 В тяжелой музыке марка MORDOR стала известна большинству, как правило, благодаря творческой активности в начале 90-х одноименного швейцарского трио. Всего же существует еще порядка десятка мордоров-тезок, игравших (или играющих поныне) более или менее экстремальную музыку. Польский коллектив с этим названием появился примерно в одно со швейцарским время, и, не получив широкой известности, прекратил свою деятельность в начале 2000-х. Швейцарская команда, несомненно, была исключительным по своей отмороженности явлением на «тяжелой» сцене. К чести их польских тезок, необходимо заметить, что музыку они играли лишь чуть менее странную, высоко держа марку обязывающего ко многому имени. Замолвлю и о них слово. В большинстве источников упоминают о польской команде как о дум-металистах, и это утверждение недалеко от истины. Но все же это не классический дум-метал, знакомый по работам MY DYING BRIDE и PARADISE LOST. Пожалуй, в 1994-м подобной музыки не играл ни один из известных мне коллективов. Только ближе к нашему времени падшее знамя (а после 1997-го полноформатных альбомов восточноевропейский MORDOR не выпускал) подхватили меланхолики вроде AGALLOCH и наших соотечественников THE MORNINGSIDE. Поляки, во всяком случае, научились совмещать хэви-металические мелодии и (пост-)думовую апатию еще на своем дебютном материале. А всего на вышедшем в 1994-м году альбоме «Prayer to…» мирно уживаются и тяжелый дэт-дум, и презабавный гнусавый готик-рок, и даже нечто фольк-ритуальное (см. концовку «Wind - Storm Song»). В соответствии с годом появления на свет, дума закономерно больше, однако дэт-думовый грув и вязкость кроме как в вокале отсутствуют. Альбом ровный, обаятельный, и рассчитан не на одно-два прослушивания – эти MORDOR точно не затеряются в библиотеке и рано или поздно заставят к себе вернуться. Ключевыми композициями являются седьмая и восьмая с обилием презабавного женского вокала. Не говорю: «классика», но они были того достойны. Поставьте подряд возведенных в ранг культа AGALLOCH и наших героев, сравните, и убедитесь! Не верите – тогда вам слово. |
God take pity !
While I am praying to you
Search my idea
Do you understand me ?
You are still emptiness
But still I believe
I am afraid of your mercy
Lead me on through my life
So that I could go astray
Let me believe in you
So that I could say someday
That you exist
I am afraid of your mercy
Because you are lonelines
And still I believe
Though you are emptiness
Do you understand me ?
Search my idea
While I am praying to you
Do you take pity ?
I am afraid of your mercy
Though you are loneliness
And still I don't believe
Because you are emptiness
Do you understand me ?
You deprived my fears
My requests came true
I don't need to pray you any longer !
Don't lead me through my life
I went astray anyway
You did not let me believe in you
So that someday I could say
That you exist.
2. Why Me?
Lyric : Iwona Zieliñska
Why me ?
In the horrible abyss of darkness
I am hurt blind man alike
I touch the shapes the shapes blindfold
I move my expecting
Hand upon them
And I feel them bearing up into my mind
I search the picture of them in the unconcious
But they are so far and unknown
Why can't i know the colours of rainbow ?
Why the moon and the sun are strange to me ?
Why can't I see the people's faces ?
I do not know
The difference between
The smile and tearful eyes
Why me?
In the emptiness hurting to pain
I am thristy beggar alike
I want to reach heaven at last
I want to feel the sence of my existence
And discower the purpose of earthly journey
But what if does not exist?
Will I be able to reach for the sun ?
Why does the uncertainly follow me ?
Why I am so strange ?
Why do I feel cheated and moved back ?
Why me?
3. There's Nothing Left
Lyric : Paweі Zieliсski
Mother you've died, you've left me
Father you've passed away, you've left me
Sister where are you, you've left me
Brother you've grown up, you've left me
Why am I alone
Born to suffer
Do you get pleasure from this
God, you don't exist
I was born blind, you took it away from me
All the colours of life, you took them away from me
Funs,childhood you took it away from me
I live with loneliness
Death is in my thoughts
Here comes emptiness ... nothing
4. Ice Bound
Lyric : Paweі Zieliсski
Classed hands in the block of ice
Body ice - bound in the snow - land
Frosty pattern painted in the eyes
Sharp, white coolness overcame you
Ice - bound
What's your name
Winter has frozen your
In the snow wildeness
Tell me
White snow - flake,
Is the winter
Your mother ?
May be you've been staying here for ages
But you're anonymous being
May be somebody remembered your
But now you're forgotten
5. Nothing Makes Any Sense
Lyric : Bartek Kuјniak
Nothing makes any sense, we'll all die anyway
Everything will terminace, everything will pass away
Nothing's gonna stay, the memory will perish too
The sun will go out, and then the earth will dry and crack
The univerce will die in spasmatic convulsion
Leaving the emptiness difficult to understand
And afterwards the eruption again, a birth of the world
Which is the beginning of its dying
Again the same earth
The same events
The same people, everything printed in the
old matrix
Everything a new
As ever in cycle
People are born only to die
Birth becomes worse than death
Those who don't see dying of all things
Live unwary and happy
Nothing makes any sence
Pain for all those
Who have thought too much
And have understood nonsense
There's no steadlines
And there newer was
Everything changes
Everything dies
The cycle repeats and passes away
Death is a change
And the change leads to death
The body will die, the soul will get killed
Everything is feeling - that' the only rule
Nothing makes any sense
6. Wind - Storm Song
Lyric : Paweі Zieliсski
Wind why do you blow into poor people's eyes
And push the rich ones ahead
Not letting them have a breath of poverty
Wind you stream the hair
Of bad and good people
Chill their bodies with yout blow
Cool our exited minds
Swing me on enormous sky
So that I could flight like the birds
Rise me into the air upon the swirling clouds
Wind croon your song
The most cool melody
Wind tell your story
In your cold song
Wind you are immortal
You outlve whole world
You are indestructible
Sinister and quiet
Wind you break in your arms
All the growing trees
Sometimes you are might
And then delicate graze
Why do you wail like wolves
Starving in the wilderness
Sometimes you croon quiet
Your deadly lullaby quiet
Wind you pretend me
With hour fresh inspiration
You rush alwats ahead
Changing someday the tempest
Swing me on enormous sky
So that I could flight like the birds
Rise me into the air upon the swirling clouds
And tease me in your cold touch
Wind croon your song
7. The First One Will Be The Last One
Lyric : Iwona Zieliсska
Somebody, the first one, took pleasure from cry
Burnt the human head used the pain and lust
Using paralysing fear
The first one will be the last one
Is it realy human ambition
May be human hate
But where is supernatural power
That could save us
Somebody, the first one, took the hope away
Forgot what goodness was
Searched the evil in a man
And things was understanding
Somebody, the first one, hurt to the bones
Broke the feeling of faith
Could so beautiful cheat
Somebody, the first one, tormented of lust
Do harm with reason
Used his advantage
Humiliated with statisfaction
The first one will be the last one
Somebody, the first one, desired to own
Gather some dirt money
And decided to make them
To be the value of man
The first one will be the last one
Is it realy human ambition
May be human hate
But where is supernatural power
That could save us
8. Two Real Stories
Lyric : Paweі Zieliсski
You thing drifting through life
So much amazing, desirable
You feel beauty and pain
Yoi dream and believe profoundly
No accepting the gloomy existence
You feel the joy and sadness
So various but close
Two real stories
Desire and impotence
Statisfaction out of reach
Often soaked with tears
Bitter like the raindrops
So various but close
Two real stories
Life is like the sea
Completly out of control, unknown
Unforseen and unchecked
Omniously ruffled and unchecked
Often quaiet and plain
So similar to our existence
Bitter misfortunes and surprices
They can't be forseen
As the sea shore begins
Our life ends