 Считаю этот альбом самым лучшим в дискографии этой легендарной группы.Назвать её полностью Speed-Power пожалуй не могу.На мой взгляд они играют всё таки жёсткий Hard'n'Heavy материал.
И так об альбоме.По сравнению с "Under Jolly Roger"альбом 1988 года выгодно отличается.Вы спросите чем же это?Охотно Вам на это отвечу.
Анализ начну с моей любимой ритм-секции,перед записью альбома она полностью сменилась.Новые люди не просто усилили звучание, они его приблизили к идеалу,довели так сказать до вершин, которые в то время могли покоряться разве,что "Iron Maiden".Техника игры драммера выше всяких похвал.Каждая нота отчётливо прослушивается,отдельно о сдвоенных бочках,так элегантно и в тоже время агрессивно и мощно у "Runningoв" за установкой ни кто больше не играл(Jorg тоже не плох как ударник,но он по технике ближе к забою),сбивки как нельзя к месту,вобщем высший пилотаж.
Басс мэн! Это просто "песня",слушаешь и ещё хочется!"Final Gates"-это классика всего направления!Опять ассоциации с "Iron Maiden" и с незабвенным Стивом Харрисом!
Теперь к сдвоенным гитарам.Опять же на этом релизе мы имеем счастье слышать лудший за историю "Running wild" дуэт:Rolf&Majk. Соло продуманны и виртуозны, скорость солидная,меняются так, как будто играли вместе всю жизнь!
Теперь о самой музыке.На мой взгляд это был как раз тот момент когда Rolf со товарищи находился на творческом пике.Все композиции отмечены печатью вдохновения,слушаются на одном дыхании,словно перед нами предстал музыкально изложенный монолит!Плюс состоит ещё и в том,что мы слышим действительно коллектив единомышленников(композиции сочиняли и доводили до кондиции,музыканты вместе).Отдельно скажу о вокале Rolfa.Спел он чисто и высоко,чего раньше не делал.Голос звучит как натянутая струна,не дребежит но звенит!Показателен в этом плане трэк "Port Royal"
Отдельно хочу отметить работу звукоинженера.Иструменты звучат просто хрустально!Правда некоторым кажется,что можно было бы добавить громкости поддерживающей гитаре,риффов мол не слышно,но думаю,что это дело вкуса!
"Port Royal"-это золотое наследие романтических 80х.Покупайте и слушайте классику немецкой Metal сцены,Вы не пожалеете.Руку даю на отсиченье! |
Raging Fire all across the lands
Raging Fire fights in self defense
The anger grows on and on
The young stand up and fight
No more lies and censorship
All oppressed stand tight
Raging Fire burning down the walls
Raging Fire the rebellion force
Raging Fire all across the lands
Raging Fire fights in self defense
Wake up break the silence
Come on join our league
We must stand defiant
To dethrone this breed
4. Into the Arena
They imagine a heaven
Talk about hell
They can't live without a remission
Plentiful punichment for
Numerous sins
Suffering their oun crurl invention
Their heaven is boring
Their hell's a state joke
Faith is their one vindication
Doubt is forbidden
Joy is tabooed
For a folly there's no hesitation
Sacrifice their life for a lie
A thousand sheep have come to die
Down the thumb there's no remorse
It's the time for martyres
Into the Arena - go down
Into the Arena - show-down now
Into the Arena - the beasts are prepared
Into the Arena
Hunting the witches
Considered to be
Riding on brooms in the dark night
No mercy for people
Who dare to oppose
Mediaevel church was a scourge in its pride
Millions of people
Killed for the cross
By relentless religion - disgusting
There is no excuse
For things they have done
In the name of their God - it's a bad thing
Sacrifice their life for a lie
A thousand sheep have come to die
Down the thumb there's no remorse
It's the time for martyres
Into the Arena - go down
Into the Arena - show-down now
Into the Arena - the beasts are prepared
Into the Arena
Lock your door the Priest is Coming
Beware of All the Parsons
Today it's all different
A daring contention
They talk about love and forgiving
But still they are hunting
Now we are the victims
Maybe they are evious for our living
Sacrifice their life for a lie
A thousand sheep have come to die
Down the thumb there's no remorse
It's the time for martyres
Into the Arena - go down
Into the Arena - show-down now
Into the Arena - the beasts are prepared
Into the Arena
5. Uaschitschun
No more eagles gonna ride the wind
Turning circles in the sky
Badlands growing and the bison's gone
Uaschitschun tell me why
Why'd you kill my creed
Claiming earth and wind
You never kept your vow
But you can't lock me in
I'm riding free
Riding free with the wind
Free as an eagle
Proud as a king
My mother's the earth and my father's the wind
You can't possess them, they are free
It's time for you to see what you have done
Can't hold my soul cause I will flee
Why you kill yourself
Ravage what you need to live
You can't eat your gold
Nature's calling you
6. Final Gates
7. Conquistadores
Exploring the seas to conquer new lands
Troops arrayed by the church
Sanctified and blessed they set out
Crusaders, gentiles' scourge
They fight, they kill, they rape
Under the banner of the 'holy' church
They hunt, they lie, they cheat, thry steal
Doing dirty deeds under churchbell's peal
Conquistadores -
- Hungry for gold, doing as the religious madman told
Conquistadores -
- Religion's knight, havoc and death caused by pride
Pearls of glass for ingets of gold
Violence, force and deceit
Taking the wealth or the Indian's life
Their way of feeding their greed
Heathen must turn to Christianity
It's like 'believe or die'
Arrogance and blindless, religion's force
Believers never ask the reason why
8. Blown to Kingdom Come
Out in the world you can watch'em struggling
For a small piece of luck
They won't die with a smile on their trace
For possession they'd kill their mothers
For some bucks they deny themselves
And the whole world is right in that trace
They are Riding Forth
No time to lose
Got to alter every place
They are Riding Forth
No way to choose
And the next step's out to space
With a high hand they watch their buildings
Self-righteously praise their deeds
No time for recess on their way
In a way it is quite amusing
But it's afake of deepest dye
Let's hope they'll see it one day
They are Riding Forth
No time to lose
Got to alter every place
They are Riding Forth
No way to choose
And the next step's out to space
Pay Attention to History
Look at All the Things They've Done
No Remains, There's No Thing Left
It's All Blown to Kingdom Come
9. Warchild
When I was a kid they tought me their rules
We did anything they want, we did it like fools
Their book was holy, we learned it by heart
Their holy fight, we had to take part
Exploited and cheated my life was a mess
Religion and war, we were possessed
Inspired and brave, out to the field
So blind that we couldn't see, our destiny was sealed
We tried to fight, fell one by one
Disillusion, our belief had gone
Exploding shell tore off my legs
Senses faded by the grenade cracks
Warchild, Warchild
We fought and died for it... we are
Warchild, Warchild
We cried and bleeded for it
Wake up now
10. Mutiny
Pain of hunger's growing stronger
The wages are gone, can't wait no longer
I have to sign on under every flag
If I want to live, I have to fag
Engaged, I hit the sea
Never thought of mutiny
The work is hard, the pay is low
We're treated bad, our anger grows
The waterbarrels going bad
Daily a sailor dies by fag
Whip cracks pain's their holy law
If they're going too far this means war
Stand up and fight
A seaman disobeys a law
The whip cracks, flowing gore
He gets a hundered cuts, one too much
His death feeds our grudge
The waterbarrels going bad
Daily a sailor dies by fag
Whip cracks pain's their holy law
If they're going too far this means war
With grinning looks we precede
Revenge for the ones who'd bleed
Encircling bastards who killed
Their eyes show fear, they're thrilled
11. Calico Jack
Up with the roger, the vessel is close
Cannons are loaded the weapons prepared
Set up more sails the distande grows
They try to escape but we shan't care
Calico Jack Listen and hear my command
Calico Jack I lead you to victory
Calico Jack We shall win in the end
Calico Jack You maybelieve what I foresee
Down with the roger, the vessel's too far
It's time for the flag, no remorse
Anne and Mary, more rum in my jar
I need more refreshment before we set course
Changing the course now, we must fet in touch
Triple afford, he must not escape
Our breath in their neck they feel our grudge
We have to hurry to get them in scrape
Acrid smell of smoke in the air
While flag's rising, mainmast breaks
Ears go deaf by my brother's blare
Upper deck is taken over
All of sudden a yelling cry
Ports turn open, what a mess
Soldiers get out 'n'comrades die
Desperate fights, we're on the loose
John Rackham
You are charged with murder and piracy of the high seas
In the name of Her Majesty you will be taken from this court
And hung, drawn and quartered
What are your last words, accused?
My last words? Ha ha!!!
Who do you think you are?!
What right have you to judge over my destiny?!
Take your pompous words and stick'em where the sun don't shine
I swear we meet again