 Реюнион - вещь непредсказуемая - он может возродить группу из пепла, а может и загнать обратно в небытие. С DH же не случилось ни того, ни другого. Хотя что я всё заладил реюнион, да реюнион, ведь фактически группу в одиночку возродил гитарист Брайан Татлер. Собрав под легендарным иминем Diamond Head совершенно новую группу, Татлер принялся за работу и к началу 2005 го выдал на суд меломанов студийный альбом.
И казалось бы тут следует сказать, что он произвёл фурор или напротив стал разочарованием, но этого не произошло. А фактически не произошло ничего, ведь интерес к группе, к моменту выхода альбома, был минимален. Если вспомнить 2-е пришествие демонов в 1993-м, то там был настоящий реюнион (собрался почти весь классический состав), да и совместные концерты с Метлой и Мегадетом помогли. А 3-е пришествие выглядело просто, как желание Татлера срубить с известного бренда побольше фунтов стерлингов, особенно учитывая возрождавшийся интерес к хэви-металу. В-общем, некогда великую группу стало очень жаль - настолько плохи были дела.
Неудивительно, что диск вышел невзрачным и блёклым. И именно таким. Нельзя сказать, что альбом плох, он просто... просто никакой. Из 12 песен от силы три западают в памяти - остальные в одно ухо влетают из другого вылетают.
И ведь придраться даже не к чему - сыграно всё на Ять, записано на уровне, очень хорош новый вокалист - Ник Тарт. Но нет во всём этом никакой изюминки, никакого азарта, нет души. А вот Татлер, видимо, настолько устал от организаторской работы, что у него не хватило сил сочинить достойные соло-партии для своей гитары. Музыка на альбоме довольно модная и звучит вполне свежо - даже не поверишь что играют 40-летние дядьки. Но вот в погоне за модерновостью группа истратила значительную часть своего фирменного звучания, а это жирный минус. Хотя начинается пластинка очень задорно - как никак единственный 100-процентный хит поставлен в самое начало.
1) Mine All Mine - как я уже сказал, это, наверное, лучшая песня альбома, тут вам и хороший припев, и хорошие аранжировки, и удачные электронные навороты в вокале. Однозначный хит, на него также был снят видиоклип. 10/10.
2) Give It to Me - весёлый и задорный хард-рок. Песня как будто взята с диска DH - "Canterbury", саунд практически тот же. 8/10.
3) Nightmare - песня начинается с очень хорошего гитарного риффа, который к сожалению не получил развития в дальнейшем. А дальше идёт предсказуемый и скучный хард-н-хэви. 5/10.
4) Fallen Angel - и тут то же самое! Идёт отличный рифф, который затем исчезает и уступает место... опять же скучному, второсортному харду. 5/10.
5) Alimony - серенькая песня, абсолютно ничего запоминающегося. 4/10.
6) Lost At Sea - а вот это уже получше! Наверное самая атмосферная песня альбома - балладные фрагменты чередуются с мощным хэви металлом. 8/10.
7) Broken Pieces - ближе к середине альбом, что называется, разгулялся - вот и эта песня оставляет вполне себе приятное впечатление. 7/10.
8) All Will Be Revealed -великолепный полубалладный номер - наверное лучшая песня альбома не считая первой. 9/10.
9) Dead or Living - а вот и первая по-настоящему тяжёлая песня, на фоне довольно мягкого альбома, она слушается почти как грайндкор. 8/10.
10) Drinkin Again - удивительно короткая песенка - длиться меньше двух минут. Приятная песенка, но не более. 7/10.
11) Come Alive - этот трек явно лишний на альбоме. Песня буквально высосана из пальца - такие "шедевры" надо на Би-сайдах издавать, а не на альбомах. 3/10.
12) Muddy Waters - хорошая песня, вполне подходящая на роль "закрывашки" альбома. 7/10.
В итоге получаем альбом, предел мечтаний которого - стать музыкальным фоном при подготоке к сессии. Вслушиваться в альбом не хочется да и не стоит, тем более что следующий диск Даймондов в разы лучше. |
I can't imagine these ties cut
How can this be my love?
I don't think I ask for much
Baby please
Mine all mine, all mine
Mine all mine, all mine
Mine all mine, all mine
If I can't have you're love
Mine all mine, all mine
Mine all mine, all mine
Mine all mine, all mine
If I can't have your love no one can
I lose control can't take no more
Like a wounded dog barking at your door
The lights are on but no ones home
There's a fire still burning in my soul
Can't stand to see you with a another man
Ain't gonna let you make another plan
There's not another soul who you can trust
I can't imagine these ties cut
How can this be my love?
I don't think I ask for much
Baby please
Can't you see, it's killing me
These suicidal tendencies inside of me
Can't let you go, can't set you free
The anger grows inside of me
I lose control, can't take no more
Another life with out me in store
Your raptured soul was mine to own
This anger grows inside more and more
2. Give It To Me
[Tatler / Tart / Wilcox]
I will give you all I've got to give
Win all your love for me
I have got to have you someday
Because that's my destiny yeah
I need your trust
Desire, honey, I'm on fire
Your love gives me power
I need it now to aspire
Now you see I'm coming around again
You gotta lay it all on me
I've told you once, I won't tell you again
Fulfil my fantasy
I need your lust
Guidance, honey and your reliance
Faith, gives me power
Feed the flame of my desire
Just give it to me, I need it
Just give it to me, I gotta feel it, gotta feel it
Just give it to me, I need it
Just give it to me, I gotta feel it, gotta feel it
Give in to me, don't fight it
Give it to me, I need, I need it
Trust, desire
Honey, I'm on fire
Your love, give me power
I need it now to aspire
Give it to me, I need it
Just give it to me, I gotta feel it, gotta feel it
Give in to me, don't fight it
Give it to me, I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it
Give it to me
3. Nightmare
[Tatler / Tart]
Well my pillow feels like stone
On a bed of nails I roll
The more I scare the bigger you become
As the sky greets the dawn
The dark will cloud the sun
There's a time to die unknown to everyone
I've been told it's here for the taking
I've been sold on the dreams you've been making
I don't know what you've been contemplating
When the lights go out, I'm left in the dark
You make me play my evil part
Wake me from this nightmare, I don't wanna sleep alone
I'm little bit scared of falling to deep, I
So wake me from my nightmare, I don't wanna sleep alone
I'm little bit scared of falling to deep, I
I wanna know if you can here my call
Cause it's loud and clear
You gotta catch my fall dispel my fear
Soaking in this sweat
To many thoughts running through my head
The darkest hour is just before the dawn
Don't wanna stand in a crowd
I'm drowned in the sound
The more I scare the bigger you become
I've been told it's here for the taking
I've been sold on the dreams you've been making
I don't know what you've been contemplating
When the lights go out, I'm left in the dark
You make me play my evil part
Wake me from this nightmare, I don't wanna sleep alone
I'm little bit scared of falling to deep, I
Wake me from my nightmare, I don't wanna sleep alone
I'm little bit scared of falling to deep, I
It's a nightmare. I'm living in a nightmare
It's a nightmare. I'm living in a nightmare, yeah
. Can you here me, can you here my call?
Cause it's loud and clear, you gotta catch my fall
Dispel my fear, from this nightmare, from this nightmare, fucking nightmare
4. Fallen Angel
[Tatler / Tart]
As white as lily glimmered she
Like a ships fair ghost upon the sea
Shame on the man who passes by
This fallen angel from the sky
If you realized just who you could be
You gotta tear it up, and give it up and rip it up
I'll show you how life should be
She wipes the tears from her frozen cheek
Getting strong from her broken dreams
Vowed right then she would not cry no more
This goddess rose and dusted down
Cast her shadow on the ground
Took my hand and gently smiled at me
She said let's live it up, I want to start again
Give it up till I get it done
Pick it up come on show me how life should be
Just in the nick of time
I'm gonna throw you a line
To lift you up to where you once belonged
I was blinded by that Mona Lisa smile
How could I let you go and throw it all away?
What became of this desert rose
She grew up strong and so beautiful
A flower blossoms each and every morn
In the finest robes of eiderdown
My sweet lady I will lay you down
These precious times we love for ever more
She said lets tear it up I want to rip it up and give it up
Tear it down don't stop till I get enough
Live it up in this life when it's getting rough
Let's live it up I want to start again
Tear it up till I get it done
Pick it up come on show me how life could be
Come on throw me a line, throw me a line come on and throw me a line
Show me how life could be
5. Alimony
[Tatler / Tart / Wilcox]
Listen baby
Our love has fallen apart
How can you let this be?
Till death do us part?
A promise you just couldn't keep
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Baby why you being so blind
Why don't you just see?
There's one life under this sun
I gotta find a new relief
Now the debt man's coming and the hound dog's bark
Breaking these chains ain't a stroll in the park
Out in the cold and it's breaking my heart
Hey now listen baby
Don't worry about the money
It's a fifty, fifty split
But if I pay you alimony, how am I suppose to live, yeah
Hey, hey, how am I suppose to live
Now the tax man thinks I've got something to hide
A job that was cash in hand
Your wife said now you ain't getting along
She's gonna find herself a better man
Hold on little lady, your moving way to fast
I just wanted a break, to bring the good times back
Don't worry about the money
It's a fifty, fifty split
If I pay you alimony, how am I suppose to live
Don't worry about the money
It's a fifty, fifty split
If I pay you alimony, how am I suppose to live, yeah
I'm down on my knees
You got me begging, please
Cause I can't live
I can't live
6. Lost At Sea
[Tatler / Tart]
It's easy when you're near me
I get drunk and I need more
Always tripping in the presence of this beauty that lies before
Just like a falling star your reach is too far
Can never find where it ends
Cause you come and you go like the rivers will flow
You're the universe that never ends
Floating no gravity
I'm a fading effigy
I get lost cant find my way
I'm a ship that's lost at sea
There's no direction for me
Help me find my way
I just gotta live another day
In the night you'll be my satellite
Shooting across the sky
Always beaming this ray of light
Are you waiting to be my guide?
Like a falling star your reach is too far
I can never find where it ends
Cause you come and you go like rivers will flow
You're the universe that never ends
Floating no gravity
I'm a fading effigy
I get lost cant find my way
I'm a ship that's lost at sea
There's no direction for me
Help me find my way
I just gotta live oh yeah
I'm in the deepest part of this blue
No one to save me can push me through
You'll be my beacon light in the dark
Help me find my way
7. Broken Pieces
[Tatler / Tart]
In your eyes I can tell
That there's someone who's cast a spell
I have tried through all this madness
Now these chains are pulling me through hell
I was led and I led myself to believe
Nothing's gonna break this unity
I didn't mean to be so cruel, to be so cold
Just lead me on to the gates of Babylon
So now hold on when life gets rough
There's room for the two of us
Don't leave me like this
Don't leave me in broken pieces
Don't leave me in broken pieces oh, no, no, babe
So baby don't leave me in broken pieces
In my eyes you will see
All the truth eventually
I have smiled through all your sadness
Cause I know it's never meant to be
I was led and I led myself to believe
Nothing's gonna break this unity
I didn't mean to be so cruel, to be so cold
Just lead me on to the gates of Babylon
It's getting harder to breath You got me down on my knees
I got nothing but the memories
8. All Will Be Revealed
[Tatler / Tart]
Don't look for satisfaction
There's no meaning when you try
If this is your intension
I will be your alibi
If you could feel the weight of my heavy load
You will come to realize
Walk a million miles in my shoes
You will never find your paradise
All will be revealed my friends
What goes around comes around again
Footsteps in the sands of time
Loving you was my only crime
Heal my condition
Take this thorn from my side
Lend me your religion
I will be your alibi
If you could feel the weight of my heavy load
You will come to realize
Walk a million miles in my shoes
You will never find your paradise
[Chorus x2]
All will be revealed my friends
All my, my, my friends
All will be revealed my friends
9. Dead Or Living
[Tatler / Tart / Wilcox]
I crept in through the night
Your body silky smooth so warm and nice
You never felt my touch
You never knew that I laid right by your side
Am I dead or living?
I came in from the cold
To wrap you up in my misty cloak
Only you can set me free
Open up and tell me what you see
Am I dead or living or am I dreaming this time?
Cause the air that I breathe is and this path that I walk is breaking
Am I dead or living am I dreaming
I will come alive at night
To take your life as a sacrifice
And as the daylight breaks
Blood runs cold and my body aches
Am I dead or living or am I dreaming this time?
Cause the air that I breathe is and this path that I walk is breaking
Am I dead or living am I dreaming
Am I dead am I dead or living
Am I dead am I dead or living
Am I dead am I dead or living
Am I dead am I dead or living
Am I dead
10. Drinking Again
[Tatler / Tart / Wilcox]
Monday morning and my head is feeling bad
I need a bolt of lightning just to get me out of bed
Don't you know that life's a bitch and then your gonna die
I feel like the king of the blues I think I was born to cry
That's why I'm drinking again
Drowning all my sorrows
Drinking again
I'm drinking like there's no tomorrow
Drinking again, drinking again, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm so dependant on the needs of my sin
My one and only friend, its gonna do me in
When life has dealt all its toughest cards
These wounds just don't heal; I'm bleeding from the scars
Drinking again
Drowning all my sorrows
Drinking again
Drinking like there's no tomorrow
Drinking again, drinking again, yeah, yeah, yeah
How does it feel to lose the power, to lose the will?
When you're down and out and in need of a friend
I turn to Jim or Jack to lend me a hand
That's why I'm drinking again
Drowning all my sorrows
Drinking again, drinking again, yeah, yeah, yeah
That's why I'm drinking again
Fixing again, yeah, yeah, yeah
11. Come Alive
[Tatler / Tart / Scott]
They want to break me, kill me for my crown
It's just a fact of life, when your up they tear you down
Put me in a dirty deep hole, with a lid to stop the air
But I've come to life again with this hate I've got to share
I've come alive, I've come alive
I'm coming to get ya
I've come alive, I've come alive
To cut you down
I've come alive, I've come alive
And I'm back to haunt you
I've come alive, I've come alive, forever
They tried to bleed me and hang me out to dry
If you're gonna kill me, make sure that I die
You threw me in lions den, while you feast and drink your wine
You motherfuckers better be ready when I come to rip you're spine
They'll try and break you kill you for your crown
For love nor money, for love nor money can you put me down
12. Muddy Waters
[Tatler / Tart]
Out my window the sky is looking grey
I poured my wine and roll myself a jay
I missed my ride on the early morning train
I wonder if my life will be the same
I see that this leads me astray
My defence is down when I'm in this daze
I'm stoned
We all need to feel the sun
We all need to feel someone
Like the grass needs the rain to grow
With every high there's always a low
Getting high, feeling low
Muddy waters on my radio
I take my time, nowhere to go
Muddy waters on my radio
Looking back to all my yesterday's
All I cared for was the latest craze
I missed my chances will they ever come again
I wonder if my life will be the same
I see that this leads me astray
My defence is down when I'm in this daze
I'm getting lazy in a smoky haze
I'm stoned
I see that this leads me astray
My defence is down when I'm in this daze
I'm getting lazy in a smoky haze
I'm stoned
We all need to feel the sun
Feel the sun warm your soul
Shine on me, shine on every one
Drink my wine smoke my blow
Got my music pumping on my radio