« Forbidden Evil »
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1 | Chalice of Blood
 | 2 | Off the Edge
 | 3 | Through Eyes of Glass
 | 4 | Forbidden Evil
 | 5 | March into Fire
 | 6 | Feel No Pain
 | 7 | As Good as Dead
 | 8 | Follow Me |
   Russ Anderson - vocals
Paul Bostaph - drums
Glen Alvelais - lead guitar
Matt Camacho - bass
Craig Locicero - lead guitar |
Combat Records/Under One Flag
Produced by John Cuniberti and Doug Caldwell
Executive producer: Cliff Cultreri
Recording engineer: John Cuniberti
Assistant engineer: David Plank
Recorded at Alpha & Omega Recordings, S.F., CA
And Studio 245, S.F., CA and Prairie Sun Recording, Cotati,CA
Mastered by Chris Bellman at Bernie Grundman, L.A., CA
Mixed at Alpha & Omega
Cover art 1988 Kent Mathieu |
 | 1. Chalice Of Blood
What is this, an evil church?
People deceived upon the Earth,
Sundays prayer has lost the truth,
Will we dare to live the truth?
What I see is a serpent hiss,
Congration makes the list,
Pass around your money plates
Gather' round to fill the date
Welcome to the churc |
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 Замечательный дебютник замечательной bay-area легенды. Пускай вас не смущают эти дифирамбы, потому что альбом близок мне как глоток свежего воздуха из эпохи честного железа. Именно с этой группы началось моё по-настоящему углубленное знакомство с классикой thrash. Потом были ураганные Violence, Defiance, Intruder, Realm, Toxik и другие достойнейшие акты, упоминание полного списка которых займёт ещё одну рецензию. Что же такого особенного я увидел в Forbidden, спросите вы. А то ощущение чистой энергии и духа свободы, которые так присущи командам той струи. Тылы прикрывает, сидя за ударной установкой ни кто иной как Paul Bostaph, цементируя и без того очень чёткий ритм. Graig Locicero и Glen Alvelais создают проникновенные по своей сути риффы и соло партии. Russ Anderson вещает искажённым чистоголосием о "deal with the mind and humanity". Matt Camacho изрядно напоминает о себе бурлящим кровь потоком bass guitar.Так что уже ни у кого не осталось сомнений почему я ставлю этой работе наивысшую оценку. 100% musthave для бойцов thrash фронта. |
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Классика Bay Area трэша – и этим сказано все! Через FORBIDDEN прошло столько музыкантов, что впору открывать мемориальную доску: здесь учился имярек, ставший знаменитым в SLAYER, в TESTAMENT, в MACHINE HEAD, в NEVERMORE… Вот только имя самих FORBIDDEN ныне хоть и произносят с уважением, но без всякого придыхания, подобно METALLICA, MEGADETH и прочим… Два их альбома, вышедших в самом конце восьмидесятых стали классикой, но не помогли группе утвердиться в роли властительницы умов. На всех пьедесталов не хватило. Сегодня эти пластинки, вышедшие в России благодаря компании “Mazzar Records” слушаются с известной долей ностальгии и, чего уж там скрывать, не без обращения ко всем тем командам, что названы выше. Ну не воспринимаются FORBIDDEN вне своего тогдашнего ареала обитания. Все эти скоростные гитарные проходы, трэшевая энергетика, доступный любому хэдбенгеру мелодизм давали и дают массу поводов для радости, пусть даже и воспринимаются сквозь дымку времени. Уж на что мне, никогда, откровенно говоря, не любившего стилистику Bay Area, которая у FORBIDDEN цветет махровым цветом, приятно вернуться в те времена и послушать подзабытые риффы и характерные фальцетные интонации вокала Расса Андерсона, что уж говорить о настоящих фанатах. Для них, кстати, российская версия альбома приготовила сюрприз в виде «живых» записей двух главных хитов этой пластинки “Through Eyes of Glass” и “Chalice of Blood”, но не в них, конечно, дело… Музыка “Forbidden Evil” из сегодняшнего времени кажется, конечно, немного наивной, большинство ходов - легко предсказуемыми, а песни, порой, несколько занудными (не считая, конечно, двух упомянутых хитов) – все это верно. Ребята тогда только начинали, и явно ориентировались на иных своих коллег по сцене: те же EXODUS или FLOTSAM & JETSAM стартовали на пару лет раньше даже первой инкарнации FORBIDDEN и успели получить определенную фору. Зато такие песни, как заглавная “Forbidden Evil” или “Feel No Pain” представляют из себя самые настоящие учебные пособия по истории американского трэш-метал (или, если хотите, собрали все его штампы), и слушая их, вы всегда сможете представить себя на калифорнийских пляжах, под теплым и ласковым солнцем восьмидесятых… И этому не помешает даже осознание того, что при всей своей «классичности» и «трушности», “Forbidden Evil” не был лучшим альбомом своей эпохи. Зато он стал идеальным слепком с нее.
(Диск предоставлен компанией “Mazzar”) |
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просмотров: 21932 |
Doves will die,
A priest will cry,
Man will tithe
Welcome to the church of lies
Chalice of blood,
Waits to fill us,
Chalice of blood
Unfaithful priest an evil man,
Mark of death fills his hand,
Black and white turn to grey,
In blaspheme he will pray,
Deceived by religion he will see,
Run in panic you will flee,
Out of heaven he will fall,
Fame to riches says it all,
Welcome to the church of lies
Doves will die,
A priest will cry,
Man will tithe
Welcome to the church of lies
Chalice of blood,
Waits to fill us,
Chalice of blood
Talk in tongues out of mind,
Is this truth you will find?
The evil ways is lose control,
Satan's laugh will be your toll,
Church of god lives in sin,
Gathers up all of men,
Out of good we're still in fright,
We all must live to see the light
Chalice of blood,
Waits to fill us,
Chalice of blood
You're welcome to church of lies
2. Off The Edge
Little Johnny was a clown,
A clown indeed he was,
Just what he needed was attention
To kill his inner frown,
Pay you toll you're growing old,
You've seen that life's a game,
Now you turn it's time to learn
That life is yours to tame
Lend me a dime 'cause I'm running out of time,
I'm living, I'm snapping, I'm falling off the edge,
Don't know what to do, off the edge I flew,
I'm falling, falling, falling off the edge,
I'm near the edge, I'm on the edge,
I'm off the edge,
Little Terry and little Mary,
The fry-heads of the school,
Just some kids that fried on' cid,
And now we all must bury,
Alas they walked up to the cliff,
They didn't hear a word,
Little Mary fell through the air,
A thump was all we heard
Lend me a dime 'cause I'm running out of time,
I'm living, I'm snapping, I'm falling off the edge,
Don't know what to do, off the edge I flew,
I'm falling, falling, falling off the edge,
I'm near the edge, I'm on the edge,
I'm off the edge,
Alas they tripped out on the edge,
What a crying shame,
Their lives controlled by chemicals,
And half their friends the same,
Tried their best to live their lives,
In some other's person fashion,
It's always seems they lose their dreams,
And now's the time they'll cash in
I'm near the edge, I'm near the edge
I'm on the edge, I'm off the edge,
3. Through Eyes Of Glass
See the light is flashing through your eyes,
Deep inside your brain another stirs,
They're telling where they've been
And what they've seen
Who is this that lives inside my dream,
Visions are coming at last to me,
Once I was blind but now I can see,
Should you believe what you see,
When you look through eyes of glass
Through eyes of glass
My mind is one, now has the crystal power
It's reaching back where my life began,
Reflecting who I was and what I've been,
I've lived before, I've been many men,
Visions are coming at last to me,
Once I was blind but now I can see,
Can you believe what you see,
When you look through eyes of glass
Through eyes of glass
My brain
Now I'm
I drift into abyss fast asleep,
Guarded by the spirits over me,
I walked along a winding path of gold,
Which led me to a world of my lost soul,
I've seen the light flash through my eyes,
Deep inside another stirred,
Telling where they've been and what they've seen,
Who is this that lives inside my dreams
Through eyes of glass,
Through eyes of glass,
Through eyes of glass
4. Forbidden Evil
Killers thrill, endless slaughter,
Mother cries her tortured daughter,
Tattered flesh, and silky hair,
Ripped her soul and left her bare
Unbelievers hold evil,
Learn or burn,
Torment, hate and torture,
Your soul will burn
Bloody angel, trapped in sin,
Ripped down to blistered skin,
It's wings became fallen prey,
Holy Lord please end this day
Unbelievers hold evil,
Learn or burn,
Torment, hate and torture,
Your soul will burn
The king of death shall rule,
His plague of hell is fire,
He's come to fight his duel,
He's worshipped with desire,
Behold forbidden evil,
They've come to fight you'll see
Behold good God the savior will rule eternity,
Prince of hell, he surrounds the Earth
Fulfilling what is said,
The demons scream from hell
And kiss the bloody birth
Forbidden Evil
Forbidden Evil
5. March into Fire
Feel the noose around your neck,
Hang mankind untimely death,
No way to change what will be done,
Just watch and wait until we're gone
A curse in on our souls, we have no choice,
We are but toys marching into fire
Don't deceive or be deceived,
The truth just wait, just will be revealed,
It's too late to change the bland man's fate
It's too late to change the bland man's fate
A curse in on our souls, we have no choice,
We are but toys marching into fire
Awoke again to find this hell,
Surrounds me everywhere,
Lakes of blood around my feet,
It fills me with despair,
Destroy all life now watching mankind,
Walking into fire,
No cause, no need, just evil's greed,
Give me insane desire
We all march into fire
The game is done there's nothing left,
Our necks now hang we've met our death
A curse in on our souls, we have no choice,
We are but toys marching into fire
6. Feel No Pain
Broken code holds information,
Deadly message of confrontation,
Secret passed from spy to spy,
Covert action needles eye,
Silent hero secret word,
Blow his cover kick down the door,
Caught in act the pain is near,
Close my mind to all fear
Give him strength to help block the pain,
In his mind that screams,
For mercy he will not give in
Feel no pain, feel no pain
Talk is done he must prepare,
Tortured now strapped in the chair,
The beating's over he must rest,
He has suffered his very best,
Sharpened blades rip through his skin,
Worthless efforts he won't give in,
His blood is cold his nerves is are dead,
They can't get inside his head
Give him strength to help block the pain,
In his mind that screams,
For mercy he will not give in
Feel no pain, feel no pain
Pain, pain, pain, pain
Broken code holds information,
Deadly message of confrontation,
Secret passed from spy to spy,
Covert action needles eye,
Silent hero secret word,
Blow his cover kick down the door,
Caught in act the pain is near,
Close my mind to all fear
Give him strength to help block the pain,
In his mind that screams,
For mercy he will not give in
Feel no pain, feel no pain
7. As Good As Dead
The end is coming fast, flags they fly halfmast
Soldiers have come to fight,
Tanks roll off the hill, men are lying still,
Armies of hate in sight,
Death now wills to be, kill for you will see
The end is coming fast
Planes shoot, blood runs,
Killing innocent people,
Bombs hit were blown to shit,
Killing all our children
Now prepare to die, bombs light,
The sky eat dirt and hit the ground,
Kill a Yankee snitch, run hit the ditch
Troops prepare to die
Planes shoot, blood runs,
Killing innocent people,
Bombs hit were blown to shit,
Killing all our children
Evil lives in minds of those
Who fill our lives with war,
Making sure the lines are guarded,
We're closing all the doors,
Mad desire fills your head,
Your mind id brain dead,
What you've seen you'll never forget
Your child is dead,
Over the hill the light is the blast,
The smell of guns in the air,
Screams of pain the wish for death,
Emotions sounding scared,
Don't try to live, you will not live,
The force brakes through the line,
First to shoot, blow off your gun,
Now kiss your ass good bye
Troops drop
Summons to this battle field left to die,
Death before your eyes, hear the cries,
Military minds have called the shot,
The power broke loose, they watch you rot,
Armies on the hunt, taking force of life,
Life is just a game, throw the dice,
The power and the might, who's right?
From air and sea and land, we must fight
As good as dead
Who are you to know the reasons why?
Going to war men must die,
The power and the might, who's right?
From air and sea and land, we will fight
As good as dead,
As good as dead, as good as dead,
Your all as good as dead
8. Follow Me
Come my children follow me,
I hold all eternity,
Worship what I live and dream
Help me fill the demon sea,
Take my hand
Walk with me,
Search your soul
Let it free
Come my children follow me to
Come my children follow me to
Your misfortune follow me
You'll be smashed to the ground in the pits of hell,
Into my clutches you all fell,
Now we'll see that all is lost,
Now your soul must pay the cost
Now I find out what is mine,
A kingdom of my divine,
My love had turned to lust,
As diamonds turned to rock the dust,
Take my hand
Walk with me,
Search your soul
Let it free
Come my children follow me to
Come my children follow me to
Your misfortune follow me
You'll be smashed to the ground in the pits of hell,
Into my clutches you all fell,
Now we'll see that all is lost,
Now your soul must pay the cost
I'm drained I can't go on
With you I feel I can go on,
Blind they'll walk into the grave,
We must hold on, we will be saved,
Follow me
Follow me