 Красивая инструментальная баллада для утонувших любовников где-нибудь в забытом пионерском лагере под сенью ив, среди мерно плещущихся рыбок. Идиллия. Пока раздумываешь, что к чему, звучат грозные риффы - это подоспели наши хулиганы. Незамедлительно начинается скоростное рубилово с жутко позвякивающим чайником в стороне.
Итак, новый Ригор Мортис - больше трэша и угара! Местами слышится панковый саунд … что есть хорошо! «Dead Fish»! В то же время, грязи в саунде и настрое стало меньше, что в какой-то степени убило оригинальный саунд “Ригоров”. Теперь это более чистый трэш, довольно техничный. Впрочем, у них с техникой исполнения и до того проблем не было. В этот раз им, наверное, побольше денег на студию дали.
Тут, кстати, еще есть раздолбайский кавер Ramones «Psychotherapy», так что отрыв полный! Похоронный марш на цыпочках под кайфом завершает это действо!
Здесь имеются всякие вставки, которые имели место на первом альбоме (за что команды типа Mortician должны “Ригорам” в ножки кланятся, ибо без этих интро из фильмов ужасов, добавляющих атмосферы музыке, музыка Уилла Раймера вряд ли катила бы). А Rigor Mortis, судя по всему, стали такие штуки делать первыми. Во всяком случае, раньше я ни у кого такого не встречал. В то время как на «Freaks» EP страшилкинские включки исчезли, здесь они снова во всей красе. Плюс появились еще какие-то прикольные моменты, например про мертвую рыбу, и еще какая-то хрень с телевидения. Учитывая тот факт, что мистическая атмосфера никуда не делась, эта работа привлекает к прослушиванию этой работы, снова и снова.
Сдается мне, с Rigor Mortis случился тот же курьез, что и с Possessed - в самом начале своей карьеры они выпустили альбом, который дал мощнейшего пинка к появлению дэт-метала («Rigor Mortis» и «Seven Churches» соответственно) а потом оставили этот путь и обратились к трэшу. Хороша подобная эволюция или плоха - не знаю. Тем не менее, лично мне только в кайф слушать эту в определенном роде веселую, чрезвычайно драйвовую качественно сыгранную и записанную музыку. Чего и вам желаю! |
Stretching and cracking but always remaining alive
Mummified - watching and waiting
Horribly shocking and sickening but never decaying
In motionless agony
Young ones still held close to the breast now one with Death
Eyes fixed with a final vision of grief and pain
Entombed in this place the light of day can't penetrate
Exhumed to discover the deathless remains waiting under
Jellied forever the body distorted
Harder than stone and forever alone
Each with a different story to tell of his own death
Mummified - watching and waiting
Horribly shocking and sickening but never decaying
In motionless agony
Mummified petrified
Waiting to horrify man with a hideous smile
Mummified petrified
Waiting to horrify me in my every dream
Timeless waiting vengeful hatred so cold so dead
What made them die' Preserved in time I must know why
3. Throwback
Primitive and deviant like prehistoric man
Intimidate infuriate 'cos I don't fit your plan
The way I act the way I look the things I have to say
Scare you into persecution try to change my ways
You won't change me
I don't care what you have to say
I live my life my own way
I won't conform to your rules
I won't be led by your fools
You won't change me
You can't break me
I hate you you hate me never ending fight
Hunt me judge me take away my rights
Analyze scrutinize every move I make
Try your best waste your breath I will never break
4. Contagious Contamination
Blood, blood - runs from putrid sores
Screams, screams- worse than any war
Toxic, toxic - Sick contamination
Raping, raping - Through our planet's nations
Gruesome crimson bodies
Suffer final anguish
From waste or space
From a pissed off god
Where it comes from no one knows
Contagious contamination
Carnage, carnage - Fills the stinking streets
Rotten, rotten - Swollen rancid meat
Plague, plague - Everyone shall fall
Death, death - And darkness rule all
5. Psycho Therapy
[The Ramones]
6. The Rack
In the dungeon's where it waits
Locked down in this cold wet place
For good or bad it has been used
Many have died to pay their dues
Made from wood and chains of steel
Tighten the rope by turning wheel
The wheel is turning, it never stops
Ripping in half ripping apart
Once turning it cannot stop
Rip you in half, rip you apart
The wheel is turning, it never stops
Ripping in half ripping apart
Once turning it cannot stop
Rip you in half, rip you apart
Muscles snap from pounds of tension
Arms and legs meet dislocation
Stretched to then past the breaking point
Pulling hip bones out of joint
Don't beg don't plead don't even try
I've met the rack it's time to die
[Repeat Chorus]
Tied, gagged, and broken separation is complete
The rack fulfills it's purpose, dividing bone and meat
For confession or for torture it's grip never releases
The rack has claimed another life
My body lies in pieces
7. City In Fear
Deep in the black hearted death of the night
Watching your every move
Driven by madness a voice in his head
Telling him what he must do
Watching and waiting for his chance to strike
Another to add to his score
Leaving a city to panic in fear
Knowing that there will be more
Random and senseless his crimes
His crimes are obscene
Brutally skillful efficient and clean
It curdles your blood knowing he's near
Trapped in a nightmare - City in fear
Night after night it's always the same
Someone falls prey to his blade
With daylight comes news that another was killed
The trademark incisions were made
No one is safe on the streets anymore
The police no protection at all
Taking your chances and living at risk
Praying he won't come to call
Random and senseless his crimes
His crimes are obscene
Brutally skillful efficient and clean
It curdles your blood knowing he's near
Trapped in a nightmare - City in fear
Then all at once the killings all stop
As suddenly as they began
Still there's no trace and the law can't believe
They're no closer to finding their man
Time will not heal the wounds he's inflicted
Knowing that he's out there still
Wondering when he'll make his return
And who will be next to be killed
Random and senseless his crimes
His crimes are obscene
Brutally skillful efficient and clean
It curdles your blood knowing he's near
Trapped in a nightmare - City in fear
8. Asphyxia
The blood is pounding in my head I feel a tightness in my chest
The room is spinning backwards and I cannot seem to catch my breath
My life flashes before my eyes I realize I'm gonna choke to death
Asphyxia I cannot breathe someone please help me
I suffocate asphyxiate is this the end of me
Shove a finger down my throat and hope that I don't bite it off
I cough I spit I'm in a fit clutching anything in sight
These seconds are my very last I'm turning blue I'm fading fast
Asphyxia I cannot breathe someone please help me
I suffocate asphyxiate is this the end of me
The world around me's growing dim I feel a state of shock is near
Panic's taken over and my body is stricken with fear
Now I'm hanging by a thread cardiac arrest is here
Asphyxia I cannot breath someone please help me
I suffocate asphyxiate is this the end of me
My bodies twitching on the floor my throat is swelling more and more
The pulse is weak inside my vein my life is almost drained
No air to make my final cry and no one here to see me die
Asphyxia I cannot breathe someone please help me
I suffocate asphyxiate is this the end of me
Asphyxia I cannot breathe someone please help me
I suffocate asphyxiate Is this the end of my life'
9. Dead Fish
Thrown in a meat grinder shredding the flesh
Is it human intestines or is it dead fish'
Locked in a freezer destined to die
Hung up on a meat hook and waiting to dry
Wouldn't you like to meat Dead Fish'
Wouldn't you like to meat Dead Fish'
Found in a river smashed on the shore
Cut up in a motor and thrown on some whore
The smell of those dead things wrapped up to sell
Drives me insane and makes me want to kill
Wouldn't you like to meat Dead Fish'
Wouldn't you like to meat Dead Fish'
10. Sog
Sog comes alive out of death
Called forth by the weakness of your race
His one desire is to kill
Sog is the ender of your disgrace
The dead shall rise at his command
To feast upon your steaming gore
The mindless legions of the damned
Erase mankind forever more
Sog has risen-Sog will conquer
Sog is darkness-Sog destroyer
Sog burns your cities to the ground
His laughter drowning out your cries
The streets run red with your blood
Your bodies lie where they die
Extinction of the human breed
A bloody global genocide
Justified and merciless
The planet's savior has arrived
Sog has risen-Sog will conquer
Sog is darkness-Sog destroyer
Sog sits on his throne of bones
He's laughing as the humans suffer
Nothing no one nowhere no more
Death forever and forever
Sog has risen-Sog is alive
Sog sits on his throne of bones
He's laughing as the humans suffer
Nothing no one nowhere no more
Death forever and forever
Sog has risen-Sog is alive
Sog has risen-Sog is alive
Sog comes alive out of death
Called forth by the weakness of your race
His one desire is to kill
Sog is the ender of your disgrace
Sog burns your cities to the ground
His laughter drowning out your cries
The streets run red with your blood
Your bodies lie where they die
Sog has risen-Sog will conquer
Sog is darkness-Sog destroyer
11. Speedwhore
Ask me if I give a shit
Am I just sick of it
Look into my blackened eyes
One more bump and you'll be mine
Anything to get some more
Look at you, you stinking whore
You suck - Speedwhore
Feeling like I've lost my mind
Got me bitching all the time
Get the hell away from me
Why don't you just let me be
The crust is falling from your nose
The pus is running from your sores
You suck - Speedwhore
Think you got it figured out
You just keep me coming down
Speedwhore-you make me sick
Your hair's a mess you look like shit
What's it take now for your fix
Speedwhore-you make me sick
Anything to get some more
Look at you, you stinking whore
Speedwhore-you make me sick
The crust is falling from your nose
The pus is running from your sores
Speedwhore-you make me sick
12. Afterbirth Of A Midget (S.Y.G.D.P.)