 На своем дебютнике немцы Dark Millennium предлагают с виду довольно типичный на реалии начала 90-х материал, а именно - грубо скроенный кафтан дэт/дума. В случае с альбомом "Ashore the Celestial Burden" можно сказать, что основой является пространный дэтовый каркас, на который навешиваются различные лирические отступления и думовые аранжировки. Звучание не отдает рыхлостью, которую любили скандинавы, задававшие тон европейской сцене, поэтому можно сказать, что саунд непривычно чист для своего времени, но если учесть, к чему команда пришла на втором альбоме, то это не выглядит странным. Сама структура композиций несет на себе отпечаток умеренной и осторожной разноплановости, не уходя далеко от корневой системы дэтовых ответвлений - акустические зарисовки и вкрапления нестройных чистоголосий сильной погоды не делают, но свой колорит вносят. Неспешный характер развития событий очень хорошо согласуется с общей мечтательной аурой, как музыки (добавьте сюда уместное использование клавишных), так и лирической компоненты. Подчас начинает казаться, что должен присутствовать своеобразный водораздел между канонически ухающими частями и легкой поступью прочих (мелодичных и не очень) образований, но как и в любой по-настоящему талантливой работе, сложно представить одно отдельно от другого и прочертить однозначно видимую грань.
Не сразу вникаешь во все тонкости "Ashore the Celestial Burden", но потом, нащупав тропку нужного настроения, уходишь с головой в альбом как в нечто родное и хорошо знакомое. Да, и здесь не обойтись без сравнений, но все они носят, по большей части, исключительный характер. На ум приходят такие имена как Babylon Sad, Phlebotomized и Rhadamantys, которые так или иначе имели отношение к стезе экспериментаторства, но делали все по-своему. Вот и герои нашего обзора, разворачивают повествование, казалось бы, общими средствами, но в итоге получается нечто самобытно дышащее и притягательно корявое. Альбом не лишен и минусов, но все они связаны либо с общими стандартами того времени в плане риффов, либо с несущественными шероховатостями в реализации. |
aura of the distance, prepared to be set free in the timespace from a touch of
a deed to its execution; in the morning a limb of the fairylands, at sundown
he belonged to the blind characters occupying the fools' basis.
Can this be true?
A star so wise now reads the moon
After lifetimes in his stealthy glance
Meanwhile a scholar, a patron one...
He observes the sparks again. The sparks perceive his willingness.
With the will he drifts away, surely on his way towards home,
Because home is where he sold his skin."
"So obscure the sand.
As an eldest sinner
On the Orphan planet
I was meant to bleed
My roots - And I bled my roots
So godless the veil of morass.
So spoken, the blood on my wishes.
A melancholy withers why
I saw Wolvesmoon"
2. Below The Holy Fatherlands
In a lost dark world beyond eternity
Where phantasm has its origin
Where the shadows hunt the light
And no god enforces might
Lies the sin, the painful sin.
From the clouds above my eyes
Drop the tears that lead the way
To the entry of the hidden
Wither knowledge takes my brain...
Lead me to the kingdom of depths
Where silence is a form of life;
The day of decision recalls my thoughts
And prepares my mind to die.
Rising spirit baptises winds of
Foreign existence, black times' cry
Hills as a fragment of ancient breath and
As signs for the place where the ruins may hide.
In the centre of forbidden
Thoughts we meet and will defy
And the shadows will appear and
Their eyes will stand the fear
In the unknown reigns of darkened unknown lives...
Lead me to the kingdom of depths
Where silence is a form of life;
The day of decision recalls my thoughts
And prepares my mind to die.
The horror lives... below the holy fatherlands.
3. Spiritual
Mother sin, you know my bent
Responsible for all
That colours the paths
I have gone
A tragedy was torn
From innocence and sorrow
To a region I belong
Where days of trust grown
Inside life
Have not existed for one stand
Not even
Has come.
I may obey.
Path into black.
Raven on my shoulder.
Bow to spiritual.
You who taught me conjuration
In hours of hellish creed;
Fragile, grey-haired picture dead
Why you will pass, and I will sneer.
4. Black Literature
"Welcome to the reign of the ashes
Welcome to the hunt.
Welcome to the master's palace,
Welcome home, my son..."
A secret lies forbidden
I'm trapped in dismal thoughts
An unknown reign is hidden
Prevailed by unknown lords.
Don't pray to images of other Gods,
An order I was taught.
Seclude my memories of the past,
When legends had been told.
The book of blood has prophesied
The return of death on earth;
The sky turns black as I realise
What my religion is worth.
Absorbed in hellish thoughts... Black literature.
The Bible is lost... Black literature.
Reinstatement, of my senses,
I believe in Jesus Christ.
Reawakening, of the vengeance
I will devastate his might.
Put the beast to the tempter
Dismembered is my innocence,
Damned is my belief.
I see the unbelievable,
I feel its dreadful heat.
I damn the day when I was born,
A child - Wrath in his veins;
Confronted with strategic lies,
That slowly filled my brain.
A scriptural passage dies... Black literature.
Awaiting the arise - Of God?
A scenery of feelings,
False freedom in my heart.
No hope, no chance of healing
Happiness is past.
Reinstatement, of my senses,
I believe in Jesus Christ.
Reawakening of the vengeance
I will devastate his might.
Religion is a curse... Black literature.
Defending my believe... Black literature.
5. Inside The Sunburnt Thought Of Frost
The deed is not the sin but the thought.
Slide in the aesthetics of the tempting white
Trapped beneath the laughter, insanity in disguise.
Eyes controlling hands craving life - Reality.
Infection injects injunction in the brains orientation...
Herdsman, hear the call of the wolves
Desultory smile of a blood-spitting mouth
Heterodoxy of a wizard's creation pray to the sands.
Have we fructified the frost with the pride?
We have failed.
We have played with the totem of gods.
Have we scented?
I wonder why I
Still my "guilty"
Lets me know
I am left.
Left to leave.
Give me disease; paranoia lives within my soul.
Grotesque gentility; from the depths of isolation...
...Comes the speech of the tunnel's exit - Devilish.
Honesty; my only wish.
Masses of pus overcome my mind and... grin.
They grin.
Discerning the fascination of a wound.
They grin.
Formed from the mornings and the sin.
Hiding in the shadows of the sun.
...And grin.
Sheets of ice cover the nature
And the fires freeze to dust.
Antarctic dreams, hieroglyphics
Scrawled into the sky. No wrath
Within my heart I know my fault
I won't survive the loss
And the paroxysm leads me into
Sunburnt thoughts of frost...
6. Father Legatus - Of Symbols, Nature And Birth
Is that what I seem to see a conceit,
An insight in occurrences to ascertain the sun
Father knowledge, lead my way...
The beauty of the constitution
Begets a craving for the search
The doctrine is bewitched
By the whispering of... god?
"Follow your spirit to infinity."
Release my lungs from breath
Banish the holy vow I made
Robbed vitality
Vaporous nature, scowling eyes...
Mortem peragrare
On and on, into voodoo-cult.
Living through the new born pain
Of time and history
Dimensions burn their hateful signs
On my defenceless skin.
The voice I obeyed unsuspecting
Belongs to death himself
Woeful cries, shrouded in secrecy.
I will feel the frost again,
There's no end but endless pain;
Darkness, show me your disguise
Omnipresent sin.
Father, honour's lost its worth
Being is a lie;
Segment of unconscious fear
Father... widespread black you'll find
As you pulse, again and again
In the different hells
In the myriads
Of your mind
Bury my soul in the ash of the candles you light.
7. Beyond The Dragon's Eye
Burning's the horizon of your mind drifting down
When the other side's marked its path.
See what the unknown's concealed for your fate
When the oracle lays down his masked.
Flying through the dragon's eye
To hear the secret speak;
Red clouds fill the crumbling sky
Forgotten times you seek.
Where has it gone,
He key to unknown lands.
In circles you roam,
Hold your fortune in your hands...
Never-ending maze,
Filled with pleasure, filled with pain
Take the chalice served for you,
Let you senses drain.
Approach to his domain,
A new life's to be born;
Far from human sanity,
Far from heavens door.
Keep the torches lit
The fire that makes you be...
Bright light, darkened night
Reign of immortality.
Reflections of the past,
No truth will ever last
Choirs of doom.
Dance with the dead
Through rivers of red
Will all end soon?
Nothing now remains
Of the key to unknown lands,
Marching through the void,
Feel the menace with your hands;
Lords of thunder
Down crushing flash...
The oracle is silent
And your torches turn to ash.
Stare into the dragon's eye
Far away from time;
A part of the eternal mind
...Until the bell will chime.
8. Wizardry Assemblage
Among the Celts lived a priesthood in ancient times
When the Romans practised justice with despite.
The people asked its riddling members for their advice
And for their imagination of life.
Enter the depths of history
And follow the traces of the druids;
Listen to the speech of mystery
And let the wind tell the truth.
Secrecy prepared their way into the promised land
Spiritual meetings were denied.
Conspiracy of sacred Christ's concluded soon their end
Dismemberment of others deify...
Wizardry and mystic rites
Assemble on this ground
Forgotten magics come to life
Forbidden fear is found.
The message of the druids
Is the sign for us to see:
Eternity has formed a life
That rests in our belief.
Mythology sealed the fate of these former priests
Reality taught us to forget.
But, tell me why wants my thoughts me to search for more
Why is my mind filled with regret?
Secluded life - Where do you rest,
I pray for your arise.
Dismal oath, descant your death
And ban the pagan rites...
Deviltry can't stop my way into the promised land
Historical places I will reach.
Witchery won't break my aim to end this ignorance
Eternal tribute I receive.
Wizardry and mystic rites
Assemble on this ground
Forgotten magics come to life
Forbidden fear is found.
The message of the druids
Is the sign for us to see:
Eternity has formed a life
That rests in our belief.
Deep in the past you vouch for the truth.
Praising the words of the unbroken spell.
Submitting the doubt that grows out of the visions.
Curse God...
Deceive the apostles' yell.
Hear the speech of mystery,
Burning down to history.
Prepare for their return
Don't break the oath.
Not a lie,
Not a sin
It's the birth of origin
Destiny will rape the pride
Testify your pride.
Testify your pride.
9. Medina's Spell (Valley Of The Seventh Mystique)
Raise your breath, crypts of Medina.
Towards the realm of ritual
Leaded by the grief
The faith in spiritualism
Possesses your belief.
The master won't remit your sins
The judgement has arrived
The atmosphere will bear the fate
The seven mists will rise.
Consecrate the gates to the magicians' hall
Raise the silence, lead the barons to their seat;
Fallacious thoughts die away,
Pernicious doubt begets decay
When the omen prays to heaven for relief.
Hear the prophet's call:
"Woe to the valley of the seventh mystique."
(The curse of Medina:)
A new sin will be born
Upon a life's relic
Redeemers will be torn
For the reign of this mystique.
The guardians to the spell
Protect the ritual
The barons of the dark
Let the rubin touch the spirit,
Take the fragment to the king.
Awake the valley of the witches
The curse will form the seventh sin.
10. Disillusion
11. The Atmosphere
Follow the raven to the edge of belief
Leave the thoughts of paradise in the seclusion of the mind.
Past and life so far behind
The walls that pass our way to mystery.
Tear the air with a look.
Don't deny the signs, see his eyes,
Feel the to dream - Hooked
The atmosphere is meant to last forever.
Destination lies... unknown.
Nailed within the labyrinth of harmony's disgust,
Never heard, never seen, never found.
Welcome to the funeral pile, take my soul
Lay to rest a reborn time.
Have you seen those who failed and returned to devastate
Our thoughts of a forbidden paradise...
The birth of a child wakes impulses in my blind
pale emotions, and the labyrinth
We hide is knocking at the gate,
Messiah and the fate
See the changes - The fear - The
Pentagram on my skin.
Unbind the fog.
Man is guilty, pain is done.
Escaping from destiny
In the twilight of the sky.
The dragon received
What is mine by right.
Tear the air with a look.
Don't deny the signs, see his eyes,
Feel the hope to dream - Hooked
The atmosphere is sentenced to deliver.
Bitterness will fall and hope will rise.
Born within the fire of a dying reign of dust
In his heart, in his soul, in his eyes...