 После выхода последнего студийника «Hostile Ambient Takeover» группа много чего успела начудить (в хорошем смысле этого слова): записать странный совместный диск с dark-ambient-проектом Lustmord, издать черт знает откуда взявшийся сборник древних панк-зарисовок группы образца аж 1983 года и выпустить убойный концертник, посвященный культовому альбому «Houdini». Кроме того, в свет вышел сборник каверов Melvins в исполнении знаменитых музыкантов (и не очень), посчитавшими своим долгом уважить отцов :) Наличие на сборнике таких групп, как Mastodon, High on Fire, Strapping Young Lad, Isis и Pig Destroyer говорит само за себя. И, казалось бы, что еще старичкам надо... Но не тут-то было! Первая новость о том, что старики-разбойники, постоянно страдающие нехваткой басистов, решили добавить немного молодой крови (в переносном значении) в свой саунд посредством талантливых парней из Big Business (стоунер/сладж-команда, звучание которой основывается лишь на одних ударных и басу с очень экспрессивным вокалом), и приступили к записи альбома, вызвала откровенное удивление.
На вышедшем «(a) Senile Animal» в первую очередь сразу «бросается в уши» наличие двойных ударных. Приход в стан группы Big Business также сказался наличием дополнительного вокала Джареда Уорена, прекрасно сочетающегося с коронными завываниями Базза Осборна. Также во многих местах поют все участники группы. На данной пластинке Melvins звучат куда техничней и быстрее чем на предыдущих работах. Это скоростной стоунер с элементами трэша и панка, умопомрачительное молотилово и перкуссия ударников (в открывающей песне она просто восхитительна). Впрочем, на альбоме есть и достаточно тихие песни. Настоящий хит – «Civilized Worm» - воскрешает тот самый гранж и вызывает невероятно-трогательную ностальгию по песням Кобэйна... Несмотря на это, альбом звучит очень тяжело, что опровергает попытки как-то обвинить группу в коммерции. Однако, в сравнении с предыдущими альбомами группы, «(a) Senile Animal» слушается на удивление удобоваримо и стабильно. Экспериментов с «левой» стилистикой на альбоме нет совсем, его хочется слушать снова и снова. Пожалуй, это одна из лучших (если не самая) работ группы.
Выход данной пластинки - серьезное событие в мире рока. Это как раз тот случай, когда старики выходят на сцену, чтобы указать путь молодым. Послушайте только «The Hawk» и «You've Never Been Right». А в песне «Rat Faced Granny» прослеживается очень жесткая критика современной тяжелой музыки – «Oh, you think you're wild, but you're nothing new». А насмешливая ирония в названии альбома («Дряхлое Животное») заставит вас улыбнуться при прослушивании альбома. |
cause it's loaded
worse on their own
bottom of the world
but they mean it
nothing will be worse
we have learned to think
cause it might be
the nows and the knees
how will we breathe?
and they like it
03. Civilized Worm
We move more than I would like to gamble
I came with my poor four eyes
Crawling weakly warning my favorite come and lie here
Under my bed or deep under my fingers
Went on my hands and knees in times of winding
We night, it's only when we civilize that worm
For vagrant times we need it
What secret of your knowing is the beginning
Fine chance to behold, believe it, believe it
His widow's nest is growing cold
Set sail and hide your head
Look alive your going home
(Wait Wait Wait Wait)
Fine chance to be here, belive me, believe it
This widow's nest is growing cold
Set sail and hide your head
Walk the line your going home
04. A History Of Drunks
she helped remove the bullet from my leg
she took the blade, dug them out while I lay screaming
she showed me bloody things and held them in her hand
and said that these were her's and put them in her pocket
I begged her to shoot me in the head
she took my gun and shot my leg instead
the way she held my gun and looked at me with rage
told me that everything was okay and I survived
and now she stays with me, it's crazy but she's mine
she tells me I'm insane because she doesn't lie
she was a-killing me, she left me here to die
and all the ways that worries all right
05. Rat Faced Granny
The owls are burning
She's sick of me
And I'm not leaving
So what's the story?
The gun denies
They flash in nowhere
I couldn't be bothered
That's hurting me
The tag of victory
He's rank and bloody
I can't believe
And now it's over
Wild, nothing new
Annoyed, nothing new
Oh, you think you're wild, but you're nothing new
And your wound
Nothing new
And that's so wild, but it's nothing new
And now you're older
What? Nothing new.
Annoyed, Nothing new.
What about being our friend?
But now you're leaving
And you're worried
Nothing new
Don't even worry, never think it's good
Good, good, good...
06. The Hawk
Hey there, Mr Nightmare
Now you're lost
(Basics only)
The gutter and the martyr
Have left you alone
(Basics only)
The learned and the sparrow
Are all eaten by hawks
(Basics only)
Now you're in the nightmare
It's not your fault
(Basics only)
The wings of holy nightmare
Come drifting in
(Basics only)
Where is all your cold wind
Where is what you knew?
(Basics only)
Now the gods are mortal, now alive and well yeeeaaah
Now the morning after is just you and yours
07. You've Never Been Right
The rabies, and what we think is right
We're babies, not alive
The mirror, and why we change our names
Becomes clearer, not inane (X2)
08. A History Of Bad Men
Wake up, you never looked so glum
Tell me how will we know they can't hear us coming?
It's easy for me, I got a headstart running away
Keep up or your disease spread quick
So how did you learn to be sick, so cunning
It's easy to sing but you just keep on humming along
Did you hear that, I got a real bad feeling
How many moles do you suppose they're keeping?
Don't make a sound they're not dead, just sleeping
Dire, dire, dire, it's fleeting
Dire, dire, dire, it's fleeting
Dire, dire, dire, it's fleeting
Dire, dire, dire, it's fleeting
Dire, dire, dire, it's fleeting
Dire, dire, dire, it's fleeting
Wake up, you never looked so glum
Tell me how will we know they can't hear us coming?
It's easy for me, I got a headstart running away
Keep up or your disease spread quick
So how did you learn to be sick, so cunning
It's easy to sing but you just keep on humming along
Did you hear that, I got a real bad feeling
How many moles do you suppose they're keeping?
Don't make a sound they're not dead, just sleeping
09. The Mechanical Bride
We are undone
And all I could see
They listen to the world
They live upon the earth
Mother made man
And you're so crazy
And they would say the same
Kneel beside the blood
We are undone
Somewhere no one
As soon as it was born
Did love of where he stood
No lamb will live
And underrate this
We're staring at the sun
As many as I love
No water and a lie
Covered it over
No power in the house
And with it, they do harm
I can believe
That you're so crazy
And welcome to the end
You wish you were alone
10. A Vast Filthy Prison
Take care of my princess,
Take her cuz we live alone.
If you weren't so simple,
I would never come along.
Raise your hand to heaven,
Now raise the one thats half alive.
You said you'd give a fortune,
If you could have it everynight.
The world is full of evil,
Now which of those are one of you.
Where is my one true angel,
With her golden wings so open.
Some would call it heaven,
He would call it bravery.
I would call it neither,
I would call it thievery.