 Так угодно было случаю, что модный трансформер в духе то ли VoiVod, то ли Nocturnus с обложки незнакомой старинной банды подмигнул мне. Пришлось ознакомиться в порядке самообразования и закрытия белых пятен в своих музыкальных познаниях. Как было выяснено в ходе расследования, дело мы имеем с неким осколком (недурственной) спид-металической банды Deathwish из Великобритании. Дело обычное, но что Hydra Vein не только своей футуристической обложкой, но и – самое главное – музыкой выйдут за рамки (тогдашнего, конечно) мейнстрима, вот это было несколько неожиданно. Целых шесть песен в духе старинных Kreator или Sadus, скоростных, с хрутсящим гитарным звуком, атональными, почти что чужеродными соляками – всё чин-чинарём, и даже длина песен ещё держится в рамках приемлемого. Но сложные мрачные композиции (пожалуй, что не песни, а действительно, композиции), развивающиеся из завихрений, в общем-то, обычных метал-риффов, создают ощущение присутствия чего-то холодного и враждебного. Апогея альбом, по-моему, достигает именно в последней композиции, в размеренном жутковатом «реквиеме», сопровождаемом жиденькими клавишами. И хотя Hydra Vein, кажется, так и не смогли полностью оторваться от стандартных хэви-запилов, своим последним альбомом они показали, что и в британском трэше изредка появляются яркие имена. Много ли вы таких знаете? Вот, запомните ещё одно! |
Malarial graveyards for hunting grounds; life and freedom for burial shrouds
Giving out blankets alive with disease; starving the tribes into renegades, thieves
Hunt and kill them: Squaws and children on reservations
For our great nation
They call us Long Knives: That is me
Because I ride with the U.S.C
Fighting the white man just to survive; trying to strike back against genocide
As we ride to wipe them all out: Little Big Horn the battleground
Christ, look at them: No squaws and children
No reservations for the Sioux nation
Decimated, then a lone stand: Me
Bound to die with 7.U.S.C
2. Pro Patria
Ankle deep in dirt and blood: The living death I die, my love
Metal shells, barking guns, fighting for foreign mud
Stretch your boundaries to someone’s nether shore
Playing with the fire that you call the game of war
Lost in battle fury then, when the killing’s done
There’s another fucking cause with some other mother’s son
Death comes swift on leathern wings. You know that’s all the future brings
Just a pawn in the game of politics: No cause, no name
Left with nothing but your war-torn memories
Fighting not with men but some pseudonym, disease
Yours is not to question, just to do or die
Eking out existence, a shadow of a life
3. Born Through Ignorance
Read the apocryphal testament of lies
Magniloquent words of the ecumen despised
Lurks like some prognathic, predatory shrike
Meretricious postures before the deadly strike
God omnipotent, born through ignorance
Fear-, not Heaven-sent: Born through ignorance
Lies their testament, born through ignorance
Rules the live of men born through ignorance
Purulent in its gestures, pyaemic hagiarchy
Wafer-thin refulgence hides the obloquy
Promising salvation with the rood, the guise
Plotting their dominion: Time for us to secularise
God omnipotent, born through ignorance
Fear-, not Heaven-sent: Born through ignorance
Lies their testament, born through ignorance
Rules the live of men born through ignorance
Onward, Christian soldiers; go to blind and blame
Use the cross of Jesus to build your world of shame
Reeking of pomposity, the words you say convince
To exculpate you from the populace’s indigence
God omnipotent, born through ignorance
Fear-, not Heaven-sent: Born through ignorance
Lies their testament, born through ignorance
Rules the live of men born through ignorance
4. Passed Present / No Future
Degradation of life: It happens now, it happens today
Man can’t stop the changes, come what may
Salvation has gone, taking with it the wings of your dove
Blind eyes can’t see the damage, killing love
Return to reality, return to sanity
Peace on Earth you pray
Nuclear destiny crushes mortality
Abolish D.N.A
The world we live in today: A pulsating mass
Of violent human ignorance, a shrine to mankind’s insolence
Violent human ignorance, a shrine to mankind’s insolence
Run for your lives
Run to your precious light
The curtain’s coming down
Day will turn to night
Infernal damnation, infernal damnation, infernal damnation …
… Damnation will come, bringing anger from above
Blind eyes can’t see the damage, killing love
Continue the depravity, continue Hellish blasphemy
“What have I done wrong?” is all you can say?
Nuclear destiny crushes mortality
Abolish D.N.A
No future – Conflagration
No future – Devastation
No future – Radiation
No future – Mass cremation
No future – Annihilation
No future – Deprivation
No future – Violation
No future – Black damnation
5. Turning Point
The broken hand of fate has dealt a rotten blow
As torn and tortured faces scream, I have but one way to go
Master of reality, overlord of Hell
Stay with me, my talisman: Tales of evil now I tell
Supremacy, I’m unafraid: It’s no place for luckless fools
Survival of the fittest; Abide with me, power rules
In the night he came, summoned from below
Sanguinary sweat, brow-beating heat, pumping heart begins to slow
Talons ever strong constricting at my throat
Searing pain inside my mind, the eye-soft minions gloat
A thousand souls, maybe more, suspended feet above
Never have I praised the Lord but, then, He had my love
Taste the blackened rod
Your soul I now anoint
You’ve got to kneel before your god
You’ve reached the turning point
Mortality has gone; the barrier is down
Life on Earth is now condemned, bringing the sacred crown
Master of reality, overlord of Hell
Cleanse my mind of impurity: Tales of evil yet to tell
Feed the gods to slake their lust, your soul is hooked
Caught between World and Underworld, the battle must be fought
Taste the blackened rod
Your soul I now anoint
You’ve got to kneel before your god
You’ve reached the turning point
6. After the Dream
Millions in revolt through countless bloody wars
Centuries of strife and what was it all for
Because you’re oppressed doesn’t mean in time
You can’t turn your coat and join them in their crime
The truth after the dream is not all that it seems
The truth after the dream is a joke, sick and obscene
The truth after the dream … Your new world, pure and clean
The truth after the dream … Is not what it should be
Children armed with guns and teenaged widows mourn
Life without a meaning, fight the fight to which they’re born
Scream your rebel yells: You’ve got to die well for the cause
Sense of self long lost while the revolution calls
The truth after the dream is not all that it seems
The truth after the dream is a joke, sick and obscene
The truth after the dream … Your new world, pure and clean
The truth after the dream … Is not what it should be
Millions in revolt through countless bloody wars
Life without a meaning, fight the fight to which they’re born
When the killing’s done, it’s all remained the same
Power over people; pawns in the master game
The truth after the dream is not all that it seems
The truth after the dream is a joke, sick and obscene
The truth after the dream … Your new world, pure and clean
The truth after the dream … Is not what it should be
Victory or death for the glory of war in the name of the people and love of one’s country
In the name of the people and love of one’s country?
So passes the glory of the world
Rest in peace