотрадные бурчащие фразы отпущенного басиста открывают многие вещи, это, так сказать, фундамент возведения монолита нечистот.
Dystopia не столько группа, сколько масштабное и многоликое в плане приемов и техник андерграундное явление, концентрирующее в себе свое собственное гневное политическое медиаполе. И здесь нам не зазорно расширить свой кругозор до одноименного с ипишкой сборника, который дополняет первую трэками со сплитов с Grief и британцами Embittered. Та непосредственность, нешаблонность, с которой Dystopia подходят к своим композициям, равна их обостренности, бешеному накалу. Неукротимое непостоянство саунда, уникально очерченное движение от умеренных околочистых вступлений к полному раскрытию экспрессии через дисторшен. Всё что нужно, это либо нагнетающие напряжение голосовые сэмплы с эмбиентом, либо вопли и тревожные гитарные переборы с нервной суетящейся ритм-секцией, которые взрываются хаосом. Или же музыка вырастает из обрывков какого-то радиовещания, поп-трэка, обретает мясистую плоть и мерзкий голос. Головы участников Дистопии словно взорвутся с минуты от обилия идей и внешних источников вдохновения. Уже нойзовые подложки и записанные монологи способны довести слушателя до кипения, но всего 3 человека с непосредственно крастово-сладжевой программой могут вдвое, а то и втрое больше – раскрошить в мясо представление многих об экстремальности и контркультурности. Имея в арсенале просто-таки истеричного Иисуса подвалов, основного вокаллера Dino Sommese со своими истошными сырющими визгами да экспрессивными колотушками со звонкими райдовыми пунктирами, угрожающие рычащие риффы, заставляющие солнечный свет быстренько убраться со сцены, и маниакально-параноидальный примоченный бас. К последнему трэку "Love/Hate" музыканты разрешают говорить исключительно цитатному материалу, вступая вокальной лишь в рефренах, но это коллаж крепкого художественного уровня.
Трио, как вы поняли, в целом выбирает релевантные и незашоренные средства, что не позволяет слить их в общий котел трущего сладжа. Из таковых нередкая двухбочечная поддержка, однажды даже бластбит ("Ruptured Silence", "Green Destroyed"), пестрое многоголосие вокалов, не только краст тут наследил, но этот синкретизм воистину обогащает эффект сборника. Последний трэк "Sleep" даже допускает чистый вокал и своей трансовостью превосходно замыкает сборник.
Киберпанковая обложка навевает кадры из "Тэцуо", содержание же сугубо по-человечески злобно и очень негативистски плюется ощущением жизни как пытки, ненавистью к самому себе и окружающим, институтам... и собственно с полезным и одновременно никчемным действием убийства... После чтения лирики серьезно хочется помыться, сладж во всей красе, каким мы иногда забываем его. Первоклассный сладж/крастовый Армагеддон. |
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просмотров: 6885 |
Where's my fitness to the world with my chance to survive.
I got to get money so I can have a home.
So I can breathe, eat and live in this society.
I don't even like money,
And I got to work everyday just to feed myself.
God it makes me sick.
I just wanna curl up into a hole and die in this.
This isn't worth it.
I need a raise man!
I can't survive on this faith anymore.
I can't live on this.
I'm hungry.
And I've had service,
And I can't eat daddy.
God I am the creator of hell.
And I have seen all hell,
And I have seen no arms, no limbs no brains.
You don't care, you don't love me!
I only love myself.
No one will love me like I love thee.
Life's been swell, now I want to die
My body it hurts me, sigh after sign
I call it torture, you call it life
A slave to money and everything I despise
Like everyone in general
Fuck eat, sleep, destroy, I am a disposable being
Who will fuck all life
I multiply and the air gets thinner and dirty
I take up space
I smell
I consume
But I produce nothing
I abuse
I have no reason to exist
The toilets clogged in this world of shit
I breathe filth everyday
Living fucks up my brain
Why? Why must I wake up today?
My eyes are heavy
Why? Why must I see your face?
Your life is ugly
Why? Why did I buy into these things?
I don't want them
Tension. Tension
Frustration. Alone
Tension. Despair. Tension
All these pressures on my life
"Hands That Mold"
Hands that kill mold illusions of peace.
Their fucked up pseudo security.
Destroy to give birth to technology.
To quicken the killing of you and me and him and her
Us humans think we are so smart, creating challenges how.
Our sky bleeds in your hands, it's nothing.
Build and build and build some more.
Industry fucks nature like some kind of whore.
Quest for invention, intelligence gone too far.
Synthetic environment were doomed from the start,
and I guess were all gonna die (my home).
And take everything under the sky (is nothing... to you).
Skies they bleed, infecting the land.
Oceans, they vomit onto the sand.
Wind so foul, a putrid reek.
Animals, they scream in disbelief.
And I guess were all gonna die (our lives).
And take everything under the sky (are nothing... just
Humanicide, Humanicide.
Black trees, dead seeds, dirt weeds.
How much longer do we have?
Human beings should have never evolved at all.
Your heart... your heart as cold as the concrete that
you lay.
Your mind... clouded with the pollution that you make.
Hide... lies... from all of us, the ones you have
chosen to die.
Smother our Earth, blacken our skies
Your quest for progress, convenient demise.
Man... kind... to whom are you kind.
The peace that you mold is a lie, all lies.
Our lives float rejected down the stream.
They are nothing, not you or me.
"Ignorance Of Pride"
You killed again today.
She was 12 years old.
You killed her mother too.
When she bent down to help her.
And you killed again today.
He overdosed on drugs.
He was a friend of mine.
I know that you don't care
Except for money and power
And the force to make everyone cower.
The system makes its money off you.
Kill each other off just like they want you to.
Ways to survive don't involve killing your kind.
Poverty is colorblind.
The system's fault, not yours or mine.
Kill again for more respect.
Kill some more to make you look tougher.
Kill again but look who's losing.
Poverty is government made.
Kill again for more respect.
Kill again to make you look tougher.
Kill again but look who's losing.
Stomping out your own fucking race.
Racism starts with a twisted idea.
Genocide starts with the squeeze of a trigger.
Both are easy to do.
Both are fucking stupid.
"Slaved Chains"
Rise the turmoil tides.
The falling minds.
Decreed in lies.
That show their pride.
Pride, pride, pride.
Disease of lies.
That breed in minds.
That hate reminds.
Bow down to authority.
Break your chains.
You are slaved.
"Ruptured Silence"
its easy to see
incentive to talk
staring at all
staring at me
where has humanity gone
I feel sick to open my mouth
visions are blurred
glances are exchanged
eyes connect
speach neglect
we coldly walk away
a thousand thoughts
a million minds
a vocal box and a set of eyes
gifted with vision
yet overwhelmingly blind
people are hurt
shouting and pleading
communication doesnt ever leave
down on my knees
I start to cry
Who the hell are you to question why?
Speak, breathe.
Relinquish your apathy.
Seek, conquer.
Release anxiety.
Silence is weight that broke our backs,
And pulls our mental chains.
Silence will oppress us.
And we'll always be it's slave.
There's no compassion.
Not any more.
Brotherhood smashed.
Like a roach on the floor.
Never the less.
People like you,
Follow like slaves.
Speak, breathe.
Live, see.
Quiet, choke.
Die, blind.
Speak, breathe.
Feel release.
I don't feel.
Seek, conquer.
Release anxiety.
Find fuck.
Censor, relax.
Seek control.
Confront your insanity.
Crush, feel.
Silence, slave.
Breathe, speak free.
Loud silence deafens me.
Seek ease.
Release it all.
Let it all go.
Silence will destroy us all.
Leave us all your mark on life.
"Broken Shell"
Why do you rape my mind?
Soul, body.
Fine life.
My gift.
Kill my only pride.
Love in deceit.
We live in sadness.
Good bye.
Steal my soul.
The torture was the same.
"Weed of Wisdom"
Rape, consume, exhault, abuse.
Rob the Earth of fossil fuels.
We kill ourselves with fossil fuels.
We've tried, we failed.
We die with our hands tied.
Can't you see we have no choice?
You lie about the true effects.
Lies... expose the facts that you cant hide.
Please don't insult our intelligence.
Hemp is illegal cause it threatens your wealth.
Dupont, Exxon and a thousand other companies
would rather see you die than lose money for your
Price of living.
Funeral procession, modern ecology.
I won't bow.
I won't bow and sit and sigh.
The world goes to shit as you sit and cry.
Bigotry, apartheid Jim Crow laws.
Tools of prohibition to put hemp in its place.
Put a black man in shackles
because he smokes weed and had a smile on his face.
Fucking racist.
Fuel oil plastic.
All from a plant that nature's blessing.
Paper, wood, food.
Stop deforestation, save this planet.
Now we must utilize a source.
That can be grown with ease.
Save our habitat and stop
killing wildlife and soil by removing trees.
Land is in scarce supply and hemp roots help anchor
which stops erosion nurtifies land while rainforest's
We must put aside myths and legends based on lies.
Hemp the weed of wisdom will help whip the tear from
natures eye.
Searching for my soul.
Through chasms of my minds.
Longing my own desire.
To make me apart of life.
Round and round this circle turns.
Never coming to end.
Hideous games played on my mind.
Driving me insane.
This ring of painful delight.
Resides deep within my brain.
Insanity comes too naturally.
When my arms bleed.
Crossing the sky.
Deep within these dreams.
Crashing back to the sea.
The sleep numbs my mind.
From today's reality.
The dreams will come true.
My life will be over soon.
Sleep my child.
Your life is doomed.