 Как известно, грайндкор рубят в основном люди с чувством юмора. Иногда с не совсем здоровым, правда. В данном случае - похоже, с очень нездоровым.
Пару слов о пациенте. Vaginal Jesus - видимо, проект Сета Путнама, основателя легендарного Anal Cunt. По крайней мере, руку (а то и все остальное, простите) он к созданию коллектива явно приложил. По стилю это все же не столько грайнд, сколько утяжеленный хардкор, то бишь hatecore. Звук сухой и не особо жесткий - есть даже мелодичные моменты (хаотического рубилова, правда, больше). Гроул зловещий, низкий, кое-где присутствуют скандирующие интонации.
"Affirmative Apartheid" - своего рода компиляция всего, что было выпущено под вывеской Vaginal Jesus. Потому и материал на пластинке неоднороден. Точнее, первые три четверти треклиста звучат в одинаковом ключе, а вот последние пять композиций немного выбиваются из основного материала - они гораздо сырее.
Чему посвящена лирика, несложно догадаться, глянув на названия песен (чего стоит только неологизм "Hanukaust"). Но мне кажется, что парни просто пародируют НС, Дэвида Лэйна и группы вроде Grinded Nig, не более того. Хотя кто их знает... В любом случае, трудно воспринимать всерьез шедевры в духе "Jesus was nothing but a fucking jew / If we were in Aushwitz, i'd give him a tattoo" и "White Power Jew, White Power Jew / You're the parasite, israelite" (последний текст, думаю, был написан под вдохновением небезызвестного произведения "The Believer").
Альбому рекомендуется внимать целиком и, по возможности, несколько раз подряд. Большая часть песен запоминается с первого прослушивания - результат ритмичных, драйвовых риффов и "гладких" текстов. Ко всему прочему, композиции не однообразны. Выделить из такой кучи лучшие треки непросто, тем более, что проходных песен тут нет. Но кое-что мне запало в память особенно: "Run Nigger Run" (наверное, лучшая вещь на пластинке), "Slave Runaway / Beat Rodney Down" (на редкость забойная композиция), "Jesus Was Nothing But a Jew" (богохульный угар!), "One-Way Ticket To Treblinka" (зацепила великолепным чеканным ритмом), "Happy Hanukaust" (вполне мелодичный медляк) и "The Gestapo Stomp" (очень забавный трек, особенно вступление). Самая любопытная песня - последняя, "Coon Bashin", представляющая собой какой-то олдскульный трэш с чистым, чуть хриплым вокалом. Остроумно, что тут скажешь.
Как это ни странно, просто угарный альбом. Мгновенно поднимает настроение с первых же аккордов. После прослушивания трудно сдержать себя, чтобы не врубить его снова. Еще пару раз…
Ну а новых шедевров от Vaginal Jesus ждать не стоит - в 2004-м проект закрыли. К сожалению. |
You go there for free due to quotas they keep,
You march to Washington
to get on the news,
You mug for the cameras held by the jews.
Million Monkey March, you're a fucking spook (x2)
2. Hey Jew, Nice Hooknose
You're a fucking jew
and everybody knows
Hooknose, Hooknose - you've got a hooknose
The whites do the work and your bank account grows
Hooknose, Hooknose, you've got a hooknose
We'll shove you in the furnace where all
the trash goes
Hooknose,Hooknose - you've got a hooknose (x2)
3. Back Of The Bus
Old ladies just wanna get around town
They dont want to sit next to something brown
You're vile, disgusting, revolting and black
So keep walking, nigger, and get in the back
Back of the bus, back of the bus - we don't want you to sit near us (2x)
That stupid fucking chimp rosa parks was a cunt
That brain-damaged monkey tried to sit in the front
She forgot that she was from an inferior class
If she was here now I'd kick her primate ass
Back of the bus, back of the bus - we don't want you to sit near us (2x)
You stupid fucking ugly nigger piece of shit
You'd better find yourself another place to sit
When you get on the bus you'd better walk by
'Cause if you sit in the front you're gonna die
Back of the bus, back of the bus - we don't want you to sit near us (2X)
4. Indians are Red Nigger Skunks
We came over here and took away your nation,
We killed half of you and put the rest in reservations,
You had pride and tradition until we took it away,
You should be thankful that we didn't turn you into slaves
Indians are Red Nigger Skunks
Indians are Red Nigger Skunks - you suck (x2)
You used to cut us down with arrows and axes,
Now you have free land you don't pay taxes,
It's politically correct to care about you,
Must be a plot cooked up by some jew.
Indians are Red Nigger Skunks
Indians are Red Nigger Skunks - you suck (x2)
I'm gonna burn your teepee
I'm gonna burn your casino
I'm gonna burn your reservation
I'm gonna shove your peace pipe
up your fucking ass
Indians are Red Nigger Skunks
Indians are Red Nigger Skunks - you suck
Indians are Red Nigger Skunks (x2)
5. I Hate Niggers
Niggers, niggers, niggers - I hate niggers
I hate you for no reason except you're black
I'm gonna kill you by poisoning your crack
You came from africa, i wish you'd go back
You're a fucking nigger because you're fucking black
A.B., T.C., Chuck D. - you're all fucking black
O.J., Cool-J., Sugar Ray - you're all fucking black
6. Mandatory Abortions for Niggers
Mandatory Abortions for Niggers (x4)
Show up to your house with steel-toed boots,
Kick your ass right off the roof,
Then shove a coathanger in your cunt,
And scrape out that nigger runt.
Mandatory Abortions for Niggers
There's too many spooks, don't need any more,
stomp that future criminal on the floor,
It's about time you realized
You primates should be sterilized
Mandatory Abortions for Niggers (x4)
7. Wrapped in Chains
When I first saw you black ugly fucks
My father bought you at an auction for a hundred bucks,
He's passed on, I won you now,
So shine my shoes and drag my plow,
Wrapped in chains, just a slave,
That's all you'll be, from birth to grave.
You're a slave because you're black
You run away, we'll drag you back,
Hey Sambo, pick some corn,
Or you'll regret the day that you were born
Wrapped in chains, just a slave,
That's all you'll be, from birth to grave
8. One-Way Ticket to Treblinka
You were hiding in an attic and we kicked in your door,
One-way ticket to Treblinka - Treblinka!
You tried to bargain for your life by
telling us there were more,
One-way ticket to Treblinka - Treblinka!
You gave us all the info but we killed you anyway,
One-way ticket to Treblinka - Treblinka!
Thanks for the tip, you penny-sniffing jew
One-way ticket to Treblinka - Treblinka!
You thought that you could hide but we
killed your hymie asses
One-way ticket to Treblinka - Treblinka!
All that's left of you are shoes,
teeth and glasses
One-way ticket to Treblinka - Treblinka!
It's a white mans planet, and theres
no jews allowed
One-way ticket to Treblinka - Treblinka!
Your earthly remains are floating on a cloud
One-way ticket to Treblinka - Treblinka!
9. Martin Luther Coon Day
Martin Luther King, he didn't do a thing
They should've gave this day
to James Earl Ray (x2)
Now I've got a free afternoon
I'm gonna go out and kill a coon
A joke holiday, i'll show no respect
I'm gonna burn a cross on your housing project.
Martin Luther King, he didn't do a thing
They should've gave this day
to James Earl Ray (x2)
10. Run Nigger Run
Run- I've got a chainsaw
Run- I've got david duke's phone number
Run- My father owns a rope factory
Run- My uncle's the grand dragon
Run, Nigger-nigger, run, nigger-nigger, run! run! (3x)
Run, Nigger-nigger, run, nigger-nigger, run!
Run- I've got a bucket of tar
Run- And it looks like you
Run- My friend has some feathers
Run- You're gonna fucking die
Run, Nigger-nigger, run, nigger-nigger, run! run! (3x)
Run, Nigger-nigger, run, nigger-nigger, run!
11. White Power Jew
You always say how you hate the jew
But they sell records for less than you,
We're gonna blow the whistle on you
Because you're a White Power Jew
White Power Jew, White Power Jew
You're the parasite, israelite
We won't give cash to you, white power jew,
You try to brainwash us to think you're great,
But you sell your stuff at a ridiculous rate,
Your markups are a jewish amount
All you care about's your bank account
White Power Jew, White Power Jew
You're the parasite, israelite
We won't give cash to you, white power jew,
You always say how you hate the jew,
But they sell records for less than you,
We're gonna blow the whistle on you,
Because you're a white power jew
White Power Jew, White Power Jew
You're the parasite, israelite
We won't give cash to you, white power jew!
12. Get Out
They wash up on our shores with each tide
Once they get in, they get a free ride
I'm sick of it, ive got white pride
Lets go and skin their worthless hides
Get out! get out! get out! (2x)
They come to our country and wreck the place
Scare old ladies with their ugly ape-face
Niggers and spics selling blow
All I can say is they've got to go
Get out! get out! get out! (2x)
Jews come in and buy everything up
Ruined our economy, where does it stop?
Foreign scum and infectious queers
You're not fucking wanted here
Niggers and spics, dotheads and gooks
Beaners and jews, towelheads and slopes
Whoever called america the melting pot
Should've been taken out and shot
Our forefathers would probably roll in their graves
If they knew we have less than their slaves
Get out! Get out! Get out! (3x)
Get out! Get out! Get Fucking out!
13. No E.O.E.
If I were a boss
I'd never hire you
If you're a spic, a nigger or a jew.
No E.O.E!
14. Happy Hanukaust
Your uncle is a bar of soap, your cousin is a lampshade
Your best friend is a candle, and you're a fucking jew
Your neighbors are a landfill, too bad you got away
But all the jews that didn't have rotted in the lime pits
50 years later, you've still got an agenda
For world domination, but you'd better think again
To when we had the upper hand, der furher had control
You kikes were in the cattle cars, then shoved into an oven...
Think of all the friends and family you lost...
Happy Hanukaust!
You claim six million, i wish it were true
But you're a pack of lying fucking jews
A holocaust memorial is built on the land
Where most of your relatives are buried in the sand
In bulldozed graves to cover the pollution...
Too bad you weren't part of the final solution
Wearing long sleeves to cover your tattoo
Will never hide the fact that you're a dirty jew
Think of all the friends and family you lost...
Happy Hanukaust!
Light the menorah and think of the time
When you sold out your neighbors for a handful of dimes
All those filthy jews... they must have been pissed,
They couldn't buy their way onto Schindler's list
Think of all the friends and family you lost...
Happy Hanukaust!
15. Slave Runaway / Beat Rodney Down
Slave runaway, die jigaboo(x2)
Pull over, nigger!
(Throughout:) Beat Rodney down! Down to the ground!
Another fucking nigger that got what he deserved!
At least the cops got away without time served,
He tried to get away so they threw him to the ground,
They pulled out their clubs and beat rodney down
They should've run him over,
They should've used mace,
They should've got a gun and shot him in the face,
They beat him with their clubs, on the fucking ground,
I wish i was their to beat rodney down
The liberals rallied, the body count tallied,
Because those mindless apes rioted in Cali,
The niggers went wild in several other towns,
Lets kick their black asses like we beat rodney down
16. Die Homie Die
I think you're fucking ugly, I think you fucking smell,
You moved into my neighbourhood and then it went to Hell,
Die Homie, die.
You think you're fucking tough, you think you're fucking big,
But you're just another lousy fucking jig,
Die Homie, die
Always on the corner, selling fucking crack,
Cry racism when you're busted because you're fucking black,
Die Homie, die
You say you hate whitey, but you want his woman,
Well i've got news for you nigger- the race war is coming
Die Homie, die
17. Blood Nigger II
Gonna kill you - bloodnigger
Gonna lynch you - bloodnigger
Make you die - bloodnigger
Make you suffer - fucking spook
18. Planet Of The Apes
Spook- on my street - selling crack - gonna kill you,
Courts let you go because you're black-
Fuckin' Sambo - Die
You prehistoric apes, you ugly nappy bums,
You moved into our neighbourhoods and turned them into slums,
We used to have an empire 'till you moved into town,
We're gonna get the righteous whites and burn it to the ground,
You prehistoric apes, you ugly nappy bums,
You moved into our neighbourhoods and turned them into slums,
The planet of the apes, its such a fucking shame,
The nigger-loving liberals, they're the ones to blame
19. X Marks The Spook
Niggers are arrogant, its a fact
The world owes them something because they're black,
''By any means necessary'' Malcolm once said,
'Till one of his own shot him in the head.
X Marks the Spook (x4)
Black this, black that - will it never end
Always the first with the fashion trends
With an ''X'' on their hat, and an ''X'' on their chest,
Whip out a gun and take your best...
20. Mocha Mistakes
Niggers and white women make me sick,
Don't know what they see in that slimey nigger dick,
They must get a charge from that tar paper roll,
When its rammed inside their lily-white hole.
Black and white between the sheets
Results in mongrels in our streets,
They aren't black, and they sure ain't white,
Get those mocha animals out of my sight!
21. Fetch the Rope
You raped a white girl, you're gonna die
We'll hang you from a tree twenty feet high
You're turning white with fear 'cause you've got no hope
You'll be swinging from the branches when we fetch the rope
Spook, spade, coon, boy, slave, jig, ape, nigger!
Rope, rope - go and fetch the rope
Rope, rope - fetch the fucking rope (2x)
Another dead nigger is no big thing
We will stand there and spit as we watch you swing
You're an ugly fucking nigger, that's the reason why
You're a subhuman mongrel and you're gonna die
Spook, spade, coon, boy, slave, jig, ape, nigger
Rope, rope - go and fetch the rope
Rope, rope - fetch the fucking rope (2x)
Spook, Die
22. Niggers are No Friend of Mine
You mean to tell me this nigger son of a bitch and you are friends? NO!
They look like apes, they smell like shit,
To be black should be a crime,
Those disgusting, fucking ugly niggers are no friends of mine
Niggers are no friends of mine (x4)
23. Jesus was Nothing but a Jew
He's nothing but a hebe, a penny-pinching scum
He never had a job, another jewish bum
We'll crucify the hebe, it'll be no fucking loss
We'll nail his hymie ass to the fucking cross
Jesus was nothing but a fucking jew
If we were in Aushwitz, i'd give him a tattoo
Jesus was nothing but a fucking kike
Let's nail him to the cross with ten-inch spikes
He's nothing but a hebe, a penny-pinching scum
He never had a job, another jewish bum
We'll crucify the hebe, it'll be no fucking loss
We'll nail his hymie ass to the fucking cross
Jesus was nothing but a fucking jew
If we were in Aushwitz, i'd give him a tattoo
Jesus was nothing but a fucking kike
Let's nail him to the cross with ten-inch spikes
You fucking kike!
24. The Gestapo Stomp
We've come for you, you fucking jew. Here's your tattoo.
Time to fry
Into the oven, and now your burnin'. The jews are running.
From Adolf hitler
Round up the jews, a yellow star for you. Your head shaved, too.
The world must be purified.
In a cattle car you won't go far. Hardee-har-har!
Next stop: Aushwitz
25. Bloodnigger
When I see a nigger - bloodnigger, bloodnigger,
I'm gonna make him suffer - bloodnigger, bloodnigger,
I'm a racist motherfucker - fuckin' nigger, fuckin' nigger,
Make 'em bleed, ha-ha-ha! - watermelon nigger.
26. Race Mixer
Those who mix races are fucking disgraces,
I'd love to see the look on their parent's faces,
Those who mix races are fucking disgraces,
I'd love to see the look on their parent's faces.
Race mixer, race mixer... (x4)
Keep away from me if you've been with some nigger,
I don't want that black crud on my fucking pud!
27. Coon Bashin'
I've done my share of gassing jews
I wanna go someplace where I can lynch some spooks
I'll shoot any nigger than I can find
It's the only thing I know that gives me pace of mind
I wanna go, I wanna go,I wanna go... coon bashin' (2x)
Do you smell the soke that's all around?
The V.J. hate possee just burned the ghetto down
If any spooks happen to survive
I'll beat their heads in with a tire iron
I wanna go, I wanna go, I wanna go... coon bashin' (2x)
Cop #1: Get 'em up
Nigger: I ain't runnin' from you pigs no more- you've had your fun, now split.
Cop #2: Cuff the bastard
Nigger: What's the bust for?
Cop #2: We have some unfinished business, boy
Nigger: What business?
Cop #2: Just a little matter of you kicking the shit out of a white man.
Nigger: Fuck you both! Fuckin pigs!
(Sounds of nigger learning a lesson)
Cop #1: Niggers sure bleed...
Beating the fuck out of anyone who's not white
For killing niggers, every night is the right night
He's almost dead, he's starting to squeal
I'll club his head like a baby seal
The fucking coons thought they could take me
The cops are white and won't try to stop me
Another night of going coon bashin'...
I'll never stop until their dead
Keep on clubbing away at their ugly nigger heads
I laugh so hard. fall off my feet, yeah!
This is the only thing I want, I want...
I wanna go, I wanna go... coon bashin' (2x)
It's all I want, it's all I crave
I just want to go coon bashin'
Fuckin' niggers