 В конце 80-х спрос на мелодичный прогрессив-метал после крайне успешных работ Queensryche и Fates Warning стал возрастать в геометрической прогрессии. Как следствие, появляется можество команд, работающих и развивающихся в широких рамках данного направления (вспомним, например, популярный коллектив Dream Theater, который сделал себе имя на этой волне). Одним из таких новоявленных коллективов стала американская команда Recon из Лос-Анджелеса, которая попробовала внедрить христианско-библейскую тематику в жесткий американский пауэр-метал с прогрессивным уклоном. В качестве основных ориентиров, разумеется, были взяты Queensryche и Iron Maiden. Хотя, надо отметить, звучание у Recon гораздо жестче, чем и у тех, и у других, что очень ярко выражается в агрессивных полутрэшевых риффах. Сам альбом записан немного грязновато, но все же неплохо, а техничность музыкантов на высочайшем уровне. Тексты, как и у многих христианских групп тех лет, по большей части бред сивой кобылы, поэтому на них останавливаться не буду. Теперь несколько слов непосредственно о музыке. Начинается сие творение с красивого акустического интро, которое плавно переходит в открывающую "Lost Soldier", которая как две капли воды напоминает ранний Queensryche, только тяжелее. Впрочем, сама песня от этого ничуть не проиграла, даром что по-хорошему мрачна и мелодична. В-общем-то, все трэки в разной степени похожи на творчество "Королевы рейха" чаще всего из-за схожести интонаций и манеры исполнения у вокалиста Ветта Робертса и Джеффа Тэйта. Тем не менее, явным плагиатом здесь не пахнет, чо, несомненно, радует. Помимо вышеназванной композиции следует отметить настоящий хит, тяжелый и мелодичный шедевр "Dreams" с прекрасным текстом о любви, отличные прогрессивные номера "Choose This Day" и "Take Us Away" и заглавную забойную "Behind Enemy Lines", в конце которой вставлен самый настоящий бласт-бит! Неплохо слушаются баллада "Holy Is The Lord" и мощный хэви-боевик "Alive", хотя их припевы достаточно серые и плохо запоминающиеся. И, наконец, неудачные в мелодическом плане и в то же время весьма навороченные "Ancient Of Days" и "Eternal Destiny", которые оставляют невнятное впечатление, Хотя, учитывая, что это дебютная работа, можно признать ее удавшейся. Особой известности Recon так и не получили, и помнят их лишь любители старого американского пауэра да раннего прогрессива. Среди фанатов христианского метала а-ля Stryper и Bloodgood они также не получили широкого признания. Так что становятся понятны причины развала этой, в-общем-то талантливой команды. Как знать, быть может, исправив недочеты дебютной работы, Recon поднялись бы на уровень не ниже Dream Theater, тем более что их прогрессив-метал подкупает умеренным использованием наворотов и духом настоящего металла (чего ни у Dream Theater, ни у Pain Of Salvation, ни у Symphony-X никогда не было и не будет). |
The pleasures of life
Will take it's toll on you
And you know deep inside you can't hide
You must try to
Feel the fire
Burning desire
Fan into the flame
The fire that can never die
Feel the fire
Burning desire
Take hold of the Sword
The Word of life
The armor of God to prepare you for the fight
Take time to pray
Come back to stay
Let Jesus Christ complete His work in you
And you know
Deep inside
You can't hide
You must try to
Feel the fire...
Feel the fire...
Feel the fire burn
3. Ancient of Days
[Ochoa / Roberts]
The prophet had a dream
Four beast from the sea
Mystery what could this mean
Four mighty nations will rise to conquer and rule the world
In time you'll see
Their powers will die
God's kingdom reigns forever
It shall forever never fall
I have seen the vision Ancient of Days
Power, the glory, the gift, the prophecy
Can you see His visions
Ancient of Days
One comes from the East
The dragon that gives power to the beast
One world system soon to arrive
Fear God give Him the glory
He calls with a voice of thunder
Judgement has come
The kingdom's at hand
God's kingdom reigns forever
It shall forever never fall
I have seen...
I am He who lives and was dead
Behold I live forevermore
Mighty nations rise to conquer and rule the world
When He returns
The Godless will die
God's kingdom reigns forever
It shall forever never fall
I have seen...
4. Choose this Day
[Ochoa / Roberts]
Wasted time my friend
Don't' you know we're in the bitter end
He's coming back again
To save us all from this world of sin
Christ the Savior, He'll set you free
Christ died for Sins
Come and receive
It's your decision
Choose this day whom you will serve
Come and confess Him
Jesus Christ
The only way
Ask Him in today
Emotional leaders are coming down
New Age logic
That lies been around
Religious society
It's insanity
A hope for you and me
Christ the Savior, He'll set you free
Christ die for sins, come and receive
It's your...
It's your... in your heart He'll stay
5. Dreams
[DeRoque / Ochoa]
Cold places
Empty faces stare at me
In my dreams
I see them looking
The things that haunted
Scaring me with my past
I wonder if I'll make it
I wonder how this could be
Will I ever get out of here
Will I ever be set free
I know your name in life
Help me speak it in my dreams
In my, in my dreams (You are always with me) in my, in my dreams
They're coming to get me
Oh there's no where to hide
Then You show and reveal Your power to me
Shadow's break then
I've learned quickly
All your power to see
Comes to life when I speak your name
All the demons they flee
I know your name in life
Help me speak it in my dreams
In my, in my dreams...
6. Take Us Away
[Ochoa / Ronson]
Lord take us away, we're looking to be set free
For we believe Your word, that You'll return
Like you said one day
In a blink of an eye
Trumpets will sound
Dead in Christ will arise
You will come back for your bride
Take us away like a thief in the night
Take us away
From this world of hurt
Sorrow and pain
Take us away
Take us away
If I die tonight
I know that I'll be with you
I pray I'd live my life as though you'll come each and every day
In a blink of an eye...
Take us away...
Though I seem impatient
Lord Jesus come Quickly
I just can't wait until that day
I see your face
Take us away...
7. Holy is the Lord
[Kelly Green]
Holy is the Lord
Holy is the Lord
Holy is the Lord
Holy is the Lord
Righteousness and Mercy
Judgement and Grace
Faithfulness and Sovereignty
Holy is the Lord
Holy is the Lord
Holy is the Lord...
Righteousness and Mercy...
Holy is the Lord...
Holy, Holy is the Lord
Worthy, Worthy, Worthy, Worthy is the Lord
Righteousness and Mercy
Judgement and Grace
Faithfulness and Sovereignty
Holy is the Lord...
8. Alive!
[Ochoa / Roberts / Ronson]
I know how you feel
Empty, sad and lonely
You try booze and pills but in the end you're empty
Living life like a wounded child
You've been deceived
God's hand stretched across the sea
For you and me
Let's start to live
Live for the King
It is written
He is alive
He is alive
Believe what say for he will never lie to you
Power, glory and selfishness
Won't set you free
Let's start to live
Live for the King
It is written
He is alive He is alive
He is risen
He is alive
He is alive
Like a dream I feel so free
I love the Lord in me
By my faith my love grows strong
Oh He's so mighty
His kingdom is at hand
Believe and be saved
By his love we must stand
It's time to live
Live for the King
He is alive...
9. Eternal Destiny
[Ochoa / Roberts]
Right now a revelation
Sweeping across the nations
The end is near
Crystal clear
Seven years of tribulation
Like a lion on the prowl
The Devil's hungry for your soul
There's a number 666
I beg you don't receive it
'cause if you do you'll burn in Hell Burning there forever
Like a lion on the prowl
The devil's hungry for your soul
This is your warning
The choice that you make will destine eternity
Take heed this warning
Jesus is King
Satan has lost
Can't you see
The Lamb of God
Sits on His throne
Judging all the nations
Those who deny the grace of God
Shall be sentenced to the lake of fire
Like a lion on the prowl
The Devil's hungry for your soul
This is your...
(Rev 20:11-15)
This is your...
10. Behind Enemy Lines
[Brown / Ochoa]
Recon, an elite force
Highly trained for war
Armed and dangerous
The enemy is no match
For a warrior of God
Come and join the soldiers of the light
Be prepared to tread dangerous ground and to fight
Behind enemy lines
Behind enemy lines
Soldier, take up your arms and use your weapon well
There's a battle field
A faith waiting to be won
Come and join the soldiers of the light
Be prepared to tread dangerous ground and to fight
Behind enemy lines...
Recon, an elite...
Behind enemy lines...