Running Wild
« Pile of Skulls »
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1 | Chamber Of Lies
 | 2 | Whirlwind
 | 3 | Sinister Eyes
 | 4 | Black Wings Of Death
 | 5 | Fistful Of Dynamite
 | 6 | Roaring Thunder
 | 7 | Pile Of Skulls
 | 8 | Lead Or Gold
 | 9 | White Buffalo
 | 10 | Jennings' Revenge
 | 11 | Treasure Island
 | 12 | Beggars' Night (Bonus)
 | 13 | Hanged, Drawn And Quartered (Bonus)
 | 14 | Win Or Be Drowned (Bonus)
 | 15 | Uaschitschun '92 (Bonus) |
   Rock 'n' Rolf - vocals, guitars
Axel Morgan - guitars
Thomas Smuszynski - bass
Stefan Schwarzmann - drums |
 | 2. Whirlwind
Thundering foam that hits the keel
Like powder blazed by flints
The figure-head is riding high with
His face right to the wind
The hull that creaks in every joint is
Hammering the sea
Determined it will ride the main, it
Will last eternally
It rips the wild and stormy sea l |
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 Наравне с Death Or Glory и Black Hand Inn мой самый любимый диск Раннингов. Я знаю, что многие старые фэны группы не любят диски, начиная с этого и... до их последнего Victory, обвиняя команду в самоплагиате. Скорее всего так оно есть - все песни с последующих дисков представляют из себя "склейки" из вещей с предыдущих дисков. Но несмотря на весь этот самоплагиат практически все последующие диски (ну может за исключением Маскарада) меня очень радуют. Ну а данный-то диск просто выше всяких похвал! Открывает диск прекрасное интро Chamber Of Lies, переходящая в убойную Whirwind. Также хочу особо отметить очень сильные Black Wings Of Death, одноименную композицию Pile Of Skulls и следующую за ней же Lead Or Gold. Ну и сильнейшая вещь на альбоме - это последняя - 11-минутный эпос Treasure Island...
P.S. Аномалия все-таки получается... Раннинги - это единственная команда, которая при всей своей однообразности продолжает меня радовать каждым своим новым (самоплагиатным) диском... :)) |
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«Опять двадцать пять» - скажу я Вам. Если я люблю Running Wild и хочу послушать именно Running Wild, а не Exodus или Gogol Bordello (отличные группы), что тогда плохого в альбоме «Pile of Skulls»?! Как «одна песня», Вы говорите (из рецензии)? Чем, например, скоростной боевик «Whirlwind» с великолепным вступлением похож на «Roaring Thunder»? Треки мелодичные («Black Wings of Death»), скоростные («Whirlwind», «Pile of Skulls», «Lead or Gold») и среднетемповые («Roaring Thunder», «Sinister Eyes») сменяют друг друга на альбоме с завидной частотой. Риффы те же? Ну, тогда найдите и вы такой рифф, который принесёт Вам 25 лет признания, не побоюсь сказать, мирового. Есть всё, что нужно настоящему ценителю power хэви-метал 90-х. Тексты песен не сложны, но и как всегда далеко не тупы, как у многих других западных групп. Мелодика, стиль, скорость (там, где нужно), всё выдержано «на уровне». Очень неплохой «настоящий» Running Wild. Отдельное спасибо за заглавную песню и интро. 10 баллов за «Treasure Island». |
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Не иначе, господа пираты решили над нами подшутить, переутомившись от трудовой флибустьерской вахты. Спокойная и свежая "Chamber Of Lies" не наводит на мысли о хоть какой-нибудь угрозе. Спокойное дыхание океана. Поначалу черные пиратские воды остаются прекрасны и безмятежны, насколько это вообще для них возможно - и так до самой середины необычного для данной группы "Pile Of Skulls". Только в "Roaring Thunder" звучит первое предвестие шторма, но мы уже так расслабились, что и не замечаем его. И тут паруса срывает первый пронзительный шквал "Pile Of Skulls". Не давая никакой передышки, раздается гром "Lead Or Gold", налетает чертовски своевременный смерч "White Buffalo", и мачты летят за борт вслед за парусами. Но нам некогда сожалеть о них - исполинские волны "Jennings' Revenge" подхватывают наше несчастное судно и швыряют об весьма кстати подвернувшиеся рифы. Только и остается, что выгребя, наконец, на неизвестное побережье, пересчитывать уцелевшие кости под симфонию накатывающихся на него штормовых валов "Treasure Island". Хотя - зря она все-таки 11-минутная, ведь считать нам не больно-то много чего осталось... Подшутили таки - мерзавцы, чтоб им!.. |
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После расцвета группы в 88-91 годах, ярчайших Death Or Glory and Port-Royal это первый альбом-провал Рольфа. Очень много фанатов РВ называют этот диск не иначе как Pile...of Shit. Все композиции играются и поются абсолютно одинаково. В принципе я только в дэт-грайнд-коре встречал такой феномен, что можно альбом включить в любом месте и ничего при этом не потерять, потому как везде одно и то же. Именно после выхода этого релиза о Рольфе пошла шутка, что для выпуска нового диска нужна всего лишь одна новая песня. На концертах после 95 года к слову он не исполняет ни одной вещи оттуда....понимает прекрасно что обложался. В общем - не рекомендую слушать даже для ознакомления. |
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просмотров: 32672 |
A heavy charge of pride
Book and eye are moved by storm
The ropes are holding tight
The rudder's beating left and right
The ship's in seasaw motion
The proudness of a majesty is
Banning all devotion
Like a whirlwind
Rushing over the sea
Like a whirlwind
Blowing fast, blowing free
Like a whirlwind
A raving storm in the night
Like a whirlwind
Going mad, going wild
Thundering foam that hits the keel
Like powder blazed by flints
The figure-head is riding high with
His face right to the wind
The hull that creaks in every joint is
Hammering the sea
Determined it will ride the main, it
Will last eternally
Like a whirlwind
Rushing over the sea
Like a whirlwind
Blowing fast, blowing free
Like a whirlwind
A raving storm in the night
Like a whirlwind
Going mad, going wild
Like a whirlwind
Like a whirlwind
Like a whirlwind
Like a whirlwind
3. Sinister Eyes
A blue and blinding light
Is devouring the dark
Someone must be there, it's no fancy
And no lark
Footsteps trail my moves
I turn around and no one's there
Phantom hands that touch my back
A pungent smell is in the air
Black-eyed visitors talk to me at night
Revealing the truth
Sinister eyes
Deciphering the prophecy
Sinister eyes
Warning of catastrophe
Muddled hours are still lost, a weird
Module at my neck
Curious voice that talks to me
Piercing eyes that hit my back
A dream crawls through my sleep
A small and grayskinned seer
He talks about the universe, I fell
I've known him for a hundred years
Black-eyed visitors talk to me at night
Revealing the truth
Sinister eyes
Deciphering the prophecy
Sinister eyes
Warning of catastrophe
You wonder why there's no contact
The man of science twists the truth
Politicians telling lies, these
Criminals have to lose
2000 years of blood and death, no
Money will ever change the fate
Army, church and government, can't
You fell their scornful hate?
Black-eyed visitors talk to me at night
Revealing the truth
Sinister eyes
Deciphering the prophecy
Sinister eyes
Warning of catastrophe
4. Black Wings Of Death
The churchbell of doom is tolling
The angel of death is near
The ghost with cowl and the sickle
Spreading terror and fear
He's taking your breath,
He's twisting your spine
He poisons your soul and
He poisons your mind
Grim reaper will gather in his seed
Blood will splatter his path
A phantom that's sealing your doom
The damned's foreboding of death
He's taking your breath,
He's twisting your spine
He poisons your soul and
He poisons your mind
Riding high on the black wings of death
Like a nightmare that choking your breath
Like the terror that blackens your soul
It's the dream where you fall on a six foot deep hole
The dice of life are falling
The weak and the poor will lose
The rich in their ivory towers
Can't fell that their head's in the noose
No chance to talk him round
The black death is spreading its wings
He's the Jonah of unbridled fear
The pain to beggars and kings
He's taking your breath,
He's twisting your spine
He poisons your soul and
He poisons your mind
Riding high on the black wings of death
Like a nightmare that choking your breath
Like the terror that blackens your soul
It's the dream where you fall on a six foot deep hole
Riding high on the black wings of death
Like a nightmare that choking your breath
Like the terror that blackens your soul
It's the dream where you fall on a six foot deep hole
5. Fistful Of Dynamite
Heedless they make their pile
Freeloading monkeys on our back
Bad to the bone and spineless
A dirty, lying, riotous pack
Ostrich policy, wrong way
Don't fall asleep or you'll have to pay
Draconian penalty, right way
Ready to explode
Like a fistful of dynamite
My fuse is burning fast
Like a fistful of dynamite
Like a bomb heading for your ass
Like a fistful of dynamite
My fuse is burning short
Like a fistful of dynamite
Don't push too far
Or we will be your court
They drain us of our lifeblood
But we are a dredging up the truth
Staunch as a steely dreadnought
So they'll never stir up our ruth
Ostrich policy, wrong way
Don't fall asleep or you'll have to pay
Draconian penalty, right way
Ready to explode
Like a fistful of dynamite
My fuse is burning fast
Like a fistful of dynamite
Like a bomb heading for your ass
Like a fistful of dynamite
My fuse is burning short
Like a fistful of dynamite
Don't push too far
Or we will be your court
Don't push too far
We've fed up with your tricks
Yes, fear our law
You will get your deserved kicks
Ostrich policy, wrong way
Don't fall asleep or you'll have to pay
Draconian penalty, right way
Ready to explode
Like a fistful of dynamite
My fuse is burning fast
Like a fistful of dynamite
Like a bomb heading for your ass
Like a fistful of dynamite
My fuse is burning short
Like a fistful of dynamite
Don't push too far
Or we will be your court
6. Roaring Thunder
You rule the world, but we don't care
You don't impress, whatever you dare
We hate your vileness, enough of your lies
Flame to our anger, you'll pay the price
Your fate is sealed without a doubt
Verdict guilty, no way out
Trick or treat is what they play
The hand of doom will have its way
Roaring thunder, the hearts of man, your five-star meal
Roaring thunder, you wrecked the car, so hands of the wheel
You pollute the world, with your snakelike tongue
We'll never give up, until you're gone
You squeeze us out, you rape the earth
Your recklessness, there's nothing worse
Your fate is sealed without a doubt
Verdict guilty, no way out
Trick or treat is what they play
The hand of doom will have its way
Roaring thunder, the hearts of man, your five-star meal
Roaring thunder, you wrecked the car, so hands of the wheel
Predaciousness, to fill up your lair
We know the truth, tho' you're not aware
A darkened power grabs your throat
No time for mercy, 'cause you've sunk the boat
Your fate is sealed without a doubt
Verdict guilty, no way out
Trick or treat is what they play
The hand of doom will have its way
Roaring thunder, the hearts of man, your five-star meal
Roaring thunder, you wrecked the car, so hands of the wheel
Roaring thunder, lightning strikes when the youth stands tight
Roaring thunder, fist up high show no respite
7. Pile Of Skulls
Hey, Mr. Pope, Mr. Military Man
Kings and Queens
More evil that it seems
You lie, you cheat, you betray, you kill all the way
You wade through blood in your boots of steel
You hide the truth from its reveal
The world's bleeding wounds will never heal
So look in the mirror and see who you are
You made our lives an abbatoir
A man-eating machine that's what you are
Pile of skulls, conspiracy
Beware of the revealing key
No dance of joy, no harmless spree
No chance for you to hide or flee
Liar's tongue, tricks of deepest dye
Snake-skinned pack
You're evil and you're sly
Injust, you hunt, you hate, you take all the way
You're cutting throats with poisoned blades
Your recklessness overflows the graves
You try to make us all your slaves
So look in the mirror and see who you are
You made our lives an abbatoir
A man-eating machine that's what you are
Pile of skulls, conspiracy
Beware of the revealing key
No dance of joy, no harmless spree
No chance for you to hide or flee
Tears and pain, never ending shame
Bloodsucking lice
Play their evil game
Your doom is sealed, the truth revealed all the way
Headless you still run around
You can't believe you're losing ground
On your knees to take the count
So look in the mirror and see who you are
You made our lives an abbatoir
A man-eating machine that's what you are
Pile of skulls, conspiracy
Beware of the revealing key
No dance of joy, no harmless spree
No chance for you to hide or flee
8. Lead Or Gold
Riding the tempests of glory
The vessel is gliding along
Pounding the waves, majestically
Proudly and strong
A flag flutters on the horizon
The plunder ready-to-hand
The gunners are ready to fire
Awaiting command
Pounding the sea, like a storm
Wild and free
Obeying our call, fast and raw
The air sparks thunder and lightning
Their bellies are shivered with fear
We showered their cold hearted souls
With sarcastic sneer
Our cohorts are for seizing
The skull and the crossbones fly high
We're talking over your vessel
Whatever you try
Pounding the sea, like a storm
Wild and free
Obeying our call, fast and raw
Lead or gold, we're daring our fate
On the wings of the sea
Lead or gold, cursing all the
Conformists who'll never be free
Guns spitting iron and fire
Acid smoke clouding the air
Ripping the planks
Feeding the flame of despair
Hoisting the flag of surrender
Delivering their silver and gold
A generous gift to the poor
For the brothers they sold
Pounding the sea, like a storm
Wild and free
Obeying our call, fast and raw
Lead or gold, we're daring our fate
On the wings of the sea
Lead or gold, cursing all the
Conformists who'll never be free
9. White Buffalo
Acid rain and poison cauterize its skin
A boiling hell we're living in
Bloodstained animals, chainsaw rip the trees
The gasping earth is on its knees
Choking breath, causing death
Exploitation is your law
Overkill, break its will
You loot it hard and raw
Like you killed the white buffalo
You kill ozone, you break its bones
Like you killed the white buffalo
You tan its hide, sell its meat on the side
Once a source of glory, now a reborn hell
Your ivory tower is where you dwell
Gulping its vital lifeblood, pollution's rising high
You squeeze it out, you leave it dry
Choking breath, causing death
Exploitation is your law
Overkill, break its will
You loot it hard and raw
Like you killed the white buffalo
You kill ozone, you break its bones
Like you killed the white buffalo
You tan its hide, sell its meat on the side
Headless, spraying poison
Contaminating air and ground
A misplaced sense of progress
Will destroy the pound for pound
Allergies and cancer, the pay for evil greed
Madness and corruption have shown their evil seed
10. Jenning's Revenge
1714 that was the year
The Spanish fleet ran out of luck
The weather was stormy
The sea was lashing, furious
Lightning and thunderstruck
Three hundred men
Fighting hand in hand
Abandonment or raid
Tons of 'pieces of eight'
The 'Flotilla' was driven
Down to the reefs
The wooden hulls of the vessels
Were cracked
300 000 'pieces of eight'
The fleet of that year
Was totally wrecked
Three hundred men
Fighting hand in hand
Abandonment or raid
Tons of 'pieces of eight'
The viceroy commanded
To furnish a squad
60 soldiers to dreg up the plate
Fool all their salvage
To a small camp ashore
Lack of suspicion
No thought of a raid
Jennings came up
With a hazardous plan
The Spanish garrison
Was taken by guise
Three sailing vessels
Three hundred men
300 000 their glittering prize
Three hundred men
Fighting hand in hand
Abandonment or raid
Tons of 'pieces of eight'
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
The Spanish plate hauled off by raid
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Jennings' trick a painful kick
During their escape
They happened to spy
A gorgeous Spanish merchant ship
'In for a penny, in for a pound'
They got them in their steely grip
And several thousand
'Pieces of eight'
To fill their ships up to the deck
Jennings' fleet sailed out to sea
No one ever found his track
Three hundred men
Fighting hand in hand
Abandonment or raid
Tons of 'pieces of eight'
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
The Spanish plate hauled off by raid
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Jennings' trick a painful kick
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Impudent tries will win the prize
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
No soldier pack will find his track
11. Treasure Island
Squire Trelawny and Dr. Livesay having asked me, Jim Hawkins,
to tell everybody the whole tale about the 'Island',
Flint's treasure and Mr. Silver.
Keeping nothing back but its position and that only,
because the major part of the treasure has not been lifted yet.
I personally think we would never have begun this adventure
and set course with the 'Hispaniola', if we had known
what would happen and that some of us would never return,
having lost their lives. Sometimes the whole story haunts dreams
and brings me the worst nightmares I ever had.
That's when I hear the cries of the fallen,
the waves pounding the rocks on the coast and Captain Flint's
raw voice screaming: 'Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight! Hahahah!'.
And I tell you, no oxen and wain ropes will ever take me
back to 'Treasure Island'!!!
Mr. Bones is fighting 'Black Dog'
He want to split him to the chine
'Blind Pew' the bringer of the spot
Horse-hooves trampling his spine
We have the map to start our trip
The 'Squire' has the ship and the sailors
'Long John' is the man with the grip
No one knows he will raid us
The yell of the slain
The waves on the rocks
Captain Flint's raising hell
He's calling my name
To drive me insane
Treasure Island
Where the brave fell
A one-legged devil
From the pit of hell
A greedy demon on his treasury
Cursed the island, oh, eternally
'Long John' is spreading his law
Hatching a death bringing plot
I show up in a council of war
What I heard in the barrel from this toad
The yell of the slain
The waves on the rocks
Captain Flint's raising hell
He's calling my name
To drive me insane
But I'll never return to
Treasure Island
Where the brave fell
A one-legged devil
From the pit of hell
A greedy demon on his treasury
Cursed the island, oh, eternally
We see the land, shining sand
But it can be our grave
I jump the boat, overload
Trying to be too brave
Burning sun, find 'Ben Gunn'
Assassins claim the ship
I cut the rope, I try to cope
To free it from 'Hand's' grip
Bulling row, cannon law
The jolly-boats last trip
Killing tried, stockade fight
'Silver's' villains quit
Abandonment, to 'Silver's' hand
A cunning pack is made
Trick or treat, make scoundrels
Bleed, their dullness will be paid
I stumble to the stockade
The sweat drips form my brow
No one keeps a lockout, oh no!
The rabble owns it now
'Silver' tries to shield me
The 'Black spot' comes again
He throws the map onto the ground
He plays a tricky game
Pickaxe, rope and shovel
The dead-man marks the way
No chest, no gold, no silver
2 guineas is their pay
Musket cracks like thunder
The blood is running red
'Ben Gunn' kept the treasure
From beginning to end
When we put back to the sea
'Silver's' chains are doubly tight
'Long John' and his counterfeit key
Sidle away through the night
The yell of the slain
The waves on the rocks
Captain Flint's raising hell
He's calling my name
To drive me insane
But I'll never return to
Treasure Island
Where the brave fell
A one-legged devil
From the pit of hell
A greedy demon on his treasury
Cursed the island, oh, eternally
Treasure Island
Where the brave fell
A one-legged devil
From the pit of hell
A greedy demon on his treasury
Cursed the island, oh, eternally