 В 3D-кинотеатрах вы, надеюсь, бывали. А вот слушали ли вы 3D-музыку? Думаю, что-то современное, цифровое и вылизанное до нотки может создать эффект присутствия. Другое дело, что в 1992-м группа с забавным названием "Проблема" записала под руководством небезысвестного Рика Рубина настолько яркий по саунду альбом, что хоть слушай его в наушниках. хоть в динамиках - сложно избавиться от ощущения, что эта пятерка играет и поет прямо в твоей комнате! Сманив эту группу с Metal Blade, прямо как Slayer в средине восьмидесятых, Def American решили выжать из них соков по максимуму. И Рубин, отвлекшись от экспериментов по скрещиванию рэпа с металом, нарулил действительно классный саунд, несмотря даже на явственное подражание звучанию ретро-записям семидесятых. Другое дело, что неумолимо прорисовывающаяся коммерческая черта в некогда яростных андеграундных думстерах не может не огорчать. Очень противоречивый альбом! Ведь это уже скорее стоунер-метал. Тяжелый, да. Но какой-то... несерьезный, что ли. Да, упругие психоделичные риффы, но неподходяще позитивная атмосфера! Ведь главное отличие стоунера от дума в том, что первый создает ощущение, аналогичное раскуриванию кальяна, вовсе не пытаясь нагнать печали, свойственной второму. Бывает, что ловишь себя на сходстве с Ъ-металлюгой, который внезапно осознает, что ему нравится песня Кристины Агилеры, крутящуюся по радио. Ведь цепляет! Но не впечатляет... Неповторимой декадансной атмосферы первых двух релизов здесь не найти, зато почти каждая песня на альбоме, украшенном своеобразным всевидящим оком, - настоящий хит. То есть простая и яркая композиция, которую, раз услышав, трудно выкинуть из головы. "Tragedy Man" и "Mr. White", правда, вышли СЛИШКОМ попсовыми. Зато "Come Touch the Sky", "Fear", "The Sleeper" - может быть, лучшее, что они когда-либо сочиняли, если поверить, что Trouble были созданы именно для стоунера. |
nobody ever heard me scream
2. 'Scuse Me
'Scuse me – for the clothes I wear
'Scuse me – how long is my hair
'Scuse me – 'cause I'm bein'real
Ya may not like it but it's way I feel
man they're outta sight
mirror is right you know
but I still love you
'Scuse me – for livin' in the past
'Scuse me – when your fads don't last
'Scuse me – 'cause I choose to be blind
ya may not like it though you really don't mind
3. The Sleeper
Noises in the corner of the park
do birds fly higher in the dark
scenes of unopened eyes – goodbye
this is where the lonely sleeper's soul lies
Shine on everyone
somewhere there's got to be a better sun
where is peace and understanding
strong winds of promise blow away
lost in a cloud of mystery – I'm free
this is where the lonely sleeper's soul lies
4. Fear
There's a fear called livin'
and the eye that sees us all
light shines through my window
and I'm sure it will lead us – alright
I hear music all around me
someone born in the next room
count the dead and wait for morning
we're all standing in a row – time to go
keep on hopin' for sunny days
but it just rains on me
all his pleasures seem to grow
till I smile no more
we can see the colour of our dreams
if we all had been sleeping
I can see the blind man laughing
'scuse me while I close my eyes
5. Rain
Remember, when we were standing in the rain
like so many times before
wishing we could see again
what am I looking for
never really could explain
I caused you so much pain
now I understand
Baby, rain must fall
blue skies are clear in her eyes
rain, she keeps fallin'
don't be afraid, look for the sun
Confusion seems to be all around
nothing is real
sometimes, when I can't take anymore
the way you always make me feel
never really could explain
I always loved the rain
now I understand
6. Tragedy Man
In state his glory will
forever creeping
evil robes of sorrow too
promises worth keeping
Rosemary should remember me
it was her son that died
regret to inform that you have won
a trip to the other side
spirits move musically
appearing in human form
crawling shape intruder
mother you keep me warm
Rosemary should remember me
it was her son that died
regret to inform that you have won
a trip to the other side
Another tragedy man – oh yeah
Another tragedy man
once he smiled silent hope
nightly from azure towers
magic solitude now
watch above the flowers
Rosemary should remember me
it was her son that died
regret to inform that you have won
a trip to the other side
Another tragedy man – oh yeah
Another tragedy man
As walking in the ghost of a star
thinking 'bout the world that you shall explore
I was her only son
son, son, son
7. Memory's Garden
Should you go first and I remain
one thing I'd have to do
walk slowly towards your door
soon I will follow you
will I dream of good times
only love in our minds
will I dream of making love
always knew that it was enough
She's gone to live in
Memory's garden
I'll want to know each step you take
so I can walk the same
someday down that lonely road
you'll hear me call your name
will I dream of good times
only love in our minds
will I dream of making love
always knew that it was enough
She's gone to live in
Memory's garden
travelled along so many roads
must have tried everyone
today we shown new directions
ones we've never seen before
will I dream of good times
only love in our minds
will I dream of making love
always knew that it was enough
She's gone to live in
Memory's garden
8. Manic Frustration
Child's first trip away from home
instant communication shown – no one knows
ringing in my ear must be the phone
pick my brain down to the bone – no one home
Body touches are so cold
someone saved her sweet soul
tell me which way the river flows
will you still love me when I'm old
lifeline says I'm already dead
open the window above my bed
I've been mislead
dark crystals turn a shade of blood-red
from my feet to my head
I'm already dead
9. Hello Strawberry Skies
There's lonely people in distress
hell is better, I confess
all my dreams have been destroyed
horse misused, eternal void
so many names upon the wall
purple curtain, funeral pall
seems they were so sincere
mercy blossom, future's here
Hello strawberry skies
pleasant dreams for tired lives
Hello strawberry skies
where the world never dies
don't need a cross to hang around
wings of envy, scenic sound
all our lives we've been on the run
inner freedom rising sun
10. Mr. White
I'm supposed to talk to you
don't even know where to start
don't want to stand with the setting sun
tell me does it really show
I'll promise you anything
place your hand over your heart
don't want to fool myself anymore
think nobody else will ever know
Mr. white, up all night
hiding in my room
Mr. white, so uptight
even knows my name
could never show you just how I feel
it's only that inside I'm so tired
so tired of being all alone
now the hours are breathing
gone like tears in yesterday's rain
I remember voices telling me
secrets of mind-changing reality
11. Breathe...
Look into the eyes of the human race
seemingly suspended upon space
twilight colored flakes of light
reminding me which way is right
now it's time to leave
need air to breathe
there's nothing left to say
Far away a voice begins to sing
– down below the ocean
listening but never hear anything
it's not fine to dance and sing
when bells of deahth do ring
and they will ring
now it's time to leave
need air to breathe
there's nothing left to say
Take me down, take me down
Down below the ocean
where I wanna be
she may be
Down below the ocean
where I wanna be
she may be
hand in hand together find the way
to the sunrise of my mind
below the ocean.