 Аппетитный, но внешне не изощренный дэт-метал от Asphyx таит в себе несколько лакомых кусков, которые подойдут даже для избалованных изяществами ушей эстетов – например, длиннющие проникновенное соло в заглавной композиции (по ходу альбома такой сюрприз будет не единственным). Да и в целом, несмотря на то, что Asphyx избрали тот же путь прямолинейного небыстрого дэт-метала, по которому параллельно с ними скрипели и грохотали, для примера, Benediction и Grave (суть перегруженный трэш, столь распространенный в Европе), их релиз не выглядит столь же безнадежно допотопным. Наоборот – вопреки грязному и дребезжащему звуку, работа вышла уверенной, а музыканты позволяют себе лишний раз щегольнуть каким-нибудь совершенно сумасшедшим выкрутасом, особенно любя в конце композиции демонстративно «укрощать» вырывающиеся из-под контроля струны. Заметно еще, что вязкие думовые участки удаются группе куда интересней и изощренней, чем ускорение до среднетемпового лупилова. Особый шик – совершенно трэшовый хрип вокалиста, наиболее напоминающий голос бессменного фронтмена Kreator (короткая перепалка с гроулом в третьем трэке, из которой трэшер выходит победителем, дорогого стоит!). В целом же – еще одна в ряду примечательных и характерных работ европейского «смертельного» стиля, отлично подходит для тех, кто уже ознакомился с грандами и теперь готов копнуть глубже. |
when her cannons spit lead
she the ruler at sea
gladiator of steel
In a dark and misty night
she went for open sea
slipping through the allied maze
whose radar couldn't see
now the deadly game begun
with the home flee on her tail
and in the demonstration
she sank the hood and the prince of waves
Steaming on with dignity
continuing her mission
enjoying every victory
reloading the cannons
Solem iron majesty
goddess of destruction
with her banners high
to the last confrontation
Seventy-one torpedos
couldn't sank the battleship
The Bismarck become
ruderless because of one lucky hit
She was to proud to bow
sunken by her own crew
now the glory lives on
gladiator of steel
2. The Krusher
[Van Drunen / Van Drunen, Daniels]
Perniciow existence
corrupt and deprived
the webs of superiority
an entire race enslaved
Observing from the spheres
the witness of the shame
the verdict called extinction
will end this flux of pain
Sick of your infantilism
dignity unknown
raise my hammer of justice
to krush the planet below
through time came no progression
intelligence misused
community of savages
ignorant and confused
Laughable little world
pile of defecation
never found the harmony
choking in economy
in fire began the chaos
and flames will start the end
aversion brought the sentence
celestial revenge
The final explosion
life vapourized
shreds of the earth
the madness has died
3. Serenade In Lead
[Van Drunen / Daniels, Van Drunen]
I am the heritage
from the years of corruption
I'm on the intelligence side
I have no identity or nationality
I'm the one who chances the tide
I've got no real name
revolution is my game
and there will be mercy to none
I'm like the pest
I will never rest
'til all the cleaning is done
I am the nightmare of all systems
the anger burns deep
a perfect killing machinery
hey Mr. President get some sleep
Hijacking in the east
a murder in the west
for the good cause it's all justified
A killing in the north
a bombing in the south
another couple of bastards died
no negotiations
or worthless conventions
I throw over regimes by force
I'll butcher world leaders
with arms that they feed us
and no one can stop this man's war
I'll tear apart your society
change the course of history
time to break their passivity
end their bullshit diplomacy
Just ice, terror, reforming the world
raging fury burning every state
bullets, mines, explosions, bombs and guns
gonna make them eat their nude-ar waste
I am the annihilator
I control the detonator
smiling as I push it down
I blow up your embassies
undermine democracies
I even will hunt for the british crown
I precisely aim
at the life that I claim
the bullet will enter the head
confusion all around
but I will not be found
world near my serenade in lead
4. Last One On Earth
[Van Drunen / Van Drunen, Daniels]
Behold my final testimony
I'm the survivor of my race
hear the tale of sadness and genocide
where the species disappeared
and the trees could no longer breathe
a drama of collective suicide
as we let our children suffer
in a paradise long gone
utopia has never within reach
but we still kept believing
in the madness and the lies
read my words that's all that I beseech
As we died because of our ignorance
as we died because of greed
because of our stupidity
now I'm the last one to scream
The mountains now are rising
and the oceans start to boil
the final convulsion of the earth
the heat is melting every stone
volcanes start to roar
cosmic chaos no hope for rebirth
I'm the living witness
of the torment and the pain
I was doomed to see the planet die
together with the tragedy
I'm craving for relief
eternally the universe will cry
5. The Incarnation Of Lust
[Van Drunen / Daniels, Van Drunen]
Lust is our motive
a divine gift
burning sensations
let your mind drift
lust awakes feelings
we usually hide
lust is desire
sets your soul on fire
Lust gives ecstasy, lust is a thrill
hidden emotions, allow you to kill
lust is combition, lust brings greed
lust will show you what you need
lust for passion, lust for sex
lust for life and lust for death
lust is infinity, lust is our beast
reflectiong mirror of forbidden feasts
Lust creates frustrations
burning psychic pains
manic depressions
will drive you insane
put your mind open
enter yourself
discover the savage
behind its mental shell
Lust is our freedom, lust is our curse
lust will guide us for good or for worse
lust is a tear, lust is a smile
anger and joy dance on in your mind
lust is a woman, lust is a man
war between sexes, who understand?
that we're still children
when our spirits break free
6. Streams Of Ancient Wisdom
[Daniels, Bagchus / Daniels, Bagchus]
Streams of ancient life
flowing down below
visions of the past
enter your mind
the past goes by
as you sleep at night
Journey of forgotten souls
through the ancient night
walking through
as you scream temfied
those who once were
cry out to you
the past goes by
as you sleep at night
7. Food For The Ignorant
[Van Drunen / Van Drunen, Daniels]
Two religions both so wrong
but both will preach they'll make you strong
one means evil, the order good
terms I never quite understood
two opponents with so much in common
the choice is yours, angel or demon
Holy or unholy, written in black and white
theories coming from books of dirty lies
different views on life, the magic word is fear
two sides simplicity. Am I satan? Am I God?
Idolatry that's floating on rivers filled with blood
history covered with hypocrisy and pain
the souls of unawareness are what they want to gain
Sacrifices, ceremonies, desecrations
tranquility, blasphemy, desperation
divinity, impiety, indoctrination
afterlife, eternity, mind consumption
Food for the ignorant
for those who do not know
but I learned enough in life
to see right through your show
Hold your flock in a sacred embrace
forbidden pleasures for the bastard race
glorification on the supreme mind
suffering redeemer, saviour of mankind
hollow words from a church that's almost dead
empty views out of an empty satanic head
I get sick from hearing all your shit
I believe what I want and I'll stick to it
no one in this world can make me change my ways
why don't you fuck off if you're got nothing to say
8. Asphyx (Forgotten War)
[Van Drunen / Daniels]
Marching into battle
to a war you do not know
read the fearfull faces
make them look so old
the homefront says its prayers
wishing them all well
but they will never return
from this bitter living hell
the trenches are awaiting
cold and moisty graves
obey the insane orders
a soldier is a slave
They will die in the war
between all the filth and gore
is there any glory
in this heroic story
Look at the ones who cause this
and analyze their games
you'll find that they're all guilty
wallowing in their shame
elected by the people
by promising a war
but now you've seen the butchering
you don't want it no more
Politicians hiding
cowardly stinking scum
display of all powers
in the war they've just begun
planning defense budgets
guess who gonna play
think I'll start the uproar
and sweep them all away