 Ах, как же иногда приятно слушать профессионалов своего дела. Пускай никаких музыкальных откровений мы от них не услышим, но работа, выполненная в спокойном уверенном стиле, слушается очень легко, а приёмы и методы игры, отточенные до филигранности за годы музыкальной карьеры, бьют точно в цель.
Именно таким проектом можно считать группу Ring Of Fire или супергруппу, как подсказывает Википедия, ведь здесь собрались по-настоящему крутые виртуозы: Джордж Беллас, Вёрджил Донати, Виталий Куприй и др. Альбом, который они представляют на наш суд, "Оракул", является крепким образчиком прогрессивного металла с заметными вкраплениями неоклассических элементов.
Первое, что мы слышим - это вступление на клавишных Виталия Куприя. В дальнейшем его виртуозные пассажи и атмосферные аранжировки не отпускают слушателя ни на мгновение, правда, иногда они могут звучать немного назойливо, что усугубляется ещё и тем, что гитарные партии Джорджа Белласа отодвинуты на второй план клавишными. Но гитара в руках господина Белласа - это сказка: энергичные риффовки восхитительной сложности сменяются виртуозными соло, вах! Игра Вёрджила Донати, который обычно витает в плоскостях джаза и фьюжена, на "Оракуле" выполнена в довольно строгой металлической манере: четкие ритмы и обилие двойных бас-бочек, но не без творчески преподнесённых сбивок, выполняют довольно утилитарную по отношению к другим инструментам роль, но выполняют её безупречно. Что касается басиста, Филиппа Бинуа... то его игра как-то и не особо слышна, но, судя выразительным позам на концертных фото, он крут. А вот вокал в первые мгновения может смутить: может, это работа звукорежиссёра, может, звёзды на небе сложились в зловещую дулю, но голос Марка Боалса звучит глухо, а так как он поёт от души, то создаётся ощущение, что Марк тужится и не может взять ноту. Но всё-таки в процессе прослушивания альбома этот досадный косяк перестаёт обращать на себя внимание, так как вокальные партии действительно хороши: весьма хитовые, выразительные мотивы, спетые красивым мужским голосом, что ещё надо для полного счастья?
"Оракул" - хорошая, годная работа. Слушайте и наслаждайтесь. |
And the circle keeps on turning evermore
Gone forever each moment pure
But tomorrow, morning sun is gonna shine
There's no stopping the circle of time
Dynasties going to war
Fight to the last to even the score
Win or lose, still they want more
Power and Majesty, tempered with greed
Holding to key the peace that they never see
Season change
And every ending becomes the beginning
The world keeps spinning
And the circle keeps on turning evermore
Gone forever each moment pure
But tomorrow, morning sun is gonna shine
There's no stopping the circle of time
3. Shadow In The Dark
First to came to me
Tried a friend to be
Then you started to hate
Full of jealousy
Became my enemy
There was nothing to say
But when the sun rises high there's no place for you
You'll be gone away but you won't even leave a mark
Just remember you are just a shadow of the dark
Someday you will see
What you did to me
How you turned me away
Stole my dignity
Then you laughed at me
Tried to drive me insane
But when the sun rises high there's no place for you
You'll be gone away but you won't even leave a mark
Just remember you are just a shadow of the dark
Nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide
From all your lies
Morning has come
You're caught in the light of day
Now you're gonna melt away
4. Vengeance For Blood
Another day lonely day
Fading to grey
There's no getting away
So tired of lying away
Feeling my cold heart break
There's nothing more I can take
I know before morning comes
I'll do what has got to be done
I'm gonna make it right tonight
I'm riding for vengeance
Vengeance for blood
I'm racing the engines
Vengeance for blood
For everything you have done
Your time has come
Now there's nowhere to run
You have started a war
You escaped death before
But you won't anymore
I know before morning comes
I'll do what has got to be done
I'm gonna make it right tonight
I'm riding for vengeance
Vengeance for blood
I'm racing the engines
Vengeance for blood
It's time to make you play
There's nothing you can do
Don't you know I got nothing to lose
I been counting every hour
Till I see your face
How much longer will I have to wait!
5. Samurai
Moon in the eastern sky
The warrior's lullaby
The rising sun
Soon will come
A glorious time to die
Armour, lance and sword
Murder, aim and gore
On and on
Generals fight destiny
Soon they're gone
To the world of dreams
Song of the Samurai
Living and dying for honor and glory
Their whole life forsaking
For all time awaking
Legends forever
On gilded horses ride
As arrows start to fly
And blood will spill
Up until
Everything wrong's made right
Armour, lance and sword
Murder, aim and gore
On and on
Generals fight destiny
Soon they're gone
To the world of dreams
6. City Of Dead
City of golden design
Buried with unspoken treasure inside
Nobody knows of the danger it hides
Center of power and greed
Deep in the tomb's where they planted the seed
Waiting for victims
Ready to feed
It's the city of the dead
Lonely streets where ancient spirits tread
In the city of the dead
You can hear the voice in your head
In the temple's secret passage
Evil curses said
Heed their warning to stay away
City of the dead
Hundreds of centuries old
Places where legends and stories are told
Unknowing victims come searching for gold
It's the city of the dead
Lonely streets where ancient spirits tread
In the city of the dead
You can hear the voice in your head
In the temple's secret passage
Evil curses said
Heed their warning to stay away
City of the dead
7. Dreams Of Empire
As the trumpets of Charlemagne sing
Brave knights march
For the great and mighty king
In aces dark
Fight the battles
Of a holy war
For the empire
Kill by the score
No glory no story
Just too young to die
No sign for no time for
One soldiers cry
From the power of Napoleon's crown
Empire reigns
For the conquest of all around
In his name
In the cross-fire
Of a thousand guns
Simple soldier
Nowhere to run
No glory no story
Just too young to die
No sign for no time for
One soldiers cry
It's always the same
So many heroes are dying unnamed
There is no flame
8. The Oracle
Stars in alignment
Revealing mysterious signs
From desert mountains to pyramids of light
Riddles unfold
The future foretold
Wandering travelers follow the signs
Hearing the Oracle's words
Giving new secrets their birth
Over and over
With wisdom and knowledge
Telling tomorrow's worth
The Oracle
Pilgrims pay homage
Bringing their sacrifice
The Oracle gives enigmatic replies
Facing unknown
In temples of stone
Ancient voices frozen in time
Hearing the Oracle's words
Giving new secrets their birth
Over and over
With wisdom and knowledge
Telling tomorrow's worth
The Oracle
Unspoken words, mystical energy
Ancient voices frozen in time
Ancestral dance, incense and mystery
Wandering travelers follow the signs
9. Interlude
10. Land Of Illusion
I see castle walls
Towers standing call
Mountains rising from the sea
I can feel her next to me in the mist
She's so beautiful I can't resist
Can't touch her she vanishes
I know it's only a matter of time
I've got to find her and make her mine
But this is only a land of illusion
Filled with confusion
Lake a labyrinth
Now I'm lost within
Nothing is as it appears
Minutes seem like years
Finally, there she stands
Reach our tenderly to touch her hand
Feel her kiss, she vanishes
I know it's only a matter of time
I've got to find her and make her mine
But this is only a matter of time
I've got to find her and make her mine
But this is only a land of illusion
Filled with confusion
Ancient memories
Are clear to me
Now I know how well to break the spell
She'll be with me forever now
I know it's only a matter of time
I've got to find her and make her mine
But this is only a land of illusion
Filled with confusion
11. Take Me Home
I lay down the phone
My heart like a stone
I still hear your voice
But I made my choice
I just walked away
You begged me to stay
With ice in my veins
I told you to let it be, let me be
I just need to be free
I found someone new
A house made for two
But what can I do
I still think of you
I made up my mind
I must have been blind
Guess I'll never find
Another magic dream
Meant to be
Untamed for eternity
Are you still there. Do you still care
I call out to you, begging you please
Take me home
Into your heart, it's where I belong
I begging you please take me home
Into your arms where I can be strong
Been gone far too long
As days pass me by
Still living a lie
I wish I knew why
I can't ever try
I feel so afraid
Wish I had just stayed
But everything changed
Now I'm all alone again
Without a friend
Wishing you were here with me
Are you still there. Do you still care
I'm calling to you
12. Face The Fire
Voices in your mind, from another time
Tell you what to say, travel far away
Go wherever they lead you
But still no one believes you
It's all in your hands. You must save your land
Restore everything to the rightful king
But whatever to you
You can't deny what you know in your heart to be true
If the evil queen calls you a liar
Face the fire!
With a sword of light, fight the black knights
Set the people free, fill their destiny
Everyone has invited. To a country united
Then they set a trap. No more turning back
No attempt to flee, from the enemy
Even good friends betray you
But you can deny what you know in your
Heart to be true
When the evil king calls you a liar
Face the fire
In the final tale. Captured, thrown in jail
Charged with sorcery. And indecency
For arousing suspicion. Trial and inquisition
People need to learn. Witches have to burn
It is simple fate. Put them to the stake
Try to break you with torture
But you can deny what you know in your
Heart to be true
When the evil king calls you a liar
Face the fire