 Люблю я хитовый и запоминающийся материал... Обожаю просто. Кому атмосферу подавай, кому технику, а я вот предпочитаю хиты. Чтоб, знаете, в голове намертво застревало, и потом неделями в перерывах между новыми альбомами прокручивать в сотый раз одни и те же песни... и отдыхаешь, и душа радуется, что есть в мире по-настоящему цепляющая музыка (особенно, после какого-нибудь долгожданного, но скучного релиза).
К чему бы это я? Да к тому, что современный готик-метал с женским вокалом - это, вроде как, беспроигрышный вариант в описанных выше обстоятельствах. А если он ещё и с электронными фишками, так и совсем красота же быть должна! В общем, клюнул я на описания и превью данной французской команды. И всё ещё не могу понять, хорошо это или плохо.
Группа C-Rom из города Амьен на альбоме "The Winding Star", как лично мне кажется, решила приукрасить сероватый, по большей части, материал (а это, по сути, современный готик-метал, сыгранный в индустриальном ключе, гитары весь альбом звучат жёстко, какой какой нибудь, Боже упаси, Fear Factory) электроникой, но подошла к этому делу серьёзно и, честно говоря, электронная составляющая буквально за волосы вытащила альбом из категории "послушал и забыл" в категорию "а не послушать ли это ещё разок?".
Вообще, получился довольно-таки серьёзный контраст безумно скучных и стандартных готик-метал ходов и крайне оригинальных электронных находок (которые сделают честь любой необычной группе чистой электро-направленности) , и в общем-то, чем больше музыка приближается к первому, тем больше хочется её выключить и чем больше ко второму, тем больше желание продолжать слушать.
Альбом можно условно поделить на три части: после самой цепляющей песни на альбоме ("Purple Cloak") начинается утомительное среднетемповое болото, из которого, кажется, уже нет выхода... но тут вдруг начинается "From the River's Chorus" и до "Blured Sight" идёт очень бодрый и интересный отрезок (особенно удивляет "Not So Far Away" - "разрыв шаблона", действительно). Заканчивается же всё просто приятными, но совершенно не запоминающимися тремя вещицами (очень хочется здесь какой нибудь пронзительной баллады, ан нет, пусто).
Ну и итог: для дебютника достойно. А если в будущем найдутся силы написать более интересный материал и оставить в покое звучание - может, всё сложится очень интересно. Подождём... |
Keep your eyes on me
My purple cloak will show you the way to star light
My promise
Wander no more!
Heed my steps!
Friends, believe me
Come, come follow me
Once stranded just like you
I am now changed
Forget your pain!
I am now changed
Embrace the light!
2 My Madness
You say that I'm the only one
You say you are for me
You say that I'm a part of you
I just can heave a sigh
Tell me we are white angels in the grey sky
We want to set every pain on fire... it's like a promise
Tell me you're still the same
I can't believe in your weakness
Accept my madness, I content myself with your lies
Harmless words are the ones that I can hear
Accept my madness, you could be really surprised
Lovely words are the ones that I can hear
I want to hear that yesterday was only a foretaste of tomorrow
Remember, you told about a "perfect life"
So you don't have to looking for something else
I'm here, but you run without me
Come into my madness, I'll forget all your lies
Harmless words are the ones...
Come into my madness, you will be really surprised
Lovely words are the ones that I can hear
3 Locked Inside
Ignorance makes men wicked
If they could lay their weapons down
No tears would ever wet anyone's face anymore
Knowledge dwells inside each of us, even you can find the way
Apathy is not the answer, too easy to complain about...
You crazy, what's in your mind?
Shall we keep ourselves locked inside?
I'm freezing, give me the blanket back!
Can't you feel the attraction...
I just want to sleep..... Peace!
Drawing us outside?... Wake up!
You can choose to cross the bridge
That lies in every window
Know that the other side is worth standing up and striving
The lack of light inside you, steers me into suffocation
What you got is all you deserve
Dance with me...
Move up...
Move your feet...
Dance with me...
Embrace me...
You can stay if you please
Make yourself at ease
The window is open, I am leaving.
4 Doubt
What will become of me
If its presence doesn't protect me?
How many sleepless nights?
My eyes staring at emptiness
Why does my body feel so cold?
The star does wind on my shoulder no more
Was it all wrong?
Nothing was real
A pleasant dream? An illusion?
Not so sure...
Now, all my fears are like spiders creeping on my back
He was my guardian angel, my savior
Am I to live without his strength
When the Winding Star disappears
Why does my body feel so cold?
My body is forsaken
Was it all wrong?
Nothing was real
A pleasant dream? An illusion?
Not so sure...
Why does my body feel so cold?
The star does wind on my shoulder no more
Was it all wrong?
Nothing was real
A pleasant dream? An illusion?
An illusion...
5 Falling
I see him
By the stone
And he knows
I'm here for him
Above him, a misty light
Discloses a shard of my hope
What is this worry?
What is this fear?Run away, disappear...
But I get lost
But I get lost in my tears...
6 From The River's Chorus
Now is the great day
My long dress is ready
I'm gathering wild flowers
And adorning my hair
Splashing myself with rose water
If I could reach this shining Cold River
Pain would stay away for ever
I close my eyes
As I'm twirling on the grass
Dew's tickling my bare feet
I know they're waiting for me
For choruses have melt into one
Walking, my voice joins my kinsmen's
They're leading me to this shining Cold River
Pain could stay away for ever
Together we're crossing the shining Cold River
Pain could stay away for ever
Now, I've found this shining Cold River
Pain will stay away for ever
He is coming
I want to shout
I want to fall
7 Not So Far Away
Another wasted day, such a mess with my life
Can't stand them, staring at me scornfully
It has to stop, it has to change
Not so far away
What a pleasant vision
He is appearing in a streak of light
I drew with blue ink
A star on her shoulder
At last, my deliverance
Come to make me breath again
Catch me, hold me, never let me drown!
Tender finger tips trace on my shoulder
I belong to him
A winding star is blooming
I drew with blue ink
A star on her shoulder
Never felt this way before
Feel safe, feel free
I touch my shoulder with pride
I touch my shoulder with pride
8 The Lady Of The lake
First, I walked a lot
I'd no feelings no fears
But when I saw the light
Something happened to me:
Above us, a heavy sky
Under, a humid grass
Were you in the air
You the Lady of the Lake?
Could I ever climb these slick stones?
Could I ever climb these slick stones?
You have the chance to sleep
In a wonderful world
I think that you just wanted
To share it with me
Only for a moment
Just like a present
But you don't know how much
It's hard to meet reality
Dear Lady of the Lake
Please listen to my prayer
Don't forget this lost soul…
9 W.A.H
How can you choose my way ?
I just want to discover
All the colours of my life
You think that you can
Travel in my head
And find who I am....
Do not be so sure!
You don't accept to forgive all
But first, you have to ask
The good questions
You don't accept to forgive all
But I've never seen
A journey without a hitch
Sit down
I really need you this time
Don't speak and listen to me
You have to feel...
Sit down
I really need you this time
Don't speak and listen to me
You have to feel and realize
I want more than formalities!
Now wake up!
I've never seen
A journey without a hitch
Can you choose my way?
I just want to discover
All the colours of my life
10 Blured Sight
My mind's driven me to this fun-fair where I feel bad
I don't understand why the children're laughing. Here, a clown
All dressed in black and white, whith a grey nose. There, torn ribbons
Within faded garlands, static crowd and – up!
Pink balloons
As I'm walking through the garden of darkness, glowing bright
Black tears roll down my cheeks into my hands
Freezing deep in my heart
A gloomy melody from this sad wedding catches my ear
The bride in a dull gown ignores silent guests and
As I'm walking through the garden of darkness, glowing bright
Black tears roll down my cheeks into my hands
Freezing deep in my heart
What my eyes won't reveal, my mind makes me feel
When my eyes can't see, my mind brings me back to me
All dressed in black and white
Faded garlands
Dull gown, silent guests
Pink! Blue! Yellow slivers!
11 Even If
Born under a rain of flowers
I can't understand this world
I only know the nature's rhythm:
The sweet bird's song in the morning
The breath of air on my face
Oh no! I won't accept what you present me
Keep your advance!
Keep your concrete!
And even if you run...
Even if you win...
You're not stronger than me!
Maybe it's easier
For you to forget
Sound sensations
You can carry on
To destroy
The most beautiful
12 Another Sky
Have you ever heard this music ?
Dream's music, that you still hear as you are awaking
It makes you so happy that you can't refrain
From going back close to it
I can see doubts in your eyes
But you can have your own way
You don't believe in other skies
I know I'll return down again
When the notes take you away
Your shadow disappears
But you cross the Cold River
You're on your way to meet serenity
I can see doubts in your eyes
But you can have your own way
You don't believe in other skies
I know I'll return down again
It's a great journey that I offer you
I know you don't have any reason to believe me...
Never mind!...
Only my satisfaction...
Never mind!