 Небольшой, практически андерграундный немецкий лейбл Animate Records не так прост, как кажется на первый взгляд и знает толк в качественной богохульной музыке. Под свое крыло он прибрал таких талантов, как Purgatory (долгое время я полагал, что это единственная достойная команда Animate Records), Nomad, Mental Horror и Mathyr (не путать с канадцами Martyr). Вот о последних сейчас и пойдет речь.
Незамысловатая обложка с безжизненным ледяным (как, собственно, и переводится "Kryos" с греческого) пейзажем хоть и не блещет художественными изысками, но великолепно передает настроение альбома с его холодным и мизантропическим духом. Mathyr играют на стыке двух стилей – блэка и дэта. Неизменно высокие частоты с пронзительными гитарными запилами, скрипучие, но техничные риффы, зверские бластбиты, устрашающий скриминг, а также глубокий, немного булькающий, гроул, напоминающий гуттурал. Иногда для нагнетания атмосферы "всепоглощающего мрака и ужаса" используется синтезатор, причем исключительно грамотно и по делу. Парни чаще всего рубятся на очень высоких скоростях, но припасли и пару размеренных, даже эпических композиций плюс несколько среднетемповых кусков в отдельных вещах. Запись не бог весть какая, но в целом нареканий не вызывает – более того, сырой, резкий и суховатый звук очень идет здешней музыке. Лирика сложна и явно написана в аллегорическом ключе – чтобы разобраться в том, что хотели донести до слушателя авторы, придется нехило попотеть. Не хочется делить материал на части, но все-таки нужно отметить самые достойные композиции. Ну что ж, таковыми мне показались беспокойная (можно сказать, параноидальная) "Thorns in the Fist Dimension", величественная, бесподобная "Nine" и, наконец, чеканная "Mother Mine in Fold".
На редкость убойной работой порадовали нас "холодные германские парни" из Mathyr. Хотя, может, тут дело в ожиданиях – полагаешь услышать нечто заурядное и непримечательное, а получаешь очень добротный материал с минимумом косяков. Потому ставлю твердую 7 (пластинка хоть и больно хороша, но не шедевр все-таки). Однако поклонники качественного блэк/дэта типа Dead to This World или Belphegor могут смело прибавить в уме еще один балл. |
Wine and decay for infested flesh
Beauty is gone out beneath the hill we stand
With thorns in this first dimension
Unfolded, traced and lost
Passionate pain wine and decay
Because of infested flesh i cannot breathe
Remains of an unwilling race screams distorted in lust
Psychotic rage moves in boiling blood
Remains of distorted lust moves in boiling blood
Screaming unwilling race in psychotic rage
The crawling of vermins is all that i see
They lie dark - forever
Night calls ever since for
Thorns in the first dimension
Sowing for a new spring their blood for the seed
Night calls ever since for
Thorns in the first dimension
I call ever since for
Thorns in the first dimension
3. Nine
Awake brother - dauntless heart the almighty mist is coming
Horses stamp with iron feet in cold mud and blood we fell asleep last night
A man is lying dead
Flesh firm and cold - like the silver mask
He saw the end - dressed in satin
The shield on his shoulder
He's gone at last - through the fire
Through the fire
Of wolfish phalanx
North - scrape the strings darker
Winter - in cypress forest
Cold stars enlightened - in the last deep hour of a great sun
On the eve - bear the sword
Clouded sky - nine
On the eve - clouded sky - nine
On a path of night
We walked into a shadow world
Over broken glass with bloody feet
We dance in a circle around the fire
It's cold - nine, nine, nine
They played with vipers until the beds are burned
The aggression of the wolf - mirrors in his eyes
And harpies lure the children "it's time"
On a path of night
We walked into a shadow world - passing black
Over broken glass with bloody feet
We dance in a circle around the fire
It's cold - nine, nine, nine
4. Against the walls of fire
Bells for those - who died as cattle
Chorused while they decayed under the cut of scythe
Harvest on fields of flesh
Cutted stalks in droves and scattered blood
There's a storm on its way!
And every day - the order reap faster!
On an enlightened path amid the dark
Black gods plough through the soil
Digging for your fiery hearts
And every day - the order plough deeper
Beating drums on different skies
Play up for the dance
Deaf, distraughted men
Stand up for the dance in chorus the anthem
One - against the walls of fire
Two - against the walls of fire
Three - against the walls of fire
Four - against the walls of fire
Out of the night that covers me
It matters not wether i'm blind
Why extinct the fire of an eye for those i shall not die
I worship this god - and reaped faster
I worship this god - and ploughed deeper
Against the walls for his glory name
I lie alone in fire
By there we sat down and wept and i have dishonored my lord
May my right hand wither but
I've dishonored this god
I can not fold anyone's hand
I can not fold anyone's hand anymore
5. Black water
Razorwords left deep wounds in the souls realm
Now i lay aside the wet bandage
Because the wounds are healed up to stately scars
I show them with pride
Ignore the warning hand on the gate and take step inside!
Blood lies in your crimson room
In the flesh i fell asleep as a mortal man
Destroy it, destroy it, down to it's fundations!
I'm the one who repays what you've done
In a moment i take your infants and dash them against the stones
My farewell message is written in the sand
"i am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul!"
I'm the master of my fate, the captain of my soul
These words illumine us from the depth
Set a guard over my mouth and a strong door about my lips
Before we sail down to the eternal kingdom
Knowing, the starry mortal world rolls on between sweet sounds
Knowing, the starry mortal world rolls on and on
Remove this plague from me for i have kept the way
Now blood pours from the wood of icons!
Now blood pours from the gold of crowns!
With blood i wrote my farewell message "i am the captain of my soul!"
Hateful i spit out - in the ocean
Black waters breath free
Clouds impregnated by eternal power black waters breath free
Deaf to all cries of sirens sailing forward, forward!
Near to the reef
Hateful i spit out - in the ocean
Black waters breath free
Punished for ignorance
Now i speak with firetongues
The winds taste death sailing forward, forward!
6. Mother mine in fold
Mother mine in fold, fold
Fear not for the cold, cold
Hold me close until your bitter loss
The child with the black in his eyes
And a last great splendour burned the sky
Morning dawn - blast of light
The mew day still blinds and
Burned my eyes - from north
Come, come - rise the throne of high
Fire of angelic host kills
Kills with the black in your eyes
Seven massive crowns
Reign on days of chaos, chaos
The sparrows fly again
Follow! Follow! To the thrones right side
Out there - we've walked up to death
Out there - seething pain
Out there - lips of fever
Out there - void veins
Sodden mass to his desire
Tell me - is this god
The sad sacrifice to his honour
Tell me - is this god
Come, come!
Kill, kill!
Arise - and follow the etermal coldness
Mother mine in fold
Fear not for the cold
7. Equal to gods
I lift my eyes up to the mountains
Surounded by a choir of lights
Even angels could divide the dead and the nightsky anymore
Around me sounds a wild roar
As if the ground undulates
Thousand screams flow
To the dreadful fall of a glowing tide
Bone narrow twisted
Stiff bodies lying piled up
White flesh bistered
Unfolded blossoms of fear and
Men equal to gods
Equal to gods - under a black sign
Filth and blood - the daily abyss that creates all
Pillars of smoke from spring to wintertime
The coldness pierced
I talk with the shining wire
The screaming conquers
I talk with the shining wire
The lightning that strikes down
May burn my inner being
Free from earthly bond
There i sat down and watched the dawn
Stare into the light until it becomes you
Equal to gods under a light sign
There is neither sickness, nor sorrow, nor pain
Life forever
My soul spread her wings
Eyes open wide
Flying through a silent land
Like last warm breath into a cold night
8. Cells killing hemisphere
Yellowish flame - full of lies
Bluish flame - laughter freezes
Narcotic fools celebrate their mental abscess
Although born in meekness
Now only scarred lifes - shattered existence
The deepest cave gives shelter
Better accept the homicide
And the sun will not burn you by the day
Nor the moon by night
Black lungs burn
Abnormal tissue worship his gravity
Celebrate! Celebrate!
Until the sisters three apear
Winged, black skin
Dripped with blood dressed grey
Raised high by shape
They guide me to
Hic gaudet mors sucurrere vitae
Cells killing hemisphere
I am the shadow that comes
With the last light
Huge chords
Carry my curse
'Till the stars wane
Biting claws - bodies left behind
In harvest rooms
Lust is lying gasping on barren ground
Celebrate! Celebrate!
Until the sisters three apear
Hic gaudet mors sucurrere vitae
They guide me to
Cells killing hemisphere