 Еще одни дедушки дэт-дума в 80-е, Necro Schizma на своих промо-записях ближе других первооткрывателей подобрались к тому, что сейчас принято иметь в виду под этим стилем. «Erupted Evil» из демонстрационных лент самая почитаемая и солидная, и ее я воспринимаю почти как полноценный альбом. Голландцы ни разу не отступаются от канонов дума, не срываются на дэтстерское лупилово, добросовестно, угрюмо и очень-очень медленно топчась по ушам слушателя громоздкими, первобытными сырыми риффами и размеренными гулкими ударами бочки. Не сказать, конечно, что Necro Schizma воплотила в своей музыке не просто death/doom, а буквально самих Смерть и Судьбу, как это сделают шестью годами позже Dusk, но истина к этому где-то очень близко. Рев – с надрывом, режущий уши, один из самых жутких и неприятных вокалов, которые доводилось слышать, ритм не особенно меняется на протяжении всей записи, музыка – почти полный примитив, но примитив очень лакомый для определенной части публики.
В последнем трэке указанно имя вдохновителей этого безобразия: не Candlemass каких-нибудь там, а самих Hellhammer… |
'cause you are bondaged in the night
Evil casts over its spell
Forever you will rot in Hell!
No one will rest easy under the Ground
Tortured bodies will be found
The Glance of God no one will see
only the mighty deeds of Baphomet
it makes no difference if you are brave
Death will make you Satan's Slave
3. Bestial Lust
Prepare her for Sacrifice
Dirty Bitch filled with Lies
Stinking Slut of Christian Faith
Tie you down to Desecrate
Unholy Lust possesses my Body
Your Holy Church I cannot see
At Midnight you'll hear the knell
Spread 'em for Rape by the Jackal
Nine Months we'll have to wait
Before the coming of the Son of Hate
In your Cunt my Seed is spread
When he's born you'll be dead
Witches dancing around the fire
This will be Heavens Pyre
The Child grown in your Womb
Satan Child's first breath
is the beginning of your Rebirth
4. Crucified Carcass
Peaceful people God they Fear
Getting frightened as their end is near
Avoided to curse and to live in Sin
A place in Heaven they hoped to win
But terrible Disease slowly kills them all
Before God's Altar they kneel and fall
Priest says: "God will soon give a cure"
But terrible pains they have to endure
Their Bodies slowly fill with pus
Blood on their wounds gets a crust
Maggots crawl under their skin
They know they're rotting from within
As their Flesh is eaten away
Their Bodies lay in a state of Decay
Lucifer now takes over their Soul
A place in Hell is now their Goal
Take the carcass of the priest
and crucify him in the name of the Beast
5. Mass Murderer
Walking through the Dark Night
Feeling someone's in Sight
wants to hear you run and Scream
while you hope it's only a Dream
Feel the deadly Stranglehold
to Satan your Life is sold
Life you will no longer feel
He knows only Death is real
Knowing that your Life is sold
You will soon feel the deadly Cold
It will make no sense to run
Receive a Bullet out of his Gun
You cannot escape your Death
Cause he is led by Satan's breath
Satan takes over his Mind
Drives him wild and makes him Blind
Raped and Killed it was your Fate
Your Screams for help came too late
6. Triumph Of Death (Hellhammer Cover)
When you have been down in your grave... alive
Your mind decays and you're the coffin's slave
And when, at midnight, an uncanny bell tolls
Terrible noises, the dark graveyard calls
Limbs break through the dirt
Decay stinks like hell
Dark creatures in the fog
Crusted blood on the dead
Triumph of death!
Triumph of death!
Eurynomos sends his souls
Buried by horrible mistakes (Let me out)
You feel you're eaten by worms
And the night's alive again
When you have been down in your grave... alive, alive, alive
Your mind decays and you're MY coffin's slave
And when, at midnight, an uncanny bell tolls
Terrible noises, the dark graveyard calls... you, you, you, you, you