 Третий альбом модерновых и прогрессивных французов получился наиболее монументальным из всех. Да и начинается он с, ни много, ни мало, пятнадцатиминутной композиции "To Walk Along Them"! Причем, меньше пяти минут на диске длится только инструментал "Phenomenon". Да, быстро эволюционирует эта группа по пути насыщения собственного материала разнообразными мелодическими линиями, немало стилистических наслоений возникает на просторах "Лазаря"! Музыка стала намного спокойнее, добавилось эмбиентных вставок, да и чистого вокала. К тому же, Hacride остановились всего в шаге от привлечения в свою музыку симфонических вставок, насытив ее клавишными, но не став разрезать композиции полноценными оркестровками, так что эти французы и молодые американцы из Xerath нынче идут пусть не по параллельным дорожкам, но по схожему пути. Впрочем, несмотря на все перечисленные красоты (а здесь еще и вполне приличные партии акустической гитары присутствуют, ко всему прочему!), материал опасно близок к той границе, за которой он вполне может считаться занудным. Все же, сложно получать удовольствие от музыки, если продолжительные песни почти лишены внутренней энергии, и зачастую попросту давят на уши однообразным среднетемповым риффингом. С одной стороны, "Lazarus" просто требует вдумчивого прослушивания, но не так-то просто быть усидчивым слушателем, когда на обложке написано Hacride, а не, скажем, Paradise Lost. И пусть даже "баллада" "Awakening" звучит вполне прилично, чувство того, что альбому стоило бы быть поагрессивней, не покидает до конца прослушивания. Так что моим альбомом-фаворитом у этих парней остается "Amoeba", релиз, от которого уж точно не становилось скучно! |
I feel undesirable and misunderstood.
All those eyes stare at me and judge me without knowing me.
Are they afraid of me, are they afraid of my thoughts?
Are they afraid of me or frightened by my beliefs?
I live in this dark system.
Where the truth. Where the lies.
Lost in this senseless world, from which I try to escape.
I feel cast-off. I feel undesirable.
I'm lost in this senseless world.
I live in this senseless world.
I find my way.
"Stop your revenge. We are the same. We are all like you, we stay in front of you."
I find my way. I find the way.
I don't see the reality.
I transform it according to my feelings.
Would I be lost forever?
The human condition is my goal and its lies are my chains.
Come and set me free.
Set me free
Set me free
Set me free
Set me free
Save me.
You're my friend, you feel my despair.
You're my mother, your blood is flowing in my veins.
You're my friend, you stop my pain.
You're my brother, you know my scars.
I suffocate because of this environment.
I can't remove these masks, am I lost for all eternity?
This environment kills me.
I can't breathe anymore.
All those contradictions kill me and I put my fate into my human condition.
2. Act Of God
You believe in this fake reality so you can go and destroy.
Men organize wars and slaughters.
But I will be in front of you.
Nothing can... Nothing can calm me.
You do not deserve to live.
Only your blood relieves me.
I know it's inside of you.
I know it's inside of me and death doesn't frighten me.
Each man has this survival instinct, inside of him.
I know it's inside of me and death doesn't frighten me.
You have to make your own choice.
You have to take on your decisions.
Are you afraid?
The human world is so violent.
It can't prevent the violence of men.
My liberty; my freedom is priceless.
Keep me, I don't think my actions make me act.
I feel worse.
You have to take on your decisions and their consequences.
Nature is more powerful than all these corrupt values in which you believe.
3. Lazarus
I see this world as it is.
I can't help being afraid.
We are locked up in a virtual world.
I'm afraid of our civilization; seems to be war and destruction.
Power of men. Power of end.
Paranoia, fear of the outside world.
The vision of world is complex.
It follows the dictations.
Men and their system are only a part of this mechanism.
Paranoia, fear of the outside world.
Are we crazy enough to destroy it all?
We are removed from the real world.
I see this world as it is.
I can't help being afraid.
We are lucked up in a virtual world.
I'm afraid of our civilization; seems to be war and destruction.
This aggressive world.
A lot of things have changed around me.
The world seems to be more aggressive.
Nobody sees me, understands me.
Nobody understands me, people avoid me.
I think, it's me who has changed.
Power of men. Power of war.
Paranoia, fear of the outside world.
The vision of world is complex.
It follows the dictations.
Men and their system are only a part of this mechanism.
Paranoia, fear of the outside world.
Are we crazy enough to destroy it all?
The world around me makes me scarred.
4. Phenomenon
5. A World Of Lies
We are not the element which revolutionized life on Earth.
We have the conscience and we destroy ourselves.
We are in the same world and we destroy ourselves.
Mind the amoeba, mysterious and strong, it develops, divides into two, focused and eternal.
In the middle of the others my mask protects me but I begin to go crazy.
We are not the element.
Mind the amoeba, mysterious and strong, it develops, divides into two.
Being one of them, I need my mask to protect.
But my arm's getting weak; I feel it hard to hold.
I'm losing myself again.
I'm scarred. I'm fascinated.
Complex mechanism of life.
I'm scarred. I'm fascinated.
Man destroys himself. Insane. Insane.
Please mother give me the strength to carry on in this world of lies.
My failure would be their victory.
Don't let me get insane.
I am losing myself again.
Don't let me get insane.
Don't let me get insane.
Don't let me get insane.
We have the conscience and we destroy ourselves.
We are in the same world and we destroy ourselves.
6. Awakening
I see the balance of things, I admire it, but man is insensible to this.
He doesn't care about us.
Is it our quest of progress?
We are not the element which has revolutionized life on Earth.
I see the balance of things, I admire it, but man is insensible to this.
That he, master builder of his own rotten shelter, is not not master creator.
Creation of my imagination. Creation of my imagination.
Your suffering can change everything in your life.
See who your friends are.
Creation of my imagination.
What are men able to do for the power?
He doesn't care about us.
Is it our quest of progress?
We are not the element which has revolutionized life on Earth.
7. My Enemy
I redefine my own rules and I'm driven by an animal drive.
I feel they were hostile towards me.
I avoid the other people.
All these contradictions make me want to kill.
I want the good and I see the evil.
I can't stay without saying.
Look in my eyes and see the strength of my fight.
Money and power destroys us.
No matter, all these rules are imposed on me.
Look in my eyes; the power of rage.
Many men die while others grow fat and take advantage.
I fight for my own cause.
Nothing will stop me.
I can't stay without saying; all those things make me want to kill.
I run away from the others.
I can't stay without saying; all these contradictions make me want to kill.
I run away from the others.
Nothing will stop me; I run away from the others.
I don't give a shit about those rules you try to impose on me.
You're my enemy. I'm my enemy.
All these contradictions make me want to kill.
I want the good and I see the evil.
I can't stay without saying.
Alone, facing my thoughts.
My dreams are disturbed.
Infinite vision. I cry.
Alone, facing my thoughts.
Alone, infinite vision.
My close relations are watching me.
Myself, save you.