 Что первым делом приходит на ум практически каждому любителю смертельного метала, когда он слышит слова «дэт-метал из Бельгии»?.. Конечно же, Aborted! Но есть коллектив из этой страны, который был образован аж в 1989-м году, то есть на целых шесть лет раньше, чем их уже ставшими знаменитыми соотечественники. И имя ему Suhrim! Но, несмотря на столь далекий год основания, у этой команды в активе всего лишь четыре полноформатных работы, а свой дебютный альбом эти бельгийцы записали только в 2002-м году. Правда, до этого было порядка семи демо- и промо-записей, но это, как Вы сами понимаете, не густо. Не знаю, в чем причина такой непродуктивности на протяжении практически 13-ти лет, но в последнее время Suhrim заметно активизировались и вплотную занялись своим творчеством, выпустив, как я уже сказал, четыре релиза и попутно перезаписав третий по счету альбом 2005-го года «The Cunt Collector», который заново издавался на “Shiver Records” в 2006-ом и про который, собственно, и пойдет речь. И еще раз Aborted всплывает в памяти сразу же после начала прослушивания данного диска из-за сходства этих двух команд в части гитарного саунда, ну и некоторой похожести в манере игры. Но при всем при этом, на мой взгляд, музыка у Suhrim несколько интересней и как-то более легка для восприятия за счет того, что нет тех сбивок в монотонное и хаотичное рубилово, которое местами присутствует у Aborted. Suhrim просто делает совершенно несложный, но очень качественный брутал-дэт, с минимум высоких соляков, который и берет своей простотой и предельной понятностью. А достаточно высокий уровень записи позволяет без особых проблем проследить партии каждого инструмента, что дает возможность партиям дребезжащего электро-баса выходить на [полу-]лидирующие позиции. Так держать... |
stomach turned inside out
heart smashed with a hammer
lungs dried on a rope
orbits filled with grosse
liver mixed with bile
fingers chopped in pieces
stuffed fucked corpse
shattered into pieces
body fat drips out
sliding deep into my throat
legs grinded into meatballs
crushed smashed human pulp
2. To Eat
bloodshed and rage
hunger for meat
smell of human flesh
time to release the beast
I sense the still warm blood
awakense my slumbering rage
adrenaline pumps through my veins
predator in me awakes
this hunger must be fed
sweet raw human flesh
I sharpen my teeth
to eat
feeding on man
eating as much as I can
predator in me
roaring with joy when the scream
chewing on fleshless remains
the blood calms down the rage
hate against mankind
feeding on them clears my mind
hunt kill eat
rip fresh meat
drink warm blood
nothing left to rot
I hate my race
extinction for this disgrace
clear up the eart
from human waste
I consume you flesh
3. The Cunt Collector
Follow me for a one night stand
I teach you things you've never felt
naive bitch, brainless whore
I slice your cunt and nothing more
I am the hunter you cunt my prey
rip it out leave you in a pile of blood
I am the cunt collector
I am the pussy berserker
rip out your cunt
for the anus to the front
tons of pussy's on the wall
stiffed and dried I know them all
all spread their own smell
when surrounded I feel well
it's not insanity
I am just a product of your society
colored or white, young or old
I rip them out, I collect them all
I am the cunt collector
I am the pussy berserker
rip out your cunt
for the anus to the front
Your life ends bleeding
kicking screaming
you're last to rot
4. Crushed Vagina
slam the hammer
on your cunt
now scream for me
the symphony of suffering
splattered cunt
crushed vaginal skin
this picture
brings euphoria
stupid cunt
fucking whore
I'll seal your cunt
with a few beats more
5. Fistfucked in the Throat
hear the story of the pain
from the asshole who deserved to die
the unspeakable things he did to me
now he suffers eternally
lowlife scum, piece of shit
I think I will cut off your dick
leave you bleeding to death
you shouldn't have touched me
fucking rapist, I did kill you
death was your destiny
and now you suffer for eternity
for raping children
you will burn till infinity
pain brings you sanity
abuse of children is sick
especially the impaling on your dick
fist rammed hard into hard into the throat
swallow this you fucking turd
between my fingers crush the heart
take your life
the end of your path
6. Sacrilege Christianity
deflesh the bitch, spill her blood
cut throat
stop her screams
drench the soil in sacred blood
perceive the divine
secret of eternal life
spill their blood
fear in the eyes
make the sacrifice
become a god
pierce and slay
sacrificial art
skinned and defleshed
lick the bones
sacrifice humankind
sacrilege christianity
destroy christianity
spill their blood
fear in the eyes
make the sacrifice
become a god
worship the gods
of the sacredblood
skinned and defleshed
lick the bones
sacrifice humankind
sacrilege christianity
worship the gods of blood
7. Your Rotting Lips
rotten, decapitated head
a stick into your rotting neck
schrunken princess of the dead
I've got the urge to kiss your rotting lips
intense erection
necrorgasmic ejaculation
cum drips from
your decaying neck
boiling blood
runs through my swollen dick
suck em hard to lead me to extacy
rotting brains surround my pounding dick
lead my tongue into your decaying mouth
your sunken eyes, your rotting smile
your rotting lips
have seduced me into your tomb
8. Delicious
human liquid
bottled blood and pus
oven dishes
prepared with human flesh
salted pickled
eyeballs in a jar
smoked human limbs
hanging down from the ceiling
fat and tissue
cooking brains
a tasteful smell
for a moment to dwell
salted pickled
eyeballs in a jar
smoked human limbs
delicious on my plate
9. There is no God but Man
chant the song and feel the rape
for the lies of the worshipped christ
bastard son of god
never shall I yield for thee
blasphemy is what we chant
no holy one is what we want
nazerene we laugh at thee
for the true evil one is you
nailed on the cross
death slowly comes
pay the price for your lies
your death but no one cries
your disciples trapped in a lie
also they will die
let us taste the blood of the bastard christ
10. Wake up and Smell the Pus
zombies ripping the chest
slit your gut and eat the best
feast upon your beating heart
eyes pushed in
squashed skull
the brain feeds him
pus & blood streams
from the inside out
eyes pushed in
shockwave of final
nerve impulse
wake up living dead
and smell the fucking pus
11. C4 the Nitro Chewing Gum
no lyrics
12. Bubba
into his vision
you're his next mission
he reaches for his gear
the chainsaw you hear
runaway in fear
he hunts you like a deer
hunger for you
you end up as stew
you got into his trap
await for his attack
he's coming for you
to saw you in two
rip out your guts
leave them to rot
he's coming for you
to saw you in two