 Этот альбом ELP следует рассматривать как сольный альбом Грэга Лэйка с Эмерсоном и Палмером в качестве приглашенных гостей. Дело в том что на момент записи альбома группа практически не существовала, музыканты приняли решение расстатьтся еще два года назад, но по контраку с Atlantic они были обязаны записать еще три альбома. Первыми двумя стали две части сборника "Works", ну и третьим - этот вымученный альбом. Энтузиазм при записи проявлял только Лэйк, именно поэтому первые пять композиций воспринимаются не иначе как его сольник. Клавишные глубоко на заднем плане (и это в ELP!), вперед выведен незамысловатый гитарный звук (и это, опять-таки в ELP!), тексты и общее настроение песен исключительно любовно-романтическое. В общем, на этом можно было бы и закончить и поставить "Love Beach" заслуженную шестерку за труды НО! В конце альбома Эмерсон как будто проснулся ото сна и зарядил по полной. Завершающие два трека выполнены в самых лучших традициях ELP, со всеми полагающимися "Хэммодами" и "Мини-Мугами". Этими двумя треками являются шикарная инструменталка "Canario" и просто умопомрачительная двадцатиминутная "пьеса" "Memoirs Of An Officer And A Gentleman". "Canario" очень весела, запросто поднимает настроение и настраивает на положительные эмоции. "Memoirs..." напротив довольно серьезна, обрамлена в яркую антивоенную тематику и на мой взгляд, спокойно ставится в один ряд с "Tarkus" и "Karn Evil 9". Эти две песни исправляют общее впечатление от альбома и позволяют поставить ему хорошую оценку. Ну а группа-таки разбежалась сразу после выхода "Love Beach" и стала подавать признаки жизни только в середине 80-ых. И стоит сказать спасибо Эмерсону за то что не дал последнему альбому ELP скатиться до банального поп рока, все таки карьеру они завершили достойно. |
All I want
All I want is you
I'm on flight one one two
The airports straight ahead
Runway lights in blue and red
Now the seatbelt sign's aglow
I'm nearly home, nearly home
So throw throw those long sad books away
Times and crimes of yesterday
Tonight I'm gonna love you
'Till the break of day
'Cause all I want
All I want
All I want is you
Love beach
Now that the coast is clear
I'm moving out of here
It's time to dissapear with you
To where the skies are blue
I want you by my side
Don't look so mystified
You know I said I'd always take you
To love beach
Out of reach of the eagles eyes tonight
We can make it to love beach
Where pirate moons throw silver spoons
Across the waves to you
Back when it all began
I was your highway man
Now I've got a different plan
For you
And me beside the deep blue sea
The way it's meant to be
Oh, you'll believe me
When you see the ocean roll up
And the sun turn a mighty red
You can walk love beach forever
'Till it lives inside your head
I said
I want you by my side
I'll keep you satisfied
My love won't hide
We can make love on love beach
Out of reach of the lion's claws tonight
We can make love on love beach
I want your love with the stars above
Down on love beach
I'm gonna make love to you
On love beach
Make all your dreams come true
On love beach
Gonna make love to you
On love beach
Gonna make your dreams come true
On love beach
Gonna make love to you
On love beach
Gonna make your dreams come true
On love beach
Taste of my love
Ooh, you look so hungry, woman
How come you strayed in here
With your eyes so bright?
On this long hot night
Could it be for a taste of my love?
Down on your knees
With your face to the wall
Saying: "Please, please, please"
My friend said I should call
Well, I do feel lonely, woman
And to tell the truth
I could use some company
To come closer to me
Help yourself to a taste of my love
Call up room service
Order peaches and cream
I like my desert first
If you know what I mean
Yeah, taste it, taste it, taste it
Around the maze of pleasure
To the gates of pain
You're driving me insane
Take all you need from the taste of my love
I want to love you like nobody ever loved you
Get on my stallion and we'll ride
I want to hold you and enfold you beyond reason
I want to dynamite your mind with love tonight
Go down gently
With your face to the east
The sun may be rising
But we haven't finished the beast
Ooh, you still look hungry, woman
I'm glad your came in here
With your eyes so bright
On this long hot night
You need love, I need love
Here it comes, the taste of my love
I'm gonna love you like nobody ever loved you
Climb on my rocket and we'll fly
Over the moon, past the sun 'till we find
The gates of heaven open wide for lovers
I'm gonna love you like nobody ever loved you
Climb on my rocket and we'll fly
The gambler
Hey, mister!
Gimme back them dice
You're holding all the green
But you're gonna lose a slice
Rock and roll, bless my soul
My wallet's getting thinner
Sevens up, thank you, lord
Now you're looking at a winner
'Cause I'm a member of a gambling breed
And when the actions hot it gets me all I need
So if you find me in our town
Won't you lay your money down?
It's satisfaction guaranteed
You get heaven, you'll get hell
There ain't no way for you to tell with a gambling man
Hey, mama!
Give me one more ace
I'm looking at a knave
And he's laughing in my face
Raise the pot, bet the lot
We could all be dead tomorrow
I got an edge on the ledge
Not another man will follow
'Cause I'm a member of a gambling breed
And when the actions hot it gets me all I need
So if you find me in our town
Won't you lay your money down?
It's satisfaction guaranteed
You get heaven, you'll get hell
There ain't no way for you to tell with a gambling man
I said I'm a gambler
There's no question of that
But I never gamble on a woman
That's a matter of fact
Just ain't no predicting
Which way their love will roll
One moment they're red hot
The next they're icy cold
Oh lord, have mercy
Give that wheel a spin
It's taking candy from a baby
In the mood I'm in
Rock and roll, bless my soul
My wallet's looking healthy
Easy come, easy go
I never wanted to be wealthy
Just a paid up member of a gambing breed
And when the actions hot it gets me all I need
So if you find me in your town
Won't you lay your money down?
It's satisfaction guaranteed
You'll get heaven, you'll get hell
There ain't no way for you to tell with a gambling man
Lay your money down
For you
For you and I
There never was a way to say goodbye
The nights of love
We loved so hard we shook the stars above
Ooh, such a love
Expecting so much as we touched
That each the other led to the fire
Was it the words left unspoken?
Scared for my heart, she's been broken
That in the ice of a moment
You closed the doors on our love
Now for you and for me
Lies branded on our hearts the memory
Just a glance and a smile
A looking back and knowing all the while
Ooh, it was love
As close as it'll ever come, it's not a crime
For two lonely people to try
To find some love in the madness
Of this world full of sadness
And though we woke in the ashes
Just for a while we had dreamed
I gave you all I could give
It was for you that I lived
Why did you do what you did
And close the door of my heart?
Next time you fall in love
You'd better tell the truth
Next time you fall in love
Don't do it just for you
For you, for you, for you
For you, for you, for you
Instrumental track
Memoirs of an officer and a gentleman
1) Prologue
Walking through the city after recent rain
Heard ancient stones, all shining murmur, where are they?
How long before next hero's day?
And the splendid show of drum and gun
Walking by the river one september eve
Saw questions rise in circles on that old dark stream
Where now are those who dared to dream?
They would leave one jewel in England's hand
Gone to sleep, they lie in flowered graves
For the visitors and guidebook saved
But come the trumpet shattered dawn
Will the spirit they shared be reborn?
2) Education of a gentleman
Comrades in arms, may they rise?
Fight and shine again
'Till "who goes there?"
Will be answered with friend again
Once there stood a man
Alone, sword in his hand
In the face of the teeth and flame
And it was all in England's name
I was told how she grew
She alone shone her light on everyone
And if you made the first eleven
Then you'd be sure to get to heaven
Like the captain of the school
I was taught how to win
And to lose with that "get you next time" smile
Learned latin verbs in fear of a beating
And for years thought central heating
Was for just old people's homes
I was raised on the past
The Tower and Saint Paul's and Westminster
Escorted well bred girls to dances
And learned to drive a horse in harness
Through the english countryside
I was taught to behave
Like an officer and a gentleman
And when I finally marched from Sandhurst
I learned to put my fellow man first
And there was daily talk of war
I spent ninety thirty eight
In the United States of America
I grew to love it's many faces
And they had built some amazing places
And I thought they'd come in on our side
3) Love at first sight
Girls, oh, there were girls
But they were just part of the social whirl
And I never took much notice
Until the night that I met you
Standing out there alone
Out on the terrace under the moon
From the moment that I kissed you
My life turned into a dream
I knew I loved you at first sight
And that you loved me
Was it really happening?
Or was it a dream?
I asked if you'd be mine
Feeding the white doves by the serpentine
And when you said: "Forever"
I know that I almost cried
You all in white
The tears and the laughing
Nearly losing the damn ring
Yes, I do, yes, I will, keep you from harm
Those few short days we spent together
Remembered forever
All the plans
For the house and for the children
I know I loved you at first sight
And that you loved me
Did it really happen then?
Or was it a dream?
I knew when I saw your face
Opening orders, the time and the place
Oh, don't worry, it won't last long
And I won't be far away
I'll try to write every day
4) Letters from the front
Got your letters at the front today
If you like the house we'll buy it straight away
Yes, it's great, now you're a full time nurse
But do be careful with the air raids getting worse
Must end now
The push is on
We're moving out
All my love, see you soon
I'm writing to you on a convoy moving west
It's hell out here but we're all trying to do our best
I learned today that I get two weeks leave in june
This time I promise you a real honeymoon
Must end now
Take care, my love
You're all the world
To me, my love, see you soon
The telegram dropped from my hand
She was all I had, I just don't understand
I see her now in that white dress she wore
Those eyes and that smile, no one else, nevermore
Decorations and respect inside the club
Aren't compensation when you lose the one you love
But in the end all that is left
Is the regiment and what it means
To be an officer and a gentleman
5) A honorable company (the march)
Instrumental part