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01 | Open Tarot
 | 02 | The Devil
 | 03 | The Empress
 | 04 | The Fool
 | 05 | Justice
 | 06 | Death
 | 07 | The tower
 | 08 | Chariot
 | 09 | Judgement
 | 10 | The Hermit
 | 11 | Wheel of Fortune
 | 12 | Close Tarot |
   Sindell Neuschwanstein |
Вы когда-нибудь просыпались с мыслью о том, что отдали бы все, чтобы узнать ваши события днем, вечером или ночью? Вам было интересно, что ожидает вас в ближайший месяц или даже несколько лет? Думаю не раз у вас появлялся вопрос, на который вы бы хотели узнать точный или хотя бы приблизительный ответ. Вам интересны ваши сны, видения или мысли, возникающие не откуда? К чему они? Зачем?
Что вы делаете когда у вас появляются такие вопросы? Обычный человек, который увлечен повседневной жизнью, делами, заботами, учебой и прочим, тут же откинет все это и забудет. Ему просто не когда изучать себя, свой внутренний мир, свои способности, которые спят глубоко в нас! Мы все боремся за то, чтобы остаться в достатке, сытыми, образованными, удовлетворенными нашей земной жизнью! Тем самым мы становимся счастливыми, и забывает о том маленьком даре, который есть в нас.
Когда я просыпаюсь утром, и меня интересуют некоторые вопросы, которые не лезут из моей головы, на которые хочется услышать ответ. Я никогда не откладываю их, я обращаюсь к тому замечательному созданию, история которого до сих пор не известна! Я говорю о картах Таро, а если быть точнее об их арканах. Колода состоит из 78 гадальных карт. Эти карты делятся на две группы, называемые старшими арканами и младшими арканами. Старшие арканы состоят из 22 карт, остальные 56 являются младшими арканами.22 карты, так называемые «козыри» представляют собой могущественнее образы – Императрица, Колесница, Верховная жрица, Дьявол, Башня, Смерть, Мир, Суд, Шут, Справедливость, Император, Повешенный, Умеренность, Отшельник, Маг, Первосвященник, Влюбленные, Сила, Колесо Фортуны, Звезда, Солнце и Луна.
56 карт подразделяются на 4 масти, такие как мечи, жезлы, пентаграммы (денарии или пентакли, у разных художников по-разному) и кубки.
Никогда не доверяла картам, не поддерживала гадания на них, пока не увидела великолепно иллюстрированную колоду Джозефа Варго (Ograv torat), она то меня и вдохновила на то, чтобы просто погадать, н |
 | The Devil
The Devil stands on a pillar representing
the psychical realm that we are all bound to.
Chained to this pillar are a male and female figure
which represent the duality that binds us to
life and rebirth until we reach self make.
The symbol explains how
through temptations in th |
the Devil binds us into life time after life time of
bondage to lower levels of existence.
All of us have a propensity to fall back
on habitual behaviour when we feel stuck,
ineffectual or unhappy
This can be anything from smoking,
drinking, taking drugs, eating chocolate,
because we are familiar with them
over working, stealing, lying, sexual excess, abstinence, laziness ...
the list is endless.
Judgement represents a wake up call
split second in which one is able
to rise up out of
the darkness
of samskara and change oneself
or ones life for
the better. It is a realisation after
of confusion or
With the Sun card we can truly fall
into the trap of believing that
life is fulfilled and happy and that
there is nowhere else to go except heaven.
However, it is often into these quiet,
blissful moments that something
drastic happens which wakes us up
to the fact that we still have a long way to go.
The graves, tombs and dark pits which
we see the figures rising up out of towards
the sound of the trumpeting angel
are symbolic of the darkness that we all
constantly live in. They are ignorance,
And there is a phrase which states that ignorance is bliss.
In our everyday lives we experience the Judgement
card as a Eureka moment, which means
“I have found it”.
We all have bits and pieces
of our lives, or current problems, that don’t make sense.
We fuss and stress over them and everything gets more tangled.
The death is a parting, farewell.
The end and a birth new
All is born and dies
No one belies
We have separated a life from death,
And have filled
An interval between them fear
Every year
However the life
without death does not exist
Know and submit to terrestrial laws.
The Hermit
Detachment from the world, a way to renunciation!
We are closed from external influence
Far from vanity and people you find rest
You search for yourself
It{He} lets to us know who we,
That we want and how to reach{achieve} the purpose!
You wait, and you see
The deepest experiences and the highest knowledge
One step at a time, illuminated by the light within us.
We have all been given a physical
for the sole purpose of realising the self.
There is no hurry, no rush, just a sure footed step...”
Kesendirian dari path ke pengetahuan
Kesendirian yang beruntung dua jalan untuk pengetahuan
Justice sits on the throne.
A sword in her right hand and scales.
And black bear on the wings in paradise!
Awkward deed
Trick or treat
As the call, so the echo
Windy stars
Justice will be restored
In the eyes see the truth
Justice is the firm and continuous
desire to render to everyone that
which is his due.
Justice is the ligament which holds
civilized beings and civilized
nations together.
Awkward deed,
Trick or treat.
As the call, so the echo
Windy stars
She pays you in his own coin.
Justice is truth in action
It is better that ten guilty persons
scape than that one innocent suffer.
Justice sits on the throne.
A sword in her right hand and scales.
And black bear on the wings in paradise!
As the call, so the echo
Justice is the firm and continuous
desire to render to everyone that
which is his due.
Justice is the ligament which holds
civilized beings and civilized
nations together.
The Empress
The Empress is Mother Nature.
She is the life force that gives
birth to all creation.
She is abundant and relieves
Everything in life is born through her
She gives a love of plants
and a propensity towards gardening
and the arts
She depicts the true nature
with which we are born
She is the creative power within us all
The Empress indicates easy child birth
and fertility, but only
the High Priestess will show conception.
She symbolises a block to using
Ones inherent gifts and an inability
to reach full creative potential.
The Empress symbolises birth
Everything in life is born through her
She gives a love of plants
and a propensity towards gardening
and the arts.
The Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune tarot
Сard sits at number 10.
The Wheel of Fortune tarot
Сard sits at number 10.
For you the card of fate
Opens a new gate,
Success before you
We need only break through.
Rises Cynocephaly
This sage gives guide me
In safe keeping destiny
He shows a way and leads me
Can not escape from Fate
You may ask me why?
There is for you no sense
Because the card defy
Rises Cynocephaly
This sage gives guide me
In safe keeping destiny
He shows a way and leads me
Aut inveniam viam aut faciam
Rises Cynocephaly
This sage gives guide me
In safe keeping destiny
He shows a way and leads me
Bird of luck in your hands
It will decide your plans
Only it understands
Is't for you normal chance
Rises Cynocephaly
This sage gives guide me
In safe keeping destiny
He shows a way and leads me
Do not miss the moment
Black, white, black, white will black
Victory and movement
You can't stop or go back
Rises Cynocephaly
This sage gives guide me
In safe keeping destiny
He shows a way and leads me
For you the card of fate
Opens a new gate
Success before you
We need only break through
Rises Cynocephaly
This sage gives guide me
In safe keeping destiny
He shows a way and leads me
Can not escape from Fate
You may ask me why?
There is for you no sense
Because the card defy
Rises Cynocephaly
Destroys Typhon
In card two values
The sudden fall
aut inveniam viam aut faciam
Losers, failure, misfortune
frustratio, calamitas, amissio
Rises Cynocephaly
Destroys Typhon
In card two values
The sudden fall
Maybe you missed, and closed
Have stopped in a way
Forget about luck
And it has left this day
Rises Cynocephaly
Destroys Typhon
In card two values
The sudden fall
Do not miss the moment
Black, white, black, white will black
Victory and movement
You can't stop or go back
Rises Cynocephaly
This sage gives guide me
In safe keeping destiny
He shows a way and leads me
For you the card of fate
Opens a new gate
Success before you
We need only break through
Rises Cynocephaly
This sage gives guide me
In safe keeping destiny
He shows a way and leads me
Can not escape from Fate
You may ask me why?
There is for you no sense
Because the card defy
Rises Cynocephaly
This sage gives guide me
In safe keeping destiny
He shows a way and leads me
aut inveniam viam aut faciam
Boa sorte, éxito, fama, felicidade