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1 | Left Behind 00:57
 | 2 | My Nemisis 02:51
 | 3 | In Reverance Of 02:57
 | 4 | The Mark of The Faithful 03:23
 | 5 | Nailed. Dead. Risen. 03:37
 | 6 | Condemned 02:47
 | 7 | At The Churches' End 02:51
 | 8 | Silence The Opressors 03:11
 | 9 | For All Have Sinned 02:43
 | 10 | Feeding The Decomposing 03:04
 | 11 | He's Coming Back 06:16
 | | Total playing time 34:37 |
   Brook Reeves - Vocals
Manny Contreras - Guitar
David Sittig - Bass
Cory Johnson - Guitar
Chad Blackwell - Drums |
Facedown Records
September 4th, 2007 |
 | 1. Left Behind
2. My Nemesis
I've felt his presence, I've heard his whispers,
Slithered inside me, He's crowded my mind.
Poisoning, Haunting, Deceiving, he has a burning desire for my soul,
An enemy who takes all control.
He hates everything I am, he hates everything you are,
In the a |
I hope I scare the hell out of you.
And you'll crush the head of the one strangling you,
From breathing the breath of life,
The one who blinds you from seeing heaven and the father reaching for you,
This creature is-is dead to me, bowing before-bowing before my God,
He has made my-my footstool.
Reach for the father, who's reaching for you.
3. In Reverence Of
Loving God how could you take the only thing I felt love from?
Where was your love?
Where was your comfort that I spoke of?
In this world ran by the enemy, which lead me the think you to be the first to damn my lack of faith and trust left me in a hole of unbelief.
Forgive me.
She will remain in our hearts forever.
On this earth when flesh dies our souls will reunite.
She spoke to me of who you are and how your love could never separate us, and how you did things only for good and casted out all that is bad.
Forgive me mother for my doubt; my holy father will cast him out.
Again! Come back Jesus, cast out Satan, Again! A-men.
Thank you for this loss, thank you for your blood, thank you for the 16 years of life with her and for the everlasting joy ill have when you come back and save us from this hell.
Come back father God of life; enrich us with your wealth.
4. The Mark Of The Faithful
A mark only seen upon the faithful, from the never ending truth with everlasting youth, we fall to our knees as the unveiling draws near.
Surrounded by destructive heresies, we are made the worlds enemies, no threats will ever threaten me for I am promised heavens eternity.
What about you? Don't believe the lies that will lead to your demise, we're inspired by a powerful saviour, the gospel like thunder as Satan cowers trying to pull you under, he kneels as a feeble beast to the saints but devouring the lost.
We believe we are the sons of a living majesty.
A mark only seen upon the faithful, from the never ending truth with everlasting youth, we fall to our knees as the unveiling draws near.
Surrounded by destructive heresies, we are made the worlds enemies, no threats will ever threaten me.
We believe we are the sons of a living majesty.
We are the messengers in the last days.
5. Nailed. Dead. Risen.
Nailed dead and risen, a perfect life divine sacrifice.
A despised savior-despise only me.
Silenced by the mislead who mock the God they never met.
The evil of men's minds knows no limits, who chooses hell over forgiveness.
You try and try to obliterate my fathers name, it sickens me! I stay silenced no more.
A despised savior-despise only me.
You try and try to obliterate my fathers name, it sickens me! I stay silences no more.
Send me to the depths of hell, and ill bring back risen souls.
Despise our savior-just remember, nailed, dead, and risen.
6. Condemned
A shake is coming leaving not one brick or stone in full form.
Waves of terror are foreseen, rebellion flashes before your eyes.
Great monuments lay as rubble, the dust has not yet settled, relentless destruction.
Your end is in the distance you know this.
Your lips tremble like the earth.
Eyes water in solitude you stand.
With this world you live by, with this world you'll die.
Last breathe on earth, to your first breathe in hell.
Condemned by your deeds you fates been sealed.
Last breathe on earth, to first breathe in hell.
Condemned by your deeds your fates been sealed.
7. At the Churches' End
Raise your flag-wear your cross, stand silent of the cost.
Our Spoiled rotten nation has taken for granted our blessings, putting more faith in an inconclusive science, than our maker, our first love.
The church age in America is coming to it's end, vanished, gone in the blink of an eye, and then you will see the peace of man.
The piece of man that desires death, the worst ways imaginable.
The Fallacies of our perfections are revealed in the eradication of our foundation.
Nuclear showers invade our land, controlled under dark command.
Lifeless families lay desolate, while radiation suits stare down upon there deformity.
When will you learn humanity needs a saviour?
Seek deeper in revelation before the fall of a nation.
8. Silence The Oppressors
To the following Christians listen closely.
We bring our light to a new realm, a realm you dare not enter, passing judgment behind stone walls, behind your absence of understanding.
We will crush your walls that dictate where our ministry goes, don't you ever tell me I'm using God as a gimmick.
I'm not a heretic, I'm not a hypocrite; those insults make me sick from the ones I have fellowship with.
We aren't doing this for our own, but for one name holy and alone.
These venues are our church, we are the gospel in the darkness, and this is our exaltation.
We are the gospel in the darkness; we bring our light to a new realm, a realm you dare not enter, passing judgment behind stone walls, behind your absence of understanding.
Are you listening!!!
We'll crush the walls that dictate where our ministry goes, this is our church, this is our worship,
9. For All Have Sinned
Violators be damned for your desecration proud, blasphemers your wickedness will not go unpunished, for he crushes his oppressors and embraces his righteous!
Those who call upon his name for strength shall be blessed.
Standing by my faith is were I belong; facing trials and oppression makes me strong.
But I am a good person, oh no we're not!
Evil men walk in heaven through repentance, good men sizzle through ignorance.
Do not talk down on what you don't know, or there will be hell to pay.
For he crushes his oppressors.
10. Feeding The Decomposing
My sinister mind, a containment for evil.
It is my false identity, telling me to feed my rotting flesh-my most sickest of desires.
Compromise, rationalize, questioning my joy in you.
Why do I surround myself with the seductions of this place and expect my rewards?
I can see your blood on the floor taking my punishment.
Your grace and love is heaven sent.
My bodies the infested, the disease, rip me out of me, dwell in me oh god.
Give me the faith and in my believing, your kingdom will be revealed.
11. He's Coming Back
He's coming back!
He's coming back!