 Cirith Ungol – загадочная команда. Не только потому, что они играют мрачноватый эпичный хэви-метал или малоизвестны. Главным образом потому, что среди любителей особую славу завоевал их второй альбом «King of the Dead», который по стандартам нынешнего времени смотрится как-то диковато и неухожено. В то же время их зрелую работу «Paradise Lost», ставшую последней для коллектива, принято обходить стороной. Понятно, что в 1991-м гремел совсем другой “Потерянный рай”, шумела из окон другая музыка, и так далее и тому подобное…
Но – включаем в проигрыватель диск и убеждаемся в неправоте данной точки зрения. Вот именно этот диск получился у Cirith Ungol на уровне лучших работ Manilla Road: тяжелым, мелодичным и по-прежнему удивительно «старообрядным». Слышим: отголоски хард-н-хэви, слегка грузящую манеру игры на гитаре, убедительный, уже нарастивший «мясца» звук, ну и, наконец, то, чего всегда не хватало симпатичным, но невнятным альбомам Cirith Ungol – сильные, цепляющие композиции с заседающими в памяти припевами. Мелодика данного материала куда ближе к классическому хэви, чем на первых двух альбомах, но свой неторопливый, вальяжный стиль американцы сохранили и марку держат. Возможно, работе по-прежнему не хватает мелодичности а-ля Iron Maiden (создается впечатление, что за партии соло- и ритм-гитары большую часть времени отвечает один человек, и одновременно на мелодии и риффы у него просто не хватает рук). Но не так уж у Cirith Ungol это важно…
Особое внимание следует обратить на настоящий хэви-металический шлягер «Heaven Help Us», а так же на тягучую балладу «Chaos Rising». К явным же проколам альбома можно отнести только серенькую «The Troll». Сильный (но почему-то не классический) альбом от оригинальной (но тоже не классической) команды 80-х. |
Raising our legion, and now you belong,
And the point of the blade will be screaming our song,
Crushing the upstarts with steel in hand,
Our forces together, and nothing can stand.
The Legion of Chaos shall vanquish the wrong,
And sweep them aside to make way for the strong,
2. The Troll
Hides under a bridge,
Where he can t be seen.
Huddled under a bankside,
Staring into a stream.
Wanna cross this bridge,
Well better be aware.
There is a brown hairy troll,
Gonna give you a scare.
Yea, I'm the troll,
This is my bridge,
Go turn around,
Back through the ridge.
Yea, I 'm the troll,
Don t you even dare,
Yea, I'm the troll,
Gonna get you there,
Monster from beneath.
Bastard of grief,
Such a sad sigh,
Does he wanna die?
In a mind of fear,
The troll lives in my mind.
I must forget this fear of regret.
The Troll
The Troll
The Troll
The Troll will charge a toll,
That is, your life,
So this is it,
You better think Twice,
Don't cross the bridge,
Where he lives.
But, its too late
Cause here he is,
3. Fire
[Originally written by Crazy World Of Arthur Brown]
I am the God of Hell Fire and I'll bring you
I'll take you to burn
I'll take to learn
I'll see you burn
You fought hard and you saved and earned
But all the things got to burn
Out your mind your tiny mind
You know you've really been so blind
Now's your time burn your mind
You fall apart went far behind
Oh no Oh no Oh no
You gonna burn
To destroy all you've done
To end all you've become
I'll feel you burn
You've been living like a little girl
In the middle of your little world
Into flames you turn your mind
You know you've really been so blind
Now's your time fool your mind
You 're falling far to far behind
To destroy all you've done
To end all you've become
You gonna burn
You gonna burn
You gonna burn
You gonna burn
Burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn
I'll take you to burn
I'll take you to learn
I'll take you to bed
To destroy all you've done
To end all you've become
I'll take you to burn
I'll see you burn
Destroy all you've [?]
I'll take you to hell
4. Heaven Help Us
As I gaze into my crystal ball, I II tell you what I see,
Slowly but surely it s genocide, the fate that we shall meet.
We say we are the civilized, none as advanced as we,
Seeking the knowledge of space and time,
as we poison the earth, the sea, and sky...
All we see is the ground beneath our feet, never looking twice,
Take a look around the world at all the ignorant sacrifice.
Profit was the main thing on our agenda through all of the years,
never thought twice about a living thing or
all of the future tears we II cry.
The fact is without a doubt,
Our time is running out,
Heaven help us.
Tons of acid and toxic waste, are dumped in the air we breathe,
Millions of barrel of nuclear waste, beneath the earth and sea,
The price of pollution cannot be set, it s an unworldly cost.
The damage is done and we cannot forget, the senseless
And needless lost of life...
Slowly building up, like a time bomb ticking away,
No one seems to care, that our world is wasting away.
Someday we II be sorry and we'll have ourselves to blame,
No one wants to admit the fact that we live our lives in vain
To die.
5. Before The Lash
In Hell s corrupt and sunken halls the rising shall begin,
The bane of man immortal - the parade of broken dead.
With greed our worldly master, so now pain will be our guide,
As the fallen ones await us all to welter by their side.
Iron dreams of human jackals and our final fate is cast -
To slave in endless fire as you cringe before the lash.
Blinded by the darkness, as you pray for his return.
But in your soul you fear he s just another one who'll burn.
With greed our worldly master, now pain will be our guide,
As the fallen ones await us all to welter by their side.
Iron dreams of human jackals - our final fate is cast,
To slave in endless fire, as you cringe before the lash.
Does evil lie in waiting to extract his heavy toll.
Will bowing to the pulpit bring the cloven to their goal,
But if he s the work of mankind, and the beast our morbid dream,
This dying planet is our heaven, and our hell remains the same.
6. Go It Alone
Don t need a crystal ball to show me where I m going,
cause I m making it right, making it right, right this time.
Ever since you left me all I want is you,
But I m making it fine, making it fine, draw the line.
I was born with a six string in my hand,
1'll follow the dream to the end.
And I'll go it alone.
Seems without me you re just searching you keep hoping.
You are standing in line, standing in line, burning time.
never believed that Id be back on the streets,
So I'll follow the dream, follow the dream, yeah tonight.
I was born with a six string in my hand,
I'll follow the dream to the end.
And I'll go it alone.
Don t need a crystal ball to show me where I'm going,
cause I'm making it right, making it right, right this time.
With or without you, I've got to live this dream,
Cause its once in a life, once in a life, my lifetime.
I was born with a six string in my hand,
I'll follow the dream to the end.
And I'll go it alone.
7. Chaos Rising
The doomed one s fallen armies sound the tolling of the bell,
While sin and death stand silent guard outside the Gates of Hell.
He slowly spreads his leather wings and soars above the land,
He strokes his pointed beard and casts an evil eye toward man.
Unchains the dogs of chaos to complete his evil chore
To make the cringing herd of man his thralls by right of war.
They gorge on fatal fruit, taste of dust and bitter ash,
While fire burns in Heaven and immortal forces clash.
The smell of burning brimstone - lightning flung from golden hands.
To rule without a master is the only dream of man.
As they swap our souls among them and prepare the final feast,
Begin the war eternal - cast aside both God and Beast.
Moving toward the evil song that fate will sadly sing,
How the pride of man has fallen, crowning lust their only king.
Heaven screams in anguish and the world cries out in pain,
Unleash the final terror - man begins his now doomed reign.
8. Fallen Idols
Moving toward the evil song that fate will sadly sing.
How the pride of man has fallen, crowning lust their only king
Heaven screams in anguish and the world cries out in pain.
Unleash the final terror- man begins his now doomed reign.
False prophets spread their cursed rule across the poisoned land,
Why must we always choose to put our fate in reckless hands?
Fingers poised on Armageddon, dare they make the fatal move,
And send this dying planet hurling headlong to the tomb.
Broken leaders mark the twisted path that mankind chose.
Final judgement is upon us, vengeance rains its fearful blows.
So we hurl our prayers toward heaven, surely they will heed the call -
But soulless skies just echo with the screams of mankind s fall.
9. Paradise Lost
Underneath the new born sun,
Man and beast rejoice as one,
They cast aside their age-old kings,
Smash their chains and spread their wings.
Their seed corrupt, their lies undone.
The final fall - man s will be done.
They torch the sky and rape the land,
And plead for truth with blood-stained hands.
Mark their reign with greed and fear,
As justice calls to deafened ears,
Their twisted dreams bring forth the day.
A world of ash, and slow decay.
Underneath the blackened sun,
The final battle fought and won.
Mankind claims their just reward,
And chaos sounds the final chord.